@GOODWAN Rather than reply again, I refer you to the thread you started in December, & the replies... https://www.skypoker.com/secure/poker/sky_lobby/community/forums#/discussion/comment/1368248 … (View Post)
"Sky's software crashes less than everyone else's" A surprising statement, & equally surprising to many, it happens to be true. Glitches & eccentricities? Oh yes, by the score, but … (View Post)
@GOODWAN Mate, it's called confirmation bias, it's a figment of your (& others) imagination. "Second thing I feel is that far TOO many deals coming my way are total garbage, whilst other pla… (View Post)
@GOODWAN I had intended to debate this with you & explain a few things. However, after doing a little homework, I don't think it's worth going to too much effort. I had a look at your Table Chat … (View Post)