You did the right thing. Don't give it anymore thought. He wanted you to react but by ignoring the provocation, you won.. First impressions certainly give you a good idea of the type of person he was… (View Post)
Lets guess their middle names (assuming they are boys) Duncan Leighton Seamus Mikel Andre Dominic Carlo. :D Not Sam, definitely not Sam.. ;) (View Post)
Hi Neil, I was wondering why you hadn't been around the PLO8 scene much. All the best and good luck on the run. I won a tenner on last night's FR so I may as well donate it. It's better than giving i… (View Post)
Im not sure if they are used in the order you received them, If so, use all the other tokens to buy into tournaments that don't start for a while. Then use the tokens you want, for the tournament you… (View Post)