Morning all, & thank you for the virtual mini-rail, & to FCHD for today's table Draw. The guy to my immediate left today, Robert Price, is a "poker friend" of many years standing. Without exaggaration, we must have shared tables in a dozen or more 12 PLO8 Tournaments in Vegas last year & this, he & I both play the Vegas PLO8 "mini-circuit" which consists of a really odd bunch of misfits & eccentrics. He is VERY aggro, sometimes overly so. I don't actually recall sharing a Final Table with him though. He also went deep in the WSOP $1,500 PLO8 in which I cashed last year. There is a photo of him in ony of my Vegas Blogs LAST year, he was wearing an England shirt, whilst we were playing PLO8 @ Binions or wherever, & simultaneously watching England on the plasma screen during the World Cup, or Euro12, or whatever it was. He will be a right pain to me today, as he has position, is seriously aggro, & has a VERY wide & creative range, & is not afraid to make very thin calls. Part of me wishes him well today, he is a lovely fella, & part of me wishes he implodes by being over aggressive, as he usually does. I'm sure you can understand my mixed feelings. He is from Cornwall, & so has hundreds of cousins & nieces, if you get my drift. Posted by Tikay10
GL Tikay How does he manage his cards/chips with so many thumbs? ;-)
All in jest of course, & Robert would expect nothing less, we have fantastic banter at the Tables, & I like him very much. Still, he is from Cornwall......
There IS another Sky Poker regular still in this, too, one "doobs".
He is a good close friend of mine in another life, so to speak.
He showed great faith & optimism in me last year by insisting on buying 20% of my action in the 2012 WSOP PLO8, an investment which paid off surprisingly but handsomely for him.
He has shown similar faith this year & has 10% of my action in this.
As it happen, I have, I think (can't recall the exact numbers) 12.5% of his action in this event, so I would LOVE him to have a deep run!
He has 29,300 chips, & he knows EXACTLY how to use them, being one of the most intelligent poker players I have ever met. He is, by profession, an Actuary.
This guy has a REAL chance in this today, he really has. Good luck doobsy.
WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Tikay just got a nice double up vs the tournament chip leader. No idea how the betting went but I imagine it was in pretty quicksmart.
Our man had the lovely Ad As 4s2c against Tedeschi's Ac Kc 10s 2d
Flop of 7s Qs 10d so now having to dodge a non spade 10/J/K to avoid going behind. The 8s gives the nut flush and now just needing to dodge all sixes, fives, fours and threes to avoid chopping a low pot (and therefore a quarter of total pot), a mericifull Qh comes and thats how you double up, well done mr kendall
Was on 38k after that, still a while until the cash spots, 45 cash, 108 left, very approx 37th place for the great great godfather of sky poker
WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Tikay just got a nice double up vs the tournament chip leader. Our man had the lovely Ad As 4s 2c against Tedeschi's Ac Kc 10s 2d Flop of 7s Qs 10d so now having to dodge a non spade 10/J/K to avoid going behind. The 8s gives the nut flush and now just needing to dodge all sixes, fives, fours and threes to avoid chopping a low pot (and therefore a quarter of total pot), a mericifull Qh comes and thats how you double up, well done mr kendall Was on 38k after that, still a while until the cash spots, 45 cash, 108 left, very approx 37th place for the great great godfather of sky poker Posted by Janana
On a break again and i THINK he is still in, no clue on stack or anything, gotta go bed now tho il try and fall asleep with my fingers crossed then click refresh when i wake hoping to see good news, GL TONY
38k and 36th out of 63 left as far as i can see with blinds at 1k/2k -Top 45 pay GL Tikay Posted by MP33
No they are never up to date chip counts, dunno if you read my post above but its the same 38k reported there a few hours ago, theres ten bustos that are unknown as far as i can tell
In Response to Re: WSOP 2013 One Stop Shop :No they are never up to date chip counts, dunno if you read my post above but its the same 38k reported there a few hours ago, theres ten bustos that are unknown as far as i can tell Posted by Janana
Ah ok. Just have to wait for Tikay to put another update on - How you getting on Tikay?
How does he manage his cards/chips with so many thumbs? ;-)
Vespa got my drift.
All in jest of course, & Robert would expect nothing less, we have fantastic banter at the Tables, & I like him very much. Still, he is from Cornwall......
There IS another Sky Poker regular still in this, too, one "doobs".
He is a good close friend of mine in another life, so to speak.
He showed great faith & optimism in me last year by insisting on buying 20% of my action in the 2012 WSOP PLO8, an investment which paid off surprisingly but handsomely for him.
He has shown similar faith this year & has 10% of my action in this.
As it happen, I have, I think (can't recall the exact numbers) 12.5% of his action in this event, so I would LOVE him to have a deep run!
He has 29,300 chips, & he knows EXACTLY how to use them, being one of the most intelligent poker players I have ever met. He is, by profession, an Actuary.
This guy has a REAL chance in this today, he really has. Good luck doobsy.
Best of luck today Tony, will be following the updates as long as I can.
Many thanks to FCHD for the awesome effort put into this thread, keeping us in the loop.
WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Tikay just got a nice double up vs the tournament chip leader. No idea how the betting went but I imagine it was in pretty quicksmart.
Our man had the lovely Ad As 4s 2c against Tedeschi's Ac Kc 10s 2d
Flop of 7s Qs 10d so now having to dodge a non spade 10/J/K to avoid going behind. The 8s gives the nut flush and now just needing to dodge all sixes, fives, fours and threes to avoid chopping a low pot (and therefore a quarter of total pot), a mericifull Qh comes and thats how you double up, well done mr kendall
Was on 38k after that, still a while until the cash spots, 45 cash, 108 left, very approx 37th place for the great great godfather of sky poker
Excellent ! GL TK