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WSOP 2013 One Stop Shop



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,848
    edited June 2013

    Event # 10 was Limit Hold Em, & 645 hardy souls entered this.

    "Limit" Poker is still very popular in the United States, but not so much here, & we can't expect many Brits to cash, or even enter, this one.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,848
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: WSOP 2013 One Stop Shop:
    I was playing at the Rio in the same room as when Brammer was on the final table. People at my table didn't really know what was going on! Was a great atmosphere. Hopefully more of the same this year, I think the Brits have a great chance of some bracelets this year. Also, love the thread Tikay!
    Posted by MattBates
    Chris Brammer should be an inspiration to all those who play this game.

    He played 21 WSOP Events last year, & failed to make Day Two in any of the first 20. Imagine what that does to the head, the confidence the ego, & the mindset?

    The Final Table you mention was his 21st, & he finished 5th for $200,00, which just about got him - & his lucky stakers - out of it.  2 months later, he also ran 5th in the WSOP-E in France, for just over €200,000.

    Chris served his poker aprenticeship on the south coast, Southampton or somesuch, & his original running mate was another lad who has done OK for himself - Toby Lewis. I'm, not sure if it is still the case, but Toby dates (or dated) one of Ian Frazer's daughters, & Ian & Toby get along like best buds.  
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,848
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: WSOP 2013 One Stop Shop:
       Tikay, How many Brits in your opinion will win Bracelets.
    Posted by DTWBANDIT
    Ooh, tough one Michael.

    If the line were set at 2, I'd be a seller.

    I hope I'm wrong. I usually am.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,848
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: WSOP 2013 One Stop Shop:
    As much as absolutely hate the line taken/choices made with the VLV promo... Credit where it's due this is a great thread, and the effort put in by Tikay is commendable to say the least. I know for one, I'll be thoroughly enjoying it. Great work Mr. Kendall.
    Posted by Smitalos
    Thank you very much Mr Smit, praise indeed coming from you.

    I also do not much like the line that Sky Poker took with VLV, but I was close to the action from the start, & I know we exhausted every possible avenue.

    One of those things, we'll be OK, & fingers crossed, it'ss resume next year, In fact I'd say it is 98% certain to be resumed next year, & I'm meeting some WSOP peeps in two weeks time to, I hope, resolve those technical issues which caused the problem this year.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,848
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: WSOP 2013 One Stop Shop:
    In Response to Re: WSOP 2013 One Stop Shop : We were also playing in this room during the Brammer FT, alongside Scotty and Dylan.  Was hilarious. Brit Rail of epic proportions. Most ridiculous moment of the whole trip was seeing "Dan Edler" getting shown a friendly hand to the door after instigating various acts of sillyness; I recall the Shoe-Bomb (like a Jaegar-Bomb, but with a shoe (obvs)), the box that doubled up as a glass and the curious case of the flying shoes. "Shoes off ... if you LOVE Brammer ...." ) (photo courtesy of the
    Posted by Bromley023
    Hi Natalie.

    You & Adam going this year?

    The photo you uploaded there can ONLY be one man - Dan Oyston, who, amongst other things, in an APAT stalwart. And Welsh. 

    Bit of a character, is Dan......

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,848
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: WSOP 2013 One Stop Shop:
    great news about over night brit cashes, lets hope this is a good start to a long summer of cashes, great stories again tikay, can't wait for more people heading out and the action coming thick and fast. 
    Posted by bolesAA
    There will be plenty of Sky Poker regulars in Vegas this year and, I hope, plenty of blogs, too.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,848
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: WSOP 2013 One Stop Shop:
    Nice piece on the Hit Squad Tikay. Yes I had been wondering what Praz has been up lately, I guessed it would be towards not playing much these days rather than not final tabling everything as per normal.  The guy, in fact the whole lot of them, are just too good at the game.  To quote a man of action next door, one day Praz will be sat with everyone else's money in front of him, with his little hat on.
    Posted by TommyD
    Ha, so true. If he turned his mind to the game full time, he probably would end up with all the money, too.

    By coincidence, he was down to a bowl in the Wembley thing, & in shove mode all day, but I think he ended up around average, with 24 left. Other players beware.....
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,848
    edited June 2013

    ....and, right on cue, I've uploaded the first Vegas 2013 Blog, this one penned by Scotty77.

    Disclaimer - Some of the content may or may not happen.

    Scotty's blog is HERE
  • Bromley023Bromley023 Member Posts: 274
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: WSOP 2013 One Stop Shop:
    In Response to Re: WSOP 2013 One Stop Shop : Hi Natalie. You & Adam going this year? The photo you uploaded there can ONLY be one man - Dan Oyston, who, amongst other things, in an APAT stalwart. And Welsh.  Bit of a character, is Dan......
    Posted by Tikay10
    Hey Tikes 

    We most certainly are heading out. Arrive on 27th.  

    Both Bromleys will be riding the Brit Bracelet Quest train; I am in the Ladies and his Lordship is playing an event on 29th maybe (I really should know this ... soz Brom!). We'll see you out there (after SPT Bham ofc!)

    And are you sure that's not Edler? I got it off his Twitter page? Meh, one crazy Britrail just merges into another crazy Britrail after a while ... !

    Ps thanks for this (now addictive) thread!

  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,932
    edited June 2013
    yes very addictive,keep em coming
  • bromley04bromley04 Member Posts: 416
    edited June 2013
    Yeah, I'm thinking of playing the $1000 on the 30th but I am also debating whether to play a $600 Venetian instead.  I have taken a bit of advice from Jules and Ryan but have you any advice you can offer Tony?
  • bromley04bromley04 Member Posts: 416
    edited June 2013
    Also loving Sam Razavi's twitter account at the's basically a daily update of which event he has won once he busts the WSOP events lol...must be nice!
  • engyengy Member Posts: 723
    edited June 2013
    im out on the 23rd, going to play some of the plo and o8 events downtown tikay. are you playing any? you selling any action this year?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,848
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: WSOP 2013 One Stop Shop:
    Yeah, I'm thinking of playing the $1000 on the 30th but I am also debating whether to play a $600 Venetian instead.  I have taken a bit of advice from Jules and Ryan but have you any advice you can offer Tony?
    Posted by bromley04
    Morning Adam.

    Best advice I can give you? Give the money to Natalie to play instead of you. She'll talk them to death.

    Serious answer? For the extra $400, I'd play the WSOP event. MUCH bigger field, much better structure, & the chance of a Bracelet.
    If the extra $400 is a stretch for you (which I doubt) I'm pretty sure I could round up 5 or 6 Sky Poker regulars in Vegas who would buy 5% or 10% each.
    See you there. I'll be based in my usual office every morning, the WSOP Media Room, Pole Position, Seat 1, Row 1.    
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,848
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: WSOP 2013 One Stop Shop:
    im out on the 23rd, going to play some of the plo and o8 events downtown tikay. are you playing any? you selling any action this year?
    Posted by engy
    Hi Engy.

    We shall meet each other in Vegas, it seems!

    Yes, I'm playing a bunch of PLO8, & PLO Events, in Vegas. I have not finalised my schedule yet, but it looks something like this at the moment.....

    June 14th. 4pm, VENETIAN, PLO8, $600 

    June 15th, 2pm, BINIONS, PLO8, $200.   

    June 16th, Noon, GOLDEN NUGGET, PLO8, $230  

    June 17th, Noon, RIO, WSOP PLO8, $1,500 

    June 18th, Noon (?), Caesars Palace, PLO8, $240 

    June 19th, Noon, GOLDEN NUGGET, PLO, $230 OR ARIA, PLO, $340 

    June 20th, 2pm, BINIONS, PLO, $300 

    June 21st, Noon (?), CAESARS PALACE, 6 Max PLO, $240  

    June 23rd, 2pm, BINIONS, PLO8, $200  

    June 24th, 4pm, VENETIAN, Big O, 5 card PLO8, $1,100 

    June 26th, Noon, CAESARS PALACE, PLO8, $240 

    June 28th, 4pm, Venetian, PLO8, $1,100 

    June 29th, 2pm, BINIONS, PLO8, $200 

    July 3rd,  Noon, CAESARS PALACE, PLO8, $240

    July 5th - Start work.

    It is also possible that I will play the Main Event, but that's a whole other story.

    Selling action in the PLO8 & PLO Tourneys? I have a bunch of friends who take a few % each every year, & have done so for some years now, they are sort of season ticket holders. I sell, & they buy, just for the fun, & the sweat. Unfortunately, Sky Poker do not encourage staking via this Community, & I must say, that is for good & understandable reasons. Shame really, but I am aware of the reasons, it is non-negotiable, & I do agree with them.
    See you in Vegas!

    Can't tell you how excited I am, I'm like a kid going to the seaside.

    Are we nearly there yet?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,848
    edited June 2013

    So, back to the results.....

    The $1,000 "Millionaire Maker" jobbie, which had an eye-popping 6,343 runners, was won by a Texan, Mike Bennington, who pocketed $741,902. Which you may deduce is NOT a million dollars. That explains why the WSOP very carefully & deliberately used inverted commas, "Millionaire Maker", as it suggests it is just a phrase, rather than a Guarantee. The wotld of Promotions & Marketing is a murky one.....

    Best placed Brit was Tom Alner from Bristol, who got just over $26,000.

    Tom has quite a "Live" record, all over the world, including Macau, Seoul, Tapau, Cannes, San Remo, & Barcelona.

    His best result was in the WSOP last year, when he got over $200,000 for finishing 4th in the $1,500 Event in which Neil Channing finished 2nd.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,848
    edited June 2013

    We won't bother with Event # 7, $1,000 NLHE, it was an all-American affair, currently heads up between Eric Baldwin & Matt Waxman. Matt WHO? Rofl.  
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,848
    edited June 2013

    Ditto Event # 8, the Eight Game Mix, where we did no good at all.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,848
    edited June 2013

    Seems we are not having a good day, not a single Brit cashed, from what I can see, in Event # 9, the Shootout.

    Move along, nothing to see here.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,848
    edited June 2013

    Same story in Event # 10, though to be fair, this one is LIMIT Poker, which we generally don't play in these parts.
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