During the live Sky Poker Cash Game Sam Razavi announced on numerous occasions what hand he had. Can't see a problem with it if you want to tell everyone. Wether your telling the truth though, well that's up to your opponents to decide.
In Response to Re: table etiquette : I have a first class honours in Subtle, however when the opportunity calls for it........... cutting!! Posted by pacman599
BULLY FOR YOU...trouble is, your honor isnt 1st class! Oh, and ya not echo freindly...wasting ink and paper like this!
In Response to Re: table etiquette : BULLY FOR YOU...trouble is, your honor isnt 1st class! Oh, and ya not echo freindly...wasting ink and paper like this! Posted by Frank53
"In the interest of the environment please do not print this post unless you really have to. Please think of the environment before using paper and ink"
During the live Sky Poker Cash Game Sam Razavi announced on numerous occasions what hand he had. Can't see a problem with it if you want to tell everyone. Wether your telling the truth though, well that's up to your opponents to decide. Posted by Sakugawa22
What about if there's 3 players involved when someone discloses their hand and the two players your in the hand with know eachother-would you not be concerned that they were colluding? Same situation but you know nothing about the other two-would you be concerned about collusion here?
If it was allowed to happen how much more difficult do you think it would be to spot collusion?
In Response to Re: table etiquette : "In the interest of the environment please do not print this post unless you really have to. Please think of the environment before using paper and ink" Posted by pacman599
In Response to Re: table etiquette : Don't see how it would matter to be honest. Imo if someone tells you what they have, I'd just ignore it and play the hand as if they hadn't said anything. If you're stacking off cos you believed them or because you didn't despite what you'd have normally done if they hadn't said anything, then you've done exactly what they were aiming to get you to do. Posted by Lambert180
I agree, but if the player who mouths off folds, saying he's just mucked the one card that makes your hand, would you carry on or fold?
During the live Sky Poker Cash Game Sam Razavi announced on numerous occasions what hand he had. Can't see a problem with it if you want to tell everyone. Wether your telling the truth though, well that's up to your opponents to decide.