This is long overdue, so thanks to GBUK for giving me the strengh to do this.
Thank you gemma you have pretty much summed up the whole ordeal. As for my illness i have Bipolar Affective Disorder, some already know this. I got mis-dianosed in 2005, i got properley dianosed after i had a massive episode end of 2007,as a result i lost all my friends as they didn't understand it & neither did i, there is a lot of stigma reguarding mental health that's why i left Morecambe as i weren't treated as a person, i couldn't go out & enjoy myself as people would think i was having an episode. In 2009 i found sky poker & it saved my life as i found it helped me to concentrate as i've played cards since the age of 7, i met new friends on sky poker & wanted to give something back so i started forum dtd. As for my condition i do not want people to feel sorry for me as i've been battling it from day one & will continue to do so as i want to control it, not it control me & since moving i'm winning the battle. i may well have an episode in the years to come,that can't be helped & end up in hospital.
All i want at the end of the day, people either take me as i am or they can do one, am never again gonna waste my time on people that are not worth it, am only gonna surrond myself with mates who know what i've got and accept it, b4 2005 i had my own business & a website for iom TT homestays, I was a regular guy still am, don't need sympathy or people feeling sorry for me, just be a mate, I should have told you all what i had ages ago, but at that time i didn't have the courage to, well i'm a lot stronger now and am no longer ashamed of my condition, i'll be down-sizing my friends list as there are a few that i don't even know anyway thanks for listening & gl at the tables.
as only a distant skypoker friend i am sure i wil not be listed on your downsized friends list. but that doesn't matter. if i can help, just say. you've progressed well i see. i am pleased to see that you have arrived here in good shape. nice OP.
I remember you having an episode at an SPT once and I can understand from an outsiders point of view and for the many who don't even know what this type of condition entails that it would seam very strange indeed and in some ways can be quite scary to anyone who doesn't know what is happening at the time.
Thankfully, you had many friends around you at that time who did know what you were going through and were able to lend a helping hand including the folks at Sky Poker who dealt with it in a sensitive manner.
It's great to see you coming to terms with it taking back control of your life imo and I wish you all the best for the future.
ps. Hopefully you consider me as a friend and I can stay on your list
Best of Luck.
I'm not going to try to relate my life to yours because obviously everyone is different. I've found that there's nothing more annoying than people telling me to do something because it worked for them. I'm just going to wish you luck.
What a great post. I admire you for putting it up. Not being in control leaves us with difficulties. You've made good decisions that have helped you feel an improvement in your life so congratulations. If we don't make decisions in our lives then we live it by default, don't we? You've done this and should feel proud of yourself, mate. All the best.
Hey DTW!
Nice post!
For what it's worth, i don't think anyone will think any differently.
I always liked your positive posts, and really appreciate all the hard work you do on the monday night DTD game.
Life is a struggle, be strong!
Also a huge thanks for bringing us the Monday night forum game which got me hooked on Sky.
We can never change the past all we can do is make our future better.