Thank You all for your kind comments, maybe it is a brave post as people with mental health issues is a taboo & people don't like to talk about it which is fair enough.I felt the need to post so as to move forward & acheive My main goal which is to play an SPT without having an episode, as trev has said i had one at Nottingham DTD & i know some people were shocked which is fair enough as they didn't know. the sky poker team handled it superbly tho in heinsight i should have let people know just didn't know how too at that time. For me i've finally accepted it so feel comfortable in letting people know & am now not ashamed to talk about it. As for my friends lists am only deleting the ones i don't know where i've added them when high as i don't go low.GL to all playing SPT DTD Next weekend am sure you'll have a great time & i'll deffo be at an SPT soon, Thanks for your support & Big Thank You to my Dragon Team Mates as well who have helped me through a tough time as have Forum DTD FB Admins. Posted by DTWBANDIT
Nice to see Sky dealt with things to your satisfaction. I've had epilepsy since i was about 10 years old with varying degrees of frequencies. I always found that it helped to have someone around to inform what to do if i had an 'episode'. It just seemed to be the fair thing to do as it must be a be frightening for them if i'd have an attack . TBH my friends and workmates have been great throughout my career. Authorities/bosses were a different matter however but i suppose in this age of health and safety its to be expected, i suppose. I was a maths teacher though retired now thank heavens but i still hve plans for the future. No matter what we may have pulling us back a little on occasion, we can still get enjoyment from our lives in so many ways. All the best m8.
In Response to Re: Bipolar Affective Disorder & Me : HI DT Nice to see Sky dealt with things to your satisfaction. I've had epilepsy since i was about 10 years old with varying degrees of frequencies. I always found that it helped to have someone around to inform what to do if i had an 'episode'. It just seemed to be the fair thing to do as it must be a be frightening for them if i'd have an attack . TBH my friends and workmates have been great throughout my career. Authorities/bosses were a different matter however but i suppose in this age of health and safety its to be expected, i suppose. I was a maths teacher though retired now thank heavens but i still hve plans for the future. No matter what we may have pulling us back a little on occasion, we can still get enjoyment from our lives in so many ways. All the best m8. Posted by profman15
Couldn't agree with you more Prof ty & all the best to you in the future m8
Good to hear you are coping well Michael, & it'd be just lovely to see you at DTD this weekend.
Can you pass on my best wishes to Chris (scouse red), as I've not heard from him for a while, & I know life was a little difficult for him, what with this & that...
He was a terrific friend both to you, & me, during those difficult days.
Also, a huge thank you for your DTD Forum work, what an institution that has become, & it epitomises the Community here, folks just having fun at the poker tables. Long may it last.
Nice to see Sky dealt with things to your satisfaction. I've had epilepsy since i was about 10 years old with varying degrees of frequencies. I always found that it helped to have someone around to inform what to do if i had an 'episode'. It just seemed to be the fair thing to do as it must be a be frightening for them if i'd have an attack . TBH my friends and workmates have been great throughout my career. Authorities/bosses were a different matter however but i suppose in this age of health and safety its to be expected, i suppose. I was a maths teacher though retired now thank heavens but i still hve plans for the future. No matter what we may have pulling us back a little on occasion, we can still get enjoyment from our lives in so many ways. All the best m8.
Wouldn't be the same without it.
Keep The Faith !
and you´re so right that many people can´t - even as observers
best wishes for the future
Good to hear you are coping well Michael, & it'd be just lovely to see you at DTD this weekend.
Can you pass on my best wishes to Chris (scouse red), as I've not heard from him for a while, & I know life was a little difficult for him, what with this & that...
He was a terrific friend both to you, & me, during those difficult days.
Also, a huge thank you for your DTD Forum work, what an institution that has become, & it epitomises the Community here, folks just having fun at the poker tables. Long may it last.