I moved this as I think I posted it in the wrong place
Sorry guys I know this will annoy a lot of men but I am requesting this for good reasons.
We don't have loads of female players on the site but as a site I think you are missing a lot of potential customers here. You could have a small MTT one evening or every evening say a £5 buy in with a £100 GTD for females only, and then give 1 hour of 1 of your shows to the tournament to promote getting more female players to the site and to reg! You have a great amount of female presenters who could take part, and you may be able to try and get 1 to play every tournament so you can name it after them! (Or you could name it after me, just saying

If this does become an option make it a good structure 10/12 min blinds with small blind increases like the mini primo! The more players you get over time you could bring in higher guarantees or up the buy ins!
I would recommend starting small and only holding It twice a week
on nights when the show is live so you can plug it (this would take like 10 seconds) and then make it a TV one so hands can be played and requested to be played to advertise it! "Batkins Ladies night" Going back to naming the tourneys hint hint
....Kalie, in some of Our HitSquad Games we have entered an All-Girl Squaddette Team Run by Lisa, One of My HitSquad Vice Captains!
In Fact in Feb we had our Squaddette Team get to Quarter-Finals of APAT Online Team Championships, [HitDonks made semi's]!!
Speak to Lisa, we have an All-Girl Squaddette FB Group too, I started it, then they kicked me out, pmsl
You be surprised who's in there...
As a serious response....
Marketing idea...Charlotte Jackson girls night, have a couple of extra tournaments to the schedule that Charlotte plays that are women only. In the studio you can have women doing the presenting/analyst and get a female guest in either sky reg like the better Bromley (who can discuss her Vegas trip) or rogue (who can discuss her recent SPT success). Big media campaign, ie advertise it a few weeks in advance on facebook/twitter etc!
The HitSquad Donk-A-Fun PLO Sunday Tournie..... HAS JUST BEEN DECLARED WOMEN ONLY!!!!!!!
Sunday 28th July, 7.15pm, £3.30, password, 'truehitters', all women Forumites welcome
[I dont care about European Equal Rites, I'm the Hitman FFS!!]
[Has a Man got equal rites to sleep with Me....NOOOOO!!!!]
[Has a Woman got equal rites to talk about offside rule at a footie Match....NOOOO!!!!]
[Can a Man do Great Roast Spuds on a Sunday..... NOOOOOOOOOO]
THIS IS DECALRED WOMAN Entry ONLY, I delegate Batkin88 & sara36DD to check all entries!!!
IF ANY Men Register, they are FINED ONE PINT!! TO ME!!! In Person!!!
Kalies Ladies Nites, Going!!!!
[ps if ya ever need a stripper.....]
Joshin Mate, X, I hope it works out, ....Hey, ...All Publicity and all that.....
I hope this gets something from SKY as there are a fair amount of female presenters and an analyst to help support it. I don't know how many female players there are on here but I am assuming we could get a field of 20 at first if advertised.
I've been trying to Pull her for 4 Years!!!!
just bit of Fun!!
Apolz for being a party po oper but I can't see this being successful in a million yearz.....
You might as well arrange a sit n go between 6 female players on facebook or the teamtalk forum, that's what it's going to end up as....
These team MTTs struggle with runners at the best of times, that's for all teams.
But now it's females only, and also PLO, I think you'll be lucky to get 6.
If i's going to work on Sky (I don't think it will at all personally) it will have to be arranged properly and marketed/advertised well in advance, maybe then there might be 30 or so players for a few weeks before the novelty wears off.
The mtts on here are very poor outside of the 8pms and the rollers.
I think Sky should prioritise sorting the existing schedule out before introducing stuff like this.
It's very easy to arrange sngs on here between friends, male/female/whatever.
MTT lobby is saturated with rubbish MTTs/Sats that often don't even run due to lack of numbers, I think the problem needs sorting, not enhancing!
GL all playing anyway.