Great stuff guys- some really nice captions coming in.
While you're there, pop us a couple of your hands from any tables which had a TV icon next to them (main event, mini event, Mastercash tables) and we'll show them during the Poker Clinic hour at 9.
Hand History #675606934 (20:38 29/07/2013) from last nights main.
Did I miss out on value here?
1) should I 4-bet pre because the 3 bet is so small and im out of position?
2) Should I reraise the flop?
3) Should I donk lead the turn?
4) Should I ever be donk leading or reraising and shoving on the river for value or am I only getting called by better?
I flat the flop for a bit of deception - repping a small PP or maybe the flush draw.
My plan was to Check/Raise the turn all in expecting a second barrel from op, however after he checks the turn...
The river card brings in the flush and the straight... not to mention sets are still in the mix. I cant reraise the river can I as surely id only get called by FH's, FD's and straights?
Rich to Tikay " There is a middle aged, curvy woman over their who is sporting whiskers I might add, that has brought back some undies she claims you left at her place this morning and forgot to pick up on your way out"
Rich to Tikay " A large muscular, athletic man (with death in his eyes) alongside his 5 brothers of similar size wants a chat with you, claiming he is the ladies wife"
Hi Guys hope you have a great night Richard whispers...... This hand is registered as a lethal weapon Tikay responds yes but it still does not beat a pair of twos
caption is Richard whispers.. any idea where I can get my hands on one of those masks cenachavs wearing? Posted by longman912
I have a pink one with matching leather pants - may bring them to Newcastle if not to chilly - as long as Aspers dress code complies with this of course
Have a great show tonight lads! I'll be playing cash on Sky tonight s hopefully will see a few hands reviewed later on.
Question for Tim and Ryan;
You've both been playing a lot of live poker recently, especially tournaments. As a cash game pro I often find it hard to justify putting in insane long hours in a tournament when I always have an underlying feeling that I could make more money playing in cash games. But I want to play more MTTs so I have a dilemma. How can I get over this catch-22?
In Response to Re: Turbo Tuesday Night Live with Rich, Ryan and guest Tim Slater ***Caption competition for free main event seat inside*** : I have a pink one with matching leather pants - may bring them to Newcastle if not to chilly - as long as Aspers dress code complies with this of course lol Chris POKEY2011 Posted by POKEY2011
dam it man we cant both turn up in the same gear, lol
Name is MrTall first time playing in the mainevent hope everyone goes easy on me!!! yer right it's a dog eat dog world out there have plays for about 5 years home and on computer time to test myself on the main stage
While you're there, pop us a couple of your hands from any tables which had a TV icon next to them (main event, mini event, Mastercash tables) and we'll show them during the Poker Clinic hour at 9.
Hand History #675606934 (20:38 29/07/2013) from last nights main.
Tikay: 12 grand.
Rich: Wow, that's a lot of episodes of Defectors!
Another caption :
Rich to Tikay " There is a middle aged, curvy woman over their who is sporting whiskers I might add, that has brought back some undies she claims you left at her place this morning and forgot to pick up on your way out"
Chris Jones
Another caption : Rich to Tikay " There is a middle aged, curvy woman over their who is sporting whiskers I might add, that has brought back some undies she claims you left at her place this morning and forgot to pick up on your way out" LOL Chris Jones POKEY2011 Bristol
Posted by POKEY2011
The follow up caption to the above is :
Rich to Tikay " A large muscular, athletic man (with death in his eyes) alongside his 5 brothers of similar size wants a chat with you, claiming he is the ladies wife"
Chris Jones
Looking forward to a great show, heard a lot of good things about Tim Slater while I was at DTD on the weekend.
Rich has stolen my idea for a caption by letting the cat out the bag on his monster winning cash session, so I'll come back to this later
I've posted a load of hands in the thread requesting hands in the clinic so hope you get time to show a couple.
Richard whispers...... This hand is registered as a lethal weapon Tikay responds yes but it still does not beat a pair of twos
Richard whispers.. any idea where I can get my hands on one of those masks cenachavs wearing?
it might be the alcohol talking but you look a bit like a young meat loaf, so my caption is, I will do anything for love but I wont do that
Name is MrTall first time playing in the mainevent hope everyone goes easy on me!!! yer right it's a dog eat dog world out there have plays for about 5 years home and on computer time to test myself on the main stage
Pretty sure ive played on the same table as tim at ukipt galway last year should be a very good guest on the show