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Smitty's Quiz



  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited July 2013
    can someone send me a link to these videos please
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited July 2013

    That's the latest one. You can find all his other ones from there because obv they've been uploaded by the same person.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: Smitty's Quiz: That's the latest one. You can find all his other ones from there because obv they've been uploaded by the same person.
    Posted by Lambert180
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited July 2013
    Reminds me sooo much of this! I guess he doesn't just give poker tips.
  • SmitalosSmitalos Member Posts: 543
    edited July 2013

    Really man?


    FFS!! I told my doppelganger to lay low for a bit, damnit! Ughhhhhhhhhhh...
    I just guess he/I can't help him/myself. Typical attention whor ing little sh it that he/I is/am.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: Smitty's Quiz:
    Sighhhhh... Really man? REE-HEE-EEEALLY? FFS!! I told my doppelganger to lay low for a bit, damnit! Ughhhhhhhhhhh... I just guess he/I can't help him/myself. Typical attention whor ing little sh it that he/I is/am.
    Posted by Smitalos

    fwiw.....I love (bit strong).....very much like the vid. Arrogant? Yeah, but you made me laugh!

    You def sound like that guy a few of his vids if you're ever bored, hilarious.
  • offshootoffshoot Member Posts: 1,049
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: Smitty's Quiz:
    In Response to Re: Smitty's Quiz : No probs man, I'll try and keep it as concise but accurate as I can. Should he be mega-polarized here? For sure. He should be 4bet-fistpump-getting it in, or 4bet-folding (unless he's sick enough to 4b-6b bluff here, which he'll almost never do. Like <1%. But, it's offshoot. The fact that he tanked after I 5bet jammed, proved (to me anyway) that either he didn't have a plan for the hand (and thus, wasn't pol.) or he was just hollywooding a broof. You could also argue that he might've been multi-tabling, and just timing down, but from what I know, these are the biggest stakes he's ever played. Hard to see him mass-tabling in spots like this. Seeing as I don't think he've ever going to 6bet bluff me, and also not get it in with worse, I opted for the 5b jam. We also get hands that he's just derping with that have great equity, to fold. (88-TT) And of course, we could balance this in many ways (by taking the same line with weak bluffs (AXs, small PPs, etc), or/and just jamming our entire value range, as a 5bet as well. Note, I can't go that much more in-depth really, despite there being more to talk about. Many regs here play an extremely exploitable style, where ranges are uber-unbalanced, where they don't adjust. Evidence for such a claim? The lack of HUDs, stats, limited/poor note-taking facility, a style that's been working for them for years, and varying degrees of experience playing competent competition. Just as a rough example, I was cutting my teeth in Sep-Dec 2011, 8-tabling 200nl on Stars without a HUD. iirc my VPIP was somewhere in the mid-30's, and my w/r was 3bb-4bb/100. I doubt people on Sky have much of a foundation playing much better opposition, to base their own ability on. Anywho, RE: HU vs James, I think it's highly unlikely he'll ever play me man. Long time bumhunter, and has always (iirc) refused action vs me. I'm not just some 1-trick 'NLHE' pony, and would relish the chance to play him in game, at any stakes. EDIT: Deleted a bunch of stuff due to too much rambling+waffle Long story short, people should take a much more skeptical view of pros+regs imo. Heck, of me too! And, what a surprise. I can't do short posts to save my fffff-in life. Hope that answered a few questions anyway Doh, and feel free to hit me up if you (or anyone else!) has any more. ty
    Posted by Smitalos
    Ha just watched this video. Deary me Smitalos. I find your attitude towards fellow professionals pretty childish but seen as you continue to talk rubbish i'll bite.

    I believe i was 12 tabling at the time. Same as always. Highest stakes ive ever played? No. I played some 25/50 back in the day. You can call me a nit all you want thats fine. Just find it amusing that you get it in 99 vs a nit who 4bets you then and try and reason with yourself that it was a good play.

    As for you playing on pokerstars like its some massive deal? You make me laugh. Ive prob played 2m+ hands on sites other than Sky, including stars and FT.

    For everyone who watched the video and loved Smitalos "telling it like it is" after the video or near the end hes calling me a bumhunting fish and a F*****g nit in chat(nice guy!) Which is funny because at that exact moment i was playing 10/20 HU on two tables vs 2 different players. Both of which he said were great players? hmmm. What was Smit doing at this time? He was sitting out of course. Also cant remember the last time i refused to play a reg HU, according to Smit though im still a bumhunter, like every other reg.

    Also if you notice in the video. Smitalos sits out on the left hand table when it gets 3 handed to concentrate on the other one he says. Bit weird for someone who usually 12 tables. Oh but then look he sits back in again when the weak player sits.... funny that. What would you call that Smitalos?

    Also he sl*gs off James in the video so much because he doesnt like him and vice versa. He bigs up his friend who was taking a shot, badly. He cant put his ego aside and give reasoned advice. If he was as much of a rational thinker as he says he is he would say James is a decent reg despite not liking him and he wouldnt big up his friend so much who was a clear dog in that game. This leads to him giving pretty bad advice on more than one hand.

  • SmitalosSmitalos Member Posts: 543
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: Smitty's Quiz:
    In Response to Re: Smitty's Quiz : Ha just watched this video. Deary me Smitalos. I find your attitude towards fellow professionals pretty childish but seen as you continue to talk rubbish i'll bite. I believe i was 12 tabling at the time. Same as always. Highest stakes ive ever played? No. I played some 25/50 back in the day. You can call me a nit all you want thats fine. Just find it amusing that you get it in 99 vs a nit who 4bets you then and try and reason with yourself that it was a good play. As for you playing on pokerstars like its some massive deal? You make me laugh. Ive prob played 2m+ hands on sites other than Sky, including stars and FT. For everyone who watched the video and loved Smitalos "telling it like it is" after the video or near the end hes calling me a bumhunting fish and a F*****g nit in chat(nice guy!) Which is funny because at that exact moment i was playing 10/20 HU on two tables vs 2 different players. Both of which he said were great players? hmmm. What was Smit doing at this time? He was sitting out of course. Also cant remember the last time i refused to play a reg HU, according to Smit though im still a bumhunter, like every other reg. Also if you notice in the video. Smitalos sits out on the left hand table when it gets 3 handed to concentrate on the other one he says. Bit weird for someone who usually 12 tables. Oh but then look he sits back in again when the weak player sits.... funny that. What would you call that Smitalos? Also he sl*gs off James in the video so much because he doesnt like him and vice versa. He bigs up his friend who was taking a shot, badly. He cant put his ego aside and give reasoned advice. If he was as much of a rational thinker as he says he is he would say James is a decent reg despite not liking him and he wouldnt big up his friend so much who was a clear dog in that game. This leads to him giving pretty bad advice on more than one hand.
    Posted by offshoot
    Stop taking remarks about your poker game personally.

    I don't think you're as talented as people percieve you to be.

    I cba to spend time on yet another reg losing their cool, so, in cliff note form...

    - If I were acting the way I do towards recreational players, yes, it'd be childish imo. All i'm saying is that Sky has a bunch of over-rated wannabe pros, all just imo.
    - Credit to you RE: 25/50, and 12-tabling, more power to ya. You are (compared to me anyway) a nit. You wanna prop on who has the highest VPIP out of me and you? Or me versus any reg for that matter? For real, be my guest. That isn't smack talk, that's me trying to prove, with evidence that I'm right on this one.
    - Again, congrats.
    - "Got the local bumhunters waiting for aces, so tilting
    what even is thissss
    Punish the f*ckin' nitty little bumhunting f*cks ffs"
    Stop lying. Please. I also DIDN'T say anyone was great. I thought JH16 is decent, and probably the best out of the 5 I was with at the time. I don't particularly rate anyone else. Again, stop with the lies please.
    - I was sitting out, because they were the biggest stakes of my life. I have 25BI for that level, and I wasn't keen on playing two 3-handed, high variance tables. Two 6max tables, at least when I had the best seat at the table, I can just about convince myself to do.
    - I do not consider you a bumhunter. It was a general term used for everyone swarming round the table when a rec. sat at the start. I can clarify this in my next video if you really want me to.
    - Again, as said, 12tabling 100nl (where I have 500BI) is a little different to 1-2 tabling the biggest stakes of my life, where 1 pot can represent 10% of my roll. Stop making assumptions about my mind-set, please.
    - For the record, I have nothing against you. You're a bit of a nit, but bar that, I have no qualms. (as stated in the video) you have a good set of fundamentals and probably one of the better regs on the site. Whether you hate my guts, or my poker play, won't change my opinion of you, or your game. James though, is a different kettle of fish. I think he's a bit of a... well, douchebag. He's a MAHOOSIVE nit, and bumhunts like there's no tomorrow. He's all talk, but never wants to take me up on my many requests to play him.
    - I've only spoken with JH16 only a few times online, in the chat box. We've played HU a few times, and he's usually my go-to guy when I get really tilted and want to flip coins for rollz. Tbbh, we're nothing past acquaintances really. So again, I'd really appreciate it if we could stop with the accusations based on wild misconceptions of yours. You can also confirm this with JH16 himself if you like.

    Always here to discuss sir.
    Do I rate you as a player? Meh. You're alright.
    As a person? Never met you, or had any chance to talk at length. No reads, hard to say.
    Do I rate James as a player? **** no.
    As a person? Hellllllllllll no. And the stories I've been told about him corraborate my initial feelings.

    There are many people on Sky that I think are great guys, but I don't rate their game. Julian, Tommy, TimmyRaRa et al. (no offence guys!)
    And there are people that I think are really good, but probably not nice as individuals. Marc Wright, among others (unfair to name names tbh)

    PM me if you want to discuss this further, as I'd like to keep this thread on topic. Failing that, post away. But can we PLEASE stop the lies and accusations bro. Thank you.
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: Smitty's Quiz:
    In Response to Re: Smitty's Quiz : Stop taking remarks about your poker game personally. I don't think you're as talented as people percieve you to be. I cba to spend time on yet another reg losing their cool, so, in cliff note form... - If I were acting the way I do towards recreational players, yes, it'd be childish imo. All i'm saying is that Sky has a bunch of over-rated wannabe pros, all just imo. - Credit to you RE: 25/50, and 12-tabling, more power to ya. You are (compared to me anyway) a nit. You wanna prop on who has the highest VPIP out of me and you? Or me versus any reg for that matter? For real, be my guest. That isn't smack talk, that's me trying to prove, with evidence that I'm right on this one. - Again, congrats. Cool story bro. - "Got the local bumhunters waiting for aces, so tilting what even is thissss Punish the f*ckin' nitty little bumhunting f*cks ffs" Stop lying. Please. I also DIDN'T say anyone was great. I thought JH16 is decent, and probably the best out of the 5 I was with at the time. I don't particularly rate anyone else. Again, stop with the lies please. - I was sitting out, because they were the biggest stakes of my life. I have 25BI for that level, and I wasn't keen on playing two 3-handed, high variance tables. Two 6max tables, at least when I had the best seat at the table, I can just about convince myself to do. - I do not consider you a bumhunter. It was a general term used for everyone swarming round the table when a rec. sat at the start. I can clarify this in my next video if you really want me to. - Again, as said, 12tabling 100nl (where I have 500BI) is a little different to 1-2 tabling the biggest stakes of my life, where 1 pot can represent 10% of my roll. Stop making assumptions about my mind-set, please. - For the record, I have nothing against you. You're a bit of a nit, but bar that, I have no qualms. (as stated in the video) you have a good set of fundamentals and probably one of the better regs on the site. Whether you hate my guts, or my poker play, won't change my opinion of you, or your game. James though, is a different kettle of fish. I think he's a bit of a... well, douchebag. He's a MAHOOSIVE nit, and bumhunts like there's no tomorrow. He's all talk, but never wants to take me up on my many requests to play him. - I've only spoken with JH16 only a few times online, in the chat box. We've played HU a few times, and he's usually my go-to guy when I get really tilted and want to flip coins for rollz. Tbbh, we're nothing past acquaintances really. So again, I'd really appreciate it if we could stop with the accusations based on wild misconceptions of yours. You can also confirm this with JH16 himself if you like. Always here to discuss sir. Do I rate you as a player? Meh. You're alright. As a person? Never met you, or had any chance to talk at length. No reads, hard to say. Do I rate James as a player? **** no. As a person? Hellllllllllll no. And the stories I've been told about him corraborate my initial feelings. There are many people on Sky that I think are great guys, but I don't rate their game. Julian, Tommy, TimmyRaRa et al. (no offence guys!) And there are people that I think are really good, but probably not nice as individuals. Marc Wright, among others (unfair to name names tbh) PM me if you want to discuss this further, as I'd like to keep this thread on topic. Failing that, post away. But can we PLEASE stop the lies and accusations bro. Thank you.
    Posted by Smitalos
    HEy Smit,

    Offshoot's post was quite mild, given the stuff you were saying in the video.

    Up until this week, i always looked at your posts as being a bit of fun and good humoured in nature.

    But there's been a few threads recently that have just descended into farce.

    It's sweet you make videos, but there's no need to have a go at the players you are playing against. As my mum always says, treat people the way you want to be treated!

    Would be good to keep it more fun / humour and less controversy
  • SmitalosSmitalos Member Posts: 543
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: Smitty's Quiz:
    In Response to Re: Smitty's Quiz : HEy Smit, Offshoot's post was quite mild, given the stuff you were saying in the video. Up until this week, i always looked at your posts as being a bit of fun and good humoured in nature. But there's been a few threads recently that have just descended into farce. It's sweet you make videos, but there's no need to have a go at the players you are playing against. Treat people the way you want to be treated. It's no surprise they would respond.
    Posted by LARSON7
    Was his post civilised, you mean? Fairly, I'd say so, yes. But compiled of quite a few lies, as well as some misconceptions.

    Do I say that any particular recreational player sucks? No. They're here for fun, and I always try and do my best to help with that.
    But do I rip some of the pros I play with? Yeah, sure. (and heck, occasionally I'll present evidence to back it up, or just challenge them HU4ROLLZ, haha).
    Anywho, I see no reason not to get under a fellow pros skin, if they'll allow me to. Their primarily here to make money, just as I am. That's ultimately their goal, right? To take money off me. And if their personality is such, that I won't feel guilty whatsoever for bashing a lack of ability, so that I can get them in an ego-war to make more money, I see no problem with that.

    I treat great people how I wish to be treated.

    I treat scummy players with contempt and zero respect.

    Saying someone is a nit, shouldn't be seen as an attack on them personally, just as I wouldn't take it personally if they called me a fishy-spewtard. It's their opinion, and they're entitled to it. Free speech and all that.

    Offshoot (afaik) isn't scummy, and saying that he's a nit or w/e, doesn't imply that. He's just a tight player in my eyes, which sometimes makes me want to vom. That's all.
  • lJAMESllJAMESl Member Posts: 591
    edited July 2013
    God this kid is such a loser. Doesn't he just make your skin crawl. Tries slagging me off constantly its hilarious, never met me knows 0 ppl that I'm close to in life. But is determined to try and slate me lol. Wonder why, well its pretty obvious hes massively jealous of me wishes he had been sponsored, wishes he didn't sit at home all day beating himself off everytime he gets a reply in the forum to one of his mickey mouse posts. I pity him to be honest.

    His only comeback is HU, which is a joke in its self because everytime a 6max game breaks to me & him I play and play and play, he always ends up leaving & usually if hes won a big pot snap sits out. Makes some douchebag class-less comment and leaves.

    But he talks on here like he is gods gift, quite frankly I'm embarassed for him. Offshoot comes on repeats exactly what I've been saying from the word go. Smitalos reaction is "Pm me man, quit the accusations" aka please don't tell my new friends what I'm really like & I am infact a scumbag liar that paints a picture of myself to be perfect. its honestly comical.

    Some of his statements are true gold "your staked" "you lost your sponsorship" "I got in 99 vs a nit bcos I was chattin on the other table and he defo thought i was tilted" "I think sams the worst player" but when it breaks to HU with him and sam he snap clicks sit out LOL.

    WP Offshoot pretty much ended the thread there. 

    edited August 2013
    Smit were you bullied at school? Whiniest kid ever zzzz grow up
  • SmitalosSmitalos Member Posts: 543
    edited August 2013
    In Response to Re: Smitty's Quiz:
    Credit it to you though you are good at one thing, self publicising on a mickey mouse scale.
    beating himself off everytime he gets a reply in the forum to one of his mickey mouse posts.
    Is it just me, James... or have you got a secret fetish for Mickey Mouse? #freudwouldhaveafieldday
  • SlykllistSlykllist Member Posts: 2,888
    edited August 2013
    Another one for you to close Tommy
  • SmitalosSmitalos Member Posts: 543
    edited August 2013
    In Response to Re: Smitty's Quiz:
    Another one for you to close Tommy
    Posted by Slykllist
    3rd time lucky? Haha
  • SmitalosSmitalos Member Posts: 543
    edited August 2013
    In Response to Re: Smitty's Quiz:
    God this kid is such a loser. Doesn't he just make your skin crawl. Tries slagging me off constantly its hilarious, never met me knows 0 ppl that I'm close to in life. But is determined to try and slate me lol. Wonder why, well its pretty obvious hes massively jealous of me wishes he had been sponsored, wishes he didn't sit at home all day beating himself off everytime he gets a reply in the forum to one of his mickey mouse posts. I pity him to be honest. His only comeback is HU, which is a joke in its self because everytime a 6max game breaks to me & him I play and play and play, he always ends up leaving & usually if hes won a big pot snap sits out. Makes some douchebag class-less comment and leaves. But he talks on here like he is gods gift, quite frankly I'm embarassed for him. Offshoot comes on repeats exactly what I've been saying from the word go. Smitalos reaction is "Pm me man, quit the accusations" aka please don't tell my new friends what I'm really like & I am infact a scumbag liar that paints a picture of myself to be perfect. its honestly comical. Some of his statements are true gold "your staked" "you lost your sponsorship" "I got in 99 vs a nit bcos I was chattin on the other table and he defo thought i was tilted" "I think sams the worst player" but when it breaks to HU with him and sam he snap clicks sit out LOL. WP Offshoot pretty much ended the thread there. 
    Posted by lJAMESl
    1 'mickey mouse' vid gets you this riled, eh?

    Mission Accomplished imo!

    Oh and James? While you're on your way to pick up the latest version of "Poker for Dummies", grab a dictionary while you're at it too, yeah? A formal education? The ability to think critically? Whatever works.
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