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tilt demons?

liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
edited August 2013 in Poker Chat
hey guys just had a 2hour session there and tbh I played awful and never ran that great either but I just went awol on a few tables and lost lets just say a few more buyins than I should have.

I was just wondering how often this happens to everyone, me personally every 2nd or 3rd session I just tilt so bad and affects my overall profit that I made during the week or month and feel its a big leak in my game and could be winning so much more if  fixed this problem even just a little.

advice and thoughts please thanks in advance.


  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited August 2013
    In Response to tilt demons?:
    hey guys just had a 2hour session there and tbh I played awful and never ran that great either but I just went awol on a few tables and lost lets just say a few more buyins than I should have. I was just wondering how often this happens to everyone, me personally every 2nd or 3rd session I just tilt so bad and affects my overall profit that I made during the week or month and feel its a big leak in my game and could be winning so much more if  fixed this problem even just a little. advice and thoughts please thanks in advance.
    Posted by liamboi11
    Did this very thing last night.  AA beaten on river by 1010.  JJ beaten on river by AK - both in cash.  QQ beaten by 67 in a tournament on river too - all within about 10 mins.  I know this is poker and im not complaining - just putting some background behind my tilt.  Anyway, I did tilt after this and lost a whole lot more than I should have done.  Probably best to just put the laptop down and watch a film if you can tell youre going to go a bit spewy.  I know I wish I had.

  • AcidMan27AcidMan27 Member Posts: 3,752
    edited August 2013
    If you want to eradicate this buy The Mental Game of Poker.

  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited August 2013
    In Response to Re: tilt demons?:
    In Response to tilt demons? : Did this very thing last night.  AA beaten on river by 1010.  JJ beaten on river by AK - both in cash.  QQ beaten by 67 in a tournament on river too - all within about 10 mins.  I know this is poker and im not complaining - just putting some background behind my tilt.  Anyway, I did tilt after this and lost a whole lot more than I should have done.  Probably best to just put the laptop down and watch a film if you can tell youre going to go a bit spewy.  I know I wish I had.
    Posted by gazza127
    hey m8 never ran well, but it was mostly me getting annoyed with myself because I knew was not doing the right things and just starting spewing a lot more than usual.

    I do normally turn the computer off when I get like this but sometimes its too late and I lose a few buyins more than what I should have, which then gets me tilted even more because I know should have walked away like 30 mins before it happened.

    just wanted to know how many have same problem because It affects my winrate and when I think back to the times I should have just logged off a little bit earlier would defo make a big difference.
  • calcalfoldcalcalfold Member Posts: 978
    edited August 2013
    Funny, I was on the happy end of a 67 v QQ today, in a freeroll. I love a good bingo poker session
    danger85 Small blind   400.00 400.00 6933.74
    nessab Big blind   800.00 1200.00 23660.00
      Your hole cards
    • 6
    • 7
    Higgy88 Fold        
    mac52 Call   800.00 2000.00 22755.00
    calcalfold All-in   10690.00 12690.00 0.00
    danger85 All-in   6933.74 19623.74 0.00
    nessab Fold        
    mac52 Fold        
    calcalfold Unmatched bet   3356.26 16267.48 3356.26
    danger85 Show
    • Q
    • Q
    calcalfold Show
    • 6
    • 7
    • 8
    • 10
    • 5
    • 2
    • 9
    calcalfold Win Straight to the 10 16267.48   19623.74
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited August 2013
    hi liamboi11,

    not a bad idea by donk not rebuying and standing off table.
    at least it would give you time to reassess things,ie;do I want to carry on playing on that table and for what another buy-in loss maybe?
    I did ask back along does anyone stand down after losing 2-3 buys etc,and I got told it wasn't a good idea to do so by almost every player,but i'm not so sure myself tbh.
    although I am only playing 1c/2c atm if I go more than 2 buys down I do only give myself another 1 more buy-in loss  to try and win it back. the other day I went $5 down, 2&1/2 buys but managed to end session only 70c down,which was a great result as I was losing even with f/h etc.
    had I gone $6 down I would have deffo stopped that session for sure.
    not saying you should do exactly the same mate,but maybe give yourself a deffo stop loss limit of some sort as we all know just how easy it is to carry on playing and I deffo think we burn money when we do carry on,at least I do.  :)
    gl buddy
  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited August 2013
    thanks for advice guys I appreciate it.

    feeling better today may just log on my usual time around midnight.

    I think one problems could be playing a bit too much usually play midnight to early hours in morning and I was throwing in sessions during the day with not much sleep. Bit silly obviously knew was not going to play my best doing this with lack of sleep but done it anywayz then tilt when playing bad when obvvoiusly my own fault.

    aw well live and learn gl at the tables folks.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,888
    edited August 2013
    In Response to Re: tilt demons?:
    If you want to eradicate this buy The Mental Game of Poker.
    Posted by AcidMan27
    This is terrific advice Liam, it really is.

    Alternatively, you just need to learn to discipline yourself better.

    One suggestion might be to try & look at tilt as a dreadful leak, a weakness, something to be ashamed of. For some odd reason, more & more poker players seem to get "tilted" very easily, by the smallest things & almost boast about it. It is just as important to have self-control as it is to understand position, aggression, raising & calling ranges.

    One thing is certain - if you are prone to "tilt", you are leaving a LOT of money behind on the poker tables. Controlling tilt, in many ways, is more important than understanding the technicalities of poker.
    You must either learn to control it, or take a break when you feel the red mist rising.
    If I were you, I'd go buy that book, ir really is very good. Poker can't be much fun when you are "tilted", so it is pretty important to control.   
  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited August 2013
    In Response to Re: tilt demons?:
    In Response to Re: tilt demons? : This is terrific advice Liam, it really is. Alternatively, you just need to learn to discipline yourself better. One suggestion might be to try & look at tilt as a dreadful leak, a weakness, something to be ashamed of. For some odd reason, more & more poker players seem to get "tilted" very easily, by the smallest things & almost boast about it. It is just as important to have self-control as it is to understand position, aggression, raising & calling ranges. One thing is certain - if you are prone to "tilt", you are leaving a LOT of money behind on the poker tables. Controlling tilt, in many ways, is more important than understanding the technicalities of poker.   You must either learn to control it, or take a break when you feel the red mist rising.   If I were you, I'd go buy that book, ir really is very good. Poker can't be much fun when you are "tilted", so it is pretty important to control.     
    Posted by Tikay10

    thanks for advice tikay,yeah I downloaded the mental game on audio before on the ipad but had to clear everything on the ipad so will get it back on and actually listen to the whole thing and take it all on board.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,888
    edited August 2013

    Well done Liam - if you are prepared to make the effort, absorb that information, & act upon it, you will see & feel the benefit immediately.
    Tilt is a horrendous weakness in any poker player, or even in real life, away from poker. It is controllable though, if you have the courage to face up to it.

    You only need to peruse this Forum every day to see what a bad thing "tilt" is.

    Good luck.
  • FCHDFCHD Member Posts: 3,178
    edited August 2013
    I can't for the life of me understand why so many players admit to "going on tilt". Surely this is just giving away your weakness in public for others to exploit?
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited August 2013
    In Response to Re: tilt demons?:
    In Response to Re: tilt demons? : This is terrific advice Liam, it really is. Alternatively, you just need to learn to discipline yourself better. One suggestion might be to try & look at tilt as a dreadful leak, a weakness, something to be ashamed of. For some odd reason, more & more poker players seem to get "tilted" very easily, by the smallest things & almost boast about it. It is just as important to have self-control as it is to understand position, aggression, raising & calling ranges. One thing is certain - if you are prone to "tilt", you are leaving a LOT of money behind on the poker tables. Controlling tilt, in many ways, is more important than understanding the technicalities of poker.   You must either learn to control it, or take a break when you feel the red mist rising.   If I were you, I'd go buy that book, ir really is very good. Poker can't be much fun when you are "tilted", so it is pretty important to control.     
    Posted by Tikay10
    I agree with everything in this post apart from the highlighted section. I think it is wrong to say "for some odd reason". People are very different. Some are laid back, some worry too much. Some are optimists, some are pessimists. Some are quiet and some are loud.

    It's just the way people are. Someone who is laid back may not understand how someone can worry so much and vice versa.........I think the same can be said for tilt. Sure, people can change but it takes work, hard work. Imagine if you were one of life's quiet people and were told to liven up, basically change a massive part of your personality.....not easy at all.

    I tilt on the tables, can't help it. If an oppo hits their 2outer on the river, does it annoy me?? Bigtime, but it's the way I am. I certainly won't stoop to chatbox abuse or anything like that but I have had to step away from the laptop to calm down many times before.

    Personally, I think it's all too easy for people who aren't made up that way to say it is odd how people tilt.
  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited August 2013
    In Response to Re: tilt demons?:
    I can't for the life of me understand why so many players admit to "going on tilt". Surely this is just giving away your weakness in public for others to exploit?
    Posted by FCHD
    i`m first to admit this is one of my biggest leaks and don`t really care if the public know.I was just looking for advice and some thoughts on what to do or how to deal with it to help me improve.

    how will people exploit this?
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited August 2013
    In Response to Re: tilt demons?:
    In Response to Re: tilt demons? : i`m first to admit this is one of my biggest leaks and don`t really care if the public know.I was just looking for advice and some thoughts on what to do or how to deal with it to help me improve. how will people exploit this?
    Posted by liamboi11
    People won't exploit it if you take 5 minutes to calm down. Tilt only becomes an issue if you try and play through it imo
  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited August 2013
    In Response to Re: tilt demons?:
    In Response to Re: tilt demons? : People won't exploit it if you take 5 minutes to calm down. Tilt only becomes an issue if you try and play through it imo
    Posted by waller02
    If anything you can use it to youre advantage.  If youve just been sucked out and flop the nuts very next hand... people are less likely to believe you have it when you go uber aggro.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,888
    edited August 2013
    In Response to Re: tilt demons?:
    In Response to Re: tilt demons? : I agree with everything in this post apart from the highlighted section. I think it is wrong to say "for some odd reason". People are very different. Some are laid back, some worry too much. Some are optimists, some are pessimists. Some are quiet and some are loud. It's just the way people are. Someone who is laid back may not understand how someone can worry so much and vice versa.........I think the same can be said for tilt. Sure, people can change but it takes work, hard work. Imagine if you were one of life's quiet people and were told to liven up, basically change a massive part of your personality.....not easy at all. I tilt on the tables, can't help it. If an oppo hits their 2outer on the river, does it annoy me?? Bigtime, but it's the way I am. I certainly won't stoop to chatbox abuse or anything like that but I have had to step away from the laptop to calm down many times before. Personally, I think it's all too easy for people who aren't made up that way to say it is odd how people tilt.
    Posted by waller02
    Not sure I agree with that Mr Waller. The analogy you wrote does not work for me. Being introvert & told to liven up is not the same as being advised to try & eradicate "tilt". Being introvert is not a weakness, tilt is.

    One chap I know gets tilted by eveything in life, even THE most minor inconveniences, & I feel desperately sorry for him.

    I'm on life tilt because the milkman was late this morning.

    There are no sync breaks on this site, it tilts me to death

    So can you imagine how he would react to a REAL bad beat in life, or poker?

    I don't buy that stuff. It's intolerance, not tilt.

    I hope I am not being unfair on anyone, but honestly, that is my view - "I find it odd" 
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited August 2013
    In Response to Re: tilt demons?:
    In Response to Re: tilt demons? : Not sure I agree with that Mr Waller. The analogy you wrote does not work for me. Being introvert & told to liven up is not the same as being advised to try & eradicate "tilt". Being introvert is not a weakness, tilt is. One chap I know gets tilted by eveything in life, even THE most minor inconveniences, & I feel desperately sorry for him. I'm on life tilt because the milkman was late this morning. There are no sync breaks on this site, it tilts me to death So can you imagine how he would react to a REAL bad beat in life, or poker? I don't buy that stuff. It's intolerance, not tilt. I hope I am not being unfair on anyone, but honestly, that is my view - "I find it odd"  
    Posted by Tikay10
    Perhaps I didn't get my point across very well. I guess what I am trying to say is that people who tilt do so because it is part of who they are as person. They are easily wound up, they cannot help it and I feel this can be a very hard thing to control sometimes. I fear I'm still not making a very good case here, we are going to have to agree to disagree :)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,888
    edited August 2013
    In Response to Re: tilt demons?:
    In Response to Re: tilt demons? : Perhaps I didn't get my point across very well. I guess what I am trying to say is that people who tilt do so because it is part of who they are as person. They are easily wound up, they cannot help it and I feel this can be a very hard thing to control sometimes. I fear I'm still not making a very good case here, we are going to have to agree to disagree :)
    Posted by waller02
    Maybe, but I DO take your points. I just don't really agree that it is "incurable".

    I know countless poker players who have recovered from "tilt" problems by reading The Mental Game of Poker, for instance.
    To be honest, I don't believe "tilt" & poker are a good blend, & those who suffer need to work at it. It can't be fun getting angry all the time during a recreational game, can it?

    I was playing on here last night, & one poor chap was going absolutely loopy, because he took a beat. In OMAHA! And I so wanted to engage with him, help him grasp how poker works, so he could enjoy it more. But its not easy to chat with someone who is on raging tilt, it is like trying to have a rational convo with someone who is bladdered, it just don't work.

    He'll be back today, & be in fine fettle. Until he takes a beat, then it will all kick off again. How can that be fun for him?

    Anyway, yes, let us agree to disagree.

    Good debate, imo.

    PS - Incidentally, I am not saying I never tilt. I do, but at real life stuff, not a game.  
  • splashiessplashies Member Posts: 3,680
    edited August 2013
    In Response to Re: tilt demons?:
    In Response to Re: tilt demons? : Maybe, but I DO take your points. I just don't really agree that it is "incurable". I know countless poker players who have recovered from "tilt" problems by reading The Mental Game of Poker, for instance.   To be honest, I don't believe "tilt" & poker are a good blend, & those who suffer need to work at it. It can't be fun getting angry all the time during a recreational game, can it? I was playing on here last night, & one poor chap was going absolutely loopy, because he took a beat. In OMAHA! And I so wanted to engage with him, help him grasp how poker works, so he could enjoy it more. But its not easy to chat with someone who is on raging tilt, it is like trying to have a rational convo with someone who is bladdered, it just don't work. He'll be back today, & be in fine fettle. Until he takes a beat, then it will all kick off again. How can that be fun for him? Anyway, yes, let us agree to disagree. Good debate, imo. PS - Incidentally, I am not saying I never tilt. I do, but at real life stuff, not a game.    
    Posted by Tikay10
    I'm pretty much the same. However, none of my family or friends play poker, so when I mention that something in life tilts me, I often get a funny look.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,888
    edited August 2013

    Yes, it is one of those expressions that is used a lot in poker, & not so much in the real world, so when we use it in real life, we get some funny looks!
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited August 2013
    I take Tikays point about him finding tilt strange. You say, rightly of course, that we shouldn't get worked up about a game.
    I think that maybe you're  not looking at the real reasons behind why some people are tilting. Sadly, a lot of people play poker with money that they just can't afford to lose. When they do get outdrawn in a big pot etc, they can't cope at that moment and react due to the money in that hand meaning so much to them. They can then be desperate to get their money back and will tilt.
    Live i think it can happen all the more as usually the stakes are higher and people will often have had a drink. I imagine a regular occurrence is the player who walks into the casino on a Friday night to play a tourney, and then, when he busts out loses his weeks wages at cash.
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