hey guys just had a 2hour session there and tbh I played awful and never ran that great either but I just went awol on a few tables and lost lets just say a few more buyins than I should have.
I was just wondering how often this happens to everyone, me personally every 2nd or 3rd session I just tilt so bad and affects my overall profit that I made during the week or month and feel its a big leak in my game and could be winning so much more if fixed this problem even just a little.
advice and thoughts please thanks in advance.
not a bad idea by donk not rebuying and standing off table.
at least it would give you time to reassess things,ie;do I want to carry on playing on that table and for what another buy-in loss maybe?
I did ask back along does anyone stand down after losing 2-3 buys etc,and I got told it wasn't a good idea to do so by almost every player,but i'm not so sure myself tbh.
although I am only playing 1c/2c atm if I go more than 2 buys down I do only give myself another 1 more buy-in loss to try and win it back. the other day I went $5 down, 2&1/2 buys but managed to end session only 70c down,which was a great result as I was losing even with f/h etc.
had I gone $6 down I would have deffo stopped that session for sure.
not saying you should do exactly the same mate,but maybe give yourself a deffo stop loss limit of some sort as we all know just how easy it is to carry on playing and I deffo think we burn money when we do carry on,at least I do.
gl buddy
Alternatively, you just need to learn to discipline yourself better.
One suggestion might be to try & look at tilt as a dreadful leak, a weakness, something to be ashamed of. For some odd reason, more & more poker players seem to get "tilted" very easily, by the smallest things & almost boast about it. It is just as important to have self-control as it is to understand position, aggression, raising & calling ranges.
One thing is certain - if you are prone to "tilt", you are leaving a LOT of money behind on the poker tables. Controlling tilt, in many ways, is more important than understanding the technicalities of poker.
You must either learn to control it, or take a break when you feel the red mist rising.
If I were you, I'd go buy that book, ir really is very good. Poker can't be much fun when you are "tilted", so it is pretty important to control.
Well done Liam - if you are prepared to make the effort, absorb that information, & act upon it, you will see & feel the benefit immediately.
Tilt is a horrendous weakness in any poker player, or even in real life, away from poker. It is controllable though, if you have the courage to face up to it.
You only need to peruse this Forum every day to see what a bad thing "tilt" is.
Good luck.
It's just the way people are. Someone who is laid back may not understand how someone can worry so much and vice versa.........I think the same can be said for tilt. Sure, people can change but it takes work, hard work. Imagine if you were one of life's quiet people and were told to liven up, basically change a massive part of your personality.....not easy at all.
I tilt on the tables, can't help it. If an oppo hits their 2outer on the river, does it annoy me?? Bigtime, but it's the way I am. I certainly won't stoop to chatbox abuse or anything like that but I have had to step away from the laptop to calm down many times before.
Personally, I think it's all too easy for people who aren't made up that way to say it is odd how people tilt.
One chap I know gets tilted by eveything in life, even THE most minor inconveniences, & I feel desperately sorry for him.
I'm on life tilt because the milkman was late this morning.
There are no sync breaks on this site, it tilts me to death
So can you imagine how he would react to a REAL bad beat in life, or poker?
I don't buy that stuff. It's intolerance, not tilt.
I hope I am not being unfair on anyone, but honestly, that is my view - "I find it odd"
I know countless poker players who have recovered from "tilt" problems by reading The Mental Game of Poker, for instance.
To be honest, I don't believe "tilt" & poker are a good blend, & those who suffer need to work at it. It can't be fun getting angry all the time during a recreational game, can it?
I was playing on here last night, & one poor chap was going absolutely loopy, because he took a beat. In OMAHA! And I so wanted to engage with him, help him grasp how poker works, so he could enjoy it more. But its not easy to chat with someone who is on raging tilt, it is like trying to have a rational convo with someone who is bladdered, it just don't work.
He'll be back today, & be in fine fettle. Until he takes a beat, then it will all kick off again. How can that be fun for him?
Anyway, yes, let us agree to disagree.
Good debate, imo.
PS - Incidentally, I am not saying I never tilt. I do, but at real life stuff, not a game.
Yes, it is one of those expressions that is used a lot in poker, & not so much in the real world, so when we use it in real life, we get some funny looks!