I reccommend that people find this TV show online and watch it if they haven't already.
In what is effectively a $350,000 best of 3 HU sng, the play & the antics/body language of the 2 players is just unbelievable.
2 players well known for their live poker skills playing on raw emotion, it's the most entertaining/comical poker show I've ever seen.
Whatever happened to trying to keep a good poker face! !!!!!!?
Some highlights below !
Comedy gold indeed, was hoping it would be hellmuth v matusow in the final and i got my wish lol.
I wish mike would tone it down a notch though, he makes my ears bleed.
Quite enjoyed this whole series. We still have weekly Premier League & PCA to enjoy.
Comedy gold indeed. I think it is best to compare it to American Wrestling, or Breaking Bad, that sort of stuff.
When Hellmuth "trapped" Matusow with A-K, he almost fell over with excitement when he jumped up & tried to push all his chips in.
On a certain level, yes, really quite funny. Good for poker in many ways, too.
But they are both definitley good for poker.
You look at the names in that tournament, and have to wonder HOW did they make the final.
The last hand, how can Hellmuth check/jam top pair (questionable play maybe?) but not only that, when he isn't snap called he gets up and starts jumping around like a maniac.
He should have just turned his cards over instead, less effort!
He was dealt J9o in the small blind, first to act pre and he says check! Then proceeds to limp and call the inevitable raise.
Crazy. Why didn't he just realise his blunder, muck the hand pre, then give himself a bol locking for not concentrating, rather than spite limp/calling and semi bluff/folding half his stack. What a plonker.
His so called 'Live skills' r worse than his Poker skills!
You're debating Vs someone who has a great forum track record, and for good reason. He's right.
If you're judging anyone on MTT results, do it on ROI, over a huge sample size.
In Cash Games, we usually say a 100k hand sample size is just enough to get a good idea of your w/r, right?
Extrapalate that to tournaments. Yeah.
Hellmuth would get absolutely destroyed at 200nl on most sites, nevermind his borderline atrocious play in MTTs.
The most recent bracelet he won (at the WSOP) was in Razz. I railed most of the tourney, and he played pretty w@nk. It was almost embarassing watching one of my childhood idols just spew constantly as he binked his way to another bracelet.
Anyone rating Hellmuth and Matasow is clueless about the game. There, I said it.