In Response to Re: NBC HU Final, Hellmuth v Matusow! : Either stop trolling, or check yaself. You're debating Vs someone who has a great forum track record, and for good reason. He's right. If you're judging anyone on MTT results, do it on ROI, over a huge sample size. In Cash Games, we usually say a 100k hand sample size is just enough to get a good idea of your w/r, right? Extrapalate that to tournaments. Yeah. Hellmuth would get absolutely destroyed at 200nl on most sites, nevermind his borderline atrocious play in MTTs. The most recent bracelet he won (at the WSOP) was in Razz. I railed most of the tourney, and he played pretty w@nk. It was almost embarassing watching one of my childhood idols just spew constantly as he binked his way to another bracelet. Anyone rating Hellmuth and Matasow is clueless about the game. There, I said it. Posted by Smitalos
Hellmuth would get absolutely destroyed at 200nl on most sites, nevermind his borderline atrocious play in MTTs. The most recent bracelet he won (at the WSOP) was in Razz. I railed most of the tourney, and he played pretty w@nk. It was almost embarassing watching one of my childhood idols just spew constantly as he binked his way to another bracelet. Anyone rating Hellmuth and Matasow is clueless about the game. There, I said it. + 1 to smit how hellmuth has won 13 braceletes is beyond me saying that he did win most of them when poker was really soft Posted by IDONKCALLU
All relative, everyone was not as good as players are now.
Just like players were not as good in 2008 as were in 2010.
Likewise fields are tougher now than in 2011.
So yes the old timers are really going to struggle to keep up. Even Hellmouth has admitted he needs help with parts of his game.
Face it when you have all these uni/grads math geeks smashing the game with numbers - not much white magic can do against that
Like all the old timers throwing their hands up saying "wtf am I suppoed to do verus that" still think it's very hard to create a level playing field unless we just look at year by year.
When you start getting good at poker you come to realise that tournaments are a joke.
You come to also realise that the majority of sponsored pros are an even bigger joke.
You dont have to be any good at poker to make money if someone is paying your buy in.
eg if a sponsored pro enters a million pounds worth of donkaments a year and cashes for half a million. He is a losing player by quite a bit yet has won half a million quid.
Was a cringe fest though....
Mike's call with the FD was OMFG really spite Hellmouth !!!
mbn to be such big names in the game, how much sponsorship would you get - they don't have to be that good
think mike was so happy he could clear some debt
All relative, everyone was not as good as players are now.
Just like players were not as good in 2008 as were in 2010.
Likewise fields are tougher now than in 2011.
So yes the old timers are really going to struggle to keep up.
Even Hellmouth has admitted he needs help with parts of his game.
Face it when you have all these uni/grads math geeks smashing the game with numbers - not much white magic can do against that
Like all the old timers throwing their hands up saying "wtf am I suppoed to do verus that"
still think it's very hard to create a level playing field unless we just look at year by year.
o look Hellmouth done ok last year
lol gg
When you start getting good at poker you come to realise that tournaments are a joke.
You come to also realise that the majority of sponsored pros are an even bigger joke.
You dont have to be any good at poker to make money if someone is paying your buy in.
eg if a sponsored pro enters a million pounds worth of donkaments a year and cashes for half a million. He is a losing player by quite a bit yet has won half a million quid.