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Ivano's TSP binkage variance galore



  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited February 2014
    Wp Ivan 

    My big blind was very easy for you early on :)
    Think I may have made a bad fold in a hand v you fairly early on. You bet 400 on turn, setting up the river shove.

    Was watching your table as well,obviously, and thought you played the short stack really well.
  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited February 2014
    WP too mate! Took me a while to pick up some playable hands OTB early on, then I picked up a few. When you made your first 3b vs me I thought you might have been light and I had A8o so I was tempted but thought I'd give you the benefit of doubt and fold. Nah, was a good fold. Had AK, hit the K ott. No flush draw tho, so if you had one it was live.

    Had that 44 when I flopped a set and got shipped on OTF but other than that and the AK hand I don't recall playing a hand past the flop! Was a quick structure, but I still enjoyed it (even more obv for winning one!!)
  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited February 2014
    Just had a worrying moment before, not been able to get hold of Alicia and her mum text me asking her if I'd heard from her. Last I heard she was out shopping but I didn't even know where. I was still in the £22 deepstack at the time and doing Ok. But I couldn't focus on the tournament whilst wondering where she was so I just ended up going all in every hand. Eventually I got bust by DivsDreams who called with 77 vs my K7. Then not even a minute later I finally heard from her!! Phew. Just wish it had been 5 minutes sooner and I might still be in lol. 

    Only £22 at the end of the day. Omaha Cash has been OK tonight, made 2/3 BI's and back over £5k after I'd withdrawn a fair bit. I don't feel like I've played my A game for a while though in cash poker. Missing out on value in some spots I'd usually be value betting. Need to work out what's going wrong really and do something to fix it!
  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited February 2014
    Currently 4th/28 players left in both the primo and the £55 BH! What are the odds of that haha. Edit. Now 2nd/25 in one and 2nd/27 in the other. prob won't amount to much tho!
  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited March 2014
    In Response to Re: F_Ivanovic 20nl to 100nl Q+A welcome:
    Currently 4th/28 players left in both the primo and the £55 BH! What are the odds of that haha. Edit. Now 2nd/25 in one and 2nd/27 in the other. prob won't amount to much tho!
    Posted by F_Ivanovic
    So 2 weeks ago I was correct and it didn't amount to much. Finished about 11th or thereabouts in both of them from what I recall and a + £500 profit got me out of my £350ish hole in cash that day. Februrary has been really poor in terms of volume. I was away on a lads/pool holiday to G. Yarmouth for 5 days which meant there wasn't much point in me trying that promo. After that I've only played a few nights a week and barely during the day. Mostly playing 1/2 tournaments and some omaha cash (very little holdem)

    Anyway, tonight I was planning on spending some time with the family as my brother was coming home from Uni. But he rang up to say he wouldn't be back until 11ish at night because of some landslide meant the trains were delayed. So there wasn't much point in me staying - headed back home and didn't feel too much like playing any poker but Alicia was supposed to be going to a friends so thought I may aswell (she ended up falling asleep instead!!) - I also opened 1 omaha table. 

    Primo started off OK played pretty aggressive and then got a double up to leave me near the top of the field early doors. Omaha also went well and within 40 mins I'd made the BI for the primo in omaha and decided to leave it at that as I was beginning to feel really sleepy! I ended up falling behind in the Primo through just blinding down and not really getting involved. Started to get active again tho and was on about 13k when this hand happened: Raised it with JJ and a shorty shipped on me. Then the BB with about 10k reshipped. Now the BB had been pretty active - he shoved with J6s a few hands ago to double up and then had shoved again since. I maybe should have thought a bit longer about my decision but decided to snap call it. I was up against QQ and KK (big stack) - oops.

    Do you know when you get them feelings sometimes when you are ahead that you know you'll be outdrawn? I had the opposite feeling then and was certain I was going to hit a J. Flop/turn was 888x and then whaddaya know - J on the river!

    From then on I just gradually built my stack up without getting too involved in anything. Got to 7 players left (I was 2nd in chips) and we were the table with 3 on! Now, usually I love short-handed but I find it hard to get the balance right in this situation because on the one hand I want to be aggressive but not too aggressive that I could go out a bit too early when I could easily get some pay jumps. I got 3bet a couple times by this player to my left and then I picked up JJ. I raised to 6k, he 3bet to 15k. I decided to 4bet to 28k to induce a shove because I think he might be light - but he goes 48k or something with still 25k behind! Looks a bit scarily strong but can't fold JJ 3 handed. Got me this far. He has AT and I manage to hold to reach final table.

    Then I don't really know what happened but I just completely annhiliated the final table. I began with 150k chips with someone else on 170k and the rest somewhere between 30k and 100k. Did a fair amount of blind stealing but more importantly I got it in with the 2 shortest stacks and knocked both of them out. Then I made a big dent in the bigger stack and another player and I found myself with 500k with everyone else on 50k 4 handed. JJ busted TT (2 others going to war) then my JJ held against 66 to take it HU before my AQ held against A6. So about 5 all ins on the final table and I held on every one! 

    Now I just need to switch off and go to sleep. Got county pool trials in the morning and I can't play pool if I'm shattered!! never ends well lol.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited March 2014
    Good work Ivan, great start to the month.
    Thread title change imminent?
  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited March 2014
    In Response to Re: F_Ivanovic 20nl to 100nl Q+A welcome:
    Good work Ivan, great start to the month. Thread title change imminent?
    Posted by Jac35
    Forgot to reply to this. Still playing 50NL for now. I think when I reach 100BI's I'll step up to 100NL but quite happy sticking with a nitty BR for now!

    Anyway, to anyone that reads this thread I need your help for a nickname. It's for a back of my county pool shirt and so something poker related would be cool!
  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited April 2014
    So finally I have achieved a roll of 100BI's for 100NL (although I might pop below that as I need to withdraw some money!) 

    Yesterday daytime I had our first county pool match of the season and for the first time ever I won man of the match for our team after winning all 4/4 games. Played really well for once and it's so much easier to find form if you get to play every match. County pool is 4 sets of 9, so we play 36 games total with any 1 player only able to play once in each leg of 9. For the past couple of seasons I've struggled because luck hasn't gone my way in the first game and if you lose the first game you often only get 1 more game at most. So then the pressure is on to actually make it count and get a win.

    Got back around half 6 and thought to myself it's been a long time since I've played the roller and with me playing well at pool I felt pretty confident. Started off a bit slow but eventually got a double up. Around 70 players left I had a pretty nice stack of 60k but then things started to go wrong as my stack just dwindled - just nothing really went for me as I always seemd to run into hands. Ended up as low as 24k or thereabouts and sat in the BTN with AJ when it's opened before me. I decided I had to shove and get snapped by QQ and then AK. There's me out - I thought. Until it came JJx on the flop. Then had an other outrageous bit of luck when I was all in with 50k (behind again, but in a cooler situation) and hit the river. Lightning doesn't strike 3 times? Well it did. Had another cooler hand with AQs in the BB against BTN's AK. Flop was Axx and it all went in on the turn with me behind - but hit a Q OTR!

    Got to the final table as a medium stack but then found myself the shortest with 5 left with blinds at 6/12k. Had about 170k and was the BB with QTo and BTN opened, SB flat. Probably could and should fold here as BTN hadn't been that active but ended up shoving into his AA. Flopped a gutshot, turned an open ender for a nice sweat but couldn't hit the river. So 1.3k or so profit from that which was nice. Also managed a min-cash in the BH but only took 1 bounty. Sometimes I think I should play more tournaments because I have a pretty good record in them - since January I've won the Primo, the B/H and come 5th in the superoller and yet I only ever play them 1 night a week on average. But then I have ambitions of moving up eventually to playing 1000NL again (this time with a proper BR) and playing in tournaments on sky would just be a waste of an evening in the main when I can win 1st place money in mains just by winning a few BI's on cash!!

  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited April 2014
    In Response to Re: F_Ivanovic 20nl to 100nl Q+A welcome:
    In Response to Re: F_Ivanovic 20nl to 100nl Q+A welcome : Forgot to reply to this. Still playing 50NL for now. I think when I reach 100BI's I'll step up to 100NL but quite happy sticking with a nitty BR for now! Anyway, to anyone that reads this thread I need your help for a nickname. It's for a back of my county pool shirt and so something poker related would be cool!
    Posted by F_Ivanovic
  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited April 2014
    Thought I'd post a 2nd post because that was getting a tad long! So anyway, now I've reached my goal I need a new challenge. Over the past 8-9 months I've made ~ 14k I guess. 4k I've had to spend on living costs and such and the rest is my current BR. Whilst it would be nice to earn that every year as I was saying in my last post I really want to push myself and move up stakes and hopefully earn double that in the next 9 months.

    OK away from poker, I've made some life changes. Since Februrary, I have decided to try and become a vegetarian. Alicia has been a vegetarian for the past 12 years or so and in January she did Veganuary (so being vegan for a whole month) and now she is trying to become vegan too. It's been completely my decision though to try to become a vegetarian. When I say 'try' I was still going to eat chicken but I think over the past couple of weeks I've barely eaten any chicken. The other day went to a Crown Carvery for my birthday on Friday and had a Butternut squash roast, which was amazing! A few months ago I wouldn't even have considered trying it.

    So, why am I becoming vegetarian? That's a question I've been asked a few times. For me, it was all about reading Alicia's news feed on facebook! She's a member of a group called "Changing the definition of animals to include murder" - through this I've also seen some youtube videos of people undercover in slaughter houses and just how sad it is to see animals scared out of their mind being beaten and then being slaughtered.

    It's also amazing how many people in this world are hypocrites, most of us without even realising/thinking about it. For those that have a dog/cat... what do you think someone's punishment should be if someone decided to beat up your dog/cat,murder it and then eat it? Most would wish them to be locked up for a very long time AT LEAST. Yet this is what happens to pigs/cows/chickens by people working in slaughter houses. These people then provide the meat that you eat. Why are these people allowed to do this without it being against the law, or even frowned upon by most of society?

    A couple of months back I got into an argument with a girl on facebook which resulted in her deleting me! She posted a picture of the giraffe story in the copenhagen zoo and about how outraged she was. I then proceeded to tell her that I can't see anything wrong with what's happened - the giraffe is only an animal, and as humans we are allowed to treat animals in whatever way suits us best. Of course, this provoked a reaction - with someone else telling me that they hoped I never had any pets! I then explained that I didn't actually believe what I wrote but that's what the rest of the population believes. And posted a couple of videos of slaughter houses on her wall which she said "I don't appreciate you posting something like that on here" - I mean, are you serious?! I'm glad someone like that deleted me!

    I think the main problem is everyone in the world is ignorant about it. I know I was - I knew that animals were killed for me to eat meat but I just ignored it and didn't really ever think about it. Just as people ignore what goes on in other parts of the world that we don't want to think about. It's easier to block something out than to try and acknowledge it. Going back to the hypocrite part, how many people say "they are animal lover"? Wrong. They are dog/cat lovers. An animal lover is someone that is vegan. Not someone that loves their dogs and cats but still eats meat. 

    A 100 years ago (my history isn't too good on the exact dates) but before slavery was abolished, everyone just thought keeping black people as slaves was the norm. They ignored/blocked out the cruelty aspect of it because it was conveniant for them to have slaves. Everyone else did, so why should they be any different? If they chose not to have slaves because they didn't agree with it, it wouldn't change anything. White people were too stuck in their ways. It's the same with animals in this society. They are kept as slaves and used for the purpose of the human race. The only difference in the past was race. Now the difference is species. 
  • 77Chris9177Chris91 Member Posts: 375
    edited April 2014
    500 buy ins for 20PLO now ;)
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited April 2014
    Great stuff Ivan. Put some cracking MTT results together.

    I do have two words for you though.....

          Bacon Sarnie
  • cooooiecooooie Member Posts: 26
    edited April 2014
    i guess you've seen the film Earthlings then? If you have you'll be a veggie for life! 
  • mrsduckmrsduck Member Posts: 1,901
    edited April 2014
    Wtg on all the profit and reaching your target, absolutely incredible!
    I'm with you on the vegetarianism (mostly). at Christmas Mr Duck got norovirus and it's completely put him off meat. So we've become semi-vegetarians eating it about once a week.
    We've got two amazing veggy cookbooks I really recommend - VEG by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and PLENTY by Yotam Ottolenghi.
    Interested to hear your new challenge :)
  • jams88jams88 Member Posts: 694
    edited April 2014
    Pretty good going to hit your target vwp

    Going veggie is up to you but you seem to have made the descion on a few videos you have seen on you tube of some disturbed individuals and judged the whole industry by it. Humans have evolved as omnivours so meet will always be a part of our diet we are preditors not prey hense why you eyes both point forwards, not to the sides as animals that are eaten by others. Intresting thought if everybody suddenly became veggie tomorrow farmers would slaughter all their meat animals as they would become a cost that had no reward for them.

    Each to their own but being someone who plans all there meals around what meat i have to put in it, i doubt i could ever be a veggie
  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited April 2014
    Seeing a few videos on youtube was just what 'tipped me over the edge' to wanting to become a vegetarian and has been far from my sole reason. Humans may well have evolved to be closer to omnivores in some respects but mostly the human body resembles that of a frugivore. Fruit bats and some other primates have forward pointing eyes that are prey not predators - just because we have forward pointing eyes doesn't mean we are predators. Humans are classified as primates and thus frugivores and possess a full set of herbivorous teeth. If we were to hunt in the wild, we could not kill an animal with our bare teeth as they are not strong enough. Yes, we have some canine teeth but so do plenty of other animals that don't eat flesh.

    We don't have any sort of carnivorous instinct in our body either. A cat will rise at the smell of raw fresh from a mice or bird but the thought of tearing apart a still living bird with our teeth, sucking the warm blood would make us shudder. On the other hand, a plate of grapes will make our mouth water. There's a lot more on this that could be said but basically it proves we are not naturally omnivores. And we can survive quite easily on a plant based diet. More than just survive though as a plant based diet if done correctly is far more healthy for you. Eating red meat in particular has been proven to massively increase the risk of cancer - yes, hhyfrtdrftr I used to love a bacon sarnie as much as every other meat eater. It smells amazing and tastes as good as it smells. But I know that it not only isn't good for me - but the life of that pig is surely greater than my need for some tasty food? Heck, I never tried dog when I ate meat, but if I tried it (suppose your dog if you have one?) and thought it tasted amazing then by your logic, surely the killing of your dog is worthwhile if it satisfied my hunger and taste buds?

    If everyone became veggie tomorrow then yes unfortunately some animals would be slaughtered. But that happens anyway. It would be the end of suffering though for these animals in the future though. (well not completely, as the dairy industry still involves the suffering of animals) I don't disagree per say with eating meat - if farms kept animals, fed them normally and then at the end of their life killed them for meat I would be OK with eating that animal. But that's not what happens these days - far from it. Animals are raised for the sole purpose of being slaughtered. Most of them are kept in horrible conditions their entire (small life) - and a lot of animals have health problems on top of that because they are bred to be as big as possible to get the most amount of meat from them. Can you imagine being locked up and fed 24/7 until the age of 13 so that you were huge and had health problems? Knowing that soon you would be killed, with a good chance of it being in a painful way? Or if you're a woman, could you imagine being continuously raped so that you're always pregnant, and then your bo obs being used to produce milk?

    I used to plan all of my meals around what meat I would put in them. I didn't really think there was any alternative as I just couldn't imagine a meal being the same without meat. But you'd be surprised if you gave it a try! Thankfully as Alicia is vegatarian (trying to become vegan) she has helped a lot with that. Every week we (I say we, she would do most of it :P ) cook something different every week. This week we have made a vegan lasagne and it really does taste amazing. I might prefer it with some cheese but the filling was delicious. Tomatoes, kidney beans, mushorroms, onion, peppers, lentils. The week before it was an awesome bean chilli. And when I went to the carvery as I said the buttnerut squash roast which was genuinely nicer than any meat up there. I used to be dead fussy with what I ate as well but over the past year and few months I've discovered so much food that I like that I wouldn't have thought about trying before.

    @ coooiee: No, I've not seen Earthlings yet. Alicia has though but I do plan on seeing it at some point! (especially if I find myself craving meat) 

    @ Thanks MrsDuck - That's pretty much what I'm doing atm, I may have chicken once a week or once a fortnight but I really want to stop eating it. I'm quite skinny though and close to being underweight though but ideally I will eventually find that I have enough in my diet for me to not need to eat chicken. As I said for the past 2 weeks I haven't eaten it at all. Will have to look at them cookbooks! Although mostly with the internet these days you can find good recipes on there.
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited April 2014
    I just had 2 steak and ale pies.

  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited April 2014
    When people say stuff like that it's often because they want to ignore the subject. It's a bit similar to a nervous laugh - making a joke about something allows you to forget about it. How is it acceptable to say I just ate 2 steak and ale pies? But to say something like "I just killed my neighbours dog and made stew out out it" would cause outrage (if it were true) 

    Anyway, not going to be caught in your bait!

    Back on to poker. So as I said I've now moved up to 100NL. So far it's gone quite well and am up 7BI's overall. Aiming to win the skypad races this week - or will give it a go anyway. I'm about to start a session but might post some brief hand reviews a bit later on.

    Just playing 1 table of 50PLO for now as it's the only PLO running and going to play the £55BH and it got me thinking that maybe it's a good idea to always begin playing a session one level below your standard. It's not uncommon for a lot of people to find that they start a session bad and then finish well because it's hard to straight away begin a session and play your A game. So if you start lower and then if playing well you move up, this might be a good way of solving that problem.

    Does anyone out there already employ this 'tactic'?
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited April 2014
    Without even joking, I had a mixed grill burger at O'Neills during the football. No bait ;)

    I tip my hat Ivan, but there is no way I could/would want to give up meat.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited April 2014
    Wtf did you 5bet me with earlier on that 50NL MC table? lol

    Was an interesting spot for me and I was really torn about what line to take pre and post.
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