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Ivano's TSP binkage variance galore



  • mrsduckmrsduck Member Posts: 1,901
    edited January 2015
    Very interesting read and very very well done! :)
    GL in TSP!!
  • SJspanky1SJspanky1 Member Posts: 620
    edited January 2015
    Many congrats on the seat. 
    Have enjoyed your writing on the forum for a long time and I look forward to meeting you.
  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited January 2015

    Hand History #867220780 (13:26 28/01/2015)

    chrisbhoySmall blind £0.20£0.20£53.03
    babyboy015Big blind £0.20£0.40£13.59
    • 3
    • 2
    • 6
    babyboy015Bet £0.20£0.60£13.39
    chrisbhoyRaise £1.00£1.60£52.03
    babyboy015Call £0.80£2.40£12.59
    • A
    chrisbhoyBet £2.40£4.80£49.63
    chrisbhoyWin £2.28 £51.91
    chrisbhoyReturn £2.40£0.12£54.31
  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited February 2015
    In Response to Re: Ivano's TSP binkage variance galore:
    Many congrats on the seat.  Have enjoyed your writing on the forum for a long time and I look forward to meeting you.
    Posted by SJspanky1Thanks! (and thanks too mrsduck + craig too!) Yes, I look forward to it too, can't wait! Congrats on your seat also :)

    Februrary has always been the month I look forward to most for a few years now - past 4 years I've been down to Great Yarmouth for the Uni pool tournament with the lads, absolutely love it! No longer a student anymore which means no more Great Yarmouth. Instead this month, I'll be taking 2 trips to Nottingham. First to play in the UKPC mini and then a week later to play in the main. Inbetween that week I'm also going to London with the GF. All in the space of a week - no doubt the most expensive week of the year for me!

    Anyway, Februrary is probably going to be a low volume month for me and I'll struggle to make Priority, let alone reach the 20k needed for various promotions! 

    I've also started watching a new TV series on Netflix - Person of Interest. Already managed to watch a season (23 episodes) in a very short space of time, needless to say it's fairly addictive! Some of the stuff in it makes no sense but it's still overall a pretty good watch.

    I got home from pool last night at midnight and watched a couple more episodes when I should maybe have had a small poker session before bed. Decided to start playing at around 2/half 2 I think. I was busy reading some poker strat threads from a while back for Omaha, so decided just to play the 1 table of Omaha as it looked like a really good table. Unfortunately for me, variance had decided it wasn't going to be on my side tonight and I proceeded to lose buy-in after buy-in. Some of my plays may have been slightly questionable, but don't think they were that bad. Every time I won a double up to £100 I lost it right back. Within a couple hours I was down almost £500. (Going into hand history and pots of £20 or more I lost 8/11 and only won 3/11 - including 2 pots where I lost £100ish - the rest were all £50)

    Table was simply too good to leave tho - although was a tad annoying one of the biggest stacks on nearly £500 left at this point. I flopped a set to double up, then a while later I flopped 2nd NFD + TP + gutshot. Played a bit too aggro and could have got burned but found a decent hand to be up against (2nd pair + NFD) and managed to win it. From then, I played good solid poker to make it to £300 and it was HU between me and someone else with £150. I was determined not to leave till I had every penny, and lo and behold that's what happened - they reloaded another £50 which I took, and then another villain popped up with £40 which I won. I'd also loaded a couple of NL Holdem tables and won 2 BI on one. 

    So, after a long night I went to bed £80 up from being £500 down and again showed the importance of when not to quit! 

  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited March 2015
    Last time I failed to update for 4 months, I ended up with an essay long post. So this time I'll keep it short and sweet*


    So, where to begin? After uhmming and ahhing for a good couple of weeks beforehand I decided to go down and play the Mini. I was originally going to go on the Sunday and play the Turbo structure, but thought I'd have more of an edge in the normal structure. Plus, I wasn't doing anything else on the Saturday, so why not? Got out the taxi and bumped straight into Jac (and Pat - day4aire however it's spelled) which was nice! Nothing worse than getting there and not seeing anyone you know to have a chat with. As is usual with me, I was spectacularly early for the 5pm start. Having not paid in advance, I was worried about not getting a seat. So I twiddled my thumbs for an hour or so before we finally got under way.

    I'd love to divulge in lots of hands and do a Gus Hansen hand by hand analysis but I know it would only bore anyone that's reading to death and thankfully for you lot, I can probably remember a maximum of 3 hands throughout the entire tournament! I was going along quite nicely for the most part, think I recall I had a decent start but then sort of dwindled and then had a table move not too far from the end of the day 1. Early on I picked up AJ with about maybe 15bb's UTG. Yuck. A lot of players to get a shove through - someone's bound to wake up with a better hand. But at the same time, I'm getting v short. I opt for a min-r - I think I have just enough to be able to min-r/fold if the action behind looks like I'm crushed. And hopefully my min-r UTG will scare off a lot of potential customers just cause it looks so strong. It's folded round to BTN or SB who calls, then BB decides to ship. Sigh. Got to call vs BB I guess. He turns over 83s or some such garbage. Flops an 8.... then I river the A, happy days. Back up to just over 100k at this point. Next hand I pick up KK in BB. Limp from EP, SB (83s man limps) and I make it 10k with blinds at 1.5/3k. UTG calls I think, so does SB. Flop T95. I bet, UTG folds, SB ships. Snappity snap. Oh, he has 95. GG me!

    I decide to play a bit of cash poker, as is customary when I bust out the tournament less than an hour before the end of the day. Lost a BI with 3rd nut flush over 2nd nut flush - that'll teach me to not play Q5s again! Then I couldn't resist joining hhyftrdr and Slipwater in their quest to become a millionaire at the cash tables... no sorry, I got that wrong. In their quest to become Busto at the cash tables! They were literally cowering in their seats when I joined the table after begging me not to switch tables! Highlight of the night was a tough one. First, was when Slip bet 1 into 10 or some such on the flop. I'm holding 67 on T95 with a back door flush job. Laughs all around as we all call this scary size bet. Turn is a 4 iirc - bringing me a flush draw to go along with my now open ender. This time Slip actually put out a decent sized bet and I'm the only one to call. I river my back door flush - and donk out a decent sized bet. Slip uhm's and ahh's "surely you haven't rivered a back door flush", finally calls only to find out the good news!

    Few hands later, I beat Slip in a pot again! This time, holding 66 on a 347T board. I'd bet turn and faced a really small raise from him - honestly no idea what he has, but I'm thinking I have 5 outs (any 6 or 5) and then 9 "bluff" outs being any diamond. I might bluff on a J too. So I call. River is a 6 and he checks - I ship. Unfortunately don't get any hero call from him this time! Best hand of the night had to be when it goes 3 or 4 way to the flop. It's 996 two tone and there's a bet, Slippy calls - then a raise from the 3rd player and then an all in from the original bettor. One player has TT, the other I can't recall - but it wasn't a 9! Slip informs us all that he's folded K9 - and we're all that bewildered that none of us actually believe him! Anyway, I believe I've mocked Slip enough haha, so moving on to MINI TAKE 2

    My post has gradually talked about more and more hands of poker, but again I can't remember too much of the mini. As I'm still there on the Sunday and only because Slip has kindly offered me a lift to the casino I decide to throw away another £110 in the hope of this one being more of a success. There's literally one hand to note - So, I just had a table move and I get put in the BB... yay. Wake up with 22's. UTG min-r. I'm not much more than 13/14bb's but I decide to set-mine cause I'm getting ridiculous value. Flop is 278 and UTG jam's for a smallish overbet. I snap, cards turned over. I have him drawing dead - he has AK. Or so I thought he was drawing dead until the dealer informed us that he'd mis-dealt! We're all like "what?!" obv AK is very happy at this point. He goes to start putting the cards in the muck and we're like hang over, floor! He's already put some of the cards in the muck, but we then explain the situation to the floor. And it's ruled that the hand should start again from the beginning as a complete re-deal. I'm thinking that can't be right, but me being me don't kick up a fuss or anything and just smile and get on with it. I've spoken to a lot of people since at the casino and they all were adament that since the action had already happened, then it should stand. Oh well.

    We then had a funny situation near the end of the "day1" Because it was a Turbo structure and we were already at a disadvantage, we only had 20 seconds to act - but we also had 3 time banks of a minute. I managed to use 2 of mine before I got to this table and whilst on the last level of the day but lots of people still had 2 or 3 left. These would obviously be redundant on day 2 when the structure returned to normal.

    So with 6/7 minutes to go, we had 2 people using up all their time banks just so the blinds wouldn't reach them. One of the guys using it though was doing so with less than 2 minutes left to play when the blind wasn't going to reach him anyway - so in effect, he's just wasted the possibility of having a "free" hand. One guy was so irate with this that he folded out of turn and left the table declaring "You can give me a penalty if you want but not putting up with this rubbish!" After all this, I made it through to day 2 where we had a 20 minute or so weight whilst they did a seat redraw.

    So, first table back and already short, I get put in on the SB! Yay to my luck when short stacked. Then within not that long at all - maybe half an hour, our table breaks. Just after I've been BB and SB so I miss the BTN. And I move to a table where guess what? I'm BB! Must have been the worst run of luck with table moves. Can't even remember how I exitited, I was just so wound up by the table moves haha. Anyway, that's enough for tonight I guess. Will post about the Main and other stuff tomorrow :)

    * OK, so I may have lied about this being a short post!
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,477
    edited March 2015

    Nice post Tennis Bloke. Glad you decided to keep it short. ;) 
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,701
    edited March 2015

    I was trying to forget about that K9 cash hand!

    It was great to meet you... despite the fact you were wearing a stupid Superman tea cosy on your head at one point ;)
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,655
    edited March 2015

    "and we're like hang over"

    Not sure if that was intentional or not....but I smiled.

    Glad you gave a proper cash lesson to the pretend players on this forum ;)
  • Itsover4uItsover4u Member Posts: 1,538
    edited March 2015
    In Response to Re: Ivano's TSP binkage variance galore:
    Hand History #867220780 (13:26 28/01/2015) Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance chrisbhoy Small blind   £0.20 £0.20 £53.03 F_Ivanovic Sitout         babyboy015 Big blind   £0.20 £0.40 £13.59 mycroft2 Fold         chrisbhoy Check         babyboy015 Check         Flop     3 2 6       chrisbhoy Check         babyboy015 Bet   £0.20 £0.60 £13.39 chrisbhoy Raise   £1.00 £1.60 £52.03 babyboy015 Call   £0.80 £2.40 £12.59 Turn     A       chrisbhoy Bet   £2.40 £4.80 £49.63 babyboy015 Fold         chrisbhoy Muck         chrisbhoy Win   £2.28   £51.91 chrisbhoy Return   £2.40 £0.12 £54.31 Close window Ne
    Posted by F_Ivanovic

    This blog is a good read. undoubtedly will see you at the tables soon
  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited March 2015
    So, despite my 2 failed bullets at the Mini, the weekend was great. And it gave me some much needed live practice for the following week's UKPC main. I rememeber my first bluff in the Mini that I attempted and my heart was going, and I can't imagine the tells I was giving away. Before I headed back down to Nottingham for the Main though, me and the GF went down to London. It was my first visit to London since I was about 9/10 which I don't really remember at all!

    The main part of our trip was going to Harry Potter world which was fantastic. Also went out for an expensive meal at a place called 222 Veggie Vegan which was the best food I've had in a long time! When the bill came at the end, they'd forgotten to add on the wine. It was a no-brainer to point it out, especially given how great a meal we had and the fact it was a small restaurant/business. I'm too honest not to - but then if it was a in a bigger place and food/service wasn't special? Not so sure!

    Unfortunately, our great trip was cut short on Tuesday night. We had left on Monday and were coming back Wednesday afternoon. Or so we thought, until we went to check the train times and realised the return was booked for the Tuesday, not the Wednesday! So at this point we were in panic mode... tried ringing station/no luck. Thankfully there were still advance tickets for tomorrow - not as cheap as the tickets we'd originally bought (£23 return each) but £35 for the 2 of us. Lesson learnt to always check tickets - we'd checked the times, but just assumed they had got the dates right when we booked them.


    So, I set off for Nottingham after leaving the house at 7oclock in the morning - definitely the earliest I've been up in a long time. Arrived in Nottingham and instead of getting a taxi I decided to save some money for once and walk to the hotel - was actually a rather pleasant walk along the canal. Met a lot of the other TSP qualifiers there at the hotel before heading off to the casino.

    The seat draw goes up, and I'm off to my seat only to sit down and then for someone from Sky coming over to tell me I'd been moved tables!! My table move looked less favourable too - although on the plus side, it was nearest to the Loo's. For some reason, I drink a lot of water whilst playing - constantly feeling dehydrated. But then I end up needing to go every 40 minutes or so - thankfully, I never missed a single hand :) I got off to a slow but steady start in the first few levels. Then, after the first break I really got going and managed to accumulate up to 125k in the next few levels. Honestly don't remember how I got there though - so I'm guessing it was just mostly lots of smallish pots.

    After the next break, I pick up KK and on about 130k at this point. I see a flop HU (can't recall action pre and if I'd 3b or been original raiser) - but I bet out and get called on a 227 flop. Turn is a 9 with no draws out - I bet again and then villain ships all in. He has AT and hits his 3 outer on the river for a 140k pot which sends me back down to 70k instead of up to 200k. I dwindle down a bit more and then around this time Devilfish had joined our table on his 2nd bullet. I thought, wouldn't it be a fantastic story if I could knock him out. I pick up Jc7c in the CO... I'm about 55k at this point and Devilfish is on 25k. He makes the call OTB and the flop is 488 2 clubs. I bet and get shoved on. It's not much more for me to call - I'm a bit worried about running into AcXc here but I just couldn't find a fold with the odds I had (which was enough vs any other hand) - he shows Ac9c, I turn my 7 only for the river to complete the flush.

    Would have been fun to stay on the table a bit longer with him to get another shot, but the table broke shortly after. And this is where the fun started! I was sat next to Julian Thew this time - and we were both fairly short at this point - he had 60k and I was on 30k. 


  • mrsduckmrsduck Member Posts: 1,901
    edited March 2015
    All I got from this post was what a nit you are with money, first the train then the taxi! Hehehehe
    Just kidding ~ love your stories ivano!
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited March 2015
    In Response to Re: Ivano's TSP binkage variance galore:
    All I got from this post was what a nit you are with money, first the train then the taxi! Hehehehe Just kidding ~ love your stories ivano! :)
    Posted by mrsduck
    That's quite an unusual trait for an Outlaw...

    Enjoying the read Mr Ivanovic
  • S7NS7N Member Posts: 61
    edited March 2015
    Thanks for sharing this diary, I have been slowly reading though it and have really been hooked.

    Im looking forward to any follow ups.

    Thanks again.
  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited March 2015
    In Response to Re: Ivano's TSP binkage variance galore:
    All I got from this post was what a nit you are with money, first the train then the taxi! Hehehehe Just kidding ~ love your stories ivano! :)
    Posted by mrsduck
    You forgot the water at the casino haha! 
  • mrsduckmrsduck Member Posts: 1,901
    edited March 2015
    In Response to Re: Ivano's TSP binkage variance galore:
    In Response to Re: Ivano's TSP binkage variance galore : You forgot the water at the casino haha! 
    Posted by F_Ivanovic
    Tap water I assume? :D
  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited April 2015
    Been a while since I updated and I forgot to finish my update on how UKPC went. I will try and do an update on that soon among some other things, but thought I'd post some interesting Omaha hands in the meantime! 

    F_IvanovicSmall blind £0.50£0.50£286.05
    XXbungleXXBig blind £1.00£1.50£175.24
     Your hole cards
    • 7
    • A
    • 4
    • A
    IchorydichRaise £3.50£5.00£449.13
    F_IvanovicRaise £11.00£16.00£275.05
    IchorydichCall £8.00£24.00£441.13
    • 4
    • 2
    • 6
    • 5
    IchorydichBet £24.00£48.00£417.13
    F_IvanovicCall £24.00£72.00£251.05
    • 5
    IchorydichBet £72.00£144.00£345.13
    F_IvanovicCall £72.00£216.00£179.05
    • Q
    • 8
    • A
    • K
    • 7
    • A
    • 4
    • A
    F_IvanovicWinTwo Pairs, Aces and 5s£214.20 £393.25

    Hand History #901119631 (23:40 26/04/2015)

    mustmove1Small blind £0.50£0.50£108.88
    CHILLIEBig blind £1.00£1.50£285.38
     Your hole cards
    • 10
    • 7
    • J
    • 9
    F_IvanovicRaise £3.00£4.50£209.12
    banjong1Raise £10.50£15.00£307.71
    mustmove1Call £10.00£25.00£98.88
    CHILLIECall £9.50£34.50£275.88
    F_IvanovicRaise £49.50£84.00£159.62
    banjong1Call £42.00£126.00£265.71
    • 9
    • A
    • 2
    F_IvanovicBet £57.00£183.00£102.62
    F_IvanovicWin £124.20 £226.82
    F_IvanovicReturn £57.00£1.80£283.82
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited April 2016
    Well done on the roller win
    How's the pool going?
    Had a proper haircut yet?
  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited April 2016
    ty for the revive. I was too lazy to look and find it for myself :P

    Pool is good. Thursday team going along well in the prem. No second season syndrome after a miraculous Leicester like escape last year. We had a Leicester like start this year but haven't maintained it. Missed out on money in a Wednesday league. Finished 6th out of 28 in a very tough league (bar a few who weren't that good) and we had a knockouts. Went down to a deciding frame and I lost it.

    Actually got a haircut the other week! At a really posh place (in comparison to what I'm used too) down the road. Looked good at the time. My hair looks terrible again now though!
  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited May 2016
    In Response to Re: Ivano's TSP binkage variance galore:
    Thanks for sharing this diary, I have been slowly reading though it and have really been hooked. Im looking forward to any follow ups. Thanks again.
    Posted by S7N
    No worries! Glad some people are enjoying it :)

    Anyway, after a mini-revive by Jac it died off again. Prob need to do more updates.

    As people will know, I managed to bink myself a Vegas package in the SNG points race promotion. When I first saw the promo I thought it was going to be impossible for me to try and win a seat this time. It would require playing at higher stakes most probably because of there being no high/low tier and at the time when it first came out I no longer had the bankroll to be able to afford to play at higher stakes in case I went on a bad run. On top of that - I still had Monday night pool, an important Wednesday night pool league (where I'd put in £50 at the start of season and finals night was coming up) and Thursday night pool. So I decided I was going to just put in some volume and maybe hope to get lucky and win a seat in the 2nd chance freeroll. However, I really couldn't find any motivation to grind, so that plan went out of the window for the first 2 "2 week" periods.

    On the 3rd period of 2 weeks I had a stag do on the last 3 days. So I couldn't do it then if I wanted too (and I still wasn't really going to plan on going for it) - however, I then took down the super roller for £4k on the Sunday. A much needed win after being de-motivated for quite a while. I was thinking at the time I was going to struggle to be able to afford this stag do too. Anyway, when I came back I decided I was going to go for it in the 4th period of 2 weeks.

    However, I was undecided on whether to go for cash or SNG. So on the Monday (at midnight) I started off playing a bit of both. Think I had a few Omaha games running and was regged to hyper turbo's. Went to sleep around 3/4 and started the next day around mid-day. Had my mum's dog with me during that week which was good - esp with the weather because I was able to go out for a 20 minute walk mid-session. I quickly decided that day that I was going to concentrate on SNG since I didn't really fancy playing Spin Up's - which is kind of what's needed to win the cash one. It got to about 10oclock and I'd put in a ton of volume - 5k points overall (some of it cash tho) and just assumed I had day 1 locked up so eased off the volume for the last 2 hours. The next day I found out I'd lost to a reg who was mostly playing a ton of turbo DYM's/some regular DYM's. 

    So on Tuesday I solely concentrated on SNG's - no cash, and again got around 5k points at the end of the day. However, profit wise - I had a disaster. First day I was around £200 up, but that day I think I was down around  £800. Mostly down to horrendous run-bad at hyper's. Playing a ton of £30 hypers against a reg and just constantly losing flips. Got up early on the Wednesday and found out at least I'd won that day. But had another bad day - losing around £400-500. That day I also had a mare with my laptop. The internet on it just stopped working. But it was working fine elswhere - took me 2 hours of googling on my PS4 and watching a youtube video trying to find solutions, none of which seemed to work. Eventually I figured out a solution - had to uninstall the drivers for my internet and then reinstall them. It did the trick, but I'd lost that day. 

    So Thursday, I was 5 points behind this reg. Had to make sure I won that day to keep up with him - but again, it was just a terrible day profit wise. Lost around £900 that day. I knew this could happen when I started. Especially with hyper turbo's. Variance can be just so high in them esp when playing against reg's where any edge is minimal. I was getting pretty angry at it all by around 7/8 that night. I probably wasn't playing my best anymore - but held it together to not full on tilt. At one point I was £1200 down I think. When action dried up a bit later on I loaded up a couple Omaha tables - and managed to make £300 pretty quickly - got a treble up at 100PLO and doubled up twice at 50PLO. Omaha I generally run golden. I wish I could say the same about hypers.

    I had around 5.5-6k points on Thursday and had again won that day. So now it was neck and neck - and then I got a lucky break. The reg tied with me just decided to give up. Didn't play a single hand of poker on Friday. As a result, I played a lot less myself. Think I only managed around 2k points that day. I also stopped playing hypers (or only £22's, and didn't play reg's) and was mostly playing turbo DYM's from £5.50 up to £22 when they ran. I started clawing back my losses too and finished the day with about £250 profit.  Saturday and Sunday were much of the same - I even played football (which I hadn't done in nearly 3 years) with lots of Uni friends I hadn't seen in ages. Clawed back my losses a bit more too - and then come Monday, I recieved a nice £530ish amount of RB bonus from last week - where I clocked about 25k points. So now, I was "only" down around £1200 since I started it. 

    It wasn't completely plain sailing the 2nd week. There was a player who was playing a fair amount of RR (at the £55 level if you can believe that) as well as some high level hypers. He wasn't putting in much volume but with the stakes he was getting a lot of points - and as such was finishing 1st pretty much every day whilst I was finishing 2nd. But by Friday I knew I pretty much had the seat won as I was 45 points ahead. I clawed back even more profit this week too and by Sunday I was only down £500 (after I had the months prio bonus paid in) - and then on Monday I was only down £250 throughout the 2 weeks after the RB from the 2nd week.

    So, at the end of it - I've won a Vegas package for just £250. Which isn't too shabby considering how much I was down at one point! I've since made that money back too this week playing Omaha (I really do run golden 90% of the time at this game!) I think I'll end this post here, being as it's quite long by now. Can't wait already for Vegas - will be my first ever time after being so close to winning a seat on numerous occasions in the past.
  • DonttelmumDonttelmum Member Posts: 1,921
    edited May 2016
    Great work ethic and congrats!
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