Decent hour and a half session just then leaving me £80ish up. Broke even playing holdem but made just over 4BI's at 20PL Omaha. Really slow start as well where I just folded a lot and waited for a hand but then in the space of half an hour I was from £20 to £110!
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
Two Pairs, 9s and 7s
This hand was pretty interesting. Bet the flop 4 ways with 2 pair and a non-nut straight draw and get 4 calls. With my 10s as a blocker (plus set blockers) and the fact that it was 4 way I figured no-one had the nut straight and I could get a lot of folds by following up with a turn bet. Got a call from the one opponent I knew would chase any draw, no matter how bad! Easy check back and take on the river
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
Straight to the Ace
Biggest pot of the afternoon. Sucks to call off with a pair but with the SPR I had no choice. Q blocker to QQ and gutshot if I happen to run into a set anyway. Probably a fold vs some villains, but not the ones I was up against!
This isn't a dig, it's a genuine question cos obv I don't know much abuot PLO strat and thus don't know how weak the weak players are and how big your edge will be but are you just running insanely good at PLO or what? I only ask cos you seem to be doing alright at NLHE but every single time you say you've played PLO you seem to have completely smashed it.
I thought it was a dead swingy game but you seem to always win... do you think your edge in the low stakes PLO on Sky is pretty huge?
Yeah I'd say my edge is pretty huge vs most of the players that play Omaha. It is definitely a swingy game but to reduce variance when playing 50PLO I often will just play super tight. The bad players won't notice and will still happily get involved with complete garbage hands pre-flop. Thus when I do get it in I often have a big equity advantage. At 20PLO I usually will play a lot looser though because I can handle the swings at 20PLO much more comfortably! Plus if I'm playing 50PLO I have a stop loss of 3-4BI's.
Unfortunately, I don't think that will be very ev for me to add regs to the omaha playing pool I'm sure there's a lot of material out there though to teach you the game well enough if you wanted too though!!
I'll give you one good piece of advice though! Getting it in pre with any pair hands other than AA is almost always -ev. Hence we don't want to be opening hands like KK82 other than on the button in an unopened pot!
Yeah I'm obviously opening that hand from any position! I might limp KK82 a lot on a weak table because making top sets can be very profitable when the SPR is still high. It's not a hand I want to have in a smaller SPR situation only HU/2 way though because it's just very hard to try and play it well post-flop.
Obviously the reason we don't get it in with anything other than AA (w/o reads) is that a lot of players GII range will include AA... and getting it in with a smaller pair is going to rapidly decrease our equity when facing AA.
Struggling to put much volume in atm. Really want priority again this month but not quite 1/3 of the way there and 1/3 of the month has gone! Playing 1 table atm as wasn't focused enough to play more than 1, and that's the £11 BH. Already got 5 bounties and have a chip stack of 14.5k! Be a disaster if Idon't at least make 2nd place now. Anyone else find it annoying though when the one tourney they run really well in as a relatively small payout?! Same with cash as well when I might have a mixture of 25/50p and then some as low as 10/20p and you run terrible in the 25/50p but great in the 10p/20p!!
Although it's often the other way around for me and I do actually run/play better in the 25/50p (prob being more focused on it)
oooh yeah as predicted I took it down!!! £79.55 + £62.87 in head prizes. Around 40 minutes after I posted here aswell I'd been overtaken as chip leader by someone who was sitting on 34k!! I was still lounging around on 14k. (albeit still comfortably 2nd) Final table came about and the original chip leader lost his whole stack to 1 player in a few different hands. His final hand he shoved with AJo UTG after getting a double up whilst very short the hand before. Big stack calls with A8 and I called with ATs and it got checked down to river where an 8 otr won the hand for him. Guy with the chips was a complete donkey though. Lost a lot of his chips to me then I 3bet with AQs, he shoved a T86 flop with 67 (pot bet) and I snap with 2 overs and FD but brick.
He got busted though to the guy on my right (a super nit) who got KK and AA vs him. Went to HU when I called a 10bb shove with AJs vs 66. Hit a flush OTT. HU I had 30k to his 56k. I found out pretty quickly that he was no longer nitty HU. Got close to level but then let it slip again. Hero called with bottom pair OTR when losing would leave me with just 13k and won. 2nd to last hand I 3-bet with KQo flop was 952 I c-bet 1/3 pot, he flats. Turn was a T and I've seen him flat before OTF with marginal holdings so I jam and get it through. Next hand I raise KTo, flop a BDFD + gutshot on Ace high and c-bet. Turn gives me a straight and I bet, he calls. River is a diamond and gives me nut flush, he donk shoves with 2nd nut flush and I take it down.
Really happy with how I played in the tournament. Ran well at the start to get a chip lead and made the most of it!
Since that tourney win, I haven't even got going in any of the tourneys I've entered. Saturday night I bricked the main and mini and lost £100ish playing cash including not being able to get away from KK 200BB deep! In the Primo tonight never really got going - ended up going out when I raise in SB and call a shove. A9 vs AQ I flop a 9 but a Q turns.
Cash has been better though and up £160 for the day. Playing 50NL holdem and Omaha. Most of the profit came from Holdem tonight though. 50NL Holdem was playing incredibly nitty tonight, not sure if that's usual for it but was a bit boring most of the time, and a reminder of why I love playing Omaha more!
Still don't know whether I'm going to go SPT or not... I've reached £3k and I did say that if I reached this amount then I'd be happy enough to buy in direct, but now I've got there I'm not so sure as it's still a big proportion of my BR. I was going to try a SPT quarter yesterday but forgot about it and then forgot about the semi tonight as well as was going to enter it direct anyway. I might just decide last minute to buy in direct and then sell action if anyone wants it when I get there!
Since that tourney win, I haven't even got going in any of the tourneys I've entered. Saturday night I bricked the main and mini and lost £100ish playing cash including not being able to get away from KK 200BB deep! In the Primo tonight never really got going - ended up going out when I raise in SB and call a shove. A9 vs AQ I flop a 9 but a Q turns. Cash has been better though and up £160 for the day. Playing 50NL holdem and Omaha. Most of the profit came from Holdem tonight though. 50NL Holdem was playing incredibly nitty tonight, not sure if that's usual for it but was a bit boring most of the time, and a reminder of why I love playing Omaha more! Still don't know whether I'm going to go SPT or not... I've reached £3k and I did say that if I reached this amount then I'd be happy enough to buy in direct, but now I've got there I'm not so sure as it's still a big proportion of my BR. I was going to try a SPT quarter yesterday but forgot about it and then forgot about the semi tonight as well as was going to enter it direct anyway. I might just decide last minute to buy in direct and then sell action if anyone wants it when I get there! Posted by F_Ivanovic
Depends if you're gonna be raise folding from a 12bb stack
Mixed day today. Won £150 playing 50NL Holdem earlier. Lost £120ish in PLO tonight. Entered main and mini, out the mini but still in the main on the bubble atm. 27k and 1 bounty. Raking in them bounties as usual!
NVM that hand history didn't work. Anyway, had AA and min-r and got a call. Flop was KJT all diamonds and I had the Ad. Opponent donk shoves all in with K9 no flush draw and spikes a 9 on the river!!! Would have gone a good way in making sure I reached the final table. Doubled up with Q6 on 5/6bbs then got back to 23k. Decided to play tricky and limp QQ OTB. Flop is 645 two tone and I min bet and sam1986 shoves on me... I snap to see his A6 and lo and behold, a river 6! Pleased in one way that I played well but I really thought I'd get to a final table at last.
Just realised it's been almost a week without an update, apologies to anyone that looks forward to my oh well, here we go anyway :P
So, not really had a week to write home about in all honestly! Haven't played an awful lot been struggling to find motivation + time to play. Only played a couple tournaments this week and none of them I cashed in. Had a bad day on Thursday where I lost £350ish playing cash. Ran pretty horribly - got it in as big favourites a good few times and was outdrawn. Next day I was feeling a bit down but saw my girlfriend (Alicia) later on and she cheered me up massively! Single tabled 50PLO that night and won £250 so that was good.
Saturday we went out to Liverpool to go to a Vegan fair (Alicia's a vegetarian but tries to eat vegan as much as possible!) - They had a cafe there but there was nothing I really liked the look off. I mean I'm happy to try new things but don't want to pay £2 for a vegetarian sausage roll for example and not even like it!! (I'm currently a life nit with money) We got the train home at quarter to 5 - we had a wedding evening party that we were going to at half 7. And lo and behold the train was cancelled due to a POINTS FAILURE?! I mean, cmon. There were about 350+ people stranded at Hooton. They called for buses but took forever and we ran into 2 friends from Uni and got a taxi back to Chester. The taxi took 25 mins to get there so we didn't get back till 10 to 7 in the end. I was still ready at half 7 though :P But the Wedding overan anyway so Alicia had plenty of time to get ready!
Back on to poker - I played some yesterday afternoon/evening. No touraments as we were intending to go back to my house that night. Watched Spurs win 2-0 whilst single tabling 20PLO omaha and making a small profit. Played a couple 50PLO tables and short stacked 100PLO a couple times. Ended up down £60 overall. Could have been up £100 if not for this hand:
edit: NVM Again it won't post. Every time I use my laptop to c+p it messes up. Basically had AA55ss in a 4bet pot and flop came AK7r. Bet slightly less than 1/3 pot and guy with KQJT shoves over my raise and hits a J OTT. No board pair otr and £180 shipped his way instead of mine!
Two weeks in a row now I've gone deep and reached the money and then have been knocked out holding monster hands. Last week it was KK and QQ; This week it was KK again and then 88 to finish me off.
Played some omaha tonight but couldn't concentrate on it. Doubled my stack and then stupidly lost it. So up slightly tonight but really gutted that I couldn't make it further in the main. In the mini I also had a big stack and then kind of blew it. 3bet rancid a fair few times and just threw away a 12k chip stack. First I had K8o and 3bet to get it in with shorty with 22 and lost. Then I 3bet A9s to isolate shorty but rancid woke up with KK and 4bet and I had to fold. Then I 3-bet KQo and he calls with AJ. Flop is Jxx I fire one c-bet and give up. Then I 3-bet him with AJ and BB min 4-bets. Should have folded but I thought he might be light as I seemed to 3-betting all the time - ended up shoving into his KK and not sucking out.
OK so just realised it's been a good while since an update! Been a rough couple of weeks to say the least but my poker bankroll still remains in tact so that's a good positive!
So I'd reached £3k a good while earlier this month but since then I've just not got any sort of rhythm going. Where I was having days of only winning sessions I just was having a lot of break even days. And I started feeling depressed again - most notably on the past couple of thursdays where I was just feeling really down. I still don't have a job yet and I really want poker to be my main source of income but at the same time I know I need a job. But just lack any motivation to look for one.
Then on thursday I hadn't eaten all day till about 5 when I finally went downstairs to make some sandwiches. At which point my mum started having a go at me. And I just flipped out and lost it - went to through my half made sandwich at her but through it on the surface instead and then went to leave the house (with no shoes on and it hammering down in rain!) but my Dad talked me into not doing something so rash! Saw my girlfriend later that night though and just like that I was feeling better!
Anyway, went down to to the SPT on Saturday and had a great time down there. Got knocked out at around half 11 close yet so far to making the 2nd day! I played well for the most part but somewhat disappointed with a couple of hands. One was when I stationed off with TT on a J98xx board. I had a draw and a pair which I thought could easily be good enough but probably should have folded by the river.
Then I moved table and immediately noticed a very aggressive player on my right. I was still short at this point (about 24k - I had gone down to 10k but built it up with some nicely timed shoves on the last table) - BTN raised and SB 3-bet. I'd made up my mind that I was going to shove with any reasonable holding and I looked down and saw JJ!! BTN folded to my shove and SB tanked for a while and made the call with 84o. 332 flop, 8 turn for a bit of a scare but a blank river. BTN had 33 for quads as well had he played!! Then I made a comment to him when I contemplated but chickened out 3betting with A5 where I said I was thinking of light 3-betting there. He then proceeded to constantly take the mick and he raised OTB twice and asked me if I was going to prove him wrong and light 3-bet him.
But I never had a hand to do so with.... I was almost tempted with J5s but figured he really wanted me to 3-bet him that time. Afterwards he said he was jamming as he had AT. I was getting quite short again... only had around 32k. Decided to call an early pos jam with AJs. Disappointed I didn't fold really - but at the same time I didn't want to scrape into the final day I wanted a chip stack. Was up against AQ and didn't win. Ended up only on 10k and with blinds hitting me the next hand I made a shove with 10,9 UTG. Snapped by KK (same guy who had AQ) and lost.
All in all an enjoyable SPT. Met some new people that hadn't met before at SPT's and met some people I'd ran into before. I only wished I could have stayed longer. Planed to go out with a few of the guys I'd met (NMIPEIS, Shentoku and some others) but my phone battery had died by the time I exited the tournament. So I just went back to the hotel. My gf was going to come up on the Sunday and we were going to have a day out around Nottingham (had I gone out of the tournament) but in the end we decided not to on the Sunday because we didn't know what the trains would be like later on with the bad forecast for the weather.
Played the UKOPS omaha tournament Sunday night but had a mare in it. Called a raise OTB with some low garbage rundown with a fair few gaps. 4 of us to the flop and it came Q36r. I think I had bottom 2 with a gutshot and a BDFD. Decided I was good enough to shove over a bet and they had Q6 no other draw and held. Down to 200 chips but I got back into contention and then got it in with AA against KK and another AA77 and the other AA won when they flopped a set of 7s. Over the past few days have played a few tournaments but may as well be throwing my money down the drain. Playing terrible in them - just can't seem to concentrate at all.
Cash has been better though and dug me out of the hole. Currently on 2.7k (I took out 300 quid the other week) and have my C4P to come which was around £140.
Not made priority for 2nd month running though but going to try and do better this month in terms of volume to try and reach it again!
I rarely post hands on 2+2 just because AFAIK you can't convert with them skypoker hand histories? Like I said earlier in the thread I find discussing hands/strategy helps most with improving my game. And I enjoy it somewhat more than looking over my own hand histories!!
I'm playing 50nl now (have 55BI's or so) but mixing it in with 30NL aswell. 55BI's probably is a tad on the small side but the variance is quite small especially during the daytime since it plays so nitty in general. And at night time when I get to play variance might be more but standard is worse so it's good to play then too. Only time I would consider not playing is if there was a table with lots of aggression (and with good players) - would rather have 80BI's + for a table like that.
I also need to learn more to quit a table when I get fairly deep with someone though at 50NL. Playing 200bb deep is like playing with a 25BI BR and can definitely hurt if you lose an all in vs them.
Small blind
Big blind
Sit out
Your hole cards
Three Kings
Had I won that pot I would have had a £190 winning session this afternoon. As it was it turned out to be breakeven!
Won 5 pots this afternoon over £15 (highest £33) and the other 4 were less than £20. 2 losses over £15 but one of them was £30 and the other was the hand above.
Decent hour and a half session just then leaving me £80ish up. Broke even playing holdem but made just over 4BI's at 20PL Omaha. Really slow start as well where I just folded a lot and waited for a hand but then in the space of half an hour I was from £20 to £110!
I thought it was a dead swingy game but you seem to always win... do you think your edge in the low stakes PLO on Sky is pretty huge?
Granted KK82 is a junky pair hand, but I assume you'd open something like AKKT?
OK so just realised it's been a good while since an update! Been a rough couple of weeks to say the least but my poker bankroll still remains in tact so that's a good positive!

So I'd reached £3k a good while earlier this month but since then I've just not got any sort of rhythm going. Where I was having days of only winning sessions I just was having a lot of break even days. And I started feeling depressed again - most notably on the past couple of thursdays where I was just feeling really down. I still don't have a job yet and I really want poker to be my main source of income but at the same time I know I need a job. But just lack any motivation to look for one.
Then on thursday I hadn't eaten all day till about 5 when I finally went downstairs to make some sandwiches. At which point my mum started having a go at me. And I just flipped out and lost it - went to through my half made sandwich at her but through it on the surface instead and then went to leave the house (with no shoes on and it hammering down in rain!) but my Dad talked me into not doing something so rash! Saw my girlfriend later that night though and just like that I was feeling better!
Anyway, went down to to the SPT on Saturday and had a great time down there. Got knocked out at around half 11 close yet so far to making the 2nd day! I played well for the most part but somewhat disappointed with a couple of hands. One was when I stationed off with TT on a J98xx board. I had a draw and a pair which I thought could easily be good enough but probably should have folded by the river.
Then I moved table and immediately noticed a very aggressive player on my right. I was still short at this point (about 24k - I had gone down to 10k but built it up with some nicely timed shoves on the last table) - BTN raised and SB 3-bet. I'd made up my mind that I was going to shove with any reasonable holding and I looked down and saw JJ!! BTN folded to my shove and SB tanked for a while and made the call with 84o. 332 flop, 8 turn for a bit of a scare but a blank river. BTN had 33 for quads as well had he played!! Then I made a comment to him when I contemplated but chickened out 3betting with A5 where I said I was thinking of light 3-betting there. He then proceeded to constantly take the mick and he raised OTB twice and asked me if I was going to prove him wrong and light 3-bet him.
But I never had a hand to do so with.... I was almost tempted with J5s but figured he really wanted me to 3-bet him that time. Afterwards he said he was jamming as he had AT. I was getting quite short again... only had around 32k. Decided to call an early pos jam with AJs. Disappointed I didn't fold really - but at the same time I didn't want to scrape into the final day I wanted a chip stack. Was up against AQ and didn't win. Ended up only on 10k and with blinds hitting me the next hand I made a shove with 10,9 UTG. Snapped by KK (same guy who had AQ) and lost.
Played the UKOPS omaha tournament Sunday night but had a mare in it. Called a raise OTB with some low garbage rundown with a fair few gaps. 4 of us to the flop and it came Q36r. I think I had bottom 2 with a gutshot and a BDFD. Decided I was good enough to shove over a bet and they had Q6 no other draw and held. Down to 200 chips but I got back into contention and then got it in with AA against KK and another AA77 and the other AA won when they flopped a set of 7s. Over the past few days have played a few tournaments but may as well be throwing my money down the drain. Playing terrible in them - just can't seem to concentrate at all.
Cash has been better though and dug me out of the hole. Currently on 2.7k (I took out 300 quid the other week) and have my C4P to come which was around £140.
Not made priority for 2nd month running though but going to try and do better this month in terms of volume to try and reach it again!
Noticed you in the small stakes 2p2 forum the other day, do you usually go over hands on there?
How many BI are you looking to make before you start playing 50nl mate, or are you looking to play more PLO.
I really need to be getting to one of these SPTs soon, seems like a really decent night out.
Wouldn't mind getting to 100nl by the end of the year myself but I think we both need to start putting the volume in, Gl with your goals anyway mate.
I'm playing 50nl now (have 55BI's or so) but mixing it in with 30NL aswell. 55BI's probably is a tad on the small side but the variance is quite small especially during the daytime since it plays so nitty in general. And at night time when I get to play variance might be more but standard is worse so it's good to play then too. Only time I would consider not playing is if there was a table with lots of aggression (and with good players) - would rather have 80BI's + for a table like that.
I also need to learn more to quit a table when I get fairly deep with someone though at 50NL. Playing 200bb deep is like playing with a 25BI BR and can definitely hurt if you lose an all in vs them.
Won 5 pots this afternoon over £15 (highest £33) and the other 4 were less than £20. 2 losses over £15 but one of them was £30 and the other was the hand above.