Ohimgood I'm amazed you've been allowed back on to the forum. Yet to see a non trolling post from you. Is your life really that pathetic that all you want to do is go on forums and upset people? My wife is a reviewer of fools and she agrees that you are one. Posted by Jac35
Sorry to derail a little but this sounds like an interesting career choice! can anybody do it or do you need some sort of qualification?!
I could see ohimgood was a fool ages ago so I think I have the necessary skillz
In Response to Re: F_Ivanovic 20nl to 100nl reg by the end of 2013 (+ skypoker/lifestory) : Sorry to derail a little but this sounds like an interesting career choice! can anybody do it or do you need some sort of qualification?! I could see ohimgood was a fool ages ago so I think I have the necessary skillz Posted by jdsallstar
I did actually make it up for effect, after his "my wife" nonsense.
However, my wife does review my foolishness on a regular basis.
Only qualification required is to be a wife. So I think you've lucked out there JD.
In Response to Re: F_Ivanovic 20nl to 100nl reg by the end of 2013 (+ skypoker/lifestory) : I did actually make it up for effect, after his "my wife" nonsense. However, my wife does review my foolishness on a regular basis. Only qualification required is to be a wife. So I think you've lucked out there JD. Posted by Jac35
Lol I knew you did!
Just proves my attempts at humour are really as bad as my wife tells me!
haha! Was so annoying though. The bet sizing wouldn't work properly I was trying to type it in and it wouldn't work. So at the last second I tried to use the 2x BTN for 4bet size but it was too late and I folded! It was vs someone who a 4bet/gii definitely was profitable as well. And cheers! I was so annoyed at getting 3 outered but then I remembered I only got to that spot in the first place by 3 outering someone to stay in the tourney :P Posted by F_Ivanovic
really annoying when that happens - next few orbits tend to be button clicking only - although it´s worth it when it all goes in after you and its AA vs KK and you realize how lucky you have been (has happened to me)
Entered main, mini + deepstack tonight. Busted both main and mini and 5/17th in deepstack. Had an ugh exit in the main. Aggro player raises my BB I defend with A4s. Flop an A and he c/min-r me I think he's either drawing or just bluffing with something weird. So I call and call turn and he flips A8.
This is somewhat irritating that every time I post a hand history in this thread it fails and ends up cluttering up the thread with garbage!! Basically in that hand history from last night I got it in 5 ways with JJ. Was up against AT, QJ, A5 and some garbage hand. Q hit on the flop to take it down for QJ!! Would have made me close to chip leader i imagine.
Anyway not updated for a while so will have a quick update now. Recently played a few DYM's and so far have a 100% success in them. 4/4 I think in PLO8 and 3/3 in NLH. I dunno if I see value in grinding them long term but it's a good profit builder if I'm having a downswing on cash/tourneys!
So tonight I'll probably be doing the usual of main/mini/deepstack and some PLO. I entered a £5 BH tourney by accident before - it was a £750 GTD and I just assumed it was the £22 deepstack. I said in chatbox that I entered this by mistake. and then first hand I got dealt AK. In case anyone saw the chat and wanted an easy head thinking I was shoving light I decided to shove. Alas, only got folds. Then next hand I picked up JJ in the BB. Thought it was a great spot to do the same and even more so when the SB raised into me. He pretty much snapped me off with AT and I smiled as the flop came down AKQ!
So been a while since an update again. Just got back from a 3 day stay in Portugal with Alicia. Had an absolute mare booking the holiday though - we saw it online for £123 and so with transfers expected it to be £150-160. So Alicia rang up to book it on Sunday evening. Then once it was booked they said they would phone back with more details - anyway, they phoned back and informed us that the flights advertised weren't available. So they had to book us seperate flights - she then asked how much the holiday will be now and they informed her it would be £460 between us! So almost double the cost of the advertised price. She told them we weren't happy with that and wanted to cancel the holiday but then they say it's £250 to cancel!
Anyway, she gets off the phone at this point and we look online into the company we booked under "Deal of the day Holidays" (Heaven knows why we didn't do this before booking - in our first holiday last year we looked into everything!) - and saw loads of complaints on trip advisor about them. Most of them reporting similar tactics that they used to increase the price, although some complainees also had problems on their holiday. (including one who had to spend 200 euros on taxis and travel to 2 hotels because their original hotel hadn't got a booking under them)
The next day her Dad gets on the case and is phoning around/emailing the company to get to the bottom of this. Whilst he is doing this we also ring up again to see if we can cancel w/o paying a charge - Alicia rings up first but the person on the other end (indian call center) is pretty rude to her and just says it's not possible to cancel anymore. So then I ring back and get on the phone and tell him I want to speak to the people in charge (I have their names as her Dad found out for me) but he just tells me that's not possible. So I speak to him and explain that they have broken their T+C's. And as soon as I say this he just asks me if I'm the card holder. I say no, that I'm speaking on behalf of my girlfriend because she doesn't feel as comfortable talking especially when he's being rude to her. At which point he just hangs up!!!
Alicia's dad got back to us later on and has managed to get somewhere with it - but basically nothing could be done because the guy had tricked Alicia into saying ok's and yes' at the right times so that it looks like she has agreed to the extra costs - even though the guy was incredibly unclear on the phone.
So we end up doing the only sensible thing and just accepting it and going on the holiday. Thankfully, everything is fine. Transfers to the hotel were fine and the hotel was great. Weather was also very good for November with it being 23 degrees in daytime! Only downside is it was far too short in the end!
Anyway because of the holiday and the drama before I've barely played the last week! Had a short session on Tuesday night after I'd finished packing but that was about it. Might play the Primo tonight for only the 2nd time since I started this diary! My brother actually finished 3rd in last Sundays mini-primo as well. So I need to go one better in a big tournament soon!
Book on credit card, if travel company pulls a fast one and tries to lump extra charges on, ring bank and block their charges citing suspicious activity on their behalf
Book on credit card, if travel company pulls a fast one and tries to lump extra charges on, ring bank and block their charges citing suspicious activity on their behalf Posted by CoxyLboro
This ^^^
Always book stuff like that on a credit card for your own safety, then obv insta pay it off from your bank account.
Yeah been told a few times that booking on a credit card is always safest!! None of us have a credit card though! Will have to make sure to get one soon. We did ring a number the bank gave us but they said they couldn't do anything anyway until the transaction had actually gone through.
Anyway, thought about adding something new to my diary and doing a Q+A with anyone that wants to ask me any questions at all, whether it be poker related or life related. Also to get going with I'm just going to post a bit more about myself so if anyone wants to ask anything life related they'll know a bit about me first!
Name: Wes
Age: 24
Playing poker: Since I was 18 on skypoker but my sixth form days were filled with gambling! Will mention some more about this in a bit!
Hobbies apart from poker: Pool, chess, reading, tennis, badminton, football.
I've played pool since the start of Uni 4 years ago. I was semi-competent (probably pretty rubbish compared to now) to begin with having played a bit of snooker with my brother whenever we could. I also won a pool competition when we were on holiday which won us another holiday so I could play in the "finals" but we never went on it. Can't even remember the reason we didn't go on it now. I think it might have been in school term and my dad being a teacher just meant it wasn't possible! It wasn't much of an achievment though - there were hardly any people entered and none of them were any good! I now play for Flintshire County in the B team - again, not that great considering we're one of the worst county teams out there :P I think if I started playing at a younger age I might be quite good at snooker, but alas that never happened!
Chess - I played the odd few games growing up but never really interested me too much. When I was about 16/17 my younger brother was going to this chess club where I live (parents 'forced' him too) - I decided I wanted to go along. Plus my brother hated that it was mostly just made up of older people! I was pretty bad and my brother was better than me. We both stopped going eventually. Then in 2/3 years ago I rediscovered Chess. I signed up to Chess.com and begin to find how addictive it can be. I'm now a reasonably good player but have sort of hit a plateau in terms of improvement.
Reading - Probably favourite authors are Chris Ryan and James Patterson but then I haven't diversified myself too much. Tend to enjoy crime novels. I go in spells of reading a lot and then not reading for ages though. If I have the internet available I find it difficult to sit down and read a book!
Tennis/badminton - Used to play badminton a lot when I was younger and was pretty good. Fitness was always an issue though and what stopped me from becoming very good. Tennis I only ever played when I went down the park in the summer with my brother. Then at Uni I joined the tennis society and began to play a lot more. I love watcing tennis aswell. Best sport by far to sit down and watch when you're watching the top players!
Football - Am a Spurs fan and have been since about 8 (before then I supported United for maybe a year!!) - I live in Cheshire so no way near London and none of my family really have a connection down there. So why do I support them? Well, I've never been one to be a sheep. I've always liked trying to be unique in one way or another. I went through a craze of buying different couloured jeans in Uni (red, yellow, green, white) - this was before they were 'popular?' - I don't know if I would say they are popular now but you see a lot more people wearing coloured jeans these days and as a result I've gone off them! So anyway, nobody supported Spurs so that was 1 good reason to support them. The second was I liked the name. And the third but possibly BS reason was that I liked the way they played (At that age I don't think I understood too much the way Spurs played) And also I liked an underdog - and back then we were somewhat of an underdog. Oh the other reason is that I hated the name Arsenal and gunners. Which worked out well considering the rivalry of Spurs and Arsenal!
I actually read something a couple days ago about limping which made similar points to the ones I was making back in that thread. It talked about how min-r the BTN just doesn't acclompish anything in a HU game when your opponent is defending every min-open. I mean you really need to analyse each situation and ask yourself what you are trying to acclompish when you raise. I'm going to list all these reasons below that I can think of
- To isolate to a HU/3-way pot or win the pot right there
- To take the initiative and put money in when we have an equity advantage
- To reduce the SPR so we can get more money in post flop when we hit (preferably stacks if possible)
Between 13bb and 22bb we do not need to reduce the SPR since we will be able to get stacks in post-flop if we just limp in. So that takes care of the third reason. The second is to take the initiative. Firstly, the importance of initiative depends on the opponent. Against an aggressive villain initiative is good. Against a passive villain iniative becomes rather meaningless - they are just looking at their cards and playing their hand. Now they might be really tight and fold too much in which case a c-bet and take it down is going to be really profitable, or they might be somewhat stationary in which case we can go to value on them whenever we hit a piece. So that leaves the first reason I listed - and by far the most important for deciding what to do.
So if we are on the BTN and it's folded to us, how important is isolating? Well, it would be preferable to go to HU but 3 way is still pretty good if both opponents are passive. If they are tight-passive we can c-bet a lot for cheap and take it down. If they are loose (like to station post) passive then we can check to realise equity and just value bet when we have it. Winning the pot right there is always a good result except when we have the very top of our range in which case action would be nice. So how often will a min-r win the pot? If villain is defending almost every time, then a min-r is just not going to win the pot enough.
So what do we end up doing when we min-r these guys? We end up in a situation where we just reduce the SPR post flop and thus reduce our skill edge against our opponents. Ask yourself: How profitable is it to play a hand like 9Ts in position vs passive villain when the SPR post-flop will be 8? This is what happens when we limp the BTN and SB folds, BB checks and we have 20BB eff. Now what about the same hand but with a SPR 4.5? This is what happens when we min-r and BB calls. It might still be +ev but it's going to be much harder to show as good a profit. Since in low SPR situations we want hands which can flop TPGK a lot.
I can give a hypothetical example to that T9s. eg. We min-r, SB folds, BB calls. Flop is 742. BB has defended with A2o and SPR is only 4.5. SPR is now so small that he can profitably c/shove on this flop. But if SPR was 8, then they would be much less inclined to c/shove and can probably only call. Turn is then an 8 which gives us an open ender. We bet again and now their 2 doesn't look so good so they decide to fold.
Now, even though I've talked about this strategy before it's sometimes hard to know when it can be employed in a tournament because we will often not be on the same table when we started as when we are down to 13-22bb's. Thus we often don't know our opponents post flop play well enough to justify limping OTB when we can take down 1.5bb uncontested by putting in a min-r. But, if the situation does arise where you think it can be profitable then it can be a gold-mine. You can often cruise through the mid-late stages of the tournament by rarely ever putting your stack at risk just by playing lots of BTNs vs passive blinds.
Yeah I've read a couple books by some of them authors. Vince Flynn, Jack Higgins and Andy Mcnab are the ones I recognize and I seem to recall I enjoyed their books. Might have a look at some of the other authors you have listed. In my early teens I began writing a book - I wrote about 3 chapters in total but sadly I never went on to finish it. I also don't think I have a copy anymore of it as I wrote it on our old computer and don't believe I saved it anywhere
There was a short spell in my teens where I wanted to be an author when I grew up. I think part of that was due to the Harry Potter novels - and dreams of being able to get that rich just by writing a few novels enticed me! In fact I did consider doing a degree alongside Maths in creative writing but decided against it in the end. I was never brilliant at English but creative writing was certainly my best asset. I remember in year 9 in English we read Goodnight Mister Tom, and one excersie our teacher gave us one time was to write a chapter 0 on that book. And my English teacher gave me 3 merits for what I wrote - by far the most amount of merits I ever got for a piece of work! I wish I still had that somewhere now but I'm pretty sure I binned all my school books a long time ago thinking "when will I ever need them again?!"
haha, well played sir :P I actually read something a couple days ago about limping which made similar points to the ones I was making back in that thread. It talked about how min-r the BTN just doesn't acclompish anything in a HU game when your opponent is defending every min-open. I mean you really need to analyse each situation and ask yourself what you are trying to acclompish when you raise. I'm going to list all these reasons below that I can think of - To isolate to a HU/3-way pot or win the pot right there - To take the initiative and put money in when we have an equity advantage - To reduce the SPR so we can get more money in post flop when we hit (preferably stacks if possible) Between 13bb and 22bb we do not need to reduce the SPR since we will be able to get stacks in post-flop if we just limp in. So that takes care of the third reason. The second is to take the initiative. Firstly, the importance of initiative depends on the opponent. Against an aggressive villain initiative is good. Against a passive villain iniative becomes rather meaningless - they are just looking at their cards and playing their hand. Now they might be really tight and fold too much in which case a c-bet and take it down is going to be really profitable, or they might be somewhat stationary in which case we can go to value on them whenever we hit a piece. So that leaves the first reason I listed - and by far the most important for deciding what to do. So if we are on the BTN and it's folded to us, how important is isolating? Well, it would be preferable to go to HU but 3 way is still pretty good if both opponents are passive. If they are tight-passive we can c-bet a lot for cheap and take it down. If they are loose (like to station post) passive then we can check to realise equity and just value bet when we have it. Winning the pot right there is always a good result except when we have the very top of our range in which case action would be nice. So how often will a min-r win the pot? If villain is defending almost every time, then a min-r is just not going to win the pot enough. So what do we end up doing when we min-r these guys? We end up in a situation where we just reduce the SPR post flop and thus reduce our skill edge against our opponents. Ask yourself: How profitable is it to play a hand like 9Ts in position vs passive villain when the SPR post-flop will be 8? This is what happens when we limp the BTN and SB folds, BB checks and we have 20BB eff. Now what about the same hand but with a SPR 4.5? This is what happens when we min-r and BB calls. It might still be +ev but it's going to be much harder to show as good a profit. Since in low SPR situations we want hands which can flop TPGK a lot. I can give a hypothetical example to that T9s. eg. We min-r, SB folds, BB calls. Flop is 742. BB has defended with A2o and SPR is only 4.5. SPR is now so small that he can profitably c/shove on this flop. But if SPR was 8, then they would be much less inclined to c/shove and can probably only call. Turn is then an 8 which gives us an open ender. We bet again and now their 2 doesn't look so good so they decide to fold. Now, even though I've talked about this strategy before it's sometimes hard to know when it can be employed in a tournament because we will often not be on the same table when we started as when we are down to 13-22bb's. Thus we often don't know our opponents post flop play well enough to justify limping OTB when we can take down 1.5bb uncontested by putting in a min-r. But, if the situation does arise where you think it can be profitable then it can be a gold-mine. You can often cruise through the mid-late stages of the tournament by rarely ever putting your stack at risk just by playing lots of BTNs vs passive blinds. Posted by F_Ivanovic
interestig points, I had never considered limping the button as being the most profitable play in some spots... may have to reconsider! ...I think people are also less likely to defend when the pot is smaller and they have put in less.
In Response to Re: F_Ivanovic 20nl to 100nl Q+A welcome : interestig points, I had never considered limping the button as being the most profitable play in some spots... may have to reconsider! [b]...I think people are also less likely to defend when the pot is smaller and they have put in less.[/b] Posted by chicknMelt
Yeah this is true too. Something I do when playing in the blinds in limped pot and I have a garbage hand is just to imagine that I have folded pre to a raise. So any action that happens I can just pretend I have already folded without looking to see if I have hit a piece (unless of course I hit a big piece!)
Also, with 13bb to 22bb eff the blinds are often in an awkward situation when limped to with any semi-decent hand because shovng seems somewhat too big (especially 15bb+ with no antes) and if they just raise they face the possibility of being shoved on. As an example - say we min-r OTB with A8 with 17BB's and BB has KJ. BB can now shove and we're faced with a difficult decision with A8 where we have to call off when usualy in tournaments we want to be the one shoving so that we have 2 ways to win the pot. Now turn it around and say we limp with A8. BB with KJ makes a raise and we shove - now they're the one facing the tough decision. As a result of this, people will often just let you limp along (unless ofc they know your limping range just consists of weak/speculative holdings) - so you do need to make sure you have a balanced limping range if you are playing vs good players and want to adopt a limping strategy against them as well as against the passive fish.
Yeah been told a few times that booking on a credit card is always safest!! None of us have a credit card though! Will have to make sure to get one soon. We did ring a number the bank gave us but they said they couldn't do anything anyway until the transaction had actually gone through. Anyway, thought about adding something new to my diary and doing a Q+A with anyone that wants to ask me any questions at all, whether it be poker related or life related. Also to get going with I'm just going to post a bit more about myself so if anyone wants to ask anything life related they'll know a bit about me first! Name: Wes Age: 24 Playing poker: Since I was 18 on skypoker but my sixth form days were filled with gambling! Will mention some more about this in a bit! Hobbies apart from poker: Pool, chess, reading, tennis, badminton, football. I've played pool since the start of Uni 4 years ago. I was semi-competent (probably pretty rubbish compared to now) to begin with having played a bit of snooker with my brother whenever we could. I also won a pool competition when we were on holiday which won us another holiday so I could play in the "finals" but we never went on it. Can't even remember the reason we didn't go on it now. I think it might have been in school term and my dad being a teacher just meant it wasn't possible! It wasn't much of an achievment though - there were hardly any people entered and none of them were any good! I now play for Flintshire County in the B team - again, not that great considering we're one of the worst county teams out there :P I think if I started playing at a younger age I might be quite good at snooker, but alas that never happened! Chess - I played the odd few games growing up but never really interested me too much. When I was about 16/17 my younger brother was going to this chess club where I live (parents 'forced' him too) - I decided I wanted to go along. Plus my brother hated that it was mostly just made up of older people! I was pretty bad and my brother was better than me. We both stopped going eventually. Then in 2/3 years ago I rediscovered Chess. I signed up to Chess.com and begin to find how addictive it can be. I'm now a reasonably good player but have sort of hit a plateau in terms of improvement. Reading - Probably favourite authors are Chris Ryan and James Patterson but then I haven't diversified myself too much. Tend to enjoy crime novels. I go in spells of reading a lot and then not reading for ages though. If I have the internet available I find it difficult to sit down and read a book! Tennis/badminton - Used to play badminton a lot when I was younger and was pretty good. Fitness was always an issue though and what stopped me from becoming very good. Tennis I only ever played when I went down the park in the summer with my brother. Then at Uni I joined the tennis society and began to play a lot more. I love watcing tennis aswell. Best sport by far to sit down and watch when you're watching the top players! Football - Am a Spurs fan and have been since about 8 (before then I supported United for maybe a year!!) - I live in Cheshire so no way near London and none of my family really have a connection down there. So why do I support them? Well, I've never been one to be a sheep. I've always liked trying to be unique in one way or another. I went through a craze of buying different couloured jeans in Uni (red, yellow, green, white) - this was before they were 'popular?' - I don't know if I would say they are popular now but you see a lot more people wearing coloured jeans these days and as a result I've gone off them! So anyway, nobody supported Spurs so that was 1 good reason to support them. The second was I liked the name. And the third but possibly BS reason was that I liked the way they played (At that age I don't think I understood too much the way Spurs played) And also I liked an underdog - and back then we were somewhat of an underdog. Oh the other reason is that I hated the name Arsenal and gunners. Which worked out well considering the rivalry of Spurs and Arsenal! Posted by F_Ivanovic
SPERZ !!!! I know Man Utd fans come from south london and all that, but of all the teams to pick away from your home town, come on !
Was it anything to do with spurs being pants when you went to school and you just felt sorry for them. In those days they used to be sponsored by pony, surely this should have been enough to put you off!
I guess the one saving grace was there cant have been many gooners around in cheshire to remind you about the times we used to win trophies (sigh we are working on it !).
BTW if you want to experience londons riot culture a trip down to WHL is highly recommended .
Only ever been a home game once but planning on going down again this season at some point!
Had a quick session late last night after getting home from playing pool (brag: beat an ex-england international :P) Late regged a BH tourney doubled up, lost with KQs vs 88 then beat AK with A2 but shortly went out anyway. Played 2 50NL one omaha, one holdem. Holdem went well and Omaha was a disaster. I built up a nice stack to almost 200bb's in a short time. Then I had a hand where I 3-bet with JJ only to face a jam (190bb's eff) and readless I thought a call was good - my only other read is that he had made the same move a few hands ago when he jams over a raise, call-3bet. Up against KK but I manage to hit a J and get the double up.
However, my luck on omaha was much much worse. No good starting hands and when I did get involved I was missing the flop massively. One hand I flopped a set and got in vs NFD and lost. Hit 2 pair a few times and got rivered by a flush. So despite winning almost 300bbs in holdem I found myself BE. Then final hand of the night I picked up AA23ss. Action before me went raise/3-bet/4bet and I ofc stick it in. 2 calls and I find myself a 48% favourite 3 way. (QQT8ss and K9T2ss) - I had one of the suits covered as well. Unfotunately flop came T8x... I needed a paired card OTR (that didn't give a FH) or an A to win but it came an 8!
Only ever been a home game once but planning on going down again this season at some point! Had a quick session late last night after getting home from playing pool (brag: beat an ex-england international :P) Late regged a BH tourney doubled up, lost with KQs vs 88 then beat AK with A2 but shortly went out anyway. Played 2 50NL one omaha, one holdem. Holdem went well and Omaha was a disaster. I built up a nice stack to almost 200bb's in a short time. Then I had a hand where I 3-bet with JJ only to face a jam (190bb's eff) and readless I thought a call was good - my only other read is that he had made the same move a few hands ago when he jams over a raise, call-3bet. Up against KK but I manage to hit a J and get the double up. However, my luck on omaha was much much worse. No good starting hands and when I did get involved I was missing the flop massively. One hand I flopped a set and got in vs NFD and lost. Hit 2 pair a few times and got rivered by a flush. So despite winning almost 300bbs in holdem I found myself BE. Then final hand of the night I picked up AA23ss. Action before me went raise/3-bet/4bet and I ofc stick it in. 2 calls and I find myself a 48% favourite 3 way. (QQT8ss and K9T2ss) - I had one of the suits covered as well. Unfotunately flop came T8x... I needed a paired card OTR (that didn't give a FH) or an A to win but it came an 8! Posted by F_Ivanovic
Which pool player??
Used to be a regular on the pool circuit. Retired now
I could see ohimgood was a fool ages ago so I think I have the necessary skillz
Always book stuff like that on a credit card for your own safety, then obv insta pay it off from your bank account.