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Can an old dog learn new tricks?



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited December 2015
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : Filters been off for months, at least since this -
    Posted by mrsduck
    I remember that thread now.

    The Business were not aware that the profanity filter had failed, it was certainly not deliberate, or "turned off".
    Of course, they would have known if it had been reported to Customer Care.........
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited December 2015
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Merry Christmas Tikay, hope you have a lovely time, you deserve it :) xx
    Posted by mrsduck
    The same to you, too, two-two Lady.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited December 2015
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    I had the opposite last night, the 60p games were filling so slowly, I must have registered for one while I was playing a £3.30. I shut the computer down a couple of hours later and when I started it up this morning I found that the game filled up at about 11:00 and of course I blinded out.
    Posted by FCHD
    Ugh, how irritating is that?

    I have a "close-down" routine after every session.
    1) Once my 30th game pops up, go to the Lobby & de-reg everything. I'll always be regged for every available game at the levels I frequent, so this is essential.
    2) Check my Reward Points. This is updated in real time, or within a few seconds of the last game ending. Oddly, if I log off & back on (see point 3) below) The Reward points widget disappears, so I check it before logging off.

    3) Log off & then insta log back on.  My account balance does not auto refresh, it can be a very long way behind, so it's the only accurate way to check my balance when ending a session. I ALWAYS want to know my exact closing balance, without that I can't update my stats. I'm afraid I have stat OCD. 

    Have a grand Xmas Barny, & thanks for all the Community work you do, with pride of place to your WSOP work every year.     

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited December 2015

    A quick "thank you" to all those who read, or Posted, in 2015 on this little challenge thread. It became, at on time, a focal point, a gathering station, for all the PLO8 crew, but now we have various other Challenge thread (LIKE), so that's good.

    Think I have played my final DYM of 2015, though I may sneak an odd one or two more in, so I'll do my "Annual Report" later this week, & report on my 2015 numbers.

    Normal service will resume on New Years Day, when I'll be back playing, & aiming to get 2015 off to a flyer.
    Quick reminder - I can't help myself, I have to spam - that starting next Monday, January 4th, & for a whole week, it's DOUBLE REWARD POINTS on all SNG's. Num num num. 

    Happiness & health to you all in 2015. And please try to ENJOY your poker.

  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,654
    edited December 2015
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    A quick "thank you" to all those who read, or Posted, in 2015 on this little challenge thread. It became, at on time, a focal point, a gathering station, for all the PLO8 crew, but now we have various other Challenge thread (LIKE), so that's good. Think I have played my final DYM of 2015, though I may sneak an odd one or two more in, so I'll do my "Annual Report" later this week, & report on my 2015 numbers. Normal service will resume on New Years Day, when I'll be back playing, & aiming to get 2015 off to a flyer.   Quick reminder - I can't help myself, I have to spam - that starting next Monday, January 4th, & for a whole week, it's DOUBLE REWARD POINTS on all SNG's. Num num num.  Happiness & health to you all in 2015. And please try to ENJOY your poker. xx      
    Posted by Tikay10

    Its 2016.....but close ;)

    Hope it is a good one for you Tony (and Gill). Best regards from Sky's resident moaner x some PLO in the New Year please....those DYMs are dead thanks to you and your posse.

  • Macacgirl1Macacgirl1 Member Posts: 865
    edited December 2015
    The very best of everything to you TK. Chat-box nonsense aside, you genunely are a star in my opinion. I love how you conduct yourself, how you tolerate the cerebrally challenged on the forums, how you assist people for no other reason than you can and how you love Poker.
    You are 100% correct of course, Poker is to be enjoyed, I so wish people would embrace that. So many come across as positively hating it sometimes, crazy.
    Good luck and good health for next year, may you always parp through silk.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited December 2015

    A very odd & strangely uncomfortable day yesterday.

    Gill was on her way down, (she lives in Stoke) & it generally takes 2.5 hours. So when she had not arrived after 4 hours, it started to stress me out a bit. She arrived eventually - traffic was terrible - but it sort of unsettled me a bit.
    I had planned to just play the UKOPS PLO, but I realised I had 930 points, & if I reached 1,000, that'd be an extra £3. Three quid, lol, that's just a single £3.30 DYM win.
    But no, Mr Greedy decided to add in enough DYM's (17 as it turned out) to reach the 1,000.
    And I'm extremely "organised" normally. Have a shower first, make a cuppa & a decanter of iced water with fresh lemon, set up my A5 Pad to record results, da de da.  Instead, Gill was fussing around - nicely fussing around - but it took me out of my zone a bit, as I'm used to being alone all the time. 

    And I NEVER mix PLO & PLO8, it's a recipe for disaster. Maybe a younger man has the mental dexterity, but I don't. I can play either to a reasonable degree of competence, but not at the same time. 

    Anyway, I saw there in the UKOPS PLO, with no decent starting hands, fold, fold, quick quick fold. Meanwhile, my PLO8 DYM focus was all over the shop, & I lost 8 of the first 10. Marv. 

    Suddenly, I need to get a wriggle on in the PLO, & decided it's move time, so I 3 bet someone with a nice double suited dangle-less rundown, & walk smack bang into Vespa's good Aces. And runner runner a remarkable outdraw to double up. Whoops. 

    Anyway, I then found good DS Aces myself, & a good flop, but my man, to my left, who was not inclined to fold much, had flopped top pair, but no draw. Until he hit his top pair again. So that was that. 

    With better focus on the DYM's, I pulled most of the deficit back, & ended up winning 8 from 17 for a small loss. The money is of no consequence in the long term of course. Over thousands of games, a single session is neither here nor there. But.....there was some bad blood at the Tables, & my judgement in someone was proven to be wide of the mark.         
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited December 2015

    Ahh yes, 2016, not 2015. See, senility has crept up on me whilst I was not looking.
    PLO? Yeah, I keep threatening to liven them up, & I might just do that. The PLO8 crew & their stunning success deffo has a downside, & that's that we killed the PLO DYM action.
    Anyway, Alan (Lord Whingle) & Karen (Lady Twaddle), tyvm, it means a great deal to me. Yesterday really was not a nice day, but it should not have troubled me like it did. More on that in a bit.  
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited December 2015
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    A very odd & strangely uncomfortable day yesterday. Gill was on her way down, (she lives in Stoke) & it generally takes 2.5 hours. So when she had not arrived after 4 hours, it started to stress me out a bit. She arrived eventually - traffic was terrible - but it sort of unsettled me a bit.   I had planned to just play the UKOPS PLO, but I realised I had 930 points, & if I reached 1,000, that'd be an extra £3. Three quid, lol, that's just a single £3.30 DYM win.   But no, Mr Greedy decided to add in enough DYM's (17 as it turned out) to reach the 1,000.   And I'm extremely "organised" normally. Have a shower first, make a cuppa & a decanter of iced water with fresh lemon, set up my A5 Pad to record results, da de da.  Instead, Gill was fussing around - nicely fussing around - but it took me out of my zone a bit, as I'm used to being alone all the time.  And I NEVER mix PLO & PLO8, it's a recipe for disaster. Maybe a younger man has the mental dexterity, but I don't. I can play either to a reasonable degree of competence, but not at the same time.  Anyway, I saw there in the UKOPS PLO, with no decent starting hands, fold, fold, quick quick fold. Meanwhile, my PLO8 DYM focus was all over the shop, & I lost 8 of the first 10. Marv.  Suddenly, I need to get a wriggle on in the PLO, & decided it's move time, so I 3 bet someone with a nice double suited dangle-less rundown, & walk smack bang into Vespa's good Aces. And runner runner a remarkable outdraw to double up. Whoops.  Anyway, I then found good DS Aces myself, & a good flop, but my man, to my left, who was not inclined to fold much, had flopped top pair, but no draw. Until he hit his top pair again. So that was that.  With better focus on the DYM's, I pulled most of the deficit back, & ended up winning 8 from 17 for a small loss. The money is of no consequence in the long term of course. Over thousands of games, a single session is neither here nor there. But.....there was some bad blood at the Tables, & my judgement in someone was proven to be wide of the mark.           
    Posted by Tikay10

    Whoops indeed !

    Looking forward to more fun in 2016.
    Thanks for your enthusiasm for this great game.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited December 2015

    Yes, I did feel a bit bad about that Mick, as you had been sitting nice & quiet all evening, & I knew you were only playing proper PLO hands.

    I don't mind folks playing every hand - in fact I WANT that - but generally I was not in the zone last night.
    I'm preparing my excuses for an early PLO8 exit right right now.
    Think it might involve either a turkey basting implement, or some stuffing & a spare orifice.  
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited December 2015

    So, I like to be nice & organised when I have a session. Turn off the TV, stop surfing, just CONCENTRATE, & have a few hours of relaxing fun. Love it to bits, I forget all my aches, pains, worries & whittles when pokering.
    It was the perfect storm yesterday, one way & another.
    Just as I was preparing to start, I got involved trying to hep someone sort a problem. The problem was over a Freeroll. And one point. That went well. Ish. 

    6 Forum Posts, 4 e-mails to & from the Office, over a single point & a Freeroll.
    Did that make sense? Of course not.  And helping someone who is 1 point shy, or thinks they are, what about that? Next it'll be someone else who is 2 points shy, then 3, 4 or 5. And what about those who did get their required number of points - how happy might they be if we squeeze an extra player in via the back door?

    So I was a bit cross with myself, because, whatever way I look at it, it was a fail. Work smart but hard says The Business. They are right. I did a FAIL. 

    There was a parallel problem, too, with someone who needed a favour. 6 PM's went back & forth, & 4 E-Mails to the office. The chap asked me loads of questions, & I answered every single one, over a 4 day period. The deadline to sort it was yesterday, & my last note to him, answering all his questions, was 3 days ago. He never bothered to reply. Another waste of time. Would have been better just to send him to CC in the first place.

    Not a good start, then.

    And then.......... 
  • 67Bhoys67Bhoys Member Posts: 2,553
    edited December 2015
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    A very odd & strangely uncomfortable day yesterday. Gill was on her way down, (she lives in Stoke) & it generally takes 2.5 hours. So when she had not arrived after 4 hours, it started to stress me out a bit. She arrived eventually - traffic was terrible - but it sort of unsettled me a bit.   I had planned to just play the UKOPS PLO, but I realised I had 930 points, & if I reached 1,000, that'd be an extra £3. Three quid, lol, that's just a single £3.30 DYM win.   But no, Mr Greedy decided to add in enough DYM's (17 as it turned out) to reach the 1,000.   And I'm extremely "organised" normally. Have a shower first, make a cuppa & a decanter of iced water with fresh lemon, set up my A5 Pad to record results, da de da.  Instead, Gill was fussing around - nicely fussing around - but it took me out of my zone a bit, as I'm used to being alone all the time.  And I NEVER mix PLO & PLO8, it's a recipe for disaster. Maybe a younger man has the mental dexterity, but I don't. I can play either to a reasonable degree of competence, but not at the same time.  Anyway, I saw there in the UKOPS PLO, with no decent starting hands, fold, fold, quick quick fold. Meanwhile, my PLO8 DYM focus was all over the shop, & I lost 8 of the first 10. Marv.  Suddenly, I need to get a wriggle on in the PLO, & decided it's move time, so I 3 bet someone with a nice double suited dangle-less rundown, & walk smack bang into Vespa's good Aces. And runner runner a remarkable outdraw to double up. Whoops.  Anyway, I then found good DS Aces myself, & a good flop, but my man, to my left, who was not inclined to fold much, had flopped top pair, but no draw. Until he hit his top pair again. So that was that.  With better focus on the DYM's, I pulled most of the deficit back, & ended up winning 8 from 17 for a small loss. The money is of no consequence in the long term of course. Over thousands of games, a single session is neither here nor there. But.....there was some bad blood at the Tables, & my judgement in someone was proven to be wide of the mark.           
    Posted by Tikay10

    Sorry to hear that Tikay, I was on a couple of your tables, and noticed you were unusually quiet in the chat.  Meanwhile I was fairly merry(to say the least) after two days of wining and dining.  I hope I wasn't too crass in the chatbox, but if so apologies.

    Thanks for all your support in 2015.


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited December 2015

    One reason the PLO8 traffic has risen so spectacularly here is that we all - or most of us - really look after, & make welcome, new players.

    Say "hi", make convo, generally show a bit of warmth & friendship. It's amazingly effective.
    It's what the Pros should do, all the time. Some do, of course. Some don't.
    So, Newbie arrives 4 or 5 days ago. There were several regulars at the table - AJ, Hendo, etc.
    The table had a player with 8,000 chips, & the rest of us were all just trying to hang in.

    Suddenly, Newbie complains that we are playing as a Team. Eh?

    Then claimed that Mr 8,000 chips was deliberately targeting her & stealing her BB, & we were all colluding against her because "I can see you are all mates as you are talking to each other". Ahh right, that makes us cheats then.

    Given Mr 8,000 was sat to her IMMEDIATE left, nicking her BB was not really an option......

    We settled her down. No no no, we don't collude. Yes yes, we chat, that's what we do. Come here & play hard, but chat.
    She accepted this, or seemed to. During that evening, on 5 or 6 different tables, she apologised profusely for suggesting we were all colluding.

    "Forget it, it's forgotten, just enjoy yourself, we are here every night".

    So that was that. 

    Or so we thought.....   
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited December 2015
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : Sorry to hear that Tikay, I was on a couple of your tables, and noticed you were unusually quiet in the chat.  Meanwhile I was fairly merry(to say the least) after two days of wining and dining.  I hope I wasn't too crass in the chatbox, but if so apologies. Thanks for all your support in 2015. Craig
    Posted by 67Bhoys
    Yes, you are 3rd person to suggest I was "quiet" last night.

    Apologies to all. It was a strange night.....
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited December 2015

    I had told all the fellow Ploppers about this Newbie, & asked them to make her welcome. "Yeah yeah, understood". They know the drill. & they trust me.

    "Look after Newbie, she's a good kid" I said.

    Then, last night, our newbie friend was on the tables again.

    "Hi, how was Xmas?" we said, bla bla. No reply. Fair enough.

    Then it kicked off.

    In short, I bust Newbie's Aces. Well, you know, it's PLO8. It happens. A lot. Like 10 or 15 times every night to me, & anyone else who plays a bunch of games.
    I do have a weakness in PLO8 for suited aces with a deuce. These are potential SCOOP hands. We don't play to win half, we play hands that can SCOOP. And suited aces with the deuce are perfect SCOOP material.
    I had A-2-7-7, double suited. Newbie min-raised from the button at 25-50. I'm in the BB. I'll have a look for 50 chips, which is 2.5% of my stack. (I always calculate % of my stack).
    It comes all low, 5-6-4, & 2 of my suit. Check bet call.
    Turn brings my nut flush. Lovely, I have nut nut, & someone who has a big hand. Perfect.
    I check, Newbie bets, we go pot pot & pot & get it all in, Newbie has bad aces, gg. The perfect "plays itself spot" for me. 

    Then came the accusations. 

    "You ALWAYS get lucky". 

    "Well yes, I seem to". 

    "And you get help from the others". 

    Sorry? Can you explain?

    No further comment.
    Never mind, too bad. She's prob just a bit tilted.
    Later, I'm railing the High Roller & some other UKOPS stuff, just wishing GL to a few friends.
    Suddenly, aware that I had not uttered a word all night to my PLO8 friends - & I always chat with Karen & the Team, I thought I'd find her on a table & say goodnight.

    We ALWAYS say goodnight, all of us, every night. It's nice, don't you think? It's part of the pleasure.

    "My last one tonight, great fun this evening, see ya tomorrow" sorta thing.
     And I find Karen, sharing a table with Newbie. Who is, once again, bleating on about us all being part of a "team". Again & again. Maca has her diplomatic head on. "Unlucky". Probably because I'd given the character reference.

    I felt a bit like an eavesdropper. I said nothing & left the table.
    Pretty sad when folks can't take a beat, right?

    And I end up going to SS, & searching for my "Most Frequent Opponents". With a limited player pool, we do get to play against each other a lot. And we chat a lot. But oh my, we play HARD. 

    Here's my "10 Most Frequent Opponents".










    Can you imagine ANY of that lot taking it easy against each other? It's utterly brutal every night, as we vie to bust each other.
    What strange times we live in, that people can't take a beat, & are allowed to defame all & sundry with no comeback.

    We see it on the Community, every day, "Sky Poker is fraudulent". Not those words, but amounting to them. What right have they to say such things? If I were King for a Day, I'd sue every one of them.

    And the worst thing was I told all my mates to look after this newbie. Good read that. Not.  
    Right, let's see how that turkey is getting on, with that basting thing up it's orifice.      

  • HENDRIK62HENDRIK62 Member Posts: 3,238
    edited December 2015


    Enjoy your turkey and please ignore all the nonsense said person is writing, I popped open a table with Stu and Ger just to say 'hi' and caught the remnants of a very similar conversation, she got short shrift from everyone.

    To my mind she just doesn't understand the dynamics and strategies in DYM play.

    I don't think you need to explain anything (albeit I know its your nature to try and do the right thing), on our first encounter as you mentioned we both spoke to her and tried to explain the situation, but it obviously fell on deaf ears or was unable to penetrate the tin foil conspiracy hat......

    Enjoy your dinner and 'crush!!!!!!!!' tonights PLO8 tourney. 

    (hope I used enough exclamation marks and the correct language to get my point across) 

  • stuarty117stuarty117 Member Posts: 1,395
    edited December 2015
    Yes she said, stu you and ger seem very friendly.

    And then it kicked off

    I love knocking ger out ALOT simply because he does it to me ALOT hehe.
  • Macacgirl1Macacgirl1 Member Posts: 865
    edited December 2015
    I thought she was just full of Christmas Spirits so wasn't bothered with her.
    I wonder what she'd think when we're four handed and you chat-box (for anyone reading, all jokingly of course and meant in the fun spirit of things) 'please bust mac'. She'd probably explode.
    Goodluck tonight anyways, unless I'm at your table, in which case standby for a jodding.
  • winshoeswinshoes Member Posts: 133
    edited December 2015
    Happy new year Tony.
    Thanks for all of your efforts with both PL08 dym's and the forum this year.
    Be lucky in 2016 mate.
  • AmarieAmarie Member Posts: 448
    edited December 2015
    Hi all, just popped in to wish you all a very happy and prosperous New Year, I'm off for a week in the sun tomorrow, but will hopefully be back on the tables again on the 8th.

    Happy New Year and best wishes


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