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Can an old dog learn new tricks?



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited August 2014

    Only played a mini-session, as I was incredibly fatigued. Did Thursday's Show, (Midnight finish) then was up all night Friday playing Live Poker, literally, so I was shattered.
    Was playing pretty well untl 2 horrendous errors late in the session took the gloss off the numbers.

    In one, I was typing some chat into the box, and it caused me to RAISE on another table, ugh. I never intended to raise, it was a standard fold, but it just happened. As I pressed "Enter" for the chat, it must have switched Tables as it was me to act next. Must be careful to avoid that in future. I blame MOTHER.

    Will be on the Tables tonight, & Monday, am working Tuesday, playing again on Wednesday, then that's me done until August 18th, due to UKPC.
    Hope to see a few of you tonight, the games on Sunday are usually good, with plenty of £11ers running.
  • AmarieAmarie Member Posts: 448
    edited August 2014
    I love reading these posts Mr K please dont stop, my usual morning routing is: chores done; coffee made; open PC read 'Can an old dog learn new tricks?' and then laugh for the rest of the day - what more can a girl want? (but I do get a bit grumpy when you miss a couple of days!!)

    Well done on your fantastic win on Friday/Saturday, but was wondering how on earth do the dealers cope with working out pot limits, then having to split pots etc they must have to be mathematical geniuses - so well done to them as well.

    See you at the tables tonight 

    (from Rochdale, not Bury or Burnley or even Oldham its ROCHDALE)


  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited August 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : Morning Gelders.   Apologies, I did go on Friday, but I had a challenging day, (phone battery died, left the charger at work, could not access internet for long periods) so I was unable to let you know.  Sadly, I will NOT be playing tonight's PLO8 @ The Vic. Why? The structure is so good that if you make the final, it will not end until around 3 or 4am, maybe later, & I have to be at work early on Monday morning. Friday's PLO started at 7pm, & finished, unbelievably, at 0530am. Sunday's PLO8 is a 5pm, start, so 2 hours earlier, but generally, PLO8 lasts longer, so a 5am finish is quite possible.  It's a real shame, as I'd love to play it, but I just can't take the chance of being there all night when I need to be at work on Monday.     
    Posted by Tikay10
    no problem tk
    do I take it you did well on Friday to know what time it finished!? if so then vwp
    and thks for the hu on the structure - best I leave it to the kids as well - I need my beauty sleep
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited August 2014

    3rd August Daily Numbery things

    Played 30

    Won 21

    Lost 9

    £3.30, P 20, W 12, L 8

    £5.50, P 9, W 8 L 1

    £11, P 1, W 1, L 0

    Opening Balance - £1,363.53

    Closing Balance = £1,399.43

    Profit Loss on Night - £35.50

    Profit Loss on Month = £43.20

    REWARD POINTS on night = 115

    REWARD POINTS IN MONTH = 168 (= £1.68)



    JULY WIN % = 66.6%

    August Profit/Loss per game = £0.96
  • Macacgirl1Macacgirl1 Member Posts: 865
    edited August 2014
    I'll second the commendation from Mam, please continue the stories, they're not rambles, pure entertainment.

    I have finally managed to learn a new trick (as of today) it's called, not having a drink and playing. Two big glasses of wine with dinner yesterday and I promptly played like a baboon and lost 11 of the next 12 games!  Managed to scrape it back with a great end to the night, but what a disastrous day that could have been.

    I am amazed when I read in the chatbox that some are drinking x, y and z and still are playing, Gawd knows how people manage it. Two drinks and my brain may as well be a pot noodle.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited August 2014

    Really fun evening last night, & knocked off 30 games in 4 hours flat. Still very tired, so decided to quit then, especially as I was starting to lose games due to failing concentration.

    Won 21 of 30, which I was chuffed to bits with, & achieved the rare (for me) triple slam of winning the Game Count at all 3 Levels played, £3.30 (12-8), £5.50 (8-1) & £11 (1-0).

    Late on Sunday evenings there are generally plenty of £11 games running, but I was just too tired to continue, & it would be a shame to give back a very solid profit on the night.

    My concentration early doors was perfect, I got right into the zone. Later, I could not resist chatting, & this coincided with my performance tailing off. I'm sure if I turned the chat off I'd have better results, but that's too big a price to pay, & I don't intend to do that, chatting with the regulars is part of the attraction.
    There was a very odd game late on, in which one guy & myself had 10,000 of the 12,000 chips in play, & there were 2 Shorties left, and the blinds were big.
    He kept limping into the 2 shorties, instead of folding or raising, so they were allowed free flops &, inevitably, kept getting there. This, really, is not good play. So I decided that I would put pressure on the shorties, raise into them whenever I had a hand. But, of course, I had no intention of going to war with the other Biggie. That'd be plain daft. But.......every time I raised, the Biggie flatted me! This really makes no sense, no sense at all. It is perfectly standard DYM strategy in these situations NOT to take on the other biggie, but pressurise the shorties. Nothing is ever said in the Chat Box of course - that would amount to collusion - but it's just DYM common sense.
    Inevitably, I busted the other biggie when I flopped the world & he took off, betting into me. I scooped, Biggie busted, & the 2 shorties both survived.

    Makes no odds to me, but I'm pretty sure a lot of players don't consider the dynamic in these situations.

    Of course, I could have bust, but I'd never bust by calling the other biggie, that'd be just crazy. In fact he raised once into me, & I folded good Aces. There is just no point going to war with him when there are 2 shorties on the table.
    Anyway, August has begun very well, & I'm now just over 10/- (that's 10 bob to youngsters) short of the magical £1,400 balance, which seems to be a point of resistance. Cue the inevitable downswing......         
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited August 2014

    One rather pleasing surprise last night was to win 15 games on the bounce. Not sure I'd ever done that before. Obviously, some proper run-good in there, but I did play well & really concentrate. Shame I lost 9 of the other 15, marv.

    I really have no idea how some guys run up these streaks of 20, 30 & even 40+ consecutive wins, it's quite beyond my imagination.

    Anyway, 15 may be modest, but it was really quite exciting until the run ended. 

    I really can't see me ever doing that again. It's almost like flipping a coin & it coming down "heads" 15 times running.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited August 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    I'll second the commendation from Mam, please continue the stories, they're not rambles, pure entertainment. I have finally managed to learn a new trick (as of today) it's called, not having a drink and playing. Two big glasses of wine with dinner yesterday and I promptly played like a baboon and lost 11 of the next 12 games!  Managed to scrape it back with a great end to the night, but what a disastrous day that could have been. I am amazed when I read in the chatbox that some are drinking x, y and z and still are playing, Gawd knows how people manage it. Two drinks and my brain may as well be a pot noodle.
    Posted by Macacgirl1
    Fellow Ploppers,

    Have you noticed how Mac HAS to make a food reference in every conversation?

    Literally, for the past week, every chat box convo with Mac has mentioned food.

    Could it be because she knows I'm hard-dieting, & am confined to Ryvita & Cup-A-Soup Lite?

    No need, no need at all.
    One night last week Mac & Princess Burnley (Mother) must have listed EVERY one of my favourite foods. 

    They shall pay. 

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited August 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    I'll second the commendation from Mam, please continue the stories, they're not rambles, pure entertainment. I have finally managed to learn a new trick (as of today) it's called, not having a drink and playing. Two big glasses of wine with dinner yesterday and I promptly played like a baboon and lost 11 of the next 12 games!  Managed to scrape it back with a great end to the night, but what a disastrous day that could have been. I am amazed when I read in the chatbox that some are drinking x, y and z and still are playing, Gawd knows how people manage it. Two drinks and my brain may as well be a pot noodle.
    Posted by Macacgirl1
    Well done on pulling back that defecit, losing 11 from 12 really sucks. Been there, done that, and I can't even blame alcohol for it as I don't touch the stuff.

    There was a regular on the tables last night. I know he can play OK, but he was playing dreadfully, & must have done his conkers. It makes me a little uncomfortable in truth, taking money from drunk players, but what are we supposed to do in these spots?

    PS - I can confirm, your brain is a pot noodle.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited August 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : Well done on pulling back that defecit, losing 11 from 12 really sucks. Been there, done that, and I can't even blame alcohol for it as I don't touch the stuff. There was a regular on the tables last night. I know he can play OK, but he was playing dreadfully, & must have done his conkers. It makes me a little uncomfortable in truth, taking money from drunk players, but what are we supposed to do in these spots? PS - I can confirm, your brain is a pot noodle.
    Posted by Tikay10
    I must have been really far gone last night.  I don't even recall playing your funny game
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited August 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : Gosh!  I must have been really far gone last night.  I don't even recall playing your funny game
    Posted by Jac35
    Behave, I've read your Diary this morning, you got the lot. ;)

    I'm actually quite jealous that in NLH you can play tons of £15, £20 & £30 DYM's, that must really rack up the Reward Points. 30 games per night @ £20 comes to 600 points per night, the best I seem to be able to manage is around 150 per night, & so making 3,000 Points is quite a challenge, takes me 20 sessions on average. 20 sessions @ 600 Reward Points - 12,000 points, holy schmoly.

    Look forward to seeing your snazzy new haircut @ UKPC. 

    Did you see how many runners last night's UKPC Final got? - 51, & so 10 seats! Incred. 

    Anyway, UKPC starts Thursday, I'm as excited & nervous as a trainspotter on Platform 2 @ Paddington.
  • Macacgirl1Macacgirl1 Member Posts: 865
    edited August 2014
    You will never lose weight if all you are eating is ryvita and cupasoup! Your body will go into survival mode and slow down as you aren't getting enough calories, your metabolism will go to pot and when you start eating normally again your weight will pile back on quicker than before. You silly sausage. If you are hungry all the time you are hurting yourself.
    1500 calories a day you need young man, and you will lose weight. A big breakfast of toast/cereals, fruit, to get the carbs and bit of fibre in you, cupasoup and ryvita if you must for lunch, but a few nuts, dried fruit and seeds are excellent, then have a sensible dinner. Chicken, fish, turkey, lean pork and the odd steak, have nothing fried, lots of salad and veg. It all works and is wonderfully good for you, thus enabling you to live longer and play more poker.
    I eat all day and have never been on a diet.

    Mind you I am 32 stone. Apparently even taller when I lie down.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited August 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    You will never lose weight if all you are eating is ryvita and cupasoup! Your body will go into survival mode and slow down as you aren't getting enough calories, your metabolism will go to pot and when you start eating normally again your weight will pile back on quicker than before. You silly sausage. If you are hungry all the time you are hurting yourself. 1500 calories a day you need young man, and you will lose weight. A big breakfast of toast/cereals, fruit, to get the carbs and bit of fibre in you, cupasoup and ryvita if you must for lunch, but a few nuts, dried fruit and seeds are excellent, then have a sensible dinner. Chicken, fish, turkey, lean pork and the odd steak, have nothing fried, lots of salad and veg. It all works and is wonderfully good for you, thus enabling you to live longer and play more poker.   I eat all day and have never been on a diet. Mind you I am 32 stone. Apparently even taller when I lie down.
    Posted by Macacgirl1
    Ladies & Gentleman of the Ploppers Jury, I rest my case. 

    The defendant is obsesed with food.

    Mind you I am 32 stone. Apparently even taller when I lie down.

    Now that is good!
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited August 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    You will never lose weight if all you are eating is ryvita and cupasoup! Your body will go into survival mode and slow down as you aren't getting enough calories, your metabolism will go to pot and when you start eating normally again your weight will pile back on quicker than before. You silly sausage. If you are hungry all the time you are hurting yourself. 1500 calories a day you need young man, and you will lose weight. A big breakfast of toast/cereals, fruit, to get the carbs and bit of fibre in you, cupasoup and ryvita if you must for lunch, but a few nuts, dried fruit and seeds are excellent, then have a sensible dinner. Chicken, fish, turkey, lean pork and the odd steak, have nothing fried, lots of salad and veg. It all works and is wonderfully good for you, thus enabling you to live longer and play more poker.   I eat all day and have never been on a diet. Mind you I am 32 stone. Apparently even taller when I lie down.
    Posted by Macacgirl1

    I know you are right, but I can't help myself. For 40 years now, I've swung between 12 stone & 15 stone, every year. Gain  it, lose it, gain it, lose it.

    Went to Vegas 12-7.

    Came back from Vegas 13-12.

    Am now 12-12.

    So it took me a month to gain 1-5, & a month to lose a stone.

    I end this diet on Thursday, when UKPC starts. All my weight goes to my pot belly, & I have a lot of TV stuff to do at UKPC, so I just needed to get a bit of weight off. I feel unwell when overweight, too, & consume Nurafen & Rennies by the pack. At the moment, I feel great. Come Thursday, & I start eating "normally" again, I'll have a month of stuffing bad food inside me - pork pies ftw - & then the vicious cycle will start all again.
    And I don't ONLY eat Ryvita & Cup A Soup. I have Philly Extra Lite on the Ryvitas, & fresh sliced tomatoes twice a day, every day. Once a day, I have a giant bowl of....

    Fresh grapes

    Fresh strawberries

    Fresh black currants

    A sliced banana.

    Topped with Greek Yoghurt & a sprinkling of granola.

    Proper roughage, that.....

    Truth is, I equally enjoy both "pigging" & dieting. One tastes nice, the other makes me feel good, that I can do it.
    Now't as strange as folk, eh?

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited August 2014

    Hundreds of you (well, Gelders & Mother) mentioned that "Live" Omaha tourney at The Vic on Friday, so I have no excuse not to have a mini-chirp.

    I never won it though, I came 2nd, for £1,304.
    Took me from 7pm Friday until 5.30am Saturday to do it though, yikes.

    Live Poker is THE nuts, no mistake, but it really is time consuming, & very expensive, compared to Online poker.
    The Entry Fee was £150 + £15, & it was a single Re-entry, which, thankfully, I never needed. There were 32 entrants, & 7 Re-Entries.
    Train & taxi fares cost me £50, 4 coffees cost me a tenner, the juice was £15, & I gave a Dealers Tip of £25, so £1,304 netted down to about £1,050. Very nice too, but a few blanks & the money soon goes.

    The Vic had a mini series of PLO & PLO8 this weekend, I had planned to play all 3 of these, but after that all-nighter, I decided to swerve the other two, especially as they finish so late (or early next morning...). It rarely pays to visit the well too often, I find. Anyway, after an all-nighter, I was wrecked all weekend. I used to play all night every night & then go to work, but I can't manage it these days.
    I'll talk a bit about the Tourney next - it was a VERY odd affair, but before I do, a weird spot arose in the Final where I flopped the absolute nuts, with all the higher straight extensions all the way up - & folded.
    What would YOU do in this spot, which is explained HERE  ?  
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited August 2014

    First up, here's a perfect example of variance at work.

    This year I have played just 4 Live PLO Tourneys in the UK, & cashed in all 4. Small fields, obv, but most PLO tourneys are.

    These are the results;

    February, £500 PLO UKPC Sidey, 2nd, £7,000

    May, £75 PLO GUKPT Sidey, 5th, £524

    May, £150 PLO UKIPT Sidey, 4th, £920

    August, £150 PLO @ The Vic, 2nd, £1,304.

    So 4 from 4, that's pretty good, eh?

    But wait - here's my Vegas schedule this year.....

    27th May – Binions $200 PLO

    28th May – WSOP $1,000 PLO

    29th May – Orleans $225 PLO

    30th May – Venetian $600 PLO8

    4th June – Venetian $600 PLO

    8th June – Golden Nugget $225 PLO8

    11th June – Golden Nugget $225 Big O8

    13th June – Golden Nugget $230 Big O8/BigO

    14th June – Golden Nugget $125 PLO8

    15th June – Venetian $600 PLO8

    16th June – Aria $235 PLO OR Golden Nugget $200 PLO.

    17th June – WSOP $1,500 PLO

    18th June – Golden Nugget $230 Big O8

    22nd June – Golden Nugget $230 PLO8

    23rd June – Binions $200 PLO8

    24th June – WSOP $1,500 PLO8

    27th June – WSOP $3,000 PLO8

    And out of that little lot, I cashed exactly 3 times for just over $2,000, so I lost an arm & a leg.

    Incidentally, here's some more run good. I sold 60% of my Vegas action, so that shared the losses. And except for a 10% swap in two Events, (Chris Cox runs good) I never sold any action in the UK PLO events.    

    What an incredible force variance is. Luckily, if you play poker long enough, you come to understand that it is all-powerful, & there is not much you can do about it except to ride the punches, accept the defeats & enjoy the wins.

    My next PLO Tourney will be, I hope, the UKPC £500, next week. I say "I hope", as it depends if everything is running smooth up at UKPC generally, if Dan The Producer man does not mind me playing & "working" at the same time, & if the Leeds Suits give me a Pass. I must add I would not have played the February UKPC Omaha unless Mr Harmer & Mr Milner told me he did not mind, & urged me to play it.  Turned out nice that. ;)   
  • Macacgirl1Macacgirl1 Member Posts: 865
    edited August 2014
    "Live Poker is THE nuts, no mistake, but it really is time consuming, & very expensive, compared to Online poker."

    You shouldn't be so good at it then, or it wouldn't take so long!

    Myself and Mr. Mac are having a go at live poker, together, for the first in years this Friday and/or Saturday. Surprise long weekend away (cough, nothing gets past me) to Copenhagen, by all accounts the casino/card room is attached to the hotel. If it was meant to be a surprise he shouldn't shout down the phone to others now should he!?
  • imberimber Member Posts: 1,334
    edited August 2014
    **** - being a non-drinker - i never have an excuse - i just play badly all the time and make the numbers up ;)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited August 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    **** - being a non-drinker - i never have an excuse - i just play badly all the time and make the num bers up ;)
    Posted by imber

    I'm reminded that I put a horror beat on you a week or so ago. Yikes.

    How are things with you these days? You coming to UKPC?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited August 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    "Live Poker is THE nuts, no mistake, but it really is time consuming, & very expensive, compared to Online poker." You shouldn't be so good at it then, or it wouldn't take so long! Myself and Mr. Mac are having a go at live poker, together, for the first in years this Friday and/or Saturday. Surprise long weekend away (cough, nothing gets past me) to Copenhagen, by all accounts the casino/card room is attached to the hotel. If it was meant to be a surprise he shouldn't shout down the phone to others now should he!?
    Posted by Macacgirl1
    See, always a mention of food......

    Copenhagen? How lovely, almost be like a fairy-tale.....(see what I did there?)

    Where are you staying - the SAS Hotel? If so, it's lovely.

    Copenhagen, in fact, is gorgeous. Very nice Airport, too.

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