In some spots, you should never ever do it, in others it can be quite easy (albeit painful) but how about this scenario...
You're in a single raised pot (raised by yourself) and you got 3 callers preflop. We have KJo
So we go to the flop 4way which is AAA and it get's checked round (the pot is about 15xBB)
The turn is a King so turn the 2nd nuts. Villian leads out 4way for full pot and it's on us.
Is there ever an arguement to fold here? If we call here then we have to call 100% of rivers obv.
Is this a scenario where we're only ever gonna be chopping or losing given the full pot bet 4way? Is he ever gonna do this with TT for instance know ing he can't really get called by anything worse?
Whatever your opinion is, why do u think it's the right one?
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EDIT: JJ has asked for the HH so when I finish my grind I'll try to find it, but a bit of a pain in the azz to find cos it was just a small pot and I'll have played 100s of hands that size this session
Not sure why rancid overbets the river though. It's certainly not for value, so is it to fold out a split? If so, I don't think the sizing is big enough. When we do overbet and get shoved on it's a pretty horrible spot. Villain is obviously never bluffing (unless he's super sick) because he knows we won't be folding an A and could potentially have a 5 ourself. But is he really shoving with an A to try and fold out a chop? He could easily have a hand like AA or KK as well as a 5, so I think I'm probably folding. edit: nvm I didn't know the action pre. AA and KK is unlikely. I guess if it's an unknown you prob have to call because he might just be thinking any Ax is the nuts and with what we've invested, it's hard to fold.
It was a single raised pot but I iso'd 2 limpers, and it did get checked round then full potted on the turn but it was 3way not 4way
Wouldn't he just C/C with say TT?
what % of the time does vill have worse/bluffs
what % of the time does vill have a K
what % of the time does vill have an Ace
probs -EV to call
depends what % of your stack you have put in already but this spot is a fold
would be great if we could fold in game
cause your a nit
very hard to fold in game for a buy in as these spots hardly ever arise
plus it's gonna bug u 4ever if they actually had it or not - like this thread
Disclaimer; I don't play cash.
Like the dead money in the middle will cover any rake when I chop with Kx but that relies on him having Kx 100% of the time. If he has Ax even 10% then it's not +EV is it?
only intrested in:
win 13.60
lose 6.80
if u call then work it out again for the turn
if you shove then .......................... ok good luck