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Cash Poker - Folding 2nd Nuts

Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
edited September 2013 in Poker Chat
In some spots, you should never ever do it, in others it can be quite easy (albeit painful) but how about this scenario...

You're in a single raised pot (raised by yourself) and you got 3 callers preflop. We have KJo

So we go to the flop 4way which is AAA and it get's checked round (the pot is about 15xBB)

The turn is a King so turn the 2nd nuts. Villian leads out 4way for full pot and it's on us.

Is there ever an arguement to fold here? If we call here then we have to call 100% of rivers obv.

Is this a scenario where we're only ever gonna be chopping or losing given the full pot bet 4way? Is he ever gonna do this with TT for instance know ing he can't really get called by anything worse?

Whatever your opinion is, why do u think it's the right one?


  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited September 2013
    On AAA I would def. consider folding since even though there are 4 aces on the board it's quite likely that one of them may be playing an ace. On other 3 of a kind boards, say TTTK and below then I don't think you can get away from a big FH unless a tight passive player pots twice or something/overbets
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited September 2013
    what about this one

    a Small blind   £0.25 £0.25 £57.26
    rancid Big blind   £0.50 £0.75 £57.57
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • 8
    BabyFace82 Fold        
    ASKFORDMND Fold        
    bolly580 Fold        
    b Raise   £1.00 £1.75 £41.46
    a Call   £0.75 £2.50 £56.51
    rancid Call   £0.50 £3.00 £57.07
    • 5
    • 5
    • A
    a Check        
    rancid Check        
    b Check        
    • K
    a Bet   £2.25 £5.25 £54.26
    rancid Call   £2.25 £7.50 £54.82
    b Fold        
    • 5
    a Check        
    rancid Bet   £11.00 £18.50 £43.82
    a All-in   £54.26 £72.76 £0.00
  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited September 2013
    I'd fold in Lambert's scenario because at best your chopping a pot you've not put much into. Rancid I'd call yours, I can't see him checking the 5 there, he should be just pot betting or shoving knowing you're going to call with an A... Who knows though, we all play different!
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2013
    It happened this morning exactly as above and I did fold... just wanted to see if I was being a massive nit or not.

    EDIT: JJ has asked for the HH so when I finish my grind I'll try to find it, but a bit of a pain in the azz to find cos it was just a small pot and I'll have played 100s of hands that size this session
  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited September 2013
    Get this "Nit" expression out of your mind or you're just going to end up bleeding money away. It's all I keep seeing you mention lately. Big folds are vital, if you start thinking "Meh this hand's too good to fold" you'll start going downhill fast. That's what I did! I started to listen to people who were calling me a nit and it totally messed my game up. I've finally got over all that now, and play tight again like I used to, and shock horror, I'm winning regularly again!
  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: Cash Poker - Folding 2nd Nuts:
    I'd fold in Lambert's scenario because at best your chopping a pot you've not put much into. Rancid I'd call yours, I can't see him checking the 5 there, he should be just pot betting or shoving knowing you're going to call with an A... Who knows though, we all play different!
    Posted by FlashFlush
    Why should villain be potting with a 5 here? If he checks he knows hero will be betting an A whereas if he bets himself hero is only going to call with an A. So by c/r he can get more out of hero than by just betting.

    Not sure why rancid overbets the river though. It's certainly not for value, so is it to fold out a split? If so, I don't think the sizing is big enough. When we do overbet and get shoved on it's a pretty horrible spot. Villain is obviously never bluffing (unless he's super sick) because he knows we won't be folding an A and could potentially have a 5 ourself. But is he really shoving with an A to try and fold out a chop? He could easily have a hand like AA or KK as well as a 5, so I think I'm probably folding. edit: nvm I didn't know the action pre. AA and KK is unlikely. I guess if it's an unknown you prob have to call because he might just be thinking any Ax is the nuts and with what we've invested, it's hard to fold.
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: Cash Poker - Folding 2nd Nuts:
    In Response to Re: Cash Poker - Folding 2nd Nuts : Why should villain be potting with a 5 here? If he checks he knows hero will be betting an A whereas if he bets himself hero is only going to call with an A. So by c/r he can get more out of hero than by just betting. Not sure why rancid overbets the river though. It's certainly not for value, so is it to fold out a split? If so, I don't think the sizing is big enough. When we do overbet and get shoved on it's a pretty horrible spot. Villain is obviously never bluffing (unless he's super sick) because he knows we won't be folding an A and could potentially have a 5 ourself. But is he really shoving with an A to try and fold out a chop? He could easily have a hand like AA or KK as well as a 5, so I think I'm probably folding. edit: nvm I didn't know the action pre. AA and KK is unlikely. I guess if it's an unknown you prob have to call because he might just be thinking any Ax is the nuts and with what we've invested, it's hard to fold.
    Posted by F_Ivanovic
    cough, ofc it's for value_vill bets K on turn_-_ all K's call yo!

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2013
    Sigh remembered it slightly wrong.

    It was a single raised pot but I iso'd 2 limpers, and it did get checked round then full potted on the turn but it was 3way not 4way
    johnnyappl Small blind   £0.20 £0.20 £33.52
    TEAJ666 Big blind   £0.40 £0.60 £30.96
      Your hole cards
    • K
    • J
    b123n Fold        
    ASKFORDMND Call   £0.40 £1.00 £13.97
    biscuitman Call   £0.40 £1.40 £44.39
    Lambert180 Raise   £2.00 £3.40 £95.08
    johnnyappl Call   £1.80 £5.20 £31.72
    TEAJ666 Fold        
    ASKFORDMND Call   £1.60 £6.80 £12.37
    biscuitman Fold        
    • A
    • A
    • A
    johnnyappl Check        
    ASKFORDMND Check        
    Lambert180 Check        
    • K
    johnnyappl Bet   £6.80 £13.60 £24.92
    ASKFORDMND Fold        
    Lambert180 Fold        
    johnnyappl Muck        
    johnnyappl Win   £6.46   £31.38
    johnnyappl Return   £6.80 £0.34 £38.18
  • NColleyNColley Member Posts: 1,178
    edited September 2013
    I doubt I'm folding, checked through on the flop so hes gonna stab quite a bit. Villains also not full stacked (so likely weaker player) he can show up with so many more bluffs/thin v bets then he can with Ax/ Kx
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2013
    But does he really bluff/thin value bet full pot into 3 players? Like he's always gonna miles behind or he's getting folds so dunno why he'd full pot for any other reason than pure value.

    Wouldn't he just C/C with say TT?
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited September 2013

    what % of the time does vill have worse/bluffs
    what % of the time does vill have a K
    what % of the  time does vill have an Ace


    probs -EV to call

    depends what % of your stack you have put in already but this spot is a fold

    would be great if we could fold in game

  • NColleyNColley Member Posts: 1,178
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: Cash Poker - Folding 2nd Nuts:
    But does he really bluff/thin value bet full pot into 3 players? Like he's always gonna miles behind or he's getting folds so dunno why he'd full pot for any other reason than pure value. Wouldn't he just C/C with say TT?
    Posted by Lambert180
    Well we don't have that answer because its impossible for us to find the reasons why fish do what they do..

    why do they click the pot button time after time? why do they min bet or min 3bet in spots that are bad? ect ect..

    These aren't the spots that you need to put lots of time in analysing as they are relatively rare. Its not gonna be a long term mistake to call now and call the river unless you really have a concrete read on his pot bets after seeing weakness.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: Cash Poker - Folding 2nd Nuts:
    what % of the time does vill have worse/bluffs what % of the time does vill have a K what % of the  time does vill have an Ace calculate probs -EV to call depends what % of your stack you have put in already but this spot is a fold would be great if we could fold in game
    Posted by rancid
    HH is above... I did
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: Cash Poker - Folding 2nd Nuts:
    In Response to Re: Cash Poker - Folding 2nd Nuts : HH is above... I did
    Posted by Lambert180

    cause your a nit :D

    very hard to fold in game for a buy in as these spots hardly ever arise

    plus it's gonna bug u 4ever if they actually had it or not - like this thread :D

  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited September 2013
    I'm not folding here. Pot sized bet looks bluffy to me, an ace doesn't want folds.

    Disclaimer; I don't play cash.
  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited September 2013
    @rancid: Well I doubt anyone good is calling with a K to an overbet. So unless you had a note saying they were a CS I'd much prefer a smaller bet for value.

    And lambert, 3 way I don't think you can fold at least not on the turn. I just don't think the average random is going to be donk potting with an A here. Depends how long you've been playing with them though and what reads you have. If they've been at the table for a good while and they've been pretty uninvolved then I guess folding here would be alright. I'd probably call turn and re-eval river. They're probably not going to bluff twice so you've just got to decide how often they have a K vs an A if they bet again and if you're getting the odds to call!
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2013
    But what I'm saying is, IF it's only Ax or Kx then it's -EV innit?

    Like the dead money in the middle will cover any rake when I chop with Kx but that relies on him having Kx 100% of the time. If he has Ax even 10% then it's not +EV is it?
  • ACEGOONERACEGOONER Member Posts: 1,435
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: Cash Poker - Folding 2nd Nuts:
    But what I'm saying is, IF it's only Ax or Kx then it's -EV innit? Like the dead money in the middle will cover any rake when I chop with Kx but that relies on him having Kx 100% of the time. If he has Ax even 10% then it's not +EV is it?
    Posted by Lambert180

    Yes but you dont know 100% for sure its Ax or Kx, you're just trying to assign a range of which underpairs should also be considered. An inexperienced level 1 player might barrel the turn, with any pocket pair if they have decided that their fh is good enough. 

    I'm definitely calling the turn, and re-evaluating on the river. A shove on the river leaves you in a spot but this scenario happens soo rarely dont beat yourself up about specific decisions. 

    Flash Flush is right, dont let other players try to convince you that being nitty is bad (especially when they arent playing your levels). Unfortunately at lower stakes on sky tight is right, if you want to play poker this aint the site to do it !

  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: Cash Poker - Folding 2nd Nuts:
    But what I'm saying is, IF it's only Ax or Kx then it's -EV innit? Like the dead money in the middle will cover any rake when I chop with Kx but that relies on him having Kx 100% of the time. If he has Ax even 10% then it's not +EV is it?
    Posted by Lambert180
    depend what % you think vill is bluffing/worse against % of k's and % of A's

    only intrested in:

    win 13.60
    lose 6.80


    if u call then work it out again for the turn


    if you shove then .......................... ok good luck
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: Cash Poker - Folding 2nd Nuts:
    I'm not folding here. Pot sized bet looks bluffy to me, an ace doesn't want folds. Disclaimer; I don't play cash.
    Posted by GaryQQQ
    +1 on this. The only time I would be worried about an A would be a river allin.
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