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Cash Poker - Folding 2nd Nuts



  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: Cash Poker - Folding 2nd Nuts:
    In Response to Re: Cash Poker - Folding 2nd Nuts : Yes but you dont know 100% for sure its Ax or Kx, you're just trying to assign a range of which underpairs should also be considered. An inexperienced level 1 player might barrel the turn, with any pocket pair if they have decided that their fh is good enough.  I'm definitely calling the turn, and re-evaluating on the river. A shove on the river leaves you in a spot but this scenario happens soo rarely dont beat yourself up about specific decisions.  Flash Flush is right, dont let other players try to convince you that being nitty is bad (especially when they arent playing your levels). Unfortunately at lower stakes on sky tight is right, if you want to play poker this aint the site to do it !
    Posted by ACEGOONER
    I'm not bothered about people thinking I'm nitty although I'm not.

    That last sentence sums up everything that's wrong with the cash games atm. Full of people who don't know how to play poker so they think 'well I'll just wait for the nuts' then some more people come along and think 'hmm everyone is really tight... how do I combat that... erm I'll just wait for the nuts myself and hope I cooler them'.

    Being a massive nit is not the only way to win, nor is it the best way to win. People like Dohhhh are a testiment to that... when he could be bothered playing he used to consistently batter the games and it wasn't by just waiting for QQ+ and AK all night.

    You can 'play poker' on here, you just gotta adapt how you play it.

    Sorry to rant but it's just SO boring when there are a handful of people on most tables where they are just so nitty it's unbelievable.
  • ACEGOONERACEGOONER Member Posts: 1,435
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: Cash Poker - Folding 2nd Nuts:
    In Response to Re: Cash Poker - Folding 2nd Nuts : I'm not bothered about people thinking I'm nitty although I'm not. That last sentence sums up everything that's wrong with the cash games atm. Full of people who don't know how to play poker so they think 'well I'll just wait for the nuts' then some more people come along and think 'hmm everyone is really tight... how do I combat that... erm I'll just wait for the nuts myself and hope I cooler them'. Being a massive nit is not the only way to win, nor is it the best way to win. People like Dohhhh are a testiment to that... when he could be bothered playing he used to consistently batter the games and it wasn't by just waiting for QQ+ and AK all night. You can 'play poker' on here, you just gotta adapt how you play it. Sorry to rant but it's just SO boring when there are a handful of people on most tables where they are just so nitty it's unbelievable.
    Posted by Lambert180
    LOL it totally bothers you, I havent seen you get it in pre flop with anything less than ak.

    Thats just the way things are, play your game and stop trying to be something you are not. You even admitted in your "my name is" that your a TAG, theres nothing wrong with it. Whats the point of being a LAG if your gonna spew, certainly applies to me as does a couple of other reasons which I dont have to justify to anyone. 

    Its soo ironic that your posting a hand that 99% of players would call at least one street and yet moaning about nits !

    PS Ive just seen what you posted on facebook, perhaps you would like to come onto skype to discuss, I am not impressed. 

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: Cash Poker - Folding 2nd Nuts:
    In Response to Re: Cash Poker - Folding 2nd Nuts : LOL it totally bothers you, I havent seen you get it in pre flop with anything less than ak. Thats just the way things are, play your game and stop trying to be something you are not. You even admitted in your "my name is" that your a TAG, theres nothing wrong with it. Whats the point of being a LAG if your gonna spew, certainly applies to me as does a couple of other reasons which I dont have to justify to anyone.  Its soo ironic that your posting a hand that 99% of players would call at least one street and yet moaning about nits ! PS Ive just seen what you posted on facebook, perhaps you would like to come onto skype to discuss, I am not impressed. 
    Posted by ACEGOONER
    Sorry all just saw this reply...

    Well it's all relative about what I get it in with. There are some people I 100% will not get it in pre with QQ/AK for 100xBB and that's not because I'm being nitty it's because if they wanna get in 100xBB+ pre, I know I'll be shown AA/KK practically every single time.

    Yeah I totally agree about being TAG and that is still what I'd say I am. I'm by no means super laggy but there's a mahoosive difference between a tight aggressive, solid game, and some of the stuff you must see at the table. Like in what world should you be able to confidently 3bet/fold QQ pre against some people.

    Yeah you don't need to justify anything and just like if you wanna open shove every hand in an MTT, you pay your money, you can do what you like.

    This hand is imo a very different kind of nittiness, I'm probably just overthinking the situation too much although I'm still not sure that he would ever bluff this spot or lead for full pot with hands like TT when he just can't get called by worse but w/e doesn't matter.

    I'm playing about 10 tables atm so can't really come on Skype (took me about 25 mins to write this) but can do another time if you like. Not sure what comment you're referring to, the only thing I can think where I mentioned you was the RemyMartin comparison and I wouldn't have thought you'd be offended by that, you're the one telling me not to get offended for being called a nit ;)

    Hope there's no hard feelings, it's only a game.
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,932
    edited September 2013
    Paul,your style of play has got you where you are today so stick with it,spose you could use your image to open your range in position but hey what do i know
    heres what i would of done prob completly wrong 
    if checked i check
    pot bet i call
    shove i fold
    horrible spot tho
  • ACEGOONERACEGOONER Member Posts: 1,435
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: Cash Poker - Folding 2nd Nuts:
    In Response to Re: Cash Poker - Folding 2nd Nuts : Sorry all just saw this reply... Well it's all relative about what I get it in with. There are some people I 100% will not get it in pre with QQ/AK for 100xBB and that's not because I'm being nitty it's because if they wanna get in 100xBB+ pre, I know I'll be shown AA/KK practically every single time. Yeah I totally agree about being TAG and that is still what I'd say I am. I'm by no means super laggy but there's a mahoosive difference between a tight aggressive, solid game, and some of the stuff you must see at the table. Like in what world should you be able to confidently 3bet/fold QQ pre against some people. Yeah you don't need to justify anything and just like if you wanna open shove every hand in an MTT, you pay your money, you can do what you like. This hand is imo a very different kind of nittiness, I'm probably just overthinking the situation too much although I'm still not sure that he would ever bluff this spot or lead for full pot with hands like TT when he just can't get called by worse but w/e doesn't matter. I'm playing about 10 tables atm so can't really come on Skype (took me about 25 mins to write this) but can do another time if you like. Not sure what comment you're referring to, the only thing I can think where I mentioned you was the RemyMartin comparison and I wouldn't have thought you'd be offended by that, you're the one telling me not to get offended for being called a nit ;) Hope there's no hard feelings, it's only a game.
    Posted by Lambert180

    Mehhh, another day and all that. Perhaps your facebook comments where taken out of context, but thats the reason I dont use it, ive seen it cause tons of grief outside of poker. Things do get misinterpreted. But Remy Martin come on!

    I have definitely adapted my game to the way sky is, mainly for personal reasons which as I said I dont want to go into here. I am also 9 tabling , something that is new for me and taking a bit of getting used to, naturally hand selection is going to be narrower(but dont take that for gospel!). Ironically when I played wider on tables full of nits a few months ago, it didnt get results. Its taken a while to refine things but I have the confidence now to play volume again. 

    The latest sky promo (double points) is the best promo sky have come out with for the whole community imo, rather than rewarding the top 20 volume players. 

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2013
    Yeah I did send you a quick message on Skype last night btw while I was playing. I've had to tighten up myself as I'm now playing 12 tables and if I played like I used to I'd be playing half a dozen hands non stop. Maybe RemyMartin was a bit strong lol... AQo is probably an open fold for him ;)

    Yeah I agree about the new promo, it's a good middle ground because the high volume players will barely see any difference (if any) so it won't encourage them to just play a million tables but lower volume players might get an extra £50 out of it. I assume DTM must be joking in that other thread.
  • ACEGOONERACEGOONER Member Posts: 1,435
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: Cash Poker - Folding 2nd Nuts:
    In Response to Re: Cash Poker - Folding 2nd Nuts : Sorry all just saw this reply... Well it's all relative about what I get it in with. There are some people I 100% will not get it in pre with QQ/AK for 100xBB and that's not because I'm being nitty it's because if they wanna get in 100xBB+ pre, I know I'll be shown AA/KK practically every single time. Yeah I totally agree about being TAG and that is still what I'd say I am. I'm by no means super laggy but there's a mahoosive difference between a tight aggressive, solid game, and some of the stuff you must see at the table. Like in what world should you be able to confidently 3bet/fold QQ pre against some people. Yeah you don't need to justify anything and just like if you wanna open shove every hand in an MTT, you pay your money, you can do what you like. This hand is imo a very different kind of nittiness, I'm probably just overthinking the situation too much although I'm still not sure that he would ever bluff this spot or lead for full pot with hands like TT when he just can't get called by worse but w/e doesn't matter. I'm playing about 10 tables atm so can't really come on Skype (took me about 25 mins to write this) but can do another time if you like. Not sure what comment you're referring to, the only thing I can think where I mentioned you was the RemyMartin comparison and I wouldn't have thought you'd be offended by that, you're the one telling me not to get offended for being called a nit ;) Hope there's no hard feelings, it's only a game.
    Posted by Lambert180

    Thanks Paul, responded in skype, please keep this to yourself. 

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