Test your Play Try Poker Test the Presenter Technical Play Technical Poker Top Players Terrific Plays Tough Players Triumph at Poker Take down Pots Talk Poker Take the Prize …I really do give up now. Posted by BigBluster
In Response to Re: OFFICIAL TP THREAD : After all it would be nice to show people how easy it is too get your rear end kicked in to touch rather than all the positive elements of the game or is this something sky does not like to show??? Posted by FISH50
If I'm not mistaken, Sky Poker Channel 865 show the hands & game in it's entirety - including all the positives & negatives which, together, make poker the game it is.
That's sheer genuis Mr Bluster.
27 attempts, & all wrong!
Test your Play
Try Poker
Test the Presenter
Technical Play
Technical Poker
Top Players
Terrific Plays
Tough Players
Triumph at Poker
Take down Pots
Talk Poker
Take the Prize
…I really do give up now.
TP = tame poker
TP = table players
TP = tournament players
TP = table presence
TP = tournament play
TP = Tikay's Problems
er...I give up.
My TV schedules are not in vain!!!!!! ;-)
Congratulations - hope to see you there!
All the best
Throroughly Propitious.
Does it start this saturday after mastercash?
If you have been down the pub and had a few could be tipsy poker