In Response to Re: OFFICIAL TOTAL PLAYER THREAD : I really dont care what opinion you have of me .. Like that would make me lose sleep at night ... I have no opinion of you either way , and couldn't care less .. As I said I dont play here enough here for this tournament and most of the candidates bar one have shown they deserve their place .. "Have a nice day" ! Posted by bennydip2
Benny that is incredible dis-respectful to the 17 other players in the tournament and I would like to think I have earnt my place in the competition + some more on top of that. The same applies for the other 16 and 1 replacement for will.
In Response to Re: OFFICIAL TOTAL PLAYER THREAD : Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! A good start by the School Teacher. Nice one Phil. Really, anyone can win this, you know. Posted by Tikay10
Except it wasn't Phil's TP night.. ha ha.. He is in week 3 with David Tuckman. He did well though, he was keeping me updated regually over MSN and as usual with Phil his exit/damaging hands he was infront when the chips went in but got unlucky.. 10th out of 550+ players.. great result
hope everyone did well tonight, not sure what everyones reaction was to 50nl, but for me it's been a while since i've played this limit, and the standard of play was pretty decent. How did the other tp's find it? gl all, Jac
Nice one Ed Ive been following all the guys all night, seeing what sorts of games theyve been playing, stakes, etc. Dan has been all over the place!!! Believe he is still in a couple of tournys now, or was when I last checked. This guy obviously wants it bad! 8 more hours still to impress, hope the guys don't get too up/down about their results tonight! Keep going chaps! DOHH Posted by DOHHHHHHH
Don't take this wrong Dohx7, but - & I'm not 100% certain yet - but I think I love you.
This is the last thing I'm going to say on the subject. To finalise things, everyone knows Irishrover is massively bitter for not being selected in the TP process he even threatened to leave sky because of it and obv the same for Benny they are clearly Pm-ing eachother about this so they can write the same things. Real smart boys.
Does it mean if you have over 900 posts you own the forum?! Oh right I should of known better than to stand up to your trash talk and stirring. LOL.
One thing you will learn is I'm not afraid to speak my mind and I'm not letting you two talk absolute garbage in the fact of hoping to ruin my chances in TP, whoever wins this will get my full support and I would personally like to see a friend of mine win if I don't but it makes no odds to me. I love the game and I am successful at it if someone who is a small stakes player wins I would be happy for them because they will no doubt of played out of there skin and deserved it.
As for Ed's group hope they all done well especially Glitter who is a good friend of mine. Glitter you "ROCK!" :-D
In Response to Re: OFFICIAL TOTAL PLAYER THREAD : Benny that is incredible dis-respectful to the 17 other players in the tournament and I would like to think I have earnt my place in the competition + some more on top of that. The same applies for the other 16 and 1 replacement for will. Thats all Ben Posted by Nutter5932
? I like the other 17 players you included .. I think you missed the point )
In Response to Re: OFFICIAL TOTAL PLAYER THREAD : Don't take this wrong Dohx7, but - & I'm not 100% certain yet - but I think I love you. Posted by Tikay10
Dohh, Dantb, blackfish, ljamesl .... its official, Tikay is a man wh ore
Wow - all the reports are coming in now - great stuff. I';m just thrilled that all the TP guys have entered the spirit of this in the way they have. This Thread will be compulsive reading every Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday. And Saturday. And for a few weeks in July....... Posted by Tikay10
Ooops. Sorry Tikay. I made my post while you were making yours. Anyway, I was just tyring to stop the guys bickering and to calm them down. CALM DOWN, CALM DOWN! Posted by Seagull158
Lol, no worries Mr Seagull, we were both trying, in our own way, to do the same thing.
I guess neither of us should quit our day jobs, either.
In Response to Re: OFFICIAL TOTAL PLAYER THREAD : he told me i was special... he told me i was the only one ... all comes out now TK huh? See you on Jeremy Kyle. Posted by BlackFish3
I normally get told that by the mother... either that or my Doctor
Well what can I say that hasn't been said already. Will has made a decision the suits him, good luck to him for being honest in how he feels...I had a really up and down night on both cash and SST's details of which will follow..... Anyone who thinks this challenge is easy can think again!!!! I really hope my fellow TP Players have and will do better.... To all the other players I wish you all the best of luck, this is a great opportunity for 1 person to represent SkyPoker in Vegas.
James thanks for the vote of confidence, I need it..!!!!!!! lol. Seriously I wish you all the best lJAMESlROCK!!!
Here's to another 3 hour session tomorrow, bring it on.
The bickering has to stop now, Whether you me or anyone has a problem with the selection process and think it was fair or not is now irrelevant. The players who have been chosen are all capable and deserve the best wishes of everyone. Arguments at this stage will only serve to distract certain players and that IS unfair.
All members should allow them a level playing field from this point onward, and let's hope the best man wins.
Anyone who feels they should have been chosen can prove their point by qualifying via a satellite, and make their point thereafter. Let's all get in the right mood for this, please!
First night nerves were evident tonight as the first 6 TP'ers had to adjust to the rules set out by skypoker hq, some had to get used to just 4 tabling rather than 12 and others had to adjust to sitting with a full pull up of "just"50 nikka.
So we as a team decided to slide in gently with some dym's beofre the compu;lsory main event at 8pm, Nick "pryce6" was going great before his AK got busted by AQ he was up to 8k at this point, he went back to grind some more dym's and showed his strength of charchter by patiently cashing in the first one after the ak dissapointment, 5 dyms and 2 cashes but first night over and hes ready for tommorow, watch out for him in the 8pm main event tommorow !
Now Jac[loves a chat] mathews playing as yippeeyappee, he told me he was "gonna tear up the tables" , he said he was desparate to win this and he was gonna show me,
and he did! . he terrorised the cash tables whilst protecting a small bank roll he ended up £183, nice work.
Tough night for one of the most wellknown players at Skypoker, Wayne the gliterbabe, bubbled in 3 of his 5 stts but showed his vast expierience on the cash tables by playing considerably lower than usual and turned in a small profit, we know hes got great game and tommorow im sure we may see a very late finish in the main event, hes playing well , just needs a break.
First of all yes of course I took what Jame said as banter! lol, as he said we met in Bolton and had a good laugh. Even if we did have a disagreement I would say myself, so thanks for your kind words in your initial post benny but theres no use starting an argument defending me with the assumption that I will be offended.
Anyway, my decision is final and apologies for derailing the thread (right phrase? im a forum newbie ) from tonights action. Good luck to all the players, especially the new team matt player!
gl all, Jac
Wow - all the reports are coming in now - great stuff. I';m just thrilled that all the TP guys have entered the spirit of this in the way they have.
This Thread will be compulsive reading every Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday. And Saturday.
And for a few weeks in July.......
I guess neither of us should quit our day jobs, either.
So you can make all the accusations you like , whats showing here is your Class and Charecter ..
I would welcome SKYPOKER to check if we have ever PM'd each other because I can tell you we havent !
James thanks for the vote of confidence, I need it..!!!!!!! lol. Seriously I wish you all the best lJAMESlROCK!!!
Here's to another 3 hour session tomorrow, bring it on.
The bickering has to stop now, Whether you me or anyone has a problem with the selection process and think it was fair or not is now irrelevant. The players who have been chosen are all capable and deserve the best wishes of everyone. Arguments at this stage will only serve to distract certain players and that IS unfair.
All members should allow them a level playing field from this point onward, and let's hope the best man wins.
Anyone who feels they should have been chosen can prove their point by qualifying via a satellite, and make their point thereafter. Let's all get in the right mood for this, please!
First night nerves were evident tonight as the first 6 TP'ers had to adjust to the rules set out by skypoker hq, some had to get used to just 4 tabling rather than 12 and others had to adjust to sitting with a full pull up of "just"50 nikka.
So we as a team decided to slide in gently with some dym's beofre the compu;lsory main event at 8pm, Nick "pryce6" was going great before his AK got busted by AQ he was up to 8k at this point, he went back to grind some more dym's and showed his strength of charchter by patiently cashing in the first one after the ak dissapointment, 5 dyms and 2 cashes but first night over and hes ready for tommorow, watch out for him in the 8pm main event tommorow !
Now Jac[loves a chat] mathews playing as yippeeyappee, he told me he was "gonna tear up the tables" , he said he was desparate to win this and he was gonna show me,
and he did! . he terrorised the cash tables whilst protecting a small bank roll he ended up £183, nice work.
Tough night for one of the most wellknown players at Skypoker, Wayne the gliterbabe, bubbled in 3 of his 5 stts but showed his vast expierience on the cash tables by playing considerably lower than usual and turned in a small profit, we know hes got great game and tommorow im sure we may see a very late finish in the main event, hes playing well , just needs a break.
next 3 on there way. DANTB, COTTLAD AND PENGUIN7
Anyway, my decision is final and apologies for derailing the thread (right phrase? im a forum newbie