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Thursday Night Live Show 7pm with Fowler and Stuart Rutter CH861 and SKy Sports 4 from 10pm **offici

MissFowlerMissFowler Member Posts: 885
edited September 2013 in Poker Chat
Well hello Sky Poker Peeps, 

The wanderer returns, and yes I am still faaaaaaler!  Nothing much has changed since the big day, well... except I have got bigger, and addicted to two things. Breaking bad (not your usual Honeymoon material) and making, sorry I should say brewing (or is that just tea?) my own coffee (any recommendations please!?)

Tomorrow night is showtime, and I will be joined by Rutter. Mr Stuart Rutter for those of you who don't know is analyst extrordinaire! 

Your show:

7pm – 8pm – Tonight On Sky Poker Live coverage of the Master Cash tables. Your warm up to the Main Event! 8pm – 9pm – Poker Clinic Viewers requested hands with hole cards masked. This is your chance to get your hands analysed by Stuart, use him to tutor you. Pop you hand IDs on the forum, and let us know where they came from too. 
9pm – 10pm – Top Of The Pots Count down of the 10 biggest cash hands of the week from the televised cash tables. 10pm – 11pm – Master Cash  Live coverage from the master cash tables. 
11pm – Midnight – Sky Poker Highlights Late stages of the £10,000 Sky Sports Bounty Hunter. We should hopefully get down to a final table in this hour, we might even see a winner. And for your topic tonight, I will be asking you this question...
"have you every played against a poker pro, who was it, and how did you feel? How did it change your game?"
As always I hope you enjoy the show, run amazingly well in the Bounty Hunter and send us lots of questions, hand IDs and banter.
Will be nice to return to the couch, looking forward to it,
A xxx



  • BorinLonerBorinLoner Member Posts: 3,863
    edited September 2013
    Welcome back Mrs Fowler.

  • MissFowlerMissFowler Member Posts: 885
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: Thursday Night Live Show 7pm with Fowler and Stuart Rutter CH861 and SKy Sports 4 from 10pm **official show thread**:
    Welcome back Mrs Fowler.
    Posted by BorinLoner
    I am waiting with baited breath as to what this photo will be!!!
  • MissFowlerMissFowler Member Posts: 885
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: Thursday Night Live Show 7pm with Fowler and Stuart Rutter CH861 and SKy Sports 4 from 10pm **official show thread**:
    Welcome back Mrs Fowler.
    Posted by BorinLoner
    ?????????????? really!?
  • BorinLonerBorinLoner Member Posts: 3,863
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: Thursday Night Live Show 7pm with Fowler and Stuart Rutter CH861 and SKy Sports 4 from 10pm **official show thread**:
    In Response to Re: Thursday Night Live Show 7pm with Fowler and Stuart Rutter CH861 and SKy Sports 4 from 10pm **official show thread** : ?????????????? really!?
    Posted by MissFowler
    Ah! It's finally been approved. I was worried there might be concerns about this photo getting you flustered during the show.

    I'm not sure what you see in him, but each to their own.
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited September 2013
    Hi Anna

    Talking of coffee, have you tried Kopi Luwak coffee? 
    mmmmmmmm looks tasty :-)

    Have a great show
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,709
    edited September 2013
    Congratulations on the nuptials, Anna!

    And don't worry, I can see the attraction to Mr. Schofield. It's the silver hair, innit? Anyone who worked so closely with Gordon the Gopher gets the nod from me.

    As for playing against a professional - I had Julian Thew at my table at the Newcastle SPT a few weeks ago and I bet him out of the pot with my pocket jacks. I thought I was The Man at that point... but I had forgotten the guy round the back of me who won the hand with his AQ when he hit his lady on the flop.

    ...oh well.
  • MissFowlerMissFowler Member Posts: 885
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: Thursday Night Live Show 7pm with Fowler and Stuart Rutter CH861 and SKy Sports 4 from 10pm **official show thread**:
    Congratulations on the nuptials, Anna! And don't worry, I can see the attraction to Mr. Schofield. It's the silver hair, innit? Anyone who worked so closely with Gordon the Gopher gets the nod from me. As for playing against a professional - I had Julian Thew at my table at the Newcastle SPT a few weeks ago and I bet him out of the pot with my pocket jacks. I thought I was The Man at that point... but I had forgotten the guy round the back of me who won the hand with his AQ when he hit his lady on the flop. ...oh well.
    Posted by Slipwater

    Thank you!!

    And there is NO attraction to Schof! Dirty rumours :)

  • BorinLonerBorinLoner Member Posts: 3,863
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: Thursday Night Live Show 7pm with Fowler and Stuart Rutter CH861 and SKy Sports 4 from 10pm **official show thread**:
    In Response to Re: Thursday Night Live Show 7pm with Fowler and Stuart Rutter CH861 and SKy Sports 4 from 10pm **official show thread** : Thank you!! And there is NO attraction to Schof! Dirty rumours :) x
    Posted by MissFowler

  • FCHDFCHD Member Posts: 3,178
    edited September 2013
    Can't have any respect for Philip Schofield - he's a Trethterras guy, I'm a Treviglas guy.
  • BorinLonerBorinLoner Member Posts: 3,863
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: Thursday Night Live Show 7pm with Fowler and Stuart Rutter CH861 and SKy Sports 4 from 10pm **official show thread**:
    Can't have any respect for Philip Schofield - he's a Trethterras guy, I'm a Treviglas guy.
    Posted by FCHD
    Google has told me what this means.

    Sorry Anna. Didn't mean to turn the show thread into a Schofield thread. He was great on Going Live, though.

    Anyway, how did it all go? No rain, wind and horribleness I hope... even if it would have been a little bit funny.
  • MissFowlerMissFowler Member Posts: 885
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: Thursday Night Live Show 7pm with Fowler and Stuart Rutter CH861 and SKy Sports 4 from 10pm **official show thread**:
    In Response to Re: Thursday Night Live Show 7pm with Fowler and Stuart Rutter CH861 and SKy Sports 4 from 10pm **official show thread** : Google has told me what this means. Sorry Anna. Didn't mean to turn the show thread into a Schofield thread. He was great on Going Live, though. Anyway, how did it all go? No rain, wind and horribleness I hope... even if it would have been a little bit funny.
    Posted by BorinLoner
    he was great with gordon!!

    Yeah thanks, it was lovely, although the best bit was getting to the hotel, putting pjs on, and ordering a massive sandwich, I don't think I ate for about a month before, and I was tiny!  Put all of that back on and more on hols though :)  We were lucky with a perfect sunny day! Didn't fall over, forget any words or embarrass myself, (except for full on skidding and falling on my behind on the dance floor). All in all fun. Although I wouldn't want to do it again!! Which is convenient!

  • BorinLonerBorinLoner Member Posts: 3,863
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: Thursday Night Live Show 7pm with Fowler and Stuart Rutter CH861 and SKy Sports 4 from 10pm **official show thread**:
    In Response to Re: Thursday Night Live Show 7pm with Fowler and Stuart Rutter CH861 and SKy Sports 4 from 10pm **official show thread** : he was great with gordon!! Yeah thanks, it was lovely, although the best bit was getting to the hotel, putting pjs on, and ordering a massive sandwich, I don't think I ate for about a month before, and I was tiny!  Put all of that back on and more on hols though :)  We were lucky with a perfect sunny day! Didn't fall over, forget any words or embarrass myself, (except for full on skidding and falling on my behind on the dance floor). All in all fun. Although I wouldn't want to do it again!! Which is convenient! x
    Posted by MissFowler
    Funny how that works out. I'm sure the 'usband was pleased to hear you wouldn't want to do it again.

    I find it interesting that your great indulgence was a sandwich. Not exactly up there on my list. Mmmmm... Egg and chips...

    Have a great show.
  • cenachavcenachav Member Posts: 2,682
    edited September 2013
    Does teacakes count as a pro?  I played with him at an spt side event for a few hours and had a blast. I don't think we were in any pots together though. I think he must of been scared of me ;-)

    Like most players here I've played against Julian Thew and even managed to knock him out of the primo one Sunday aa v ak. I won the flip :-)

    Have a great show tonight and run well whatever your playing
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,709
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: Thursday Night Live Show 7pm with Fowler and Stuart Rutter CH861 and SKy Sports 4 from 10pm **official show thread**:
    Like most players here I've played against Julian Thew and even managed to knock him out of the primo one Sunday aa v ak. I won the flip :-)
    AA v AK probably is a flip if Thew has the AK. He's a lucky so and so. I watched him get it all in with KQ against A-x last night in the mini, and the flop came QQQ. Lol.
  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited September 2013


    Master Cash 9 on the 22nd September.

    Please show cards as face down.

    Villain had been playing very aggressive since sitting down about an hour previous and had been bossing people off pots with shear aggression across multiple streets.   Unless he was running absolutely golden for the hour (doubtful) he was certainly not afraid of making some big bluffs.  He had 3 bet almost every BB so his range is quite wide when he does this (he had got to showdown with hands that include 108os and 55 after 3 betting into multiple opponents).  I decide to 4 bet in position for a number of reasons:

    1 - cause I know we are very deepstacked and I know he can call worse preflop.
    2 - so I can take control of the hand - I don't want to see a flop come 10 high and be bluffed off by sheer aggression.  I want to be the one to put him to a difficult decision if hes holding a JJ type hand.  To be quite honest I think I was just bored with him running over the table too.

    When he flats my 3 bet OOP it tells me he never has AA/KK.  He would 100% be 5 betting these hands all day to try and get stacks in.  So his range includes lower PPs but also a lot of high cards and suited connectors.

    The flop comes Q high with a potential flush draw on the board.  I'm fairly certain I have the best hand 90% of the time here so I C-bet to charge for draws.  He then over shoves all in.

    Question - is this ever a call?  As I had ruled out AA/KK and couldnt imagine a set doing this (why wouldn't they let me continue barrelling bluffs like AK?) I eventually did call - reluctantly.  However is the price too much for the size of the pot and should I just get away from it as im not exactly a massive favourite against a flush draw.
  • MissFowlerMissFowler Member Posts: 885
    edited September 2013
    Thanking you... Keepmit up
    Any hand requests coming in for Stuart to look at tonight, and any maths questions... Apparently Rutter is also a maths tutor.....
  • TalonTalon Member Posts: 1,621
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: Thursday Night Live Show 7pm with Fowler and Stuart Rutter CH861 and SKy Sports 4 from 10pm **official show thread**:
    Thanking you... Keepmit up Any hand requests coming in for Stuart to look at tonight, and any maths questions... Apparently Rutter is also a maths tutor.....
    Posted by MissFowler

      Fair enough. Can you ask stu to explain the concept of i and its geometric positioning on the complex number plane
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited September 2013
    Maths tutor eh?

    Stuart, what's your fave pi filling?
  • BorinLonerBorinLoner Member Posts: 3,863
    edited September 2013
    Should say good evening Stuart... and Anna.

    I have one story about playing against a professional player - I think he's a pro anyway. A chap by the name of Priyan De Mel in a live satellite to GUKPT Blackpool in 2009. (or maybe 2008)

    There were two or three live satellites in the week leading up to the event. Each was a £30 rebuy to the £1k main event. I played in the Tuesday event and found Mr De Mel on my immediate left. I had no idea who he was, of course.

    My budget for the satellites was a maximum of £150. Much to my chagrin, in the fairly early levels Mr De Mel was shoving every occasion the pot came to him with any dead money in it. He obviously was trying to build a stack and get the seat for anything less than the £1k true cost. Obviously, I couldn't afford to rebuy as many times as him.

    To keep it relatively short, after I'd done two buy-ins, I realised this wasn't a good situation for me, so I left and came back to try again the next day. In that satellite there were 9 seats available and for a total of £90... I finished 14th... Pretty annoying. Worse still, a good friend of mine who had a bit of a rivalry with me somehow binked a seat, and I've never heard the end of it.

    As for Mr Priyan De Mel, well, he only went and won the thing, didn't he? At least my chips went to a good home.

    Bit long. lol
  • cenachavcenachav Member Posts: 2,682
    edited September 2013
    Can Stuart confirm that variance is only standard deviation squared :-)
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