To be fair whenever i go out of a tournament i always shout at the laptop its rigged but in truth its poker and you will always bet bad beats, I do find that a lot of my straights run into flushes and my sets run into full houses but i think i need to learn when to fold and i will be ok! haha - GL and see ya at the tables.
To be fair whenever i go out of a tournament i always shout at the laptop its rigged but in truth its poker and you will always bet bad beats, I do find that a lot of my straights run into flushes and my sets run into full houses but i think i need to learn when to fold and i will be ok! haha - GL and see ya at the tables. Posted by Mikeycb
1. Sky and any other poker site can prove whether their software products are performing to probability expectations; they choose not to.
2. They are not required to provide ongoing 'proof' that their systems function within 'expected parameters'.
3. The approving agent for sky pokers initial licence acquisition also disclaims any future variance away from 'expected parameters'.
4. Mathematical probability over a prolonged period, such as a poker casino might provide with a random shuffle, is an absolute guarantee, it cannot show anamolies without something being wrong. So why dont poker sites provide proof of veracity?
5. All poker sites and individuals associated to such are honest enterprises run by former clergymen; Judges and Magistrates, W.I members, barristers, solicitors, bankers, old ladies from convent schools and spinsters and bachelors that never so much as looked at a horse in a wrong manner.
Why would Sky be corrupt; its owned by Rupert Murdoch ffs!!!
1. Sky and any other poker site can prove whether their software products are performing to probability expectations; they choose not to.
2. They are not required to provide ongoing 'proof' that their systems function within 'expected parameters'.
3. The approving agent for sky pokers initial licence acquisition also disclaims any future variance away from 'expected parameters'.
4. Mathematical probability over a prolonged period, such as a poker casino might provide with a random shuffle, is an absolute guarantee, it cannot show anamolies without something being wrong. So why dont poker sites provide proof of veracity?
5. All poker sites and individuals associated to such are honest enterprises run by former clergymen; Judges and Magistrates, W.I members, barristers, solicitors, bankers, old ladies from convent schools and spinsters and bachelors that never so much as looked at a horse in a wrong manner.
Why would Sky be corrupt; its owned by Rupert Murdoch ffs!!!