The rock asked a question about huds and a few posts in it gets closed because "sky does not support huds" .and they don't like you discussing
No one was arguing/ being abusive.huds are on loads of sites legally.
Yet we are not allowed to discuss on an open forum?...censorship rules!
Free speech doesn't really exist on forums. Perhaps on a few, but in two decades I don't recall ever being part of one where it is allowed. We basically follow rules/guidelines set out by the forum host. So if they don't want a certain type of discussion, then they can choose to stop it. We may not strictly agree with it, it may seem silly to us, but it's their rules.
If it was a discussion about whether or not sky should support HUDs then that would be free speech.
What the thread was though was a request for help about how to set up a HUD and use it on other sites.
Why should a Sky forum allow chat effectively helping people to...
a) Play on other sites
b) Stay on other sites because they want/need to use a HUD
I for one am glad that HUDs are not used on sky - it means I can only get beaten by better players and the poker gods - I would hate losing to a human + software.
My two pence - feel FREE to disagree!
You nailed it, Mr Phantom.
I do feel very uncomfortable about this whole "Free Speech" debate, especially in cases like this, so I'm going to start a separate thread to explain why, & we can all use it as a forum for reasoned discussion about the whole issue. I'll do it in the next hour or so.
Until then, can we ALL hold off further discussion of the topic, as I am hoping I can explain things such that we all have a better understanding of Sky Poker's position, & reasoning.
Thank you.
Please see my previous Post, as I very much want to address this whole issue. There are "angles" to it which I don't believe everyone has taken into account.
Bear with me for an hour or so please.
Joined the poker rake offer discussions late.
Skypoker run the forum and have the right to close discussions if they want.
However what I object to is the closing of all new threads that refer to the issue, while saying you have addressed the reasons in another thread - when it seems that the original thread has been removed completely.
If you feel you have answered that point...
What is wrong with leaving the answer for us to see?
I thought I would use another thread in the context of "free speech" than start yet another new one.
yeah this wasn't aimed at you. Nor is it at others, i know a few people have made efforts to speak to sky privately (i signed my name on one of them). I know things are frustrating sometimes but i just feel the way things are going it feels like a power struggle between Sky and players, which really isn't good for either party.
I agree with Don that this should be handled off-forum.
I am not anti-sky on the issue.
See my earlier post on this thread - I fully supported them on the HUD debate.
I am genuinely curious as to what the explanation was from sky.
To quote an earlier post from sky...
"Hi guys,
That would be fair enough if the post of the reasons was still visible.