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Diary of a fledgling player



  • peter27peter27 Member Posts: 1,637
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Diary of a fledgling player:
    In Response to Re: Diary of a fledgling player : Yeah, join the fun at the 2p/4p charity table! ROCKINGHAM.
    Posted by Slipwater
    That was a good suggestion, ended up with about £4 profit, cheers :p
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,700
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Diary of a fledgling player:
    In Response to Re: Diary of a fledgling player : That was a good suggestion, ended up with about £4 profit, cheers :p
    Posted by peter27
  • peter27peter27 Member Posts: 1,637
    edited December 2013
    Day 54 (Friday)

    This was, by far, the worst day of poker I have ever had!

    Played 1 x £30 Speed B/Hunter (result: 9th, took one head for £1.88)
    Played 2 x £20k B/H Early Sat (results: 2nd - needed 1st!, 5th)
    Played 2 x £20k B/H Direct (results: didn't qualify from either)
    Played 1 x £20k B/H Sat (result: 1st - got me into the semi)
    Played 1 x £20k B/H Semi (result: knocked out mid-way through)
    Played 1 x £20k B/H All-In Sat (result: didn't qualify)
    Played 1 x £20k B/H Hyper Sat (result: didn't qualify)
    Played 5 x £100 Gtd (15 mins) (results: 10th for £6.18, 4th for £10.38, 9th for £9.37, 12th for £8, 14th for £5.75)
    Played 1 x £300 Gtd (30 mins) (result: knocked out in the last hand!)
    Played 1 x £2000 Mini B/H (result: stupidly jammed - knocked out)
    Played 1 x £5 Turbo DYM (result: 6th)
    Played 4 x £5 Double Your Money (results: 6th, 2nd, 2nd, 3rd)
    Played 1 x £200 Guarnteed (result: 20th - top 10 paid ... was actually running really well until the first break when my luck just vanished!)

    Day 55 (Saturday)

    Started badly, but felt like my luck was coming back towards the end of the day.

    Played 3 x £5 Double Your Money (results: 4th, 4th, 5th)
    Played 1 x £5 Six-Max (Speed) (result: 3rd)
    Played 3 x £100 Gtd (15 mins) (results: knocked out, 18th for £6.87, knocked out)
    Played 1 x £75 Gtd (15 mins) (result: knocked out)
    Played 1 x 25p Turbo DYM (result: 6th)
    Played 1 x £200 Guarnteed (result: 11th - needed top six to cash)
    Played 1 x £750 Bounty Hunter (result: 82nd, £1.88 in head prizes)
    Played 1 x £100 Bounty Hunter (result: 21st, £4.22 in head prizes)

    Also joined Larson and Slipwater in their charity challenge on cash for a little while, ended about £4 up.

    A terrible weekend for me really though, started on about £200, now down to £119.14 .. :-(

    Will update the first post now. Could do with some advice about where I go from here TBH, pretty down about my poker right now!
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited December 2013
    Buy into the Primo tonight and take it down for like 7k.

    Easy game!
  • peter27peter27 Member Posts: 1,637
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Diary of a fledgling player:
    Buy into the Primo tonight and take it down for like 7k. Easy game!
    Posted by hhyftrftdr
    Would LOVE to but it's half my bankroll! Plus I'm not free this evening anyway :-(
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,700
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Diary of a fledgling player:
    Buy into the Primo tonight and take it down for like 7k. Easy game!
    Posted by hhyftrftdr
    I'm pretty sure Sky rigged it for me to do this tonight.
  • peter27peter27 Member Posts: 1,637
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Diary of a fledgling player:
    In Response to Re: Diary of a fledgling player : I'm pretty sure Sky rigged it for me to do this tonight.
    Posted by Slipwater
    Shouldn't you be sleeping right now? xD
  • peter27peter27 Member Posts: 1,637
    edited December 2013
    Day 56 (Sunday)

    Played 1 x £5 Double Your Money (result: 1st)
    Played 1 x £2 Russian Roulette (result: 1st)
    Played 1 x £100 Speed B/Hunter (result: out-drawn quite badly so no cash, £1.88 head prizes)

    Day 57

    Played 1 x £150 Speed B/Hunt (result: knocked out mid-way through, zero heads)
    Played 1 x £20K UKOPS 1 Sat (result: 2nd for £9.60)
    Played 1 x £2000 Mini B/H (result: knocked out due to brilliant play from opponent!)
    Played 1 x £200 Guaranteed (result: 28th)
    Played 1 x £5 Six-Max (Speed) (result: 6th)

    Day 58 (Tuesday)

    Played 5 x £5K Open All-In (result: didn't qualify from any of them .. )
    Played 1 x £100 Deep Stack (result: went out in 45th!)
    Played 1 x £2K Mini Turbo BH (result: 163rd, £5.64 bounties, that's a monumental 14p profit!)
    Played 1 x £250 Bounty Hunter (result: 67th, one hour of play, nothing to show for it!)
    Played 1 x £5 Turbo DYM (result: 3rd)

    The rot continues, I'm now on £94.98 :-( I do feel like it is beginning to stabilise though - and I'm more determined than ever right now! Mark my words, I will be back up to £200 for when UKOPS begins.

    Will update the first post now!
  • peter27peter27 Member Posts: 1,637
    edited December 2013
    I thought I was stabilising my bad run, apparently not ..

    Day 59 (Wednesday)

    Played 3 x £20 Gtd (15 mins) (results: 2nd for £8.47, 7th for £3.20, Knocked Out)

    Day 60 (Thursday)

    Played 1 x £750 Bounty Hunter (result: 69th with £1.88 head prizes .. was out-drawn)
    Played 1 x UKOPS IX Freeroll (result: 28th/541 - good position, but needed top six!)
    Played 1 x Sky Head Hunter MTT (result: out after about 3 hands, keep getting out-drawn ..)
    Played 1 x Sky Head Hunter STT (result: 5th)
    Played 2 x £5 Turbo DYM's (results: 5th, 5th)
    Played 1 x £5 Double Your Money (result: 1st)
    Played 1 x £2 Turbo DYM (result: 4th)

    Balance now £69.58, will update the first post now.

    Feeling very down about my poker right now, some words of encouragement or help would be nice to be honest! :-(
  • peter27peter27 Member Posts: 1,637
    edited December 2013
    Argh, I'm getting seriously ****ed off right now, every hand I get to showdown is ahead but out-drawn it seems :-(
  • PokerNoonPokerNoon Member Posts: 202
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Diary of a fledgling player:
    Argh, I'm getting seriously ****ed off right now, every hand I get to showdown is ahead but out-drawn it seems :-(
    Posted by peter27
    I think we can all relate to the ups and downs of this game.

    Would you say it's just a bad period of luck that's hitting you, or do you think you're not playing optimally?
  • stuarty117stuarty117 Member Posts: 1,395
    edited December 2013
    Hi Peter

    It doesn't seem like you have dropped down in stakes you are still playing £5 games with a sub £100 BR. This is not good been there done that and never again.

    Drop down to £1 and £2 games again until you build back up.

    I also said It earlier in your thread DONT play the turbo DYMs as 2 min blinds and 1000 starting stack is really just a gamble.

    Regular DYMs are fast enough 5min blinds they are usually over within half an hour. PLUS looking back you are getting better results in the regular speed ones.

    I recently used a 40 Buy in rule a month or so ago stricty, I dropped below £120 a few times so I went back to £2 games.

    I have now hit the £5 games now and going well.  
  • stuarty117stuarty117 Member Posts: 1,395
    edited December 2013
    Also I have started writing notes on players so when I meet them again I have a bit of info. Also I look at my Hand histories I little bit more.
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited December 2013
    Chin up Peter. My advice to you is practice strict BR management. Over a long period this is by far the best method of looking after and increasing your BR. 

    Sounds easy but really try and concentrate on minimising your losses (by not tilting and playing to high buyins) and increase your winnings (by playing more comfortably at managable stakes and when you get a win it makes a more noticable impression on your BR and therefore increase confidence!)

  • peter27peter27 Member Posts: 1,637
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Diary of a fledgling player:
    In Response to Re: Diary of a fledgling player : I think we can all relate to the ups and downs of this game. Would you say it's just a bad period of luck that's hitting you, or do you think you're not playing optimally?
    Posted by PokerNoon
    I'm really not sure to be honest. I feel like I'm playing the same as I was when I was rapidly increasing my balance, but I've never been sure if that's good or bad really! That was one of the reasons for me making this diary, but if anything I have become more confused ..

    In Response to Re: Diary of a fledgling player:
    Hi Peter It doesn't seem like you have dropped down in stakes you are still playing £5 games with a sub £100 BR. This is not good been there done that and never again. Drop down to £1 and £2 games again until you build back up. I also said It earlier in your thread DONT play the turbo DYMs as 2 min blinds and 1000 starting stack is really just a gamble. Regular DYMs are fast enough 5min blinds they are usually over within half an hour. PLUS looking back you are getting better results in the regular speed ones. I recently used a 40 Buy in rule a month or so ago stricty, I dropped below £120 a few times so I went back to £2 games. I have now hit the £5 games now and going well.  
    Posted by stuarty117
    I am trying to drop down the levels, but after playing £5 MTT's the low stake DYM's just don't have as much excitement for me now .. :/

    As for the Turbo situation, I just prefer quicker games! However while I'm on a bad run, perhaps I should go to less variance games. Thanks for that suggestion :-)

    I do regularly make notes and check my hand histories, posting on the poker clinc when required!

    In Response to Re: Diary of a fledgling player:
    Chin up Peter. My advice to you is practice strict BR management. Over a long period this is by far the best method of looking after and increasing your BR.  Sounds easy but really try and concentrate on minimising your losses (by not tilting and playing to high buyins) and increase your winnings (by playing more comfortably at managable stakes and when you get a win it makes a more noticable impression on your BR and therefore increase confidence!) Craig.
    Posted by CraigSG1
    I'll do my best! It is the excitement factor that is lacking when playing low stake DYM's though :-(
  • peter27peter27 Member Posts: 1,637
    edited December 2013
    Okay, so my updates have been a little sketchy lately for a number of reasons; I've been pretty busy job hunting and I haven't really been enjoying my poker lately either (because I'm losing!).

    Having said that, one breakthrough I did make in the past few days was the ability to multi-table, I'm now two-tabling without any problems! Although this has probably made my losing run even worse.

    Anyway, taking on board the suggestions from people earlier, the last two games I played tonight were £2 DYM's (not turbo's like usual) and I cashed in both! Suddenly feeling much better about my prospects.

    Here's my full list of play for today:

    Day 61

    Played 2 x £2 Six-Max (Speed) (results: 4th, 4th)
    Played 1 x £5 Six-Max (Speed) (result: 4th)
    Played 1 x Orfordable D/Stack (result: about 60th-ish, no cash)
    Played 2 x £2 Double Your Money (results: 2nd, 2nd)

    Balance now £57.68, will update the first post now.

    I did say that I was determined to get back up to £200 by the start of UKOPS - that remains the aim. I am £142.32 away from that target with six days to go (including the first day of UKOPS) so I need to be earning £23.72 per day. A tough ask, but I'm really going to push for it - let's see what the poker gods have in store!
  • daggers747daggers747 Member Posts: 193
    edited December 2013
    I worry for anyone who relies, blames or mentions the poker gods.
    If strugging cut tables give every game 100 % concentration and keep it simple.
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,700
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Diary of a fledgling player:
    I worry for anyone who relies, blames or mentions the poker gods. If strugging cut tables give every game 100 % concentration and keep it simple. Daggers
    Posted by daggers747
    I'm pretty sure Peter only uses the term here in the generic, familiar way that a lot of poker players do. He isn't disengaging his brain and leaving his game up to fate. Ultimately, it doesn't matter what we do, because the gods are in control...
  • peter27peter27 Member Posts: 1,637
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Diary of a fledgling player:
    I worry for anyone who relies, blames or mentions the poker gods. If strugging cut tables give every game 100 % concentration and keep it simple. Daggers
    Posted by daggers747
    In Response to Re: Diary of a fledgling player:
    In Response to Re: Diary of a fledgling player : I'm pretty sure Peter only uses the term here in the generic, familiar way that a lot of poker players do. He isn't disengaging his brain and leaving his game up to fate. Ultimately, it doesn't matter what we do, because the gods are in control...
    Posted by Slipwater
    Slip is right. In fact, I'm the most anti-religious person you will probably meet so anything with the term "god" in it means very little for me haha!
  • ff55hhff55hh Member Posts: 395
    edited December 2013
    Hi Peter.

    I must confess to being a bit of a forum parasite as I always read the posts but never contribute.

    I really enjoy your diary because you're playing at a level I can relate to and you're posts are always enthusiastic. Unfortunately I'm not skilled enough to give you any game-play advice but I have a few tips that may help you.

    I use 2 accounts (on ipoker network) - 1 is for MTTs and the other for SNG games. If you had this you wouldnt have moved up to £5 SNGs when you won good money in tournaments the other day.

    Also I notice that you employ a bankroll strategy of 20x. I think you shuld increase this to about 60x and then you can play at that stake under no pressure, it will take you longer to move up in stake and when that happens you will truly deserve to move up in levels.

    I hope your luck turns around this weekend pal, with or without my input :-)
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