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Diary of a fledgling player



  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited October 2013
    Some worrying points in your last post Peter.

    1. Playing Russian roulette?

    Can't see how that fits into developing your game - or making a profit.

    2. Jumping up to £2 and £3 events?

    Not saying you can't beat those levels - however it flies in the face of earlier discussions on BRM

    3. Playing without concentrating

    We all do it - we all know we shouldn't - Need to focus on the game to extract the most value.

    I am sure you already know all of the above so think of this as a friendly reinforcement of what your inner poker conscience should be telling you.

    gl today.

  • EasyHoneyEasyHoney Member Posts: 58
    edited October 2013
    Very interesting to read im subbing this but also look to create my own... inspiring ;)
  • peter27peter27 Member Posts: 1,637
    edited October 2013
    In Response to Re: Diary of a fledgling player:
    Some worrying points in your last post Peter. 1. Playing Russian roulette? Can't see how that fits into developing your game - or making a profit. 2. Jumping up to £2 and £3 events? Not saying you can't beat those levels - however it flies in the face of earlier discussions on BRM 3. Playing without concentrating We all do it - we all know we shouldn't - Need to focus on the game to extract the most value. I am sure you already know all of the above so think of this as a friendly reinforcement of what your inner poker conscience should be telling you. gl today.
    Posted by Phantom66
    Russian Roulette - tilting.
    £3 events - tilting. £2 events - I am at £50 (ish) now so think that an odd £2 game here and there is okay?
    Concentration - should have taken some time away from the PC, I know this for next time now :-)

    In Response to Re: Diary of a fledgling player:
    Very interesting to read im subbing this but also look to create my own... inspiring ;)
    Posted by EasyHoney
    Wow, that's a lovely comment! Thank you very much!! :-)
  • peter27peter27 Member Posts: 1,637
    edited October 2013
    Day 19

    With Formula One and Football on, I didn't get much time to play today!

    Played 2 x £1 Six-Max (Speed) tournaments (results: 1st & 3rd)

    ... and that's it!

    This does mean a profit today however, balance is now £48.20, will update the first post now.

    I'm moving house tomorrow, and won't have Internet for a few days (apart from visits to the library/internet cafes) so I probably won't be able to play any poker, but I will be visiting the forums. Will keep you guys updated :-)
  • peter27peter27 Member Posts: 1,637
    edited October 2013
    Just an update that I should be back online on Friday, so this diary will resume then! :-)

    Sad that I'm missing UKOPS events, but probably didn't have the bankroll to enter anyway! Although the 7PM Free Cash FR has been turned into a UKOPS FR I believe ... will be something I enter when I start playing again in a few days :-)
  • peter27peter27 Member Posts: 1,637
    edited October 2013
    I'm back online!!

    Let's break the £50 barrier today and qualify for some UKOPS events through very low-steak buy-ins!! :-)
  • peter27peter27 Member Posts: 1,637
    edited November 2013
    Day 20

    Played a lot of different games today due to UKOPS!

    Played 1 x £2.30 Speed B/Hunter - finished 6th out of 6 >.< Once again, AK let me down :-(
    Played 2 x £10k UKOPS BH Sat - qualified for the semi at the second time of asking!
    Played 1 x £10K UKOPS BH Semi - finished 5th/127 players - qualified for the event!!
    Played 1 x £10,000 UKOPS B/H - out just before first break, went all-in with KK against 22, they won with quad 2's, very annoying :-( Didn't take any heads either sadly ..
    Played 1 x £3K UKOPS All-In - didn't qualify.
    Played 1 x £1 Six-Max Speed - finished 6th: All in with AQ, called by 10,9 - flop was 333, turn was 10 ...
    Played 1 x £1 Six-Max - 2nd
    Played 1 x £1 Double Your Money - 2nd

    Really expected to take at least one head in the BH which would have really improved my bankroll! Sadly, it wasn't to be. Now down to £40.15 - quite a big hit today :-(

    Will be playing a lot tomorrow, want to get to £50 before the evening in order to enter some more UKOPS sats. I have been going up to £2.50 for a UKOPS sat, usually I wouldn't do that with this bankroll but UKOPS is a special occasion so I feel like it's okay. That's only when I have close to £50 too, I'm not going to enter any UKOPS sats if I'm closer to £40. Will update the first post now.

    EDIT: Actually, the figure had not updated in my account, I was on £42.25 - NOT £40.15.
  • EasyHoneyEasyHoney Member Posts: 58
    edited November 2013
    Doing very well peter congrats 

    Im struggling I dunno if im just on a bad run or im terrible lol started making notes though ... had one plus day so far ... im down 30% br so far and your up 400% since start ... any tips you want to share ? Ha ha
  • truly56truly56 Member Posts: 59
    edited November 2013
      Hi peter, you are doing really well, just a suggestion why not play the the £1,10 deep stack,you start with 5000 chips . Are you playing the UKOPS freeroll at 7,if so, i wish you the best of luck . you tc, from trully56
  • peter27peter27 Member Posts: 1,637
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Diary of a fledgling player:
    Doing very well peter congrats  Im struggling I dunno if im just on a bad run or im terrible lol started making notes though ... had one plus day so far ... im down 30% br so far and your up 400% since start ... any tips you want to share ? Ha ha
    Posted by EasyHoney
    The two things that helped me most (trying to think of things from my experience rather than things that anyone could tell you like use BRM, rarely limp etc. etc.)

    1) Play Six-Max games rather than DYM's. For some reason I found it MUCH easier to cash in these (even though that seems illogical).

    2) Most people say you should be finding a spot to shove when you have 10 BB's or less. I found that only playing this way (shoving or folding) as low as 5 BB's or less worked well for me - at least in DYM's. At this stage, let's say blinds are 50/100 and you have 500 chips. You shove. Say you double up, that's 1000 chips + (possibly) the SB and BB which makes 1150 chips (11.5 BB's) - a playable stack. Obviously if you have AA with 10 BB's then shove, but I don't believe in taking the shoving risk too early in a DYM as others can easily knock themselves out, allowing you to cash.

    In Response to Re: Diary of a fledgling player:
         Hi peter, you are doing really well, just a suggestion why not play the the £1,10 deep stack,you start with 5000 chips . Are you playing the UKOPS freeroll at 7,if so, i wish you the best of luck . you tc, from trully56
    Posted by truly56
    If I was around when it is running then I will definitely play it! Actually, I find deepstack tournaments very slow and boring, but I do always do well in them :p

    I may be playing the UKOPS freeroll today, depends if I'm free to play at that time :-)

    How you getting on with the DYM's?
  • peter27peter27 Member Posts: 1,637
    edited November 2013
    peter27 Small blind   200.00 200.00 2710.00
    whywhywhy7 Big blind   400.00 600.00 3777.50
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • K
    KingJimmy Fold        
    buzz70 Call   400.00 1000.00 7252.50
    peter27 All-in   2710.00 3710.00 0.00
    whywhywhy7 Call   2510.00 6220.00 1267.50
    buzz70 Fold        
    peter27 Show
    • A
    • K
    whywhywhy7 Show
    • 3
    • A
    • 3
    • 5
    • 4
    • 10
    • 7
    whywhywhy7 Win Pair of 3s 6220.00   7487.50
    It's getting to the point now where I'm disappointed when I see AK ... that's at least 50 times I have got AK all-in pre-flop, have not won once :-(
  • peter27peter27 Member Posts: 1,637
    edited November 2013
    That was my first rage post on these forums! It's just so frustrating - wish there were statistics of how many times in a row each hand has lost going all-in pre-flop. I'm pretty sure I'd be near the top somewhere!!
  • peter27peter27 Member Posts: 1,637
    edited November 2013
    Day 21

    This post will be a long one, it's been an eventful day!!

    First of all, at the end of day 20 - I said I had £40.15. That's not actually true as when I logged in this morning I had £42.25 ... sometimes my account doesn't update straight away when I've cashed in a tournament, I assume this is the case for others too?

    Also, I earned £7.90 from Sky Poker Rewards last month, although £3.50 of that was from before I started this diary. What this means is that I will withdraw the £3.50 when it comes in to leave a £4.40 bonus.

    Right, my play today:

    Played 8 x £1 Six-Max (Speed) (results: 3rd, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 1st, 6th, 4th) - not great ...
    Played 1 x £1 Heads-Up (Trubo) (result: 1st)
    Played 1 x £1 Heads-Up (Speed) (result: 2nd)
    Played 2 x £5K UKOPS Direct - did not qualify in both.
    Played 4 x £5K UKOPS All-In - again, did not qualify from any, BUT I did get a second place! Didn't get me a seat into the UKOPS event, but I did take down just over £11! :-)
    Played 1 x £15K UKOPS All-In - did not qualify.
    Played the UKOPS FR - did not qualify.
    Played 1 x £1 Turbo DYM (result: 2nd)
    Played 1 x £250 Bounty Hunter (result: can't remember, but didn't cash!)

    If it wasn't for that £11 cash today, I would have a big loss - the desire to play in a UKOPS event is really holding me back for this diary with the cost of satellites. As a result, I have decided that I am going to deposit and play in one UKOPS event and it won't count towards this diary. I was doing this before and people made me understand it was not helping my BRM, however UKOPS is a special event so this is different. Additionally, my BRM is not helping me make a profit recently as I'm spending any winnings on satellites ... this way, I can get back to focussing on building a bankroll in the knowledge I will be playing a UKOPS event.

    Which event am I going to play? I haven't decided yet, possibly late reg for the £4K Freezeout tomorrow. Late reg because I have been selected to play in the Top of the posts tournament tomorrow which kicks off at the same time, and I want to fully focus on these tournaments. Actually, the Top of the posts tournament means I will take down £10 minimum, possibly as high as £50 if I win it - here's hoping!

    Finished the day on £40.04, will update the first post now.

    Just to clarify, tomorrow I will be back to focussing on BRM and grinding up the levels, apart from one UKOPS tournament which will not count towards this diary :-)
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited November 2013
    Peter, remember its your money, your poker and your diary. If you wanna deposit to play a UKOPS event then fill your boots, no reason to justify anything to anyone on here or elsewhere.

    I say this as I did something similar this year; deposited £30 initially to really try and grind it up through the stakes, but decided the following week that I wanted to play the Turbo Tuesday main so stuck in another £11 to play it (BR was only up to about £40 or so by then). Managed a 3rd for about £400 and not looked back since.

    Gl in whatever you decide to play.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Diary of a fledgling player:
    Peter, remember its your money, your poker and your diary. If you wanna deposit to play a UKOPS event then fill your boots, no reason to justify anything to anyone on here or elsewhere. I say this as I did something similar this year; deposited £30 initially to really try and grind it up through the stakes, but decided the following week that I wanted to play the Turbo Tuesday main so stuck in another £11 to play it (BR was only up to about £40 or so by then). Managed a 3rd for about £400 and not looked back since. Gl in whatever you decide to play.
    Posted by hhyftrftdr
    See Peter, if fish can heater then anyone can ;)
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Diary of a fledgling player:
    In Response to Re: Diary of a fledgling player : See Peter, if fish can heater then anyone can ;)
    Posted by Lambert180
    I sigh, because thats a little too close to the truth for my liking :(

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Diary of a fledgling player:
    In Response to Re: Diary of a fledgling player : I sigh, because thats a little too close to the truth for my liking :(
    Posted by hhyftrftdr
    Aww we know that you know your shizzle Harry... downswings suck and really mash your head up.

    Just so I haven't completely wasted space on your diary I'll chuck out some input for ya Peter. I'd strongly urge you get rid of this idea that folding down to 5xBB is standard/fine/good. The are circumstances that'll call for it, when survival is key AND the stacks in play are all very short but generally it's bad.

    For instance if it's 200/400, and you have 2.2k (so 5.5xBB) but the other stacks around are like 2.5k, 1.6k and 1.9k, then it's not panic stations yet and you can use your noggin about how best to use your stack.

    If however it's more like 50/100 and you've voluntarily folded down to 550 (still 5.5xBB) chips while everyone else has 2.2k, 2.5, 1.8k or w.e then this is reaaaaallllyyy bad. You're just putting yourself in such a bad spot to cash where you're basically relying on the fact you will HAVE to get lucky.

    I see so many people do it in Sky MTTs ALLLLL the time and it's just so poor, yeh they may mincash a few more times when a better player may bust, and they may even run very very good the odd time, spin it up and go deep, but they're limiting their chances to go deep regularly so much. DYMs are obviously different, but the most important things in DYMs imo isn't necessarily your stack size, but your stack size in relation to everyone else's.
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Diary of a fledgling player:
    Peter, remember its your money, your poker and your diary. If you wanna deposit to play a UKOPS event then fill your boots, no reason to justify anything to anyone on here or elsewhere.
     +1 - I took a diversion from my STT challenge to play a UKOPS mini this week and glad I did - was it great BRM - no- but had the money there and just wanted to part of it, Looking forward to the UK Poker champs sats now.
    I say this as I did something similar this year; deposited £30 initially to really try and grind it up through the stakes, but decided the following week that I wanted to play the Turbo Tuesday main so stuck in another £11 to play it (BR was only up to about £40 or so by then). Managed a 3rd for about £400 and not looked back since. Gl in whatever you decide to play.
    Posted by hhyftrftdr
    Cough! This months nomination for thinly disguised brag post goes to...
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited November 2013
    Look Phantom, if I was gonna brag, you really think I'd use a 3rd place?! You not think I'd talk about taking down the Primo from a £6 sat? Or winning the Wednesday rebuy? Could even drop in a FT jackpot payout for good measure if I felt like I wanted to brag.

    I was innocently comparing my circumstances around April this year to Peter's current 'dilemma', and encouraging him to go for it as it can open doors.

    Ahem. Cough.

    (that brag was as thin as my waistline).
  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Diary of a fledgling player:
    Look Phantom, if I was gonna brag, you really think I'd use a 3rd place?! You not think I'd talk about taking down the Primo from a £6 sat? Or winning the Wednesday rebuy? Could even drop in a FT jackpot payout for good measure if I felt like I wanted to brag. I was innocently comparing my circumstances around April this year to Peter's current 'dilemma', and encouraging him to go for it as it can open doors. Ahem. Cough. (that brag was as thin as my waistline).
    Posted by hhyftrftdr
    No shame.

    No shame at all....
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