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STT Challenge and diary DYMs v 6max (COMPLETED)



  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited October 2013
    Overall stats now:
    Dyms trending up - 6max trending down.

    Confidence taken a knock back on 6max - taking some silly risks when don't need to and getting too timid and scared of losing in other spots.
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited October 2013
    Took a night off last night - back late from visiting and felt tired and a bit down - had been hopeful that my wife would be home this week but that is not looking likely now - not a good mood to play poker in!

    Hopefully back in tonight - might take a punt at the mini deepstack if the mood is good. I can afford it as a one-off and it will be nice to get involved in the UKOPS. Only tried to enter via a couple of FRs so far.
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited October 2013

    No STTs last night - had some work to do but did enter the UKOPS mini - deepstack freezout for £5.50 - plenty of play for my £'s and I find a MTT is manageable for mutli-tasking.

    Early doors a series of steady small gains before a long card dead run dwindled down to quarter avg stack a couple of times and found good spots to bet back to just above avg 20BB+ stack.

    Just before bubble button open raise with KT x2callers - flop Kxx checked to me - neither player had been aggro or tricky so I decide to check - not much chance of an A hitting on turn - so of course it hits. Then made a couple of terrible calls to min bets both opponents had A's.

    Tried a SB raise v BB and cbet but BB shoves on me to leave me short right on the bubble.

    Card dead again with minimal fold equity so decide to sit it out for the cash, which was made.

    Then had time to rail Anna through to her cash in the M/E - well played!
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited October 2013
    oh dear

    sneaked in 3 STTs before bed time - wish I hadn't

    Overplayed TP in a 6max and got busted in a 6mx (wp Peter27)

    Then the following two bubble hands in DYMs

    AsKs v KcQc


    AA v A3


    sigh - AK hand particularly annoying - there were 3 similar stacks and a big stack who didn't need to get involved. Pushed me off a raise with 99 by shoving all-in over the top. Then open raised on me so I went all-in with AK and he called.

    Suppose I couldn't have got my chips in much better in either hand so should only really worry about the top hand.
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited October 2013
    Stats update...
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited November 2013
    Finally... stopped the rot on the 6max bad run

    Won a 6max - pretty standard to 4 handed then the big stack knocked out other 2 players - so about 4:1 down in chips.

    Managed to hit well and play well to get ahead then win with AJ v J8 aipf.

    Also played 2 dyms W1 L1
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited November 2013
    Only 1 STT today and doesn't count in the stats as it was the top of the posts one.

    Nice £25 boost for the bankroll.

    Enjoyable game with plenty of banter - shame we had 2 sitouts though but I can't complain about the free ladder up to 3rd after Lamberts exit.

    Knocked out by Paige - nearly found a fold with an outkicked top pair on a T high board - but couldn't quite manage it. Hoped my preflop raise and post flop reraise all-in would take the pot down but had run into TP/TK and my thin draws didn't get there.
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited November 2013
    Been busy with visiting and started a new contract this week so table time very limited.

    Played a few 6max to get the numbers even with DYMs.

    P4 Wx2 2ndx1 3rdx1

    Held up when ahead in 2 wins
    The 3rd was a little ul shoved with 44 from BB over 2 limpers - called by Q7o which hit
    2nd spot lost HU chip lead with pf cooler AJvAQ then went out when all-in on turn with 2 pair Q7 v AQ tptk and A rivered.

    Tried my first UKOPS Sat - early good start in a frenzy but soon came unstuck - not exactly much play but better than an all-in I suppose. Might wait until rolled up a bit more and enter a better structured Sat. Only worry is by then all the pros will have qualified and will be grinding those sats for cash.

    Thinking I'll aim to get to 50/50 entries and review where I am.

    B/R has been climbing - might stick the entries up to £2 for the next 50.
    cash %
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited November 2013
    Well haven't managed much time on the tables lately, but I have now finally reached the half way point.

    Continuing the steady grind on the DYM tables - bit of a downswing on the 6max - a run of getting it in good on the bubble only to get busted. Broke the rot with a win tonight but wasn't really concentrating and playing my best and went on to lose the next 2. Final game got in good with trips and a gutshot straight draw to get called by two pair that made the higher FH on the turn.
    cash % 
    Think I'll stick to the £1 buy-ins for the time being and complete the challenge before deciding what to do next.
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited November 2013
    Decided that since DYMs going well and comfortable with tactics I'll finish the hundred playing the last 50 and then re-evaluate my 6max strategy before completing the challenge.

    Hasn't started well though - donked off to a nasty piece of work with KQ on a KJx board and blank turn - opponent had KJ.

    Then I am pre-flop aggressor with red 9's and flop comes AKQ all hearts. 2 players check to me and I c-bet with 1 caller. Turn = Jh and I have 2nd nuts. Opponent bets pot /half stack. I call with 2nd nuts. River comes a K and opponent all-in - I should have been able to get way from that but didn't and opponent had Th for royal flush. I would really have been kicking myself if they had housed up! I think I should have shipped on the turn tbh - couldn't give opponent credit for the Th with the pot bet - surely wouldn't have wanted to lose a customer on such a scary board - couldn't have known I had 9h.

    I'll update the stats every 10 games - hopefully I will have recovered some respectability by then!

  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited November 2013
    Ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch

    I think I said earlier if you start a diary you have nowhere to hide - certainly true...

    Bit of a downswing!

    Lost my first 5 DYMs of the day with only a partial recovery winning 3 out of the next 5.

    I would like to say it was all down to terrible misfortune (indeed there was some) - but unfortunately there was some bad play too.

    I think this is part of the reason for not liking DYMs much - you get on a downswing and its pretty hard to recover - lose 5 in a row you have to win 6 in a row just to break even. Whereas lose 5 in a row in 6max and 2 wins is enough to be back on level terms. Yes that's a pretty narrow way of looking at it - need to look at big picture and long term results etc but it just feels so much worse in a downswing of DYMs somehow. Figures have taken a bit of a battering!
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited December 2013
    Been a while since last update - my wife is home - which is great after 10 weeks in hospital and naturally I have other priorities.

    10 DYMs since last update P10 W6 - pretty average really. One bad beat all in with AK v shorty with AT 4 handed then JJ busted a couple of hands later. One bad play shoved over an open raise 4 handed with AQ - there was still far too much play in the blinds and the open raiser hadn't been out of line - had JJ which held.

    Hoping to take advantage of some more double bubble on the reward points this month and finish the challenge off.
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited December 2013
    Another 10 down - really slow on the volume.

    ROI not so impressive now on the DYMs, haven't played any more 6max as want to get the 100 done on DYMs first.

    The win rate is ok but the rake crushes the profit levels.

    Had one interesting hand on bubble where short stack shoves, I call and BB calls (only 1 extra BB) and both have shorty well covered. I hit bottom pair - no draws and check. BB bets min. Unbelievable play in a DYM. I sigh and fold. BB shows 27 - no pair and think needed runner runner to hit a str8. Naturally shorty trebles up. I couldn't believe my eyes - asked a couple of questions of BB which were ignored (they were polite). I was considering reporting the pair for collusion only next thing the same two players are all-in v each other and one is busted.

    Another game by me - bad loss - had about 1500 chips, shorty on 1000. Folded to me on SB and I shoved 77 into big stack BB. Not being results oriented really think it was a bad play risking tourney on bubble when BB could afford to call with any two high cards - turns out they had AK which paired and I was out. Think should have folded and kept 1400 v shorty who was about to go through blinds. I know shove gets thru most of the time but was a needless risk IMO given would still have had 7BB v 5BB over short stack if folded and only increased to 8.5BB if got thru.
    cash % 
  • sim_mosim_mo Member Posts: 12
    edited December 2013
    keep up the good work.

  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited January 2014
    Well it's partly finished now!

    100 DYMs chalked up

    Ended up with a profit on them but not a lot!
    cash % 
    A whole profit of £3.00!

    Most of all I am happy with a cash rate of 59% - even at this "micro" level seems you get a lot of people who pretty well know the basics and the structure on DYMs is pretty shallow so it can be hard to exploit mistakes.

    The rake is a killer at that level though.

    Overall it has confirmed what I felt before I started - I just don't like DYMs that much - most of my leaks have been playing hands I don't need to considering the format and match situation when I look back.  E.g. shoving with small/mid pair too soon.

    I was determined to finish off tonight so started multi-tabling, my 98th and 99th tournies were up and then I misclicked on a £5 dym! Truth be known I hadn't even spotted it until Stuarty117 asked me when I had moved up the levels cos he had read my diary!

    Could have done 100 games worth of profit in one go but managed to stick it out for a cash, then completed the challenge with my 100th game and a win.

    Will be back to my preferred 6max for the rest of the month.

    GL at the tables.

  • stuarty117stuarty117 Member Posts: 1,395
    edited January 2014
    nice playing with you Mr Phantom, you can hold your own at the 5.50s.

    I am a novice at them still. I use too play the 1.15s and see hardly any difference in the standard.

    The biggest difference I find is the 5.50s are a lot more tilting when you lose a few in a row.

    As I have went through a horrible patch with them and especially 3.30s.

    Good luck with the other half of the 6max
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited January 2014
    Thanks stuarty117 for the comments and the chat in the £5 dym.

    I feel I could hold my own at £5 certainly (not just taking the sample of 1).

    However it would be suicidal BRM. I have a roll of £64 now and no disposable income to top that up so I am 100% determined to grind my way up through the stakes.

    I lost 5xDYMs in a row and it crushed me - not just the 5 buyins denting the figures - but the confidence factor hit me harder than I thought it would. It is easier to restore confidence in 6max where one win covers more buyins.

    Oh and thanks for passing the AQ to keep me in when 4 handed on the £5 table! I was shorty and shoved with A6 I think - needed to keep taking some blinds because I was short relative to the others and blinds.

  • stuarty117stuarty117 Member Posts: 1,395
    edited January 2014

    If I had called u probably would have hit the 6 LOL.

    You have to keep looking at the stack sizes, hopefully by bad run has come to an end won 3 5.50s in a row.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,726
    edited January 2014

    Love this Diary, one of the most honest ones on here, & you start by looking at your own mistakes & limitations, rather than finger-pointing.

    I hope your wife has a better year in 2014, I recall she was most unwell last year.
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: STT Challenge and diary DYMs v 6max:
    If I had called u probably would have hit the 6 LOL. You have to keep looking at the stack sizes, hopefully by bad run has come to an end won 3 5.50s in a row.
    Posted by stuarty117
    I know what you mean I had a run where nearly all of my dominating all-ins seemed to lose - probably nothing out of the ordinary in the long term but when it happens a few times in a row its most frustrating!
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