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Thursday's live show on 861 & SS4 - with Richard & Redmond (***OFFICIAL THREAD***)



  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited October 2013
    In Response to Re: Thursday's live show on 861 & SS4 - with Richard & Redmond (***OFFICIAL THREAD***):
    In Response to Re: Thursday's live show on 861 & SS4 - with Richard & Redmond (***OFFICIAL THREAD***) : Grrrrrrrrr I'm officially on tilt!!!! American football is rugby for girls!!
    Posted by macapaca
    Well said
     UTV !
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,709
    edited October 2013
    In Response to Re: Thursday's live show on 861 & SS4 - with Richard & Redmond (***OFFICIAL THREAD***):
    Grid-Iron is the term to be used for the sport that is the American Watered Down Version of Rugby.
    Posted by TeddyBloat
    To be fair, Teddy, the guys in the NFL hit a lot harder than those who play rugby.
  • macapacamacapaca Member Posts: 658
    edited October 2013
    In Response to Re: Thursday's live show on 861 & SS4 - with Richard & Redmond (***OFFICIAL THREAD***):
    In Response to Re: Thursday's live show on 861 & SS4 - with Richard & Redmond (***OFFICIAL THREAD***) : To be fair, Teddy, the guys in the NFL hit a lot harder than those who play rugby.
    Posted by Slipwater
    Lol, they have helmets and shoulder pads to protect the big Jessies lol
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,709
    edited October 2013

    There are no sportsmen in the world who are 'bigger Jessies' than the footballers who writhe around on the grass in pain, claiming broken ankles/legs/fingers/necks when the breeze from someone on the other team hits them.

  • macapacamacapaca Member Posts: 658
    edited October 2013
    I'm comparing them to rugby players not footballers
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,709
    edited October 2013
    In Response to Re: Thursday's live show on 861 & SS4 - with Richard & Redmond (***OFFICIAL THREAD***):
    I'm comparing them to rugby players not footballers
    Posted by macapaca
    Well, at least we agree about who the bigger girls are... ;)
  • J-HartiganJ-Hartigan Member Posts: 2,756
    edited October 2013
    At the risk of stating the obvious, they wear "helmets and shoulder pads" for a reason.

    If the players didn't wear body armour, there would be at least three deaths per game.

    And that's probably a conservative estimate!

  • FCHDFCHD Member Posts: 3,178
    edited October 2013
    They won't need them for much longer, with the powers that be trying to legislate defense out of the game.
  • J-HartiganJ-Hartigan Member Posts: 2,756
    edited October 2013
    In Response to Re: Thursday's live show on 861 & SS4 - with Richard & Redmond (***OFFICIAL THREAD***):
    They won't need them for much longer, with the powers that be trying to legislate defense out of the game.
    Posted by FCHD
    Arguably, it's taken the league far too long to acknowledge the legacy of brain injuries and suicides that this violent sport has created.

    I think it's incredibly hard to find the right balance, and would agree that the referees sometimes err on the side of caution. But, overall, I think the league is taking the right attitude towards helmet-to-helmet hits.

  • J-HartiganJ-Hartigan Member Posts: 2,756
    edited October 2013
    Right, I'm done here. I imagine Orford will show up soon.

    I have one last thing to say...


  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited October 2013
    In Response to Re: Thursday's live show on 861 & SS4 - with Richard & Redmond (***OFFICIAL THREAD***):
    In Response to Re: Thursday's live show on 861 & SS4 - with Richard & Redmond (***OFFICIAL THREAD***) : Arguably, it's taken the league far too long to acknowledge the legacy of brain injuries and suicides that this violent sport has created. I think it's incredibly hard to find the right balance, and would agree that the referees sometimes err on the side of caution. But, overall, I think the league is taking the right attitude towards helmet-to-helmet hits.
    Posted by J-Hartigan
    Don't they wear cricket style boxes for that ? ;-)
  • aussie09aussie09 Member Posts: 8,033
    edited October 2013
    In Response to Re: Thursday's live show on 861 & SS4 - with Richard & Redmond (***OFFICIAL THREAD***):
    At the risk of stating the obvious, they wear "helmets and shoulder pads" for a reason. If the players didn't wear body armour, there would be at least three deaths per game. And that's probably a conservative estimate!
    Posted by J-Hartigan

    isn't the problem a result of the games' legislators picking the wrong solution?  the sports' governors have acknowledged that the sport involves high impact and awkward collisions of high mass individuals yet they may have chosen the wrong solution.  to give the players padding and protection was maybe not the best thing to do.  jeremy clarkson says that the best way of reducing deaths on the road is to get rid of seat belts and, instead, place a large knife of the steering wheel column pointed directly at the driver.  american footie might have developed in a more human friendly direction without helmets and pads.

    but i know nothing really.

  • J-HartiganJ-Hartigan Member Posts: 2,756
    edited October 2013
    In Response to Re: Thursday's live show on 861 & SS4 - with Richard & Redmond (***OFFICIAL THREAD***):
    In Response to Re: Thursday's live show on 861 & SS4 - with Richard & Redmond (***OFFICIAL THREAD***) : isn't the problem a result of the games' legislators picking the wrong solution?  the sports' governors have acknowledged that the sport involves high impact and awkward collisions of high mass individuals yet they may have chosen the wrong solution.  to give the players padding and protection was maybe not the best thing to do.  jeremy clarkson says that the best way of reducing deaths on the road is to get rid of seat belts and, instead, place a large knife of the steering wheel column pointed directly at the driver.  american footie might have developed in a more human friendly direction without helmets and pads. but i know nothing really.
    Posted by aussie09
    You know your argument is flawed when you find yourself quoting Jeremy Clarkson!!!

    Right, I really am going now...

  • RICHORFORDRICHORFORD Member Posts: 5,571
    edited October 2013
    James Hartigan.

    Ill, apparently. So ill and incapacitated that he is unable to tweet throughout the day and sustain a reasoned argument on the forum about the virtues of American Football.

    No further questions, your honour.


    Right- to business. Tonight's new and improved show topic will follow...
  • RICHORFORDRICHORFORD Member Posts: 5,571
    edited October 2013

    It's myself and Jesse Pinkman aka LoluFold

    And the side debate is...

    What are your 3 Sky Poker essentials?

    So, when you're playing Sky Poker- you have home comforts around you, you have a preferred set of conditions. Maybe you like it nice and quiet. Maybe you like lots of stimulus with music blaring and various TVs on. But when you narrow it right down to the nitty gritty, what are the THREE things you really need to have in order to have an optimal session on Sky Poker?

    Examples- a particular artist/group playing, a particular TV channel playing in the background- specific websites, can you not live without Messenger, or YouTube whilst between hands? Do you need coffee? Beer? Chocolate digestives? Or something else? Do you need a certain seating arrangement in your house? Lying down? On the sofa? In your bed? Do you need a lucky mascot? Do you have to go through a lucky ritual? etc etc etc

    Put it another way, if you were turning up to 12 hour Sky Poker session on your todd in a white room with nothing else around, what 3 things would you request to help you get you through it profitably?

    Fire them in on here or via and I'll air them to the nation from 7pm!
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited October 2013
    3 essentials

    1. Internet connection

    2. Computer

    3. Vodka
  • BorinLonerBorinLoner Member Posts: 3,863
    edited October 2013
    Is this a level? Is Richard levelling us and stealing the show thread or is he actually on the show? Delete as applicable, below.

    Good evening Richard/James and Redmond.

    Would you mind looking at this hand for me? I won't reveal the villain's hand, so you can have your fun guessing. It's generally a question about value-bet sizing but I'd welcome criticism of the pre-flop and flop play:

    #696229530 (05:38 04/10/2013) Master Cash 1

    I raise to 4x on the button because the effective stack is so deep against the big blind. The small blind has been pretty quiet so his 3-bet is a bit worrying, but I have the button and I have been very aggressive so there's a reasonable chance he's adapted to me a bit. I don't see any reason to 4-bet and fold out his weaker hands, so I flat.

    On the flop, I feel as though I have to float one street and see what he does on the turn, especially when it's so cheap. Happy with that?

    We have a little bink on the turn and the villain checks. At this point I'm thinking that he either has a hand like AK or AJ and is probably giving up, or he's holding a pair from about 66 upwards. He's likely to continue betting with anything that beats me and there are no credible draws.

    Against that range I'm not sure about my bet size. If I go a bit bigger, I can set up the shove on the river, but I'm not sure if that's better than two smaller bets in the long run. I could definitely be given credit for bluffing in this situation. What do you chaps think on the sizing?

    On the river; again it's a question of sizing. Is this a spot to range merge and make the slight overshove, to rep a polarised range, hoping he'll bluff-catch with his 88, 99, TT, JJ, etc?

    Missed value or max value?

    Thanks chaps.
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited October 2013
    3 essentials

    1. sick bowl

    2. Air horn

    3. Punch bag

  • RyanC7RyanC7 Member Posts: 355
    edited October 2013

    It's myself and Jesse Pinkman aka LoluFold

  • BorinLonerBorinLoner Member Posts: 3,863
    edited October 2013
    I'm not capable of a twelve hour poker session. I lack the stamina for that. So I would request...

    1) A pillow

    2) A duvet

    3) A mattress

    Two hours of poker. Ten hours of sleeping. Easy game.
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