As per a suggestion (thanks Slipwater) in the Community Suggestions thread, I have compiled a list of abbreviations I've seen used in either Forum Posts or chat boxes recently. I've kept it to poker terms (i.e. excluding things like IMHO etc.). I've also tried to exclude most things that are specific to other poker sites (but left some in that come up in conversation here)
3b - Three Bet (a re-raise, litterally a third bet), also 4b (a re-re-raise) etc. Mainly used pre-flop but occasionally on later streets as well.
6-max - A table with a maximum of 6 seats
861 - The Sky Guide TV Channel number for Sky Poker TV
A - Ace
AI - All In
AIPF - All In Pre-Flop
ATC - Any Two Cards
BB - Big Blind
BBV - Brags, Beats & Variance (a section of the forum)
BH - Bounty Hunter
BI - Buy In
BR - Bankroll
BRM - Bankroll management
c - Clubs
C-bet - Continuation Bet
cf - Check-Fold
CIB - Click it back - make a minimum raise of the previous bet
CO - Cut Off - the position directly to the right of the button
cr - Check-Raise
d - Diamonds
DTD - Dusk Til Dawn (Card room in Nottingham) or a series of 3 tournaments on a Monday Night
DU - Double Up
DYM - Double Your Money (a 6-handed S&G where 3 people win double the entry fee (less rake) and the other three lose
EP - Early Position
EPT - European Poker Tour
-EV - Negative Expected Value
+EV - Positive Expected Value
FD - Flush Draw
FE - Fold Equity
FT - Final Table
FTW - For The Win
gg - Good Game
gii - Get it In
gl - Good Luck
GTD - Guaranteed (in terms of a prize pool)
h - Hearts
HH - Hand History
HJ - Hijack - the position two to the right of the button
HORSE - A tournament consisting of 5 different variants of poker. not offered on Sky Poker
HU - Heads Up
HUD - Heads Up Display (not compatible with Sky Poker)
ICM - Independent Chip Modelling (don't ask!)
ITM - In The Money
K - King
MC - Master Cash
ME - Main Event
MTT - Multi-Table Tournament
NFD - Nut flish draw
nh - Nice Hand
NL - No Limit
NLHE - No Limit Hold'em
o - Offsuit (i.e. of different suits) e.g. a holding of A of clubs and 7 of diamonds would be A7o)
O8 - see PLO8
OESD - Open ended straight draw
OOP - Out of position
OTB - On the button
OTR - On the river
OTT - On the turn
PF - Pre Flop (also just "Pre")
PLO - Pot Limit Omaha
PLO8 - Pot Limit Omaha High-Low. Also occasionally abbreviated as "O8"
PP - Pocket Pair - when both your hole cards are of the same rank (e.g. if you have 8 of diamonds & 8 of clubs you have a Pocket Pair, or in this case Pocket Eights)
PSB - Pot Sized Bet
Q - Queen
r - Rainbow (Flop of all different suits)
ROI - Return On Investment
s - Suited (i.e. of the same suit) e.g. a holding of Ace of clubs and Queen of clubs would be AQs)
s - Spades
S&G - Sit & Go
SB - Small Blind
SD - Straight Draw
SnG - Sit & Go (for those who think "And" starts with an "n")
SPR - The size of the effective stack, relative to the size of the pot
SPT - Sky Poker Tour
STT - Single Table Tournament
T - Ten
TID - Take It Down
TPTK - Top Pair, Top Kicker (Contrary to opinion this does not mean Top Player Tony Kendall)
ty - Thank You
UKIPT - United Kingdom & Ireland Poker Tour
UKOPS - United Kingdom Online Poker Series
UTG - Under The Gun. The first player to act pre flop.
UTG+1 - Under The Gun plus one, the next player to act after the one who is Under The Gun. On 9 or 10 player tables you can also have UTG+2, UTG+3 etc.
wp - Well Played, Sometimes used in a sarcastic manner, particularly if accompanied by emoticons.
WSOP - World Series Of Poker
WSOP ME - World Series Of Poker Main Event
Terms (where not abbreviated above)
Action Table - where the small blind and big blind are the same
Ante - a small bet (often a tenth or so of a big blind) that every player must post before the hand. Not in use on Sky but common in middle/late stages of tournaments live or on other sites
Backdoor draw - a draw that needs to hit both the turn and the river to complete a made hand.
Bad beat - losing a hand when you had a considerably stronger hand than your opponent(s) when the money went in
Belly buster - see Gut Shot
Bluff catcher - a hand that has limited showdown value but will beat a complete bluff
Board - the community cards; the flop, turn and river
Boat - another name for a Full House
Brick - a card that is very unlikely to improve either your or your opponent's hand
Broadway - a straight consiting of A, K, Q, J, 10
Bubble - the split between those players who will get paid in an MTT and those who won't. Play at this point is known as "on the bubble", while the player eliminated at this point is the "bubble boy" or "bubble girl"
Button - marks the nominal dealer position. who acts last every street post flop and is therefore the best position
Coin Flip - a situation where the odds of either of two hands winning is approximately 50-50
Cooler - when two big hands come up against each other, and you have the worst of it
Donk bet - to lead into a pre-flop raiser
Donkey - an impolite derogatory term for a bad poker player
Double Belly Buster - a hand with two different gut shot straight draws (e.g. if you have 7-9-10-Q) you have
gutshots to the 8 and the J.
Fish - an impolite derogatory term for a bad poker player
Flip - See Coin Flip
Float - to make a call with the intention of bluffing a later street
Full Ring - a 9- or a 10-handed table. No longer offered on Sky Poker.Com but common live and on other sites.
Gut Shot - a straight draw where you have only one rank of card to hit to make the straight (e.g. if you have 4, 5, 7, 8 you have a gut shot to hit a 6)
Head Prize - the amount of "bounty" on your head in a bounty hunter. Players knocking you out will win 75% of the head prize automatically and the other 25% will be added to their own head prize.
Heater - a prolonged period of winning
Implied Odds - the pot odds, adjusted for the chance of you making a good hand on the next street (usually from a draaw) which would see you win an increased amount off your opponent(s)
Jam - to go all in
Leak - a flaw in a player's game that will cost money long term
Limp - to enter the hand pre-flop only by calling the big blind.
Luckbox - a player who hits more than his fair share of lucky flops/turns/rivers. Often applied (in both jealousy and admiration) to Julian Thew
Master Cash - a set of Sky cash tables where a) the maximum buy-in is 200 big blinds and b) have a TV Icon
Nosebleed - very high stakes. What consists nosebleed stakes to any one individual may depend on the size of their own Bankroll
November Nine - the final table of players in the World Series of Poker Main Event. Individually each one is a "November Niner"
Nuts - the best hand possible at the time. If there is no way this can be beaten on a later street, then this is sometimes called the "Absolute Nuts"
Open Ended Straight Draw (or just Open-Ender) - a straight draw where you can hit a card at either end of the four cards already held to make a 5-card straight (e.g if you have 5.6,7.8) you can make a straight with a 4 or a 9
Orford Straight - a straight consisting only of 4 cards. Not yet on the official ranking of poker hands.
Overcard - a card in your hand that is higher than any on the board
Overpair - a pocket pair that is higher than any card on the board
Peel - to call at least one street
Polarised Range - where the only things that make sense are either something extremely strong or a complete bluff
Pot Odds - the ratio between the current size of the pot and the amount you have to pay to call a bet
Race or Race Situation - same as Coin Flip or a "game" introduced by Joe Stapleton on some of the live shoes
Rag Ace - Hole cards consisting of an Ace with a low card - e.g. A3
Range Merging - playing a medium strength hand in much the same way that you would with a polarised range
Run Good - to get more than your fair of good hands. The opposite of course is to Run Bad
Runner Runner - A hand made by hitting both the turn and the river cards, after having a backdoor draw
Satellite - a tournament where the prizes are seats in a future (bigger) tournament
Scoop - to win both halves of a Omaha Hi-Lo pot
Set - 3 of a kind with two in your hand and 1 on the board
Shove - to go all in
Showdown - the end of a hand when a river bet is called or a river is checked down and players hands are shown
Sick - can mean virtually whatever you want it to mean, usually either extremely good or extremely bad with no real way of knowing which
Tilt - to get angry as the result of a poker happening.
Triple Range Merging - I think we need TIkay to define this one
Trips - 3 of a kind with one in your hand and 2 on the board
TV Table - a Sky table or tournament that has a little "TV" icon to the left in the main poker lobby. Usually means that Tommyd will be playing here.
Undercard - a card in your hand that is lower than any on the board
Underpaid - a pocket pair that is lower than any card on the board
Variance - the poker term for "luck"
Villain - a derogative term for any opponent when discussing a hand history
Walk - all opponents including the small blind fold pre-flop without you having to make any action in the big blind
Wheel - a straight consisting of A, 2, 3, 4, 5
Any additions/amendments?
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Think thats what people mean when i see it in the chat box...
ta =thanks alot or thanks awfully if a toff lol
ept =european poker tour
will edit if i think of any more. Ho good job☺
Edit 1.... trips and a set may need explanation for new players? Also blinds and antes?
Under the gun = 1st player into the action after the bb
FTW - For the Win
UTG+1 - Under the Gun plus one
How about
Oesd- open ended straight draw
oesfd- open ended stright flush draw
NFD- Nut flush draw
FD- Flush draw
OTT- on the turn
OTR- on the river
Strange how some people take things differently...........
Someone posted "nb" in the chat when I first started and I thought it was short for "nob"
This thread should be stickied!
You must've had this guy down as THE laziest person in the World to think he was shortening a 3 letter word!
cib = click it back
gii = get it in
wp sir = what the f was that????
KHCRHB = Keep him calling, respect his bets. (wont find this on many posts but it's in a lot of my note boxes
Can someone more experienced than me in the concept see if I've definied "Range Merging" correctly, and if there is a more succint and accurate definition of "implied odds" please?