Erm... your definition of range merging is probably about as good as it gets in a sentence or two. That, implied odds and some others don't really lend themselves to being described in brief terms.
I'd suggest using hyperlinks to clinic threads that are relevant to some of them, so anyone wanting a more in depth explanation can go there to get it, or ask questions about it.
for me i'd add a little to definition of tv table. for me it is a phrase you use when either live on online you find your self surrounded by strong opponents, as in "**** **** they've put me on the tv table here!"
Some ideas for you to include in terms - 4bet, ABC poker, inducing, calling station, card dead, dominated, early/late position, drawing dead, kicker, set mining, side pot, slowroll. Abbreviations - ul and vul.
I'm useless at describing things so I'll let others come up with the definitions!
Though there are still a few things which could be improved: it doesn't explain, for example, what a crying call is and it assumes that everyone knows what a check-raise is.
Bump. Though there are still a few things which could be improved: it doesn't explain, for example, what a crying call is and it assumes that everyone knows what a check-raise is. Should be a sticky though. Posted by BigBluster
Erm... your definition of range merging is probably about as good as it gets in a sentence or two. That, implied odds and some others don't really lend themselves to being described in brief terms.
I'd suggest using hyperlinks to clinic threads that are relevant to some of them, so anyone wanting a more in depth explanation can go there to get it, or ask questions about it.
Pretty please.
Ho and add
spr..... what ever that means!
Some ideas for you to include in terms - 4bet, ABC poker, inducing, calling station, card dead, dominated, early/late position, drawing dead, kicker, set mining, side pot, slowroll. Abbreviations - ul and vul.
I'm useless at describing things so I'll let others come up with the definitions!
TAG- Tight Aggressive