Hullo guys 'n' gals! How you doing? Hope you've been running well?
I was reading a post on strengths and weaknesses in poker recently and it got me thinking....
You know how Arnold Schwarznegger is created as the perfect killing machine in 'Terminator' or how Kelly Le Brock is created as the perfect woman in 'Weird Science'... complete fantasy but if we were starting from scratch what attributes would go toward making the perfect poker player?
We've got a couple of free entry's into sunday night's Mini UKOPS to award to contributions to the show so get involved!
We're live from 7 kicking off with master cash, then it's the poker clinic and the perfect opportunity to have Ross analyse your play, we'll be showing requested hands for a full hour. At 9 its Top of the Pots then more mastercash action at 10 before rounding off with the highlights from our main event, the 15K Sky Sports Bounty Hunter.
GL on the tables and see you from 7
PS as a total aside I was asked what my 'Upstairs Downstairs' name was at the weekend which for the uninitiated was an old tv show along the lines of 'Downton Abbey' Same sex granparents name plus the name of your primary school which makes me Edith Long Ridings. Happy about that... Definitely an upstairs name! ;-)
...I better stop right there I think
- William Birchwood
A gangster's name if I've ever heard one.
So I'm looking for my paternal grandfather's first name and my Primary school?
That makes me Maurice Roseacre... I suspect I'm your chauffeur, M'Lady.
Theories on the perfect poker player will follow. It'll probably be a girl, though...
1. The patience to wait for the right spot
2. The discipline to lay down a big hand when you think you may be beaten
3. The perception to notice the betting patterns of others
4. The courage to push through the bubble in tournament play when most of the other runners are tightening up
5. The flair to mix up your play as and when required
6. The tolerance of the poor play of others
7. The experience to handle bad beats
8. The understanding that variance will sometimes catch you no matter how well you play
9. The skill to know when you’re getting your chips in good
...and finally...
10. The luck to win most of your flips.
Now that could be a poker trait - knowing when to give up (on a hand) because you are just digging yourself into a deeper hole.
A few more "P's for Poker"
I'll give you Patience and Pragmatism and add..
Just realised that William Birchwood could be upstairs, although most likely middle class, but Billy Birchwood is definitely downstairs.
1 don't become addicted to raggy A's any two broad cards and any two suited cards
2. know when to toss away premium pairs.
3.know just how dangerous the board really is rather than checking just because of that one over card, 3rd suited card or the board getting paired.
e.g. board Jc 7d 3d 2d has only got 1 obvious danger for AA, but 3h Kd Qd 9d would be horrible for AQo
4. being able to notice betting and calling patterns of others.
5 knowing what is a safe bluff or cbet and when a check is best.
6. keeping a consistant bet size and hand range short term but at the same time mixing things up long term.
7. bankroll management.
and last but not least HANDLING THOSE BAD BEATS AND COOLDOWNS AND KNOWING VARIENCE. where would the pros get their money if those beginners and them who play it for the fun suddenly decided that 72s A2o pre and Ax high flop start getting folded like we expect.
The perfect poker player:
1) would clearly be a beautiful woman. We poker players don't tend to see too many girls, so they make us giddy... I'm putty in her hands when they bat their eyelashes at me...
More to follow...