So many people see poker as something easy, either because they've seen stuff on the tele (and let me tell you poker decision making is so much easier on those shows, WHEN YOU CAN SEE YOUR OPPONENTS CARDS!!), but more likely they have no respect for the people they play against.
Many poker terms have entered general usage like SICK or FISH, but for me the one that should be more regularly used and understood is BRUTAL. The game is that, you can make perfect decisions preflop, on flop, on turn and still be crushed by the river, and that takes no account of the other factor involved, being OUTPLAYED. And that, believe it or not, happens to even the best.
The game is BRUTAL, because luck, or variance, plays such a large part. The cards, you see, like that little ball in roulette, have no memory. The cards don't know (or care) that you have already been outsrawn 3 times this session, or you are losing 4 out of 5 flips this week, or you are being starved of AA and KK, or that the odds of you recieving 23 offsuit is exactly the same as recieving AK offsuit, yet you keep seeing 23 !
I know many players at club level whose game i respect and i know is far better and more consistent than my own, yet they remain subject to the same BRUTLITIES as myself.
One thing i like to do when i percieve (note that percieve) i am running bad (its difficult sometimes to differentiate between running bad and playing bad at my level of ability), is look at the sharkscopes of successful players, and within that financial upward drive, you will see steady, long term, sometimes spectacular declines over weeks/months sometimes years. Why is this? Because even the best are subject to variance, and that is something the beginner and the entitled do not, or refuse to understand.
Finally, welldone Shoeglue. Personally i went out in 135th when i shoved with AQ and got called by some ***** with KJ the ******* who clearly had no understanding of pot odds or ICM and hits K4K on the flop. Honestly its so unfair and i am so brilliant and no one gets my game and.................