In Response to Re: I'VE JUST BEEN SLOW ROLLED : I'm not that bothered Daveyzz, it's just bad etiquette. He also had no connection or toilet issues as he'd been slagging other players off seconds before. Anyway, he's with God now. Posted by THESWISS
Blimey! I knew you weren't happy about being slow-rolled, Ed, but I didn't think you'd actually have the guy whacked...
Move on I just had a kid call me and another short stack a 30k all in with 300k stack in the Primo freeroll there was no need and he won with KQ high v my KJ high.
In Response to Re: I'VE JUST BEEN SLOW ROLLED : Blimey! I knew you weren't happy about being slow-rolled, Ed, but I didn't think you'd actually have the guy whacked... Posted by J-Hartigan
You're right James it probably was extreme but at least he won't bother anyone else again.
i think u all just cant handle getting beat any hand can win so u should be able 2 gamble any hand u want without people jumping on forums because they lost a hand 2 moan get over it
GL at the tables.
It's just a "class" thing - "lack of" actually.
If the cerebally challenged donk gets his kicks like that, God help him in the real world.