I wondered how the regs and 'proper' players on here (not counting myself in that group) use RR. I often go in for a few games from my phone as there's nothing to do once you register. I also have a tilt issue on RR when I've been knocked out or outdrawn then I bundle in for what is just a pure coin flip. Sort of get rid of frustration.
I'm trying to avoid it (iPad app will help pls Sky) as I do better with real poker but they do seem popular
Anyone play them much?
Avoid them if you can, however if a couple of cheap RR games can act as a quick tilt cure it's probably not the worst thing in the world you could do. Buying into a game above your BR while streaming is likely to be far more expensive for example. The cat would much rather see you at a RR table than see the end of your boot. Your laptop would much rather have a RR table on its display than get hurled out of the window.
I'll be honest here, I've sat in a RR HU a few times when peeved at a bad run of luck. I don't regret it tbh, it did the trick and helped calm me down.
Many players would actually have better results if they played RR rather than their usual games. This applies to anybody with a long term ROI worse than -10%.
If you're a Sky Bet customer who doesn't have a clue how to play poker but fancies a quick gamble at a card table then RR is ideal.
but for good players like lambert i think they might be +ev
a £11 entry fee for an average player is worth £11
for a good player, with a decent shot at cashing it maybe worth £14.
lambert might pay £1.20 for an £11 prize but if he has a MTT roi of 30% then the prize is worth more. so overlay, innit.
The rake on red/black is lower than 10% !
love your posts TB
The poker gods punished my unwise decision and I left with my tail between my legs.