i enter the freeroll every nite that im on think they should put the prizepools back 2 what they used 2 b that was £100 £50 and £1000 weekly on wednesday why did they put the prize pools down?
i think the better option on the free rolls, would be to cut the cash out. rather than say top 60 reduce to top 10..... the freerolls can be like bingo to start with.. it would reward the players who PLAY poker rather that 2 7 all in type of players
i dont get it when i first started to use the site there was less players and bigger freerolls now they have more players and less prze money?????????????????????????????? and i never recieve any promotions through the postany more
fella 666, thats the way to go, good ideas on all fronts, i totally agree with all ur ideas and suggestions. too add to what u have stated, prehaps there is to many paid places at the lower end of the payouts and there should be a minimum of say 15pence and ajust the payments @ 5p increments and cut the paid places accordingly
There is lots of good feedback here everyone. I will be discussing this topic with our marketing and tournament people to see what can be done for you. Give us a little time to get back as this is right in the middle of holiday season, but we'll try and find a way to offer you some more value.
I would like the Skybet staff to become Christians to assure us people that worry; that there is no need to worry, otherwise they would have (know about) reason to worry. They've removed my chat facility for inappropriate language, but i feel their casino is inappropriately as tight as a ducks bum and the poker is often monsters vs monsters as if they need the tourneys to end sooner. The final straw - for them not me, was for calling someone a "nob" for trying to tell me someone else won the darts, and not the dude i bet on (who won) and they didnt bother to pay me. erm, im not sure if saying nice things about them can improve anyones luck...but i want to warn as many people as possible that this site is rubbish and its run by rubbish seemingly...
Now i play on Skybet only, i leave the other sections because i dont think they like me and enjoy me losing. GLA and all the best
ps. sorry to repeat this if u already read it elsewhere... pps. in answer to this topics question, i think that after your free 500pts have all gone, find a decent online poker site to play at. This obviously excludes Skypoker!
i enter the freeroll every nite that im on think they should put the prizepools back 2 what they used 2 b that was £100 £50 and £1000 weekly on wednesday why did they put the prize pools down? Posted by king_flush
A:because the site is rubbish and has being making less profit
Resulting in? house players? or chosen of a board of cards and not dealt at random?? i dont trust skypoker
Hi Jimmy. The added time question was under discussion in another thread and it's largely the fact that we look to get the Open finished within the 3 hour TV schedule that determines the amount of time given to players. Good decison, bad decision, what do you think? Posted by Sky_Des
I think that this is a reasonable decision and personally I like the ammount of time givien however for larger bets (percentage wise to the total chip stack) it would be great to have a option for extra time that gets higher and higher the larger the bet (particuarly useful in tourney play). Just something to think about but a very admirable feature that other sites use but naturally Sky Poker is still the best!
no 20 quid freerolls with 600 players r great,my heart is always pumping near bubble to win 4p or nothing at all,and the wed £250 freeroll is way better than when it was 1k freeroll, nothing wrong with sky poker freerolls there great
haha too true JPDERRY! 5p for an hours graft not worth it. How many points does everyone actually have saved up then? Grimstar30? Gills? Are we talking thousands? Posted by Jimmy8
well i have 12k points b4 the points for cash promo,so its still about 12k i have,i also used about 10k points on primo sats they used to do,and i am only a mtt player
In Response to Re: SHOULD THERE BE MORE FREEROLLS ON SKYPOKER AND ALSO FREEROLLS WITH A BIGGER PRIZE POOL? : well i have 12k points b4 the points for cash promo,so its still about 12k i have,i also used about 10k points on primo sats they used to do,and i am only a mtt player Posted by JPDERRY
I started playing poker only three weeks ago and I enjoy playing the freerolls. However, I agree with most of the suggestions put forward for improving the prize structure and tournament frequency. Doubling the prize money on all freerolls, but reducing the number of winning places to, say, 25, would make the time and mental effort spent playing more rewarding.
I'd also like to see the last freeroll moved forward to around 10.30 or 11.00, or at least another one added at this time. I work from 8.00am to 6pm, so by the time I get home I can just catch the 7.00pm game, but the midnight tournament is too late for me I'm afraid! The Wednesday night 'big one' is just nicely timed.
Incidentally, I totally agree with Edkent123. The early stages of a freeroll are a lottery at times with the 2-7 all-in players. Although they're usually easy to see off, I much prefer the more thoughtful type.
As i won the old £1000 freeroll it was worth my while as i got £200.00 for coming 1st out of 893 players ! But now the Wednesday night one is only £60 for 1st and is hardly worth the effort!Bring back the £1000 freeroll and i'm sure everyone will agree! scaraman18
I think 4 freerolls in one day is enough. I would like to see something else to use the points, for example, entry into sit n gos and tournaments. cheers Piva
that there is no need to worry, otherwise they would have (know about) reason to
worry. They've removed my chat facility for inappropriate language, but i feel
their casino is inappropriately as tight as a ducks bum and the poker is often
monsters vs monsters as if they need the tourneys to end sooner. The final
straw - for them not me, was for calling someone a "nob" for trying to tell me
someone else won the darts, and not the dude i bet on (who won) and they
didnt bother to pay me. erm, im not sure if saying nice things about them
can improve anyones luck...but i want to warn as many people as possible
that this site is rubbish and its run by rubbish seemingly...
Now i play on Skybet only, i leave the other sections because i dont think they
like me and enjoy me losing.
GLA and all the best
ps. sorry to repeat this if u already read it elsewhere...
pps. in answer to this topics question, i think that after your free 500pts have
all gone, find a decent online poker site to play at. This obviously excludes
Resulting in? house players? or chosen of a board of cards and not dealt at random?? i dont trust skypoker
I think that this is a reasonable decision and personally I like the ammount of time givien however for larger bets (percentage wise to the total chip stack) it would be great to have a option for extra time that gets higher and higher the larger the bet (particuarly useful in tourney play). Just something to think about but a very admirable feature that other sites use but naturally Sky Poker is still the best!
I'd also like to see the last freeroll moved forward to around 10.30 or 11.00, or at least another one added at this time. I work from 8.00am to 6pm, so by the time I get home I can just catch the 7.00pm game, but the midnight tournament is too late for me I'm afraid! The Wednesday night 'big one' is just nicely timed.
Incidentally, I totally agree with Edkent123. The early stages of a freeroll are a lottery at times with the 2-7 all-in players. Although they're usually easy to see off, I much prefer the more thoughtful type.
less bad beats would help too many on this site
did get a tea shirt large and i am 4x so it is a duster