Hello, I have recently started to get back to playing alot of poker and enjoy being involved in the community so have decided to get involved with writing about my efforts again. Some of you may recall my previous diary, this will be pretty similar except i am starting with a relatively small bankroll in relation to the stakes i play and will also try a bit more to post hands and get some discussion going.
I had a good few months of not really playing any poker, motivation completely dissapeared and i wasn't enjoying the game at all not entirely sure why, possibly due to change in life circumstances ( leaving uni, moving home etc) so my bankroll was withdrawn and pretty much wasted over the summer. Anyway fast foward a couple of months at the end of october i wanted to go out so decided to stick £25 in sky and win a few hu games to pay for it. Out of nowhere i was loving playing the game again and decided to stick with it, i went on a huge heater at first which probably helped bring the buzz back and eventually ended up grinding loads up to the end of november. My results were dissapointing, i was obviously rusty, struggling with tilt at times and generally not confident with the decisions i was making in game which i think is massively detrimental HU.
Over that time period i played 1249 games for a profit of £148, roi: 2.2% which added to rewards points ended as a £200 month which i would of snapped off when i started playing again, but in reflection the roi was very dissapointing when i know i am capable of much better. I tilted towards the end of the month and decided to exclude myself for a week chill out completely from poker except the odd bit of reading and video watching.
Anyway my exclusion ended yesterday and after some withdrawals i had £78, i decided that as soon as i span that up to £100 i would start a diary again. With the aim being for it improve my disicpline and also maybe get some input from some of the good HU players on the site, i never enjoyed having to write about losing +£100 at hypers or on cash when i used to write on here.
I'm currently working as a xmas temp 20 hours a week so have plenty of time for poker, just planning to get aload of volume in at £5.25 turbos, improve my roi and build a bankroll. Hopefully in the early stages of building a decent roll again i won't go bust.
Starting Bankroll: £102.33
Rewards: £1.36
When i update i will state as below starting from this post:
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Good to see you back.
All the best for the challenge will follow with interest, you had one of the best blogs on here.
Look forward to hearing about your successes.
GL spinning up Ben. Can't see any reason why you wont do well.
Will read with interest.
Good luck!
All time Heads up Graph:
I have started recording each game on a spreadsheet - whether I pushed or called at the deciding moment, whether I was favourite or under dog, what street it was and (most importantly) whether I won!
Some games have more than 1 deciding moment of course
Seems to be helping my discipline because I can clearly see if I keep making bad calls and has identified some areas for improvement which are going well (early days yet though)
Today has been a good session, got some decent volume in which i'm happy with normally aim for 50 games when i have nout to do, 1 tabling for the forseeable future not ready to be multitabling HU whilst i'm having to get used to it all again and work on my game. I am a bit tilted because i had a spreadsheet tracking all the games i had played since i started the post and some hand IDs of spots i wasnt' sure about but my pc crashed so i lost that and also d/c from a game so was doubly annoyed, so i'll have to refer to scope for the days stats rather than from when i posted, and am going to review in a bit so will hopefully find a couple of hands worth posting up.
08/12/2013 ( all 5.25 turbos, copied from scope)
Profit: +£41.71
Roi: 15%
Bankroll: £130.33
Rewards: £4.24
Okay so this one when he jams the river our hand obviously completely shrinks up, hoping to be up against top pair turned trips but seems unlikely seeing as he checked back flopped turn that he would have rivered trips, similarly if he has a set on flop or turn would expect more money to be in, all flushes beat us. Standard fold?
This one i wasn't entirely sure what to do, my instincts said snap him off thinking he will turn up with aload of worse A's, heart draws- broadway draw? standard call pretty readless? any input would be great about either hand i am possibly overthinking some spots alot at the moment so would be interesting to hear whether people think these are both super standard decisions.
I played some games after work, and some more after i played badminton and wen't running, tiredness could possibly be affecting my game but i didn't feel tilted at any point playing today just gradually as the games went on lost confidence with what i was doing, started making mistakes, calling off when they had the nuts, bluffing when they were trapping etc. Either way i should not be having 8 bi swings up and down every session really so really hope by the end of the month i will have spotted some leaks and developed a better mindset.
Profit: -£45
Overall since 08/12/13
Profit: £-3.32
Bankroll: £85.33
Rewards: £4.84
Now your roll is below £100. £5.25 games are over 5%
MAYBE you should think about dropping to £2.10 games
@Tremayne thanks for the input, i'm going to be using aggressive bankroll management, so much so that i wouldn't consider dropping to 2s untill i was around the 40 mark. I understand the risks of me going bust are high this way, but the way i see it is if i go bust i'm not down long term in the game anyway it would just be a setback, i have proven i can beat these games just need to hope variance isn't too cruel early on and i can build what would be considered a more suitable roll for playing 5s.
Morning Ben,
Just seen this - good luck!
Today was much better than yesterday, lost 4 of the firast 5 games but was comfortable that i wasn't making mistakes so grinded through and managed to turn a profit. Only managed to squeeze 18 games in today as had work then football this evening, i plan to hit about 200+ by sunday evening. I will be posting hands constantly in this thread just for self improvement purposes really, just writing about the hands i posted yesterday was good for me i think, i like to hear various perspectives about hands regardless of ability level as it gives an insight into different thinking processes.
No specific targets at the moment, just set on building a roll, would be nice to try and hit an 8%+ after 500 games but after last month and my inconsistent form that may be a bit optimistic.
Profit: +£15.50
Overall since 08/12/13
Profit: £12.17
Roi: 2.6%
Bankroll: £100.83
Rewards: £5.38
Hand 1 when you lead with a chunky bet, would you be overbetting or just going for pot (60) in which case if they flat what do we do on the turn to what is one of the cards we don't really want to see c/f b/f bet for value etc?
Q10 didn't even think about the iso, but yeah you are right i'm kind of guessing on each street and if i had taken the initative i may have given him more credit if he had flatted a large raise and shown interest in the pot, possibly raised me on flop or turn.
Any input on the hands i just posted would be great as well, also feel free to post any interesting hands in here if you play alot of HU.