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Not impressed



  • cheren1984cheren1984 Member Posts: 56
    edited December 2013
    Vespa   was it the same idiot the other day when you was on my table that was being racist and homophobic towards me ? 
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Not impressed:
    Vespa   was it the same idiot the other day when you was on my table that was being racist and homophobic towards me ? 
    Posted by cheren1984
    Yep thats the one
    I reported it straight away to CC
  • MRBURNS4MRBURNS4 Member Posts: 1,152
    edited December 2013
    First off all respect to the posters and Sky for allowing this thread to continue.

    I like many have come across players that in chat that have said things in the real world would end up with a court apperance. I understand Sky cannot enter into details of what the results of there investergation is. However it is not unreasonbile that we are told ie the player has been banned from site or chat ban etc TBH a page of list of players and reason for ban may be uncomftable for them but tough they are the offenders and may stop others.

    I also reported a player for outrages comments usual of I kill you, and your family, I ...... you mother etc I have to be honest I havnt bothered reporting since as the player in question received no chat ban and to this day continues this behavour and feels even more able to act like this as he know I reported him with no action on him.

     I even had other players mention his name and has done the same to them this is where with no feedback on any report made to Sky dosent work as if for some reason the opperater taking the report makes a error or worse forgets to make a report no one ever knows

    People that make these statments are of course just trying to tilt you however I do not see why this should ever be allowed if in everyday life the same coments would result in Police action
  • Sky_PokerSky_Poker Member Posts: 2,715
    edited December 2013

    We do urge you to report things like this please. We do monitor, but your help is appreciated. If you think there is a repeat offender who needs looking into, please report them again.

    As usual, please provide as much detail as possible on:

    - The alias of the person
    - The table / game it was in
    - The time and date

    Please make sure that the alias is accurate especially because it makes it much easier to find.

    Sky Poker
  • paige55paige55 Member Posts: 2,953
    edited December 2013
    so sad to here you got abused vespa,had it happen to me some time ago,why back in 2009,but i have not had any bad abuse since then, luv trish xx keep on reporting,it is the only way to stop it,best wishes to you vespa xxx
  • LENGALENGLENGALENG Member Posts: 337
    edited December 2013

    Why is name and shame so frowned upon?

    In my local area,the police are at present running a drink driving scheme where anyone found guilty of drink driving
    over the festive period are named and shamed on a public web site for all to see.It would seem therefore that this policy
    is some what justified,especially if the good old law enforcers think its the right thing to do......

  • THEROCK573THEROCK573 Member Posts: 2,550
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Not impressed:
    Vespa   was it the same idiot the other day when you was on my table that was being racist and homophobic towards me ? 
    Posted by cheren1984
    can i just ask how its possilble for anybody to know you're sexuality or race from there computer screen?
  • Das_BootDas_Boot Member Posts: 59
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Not impressed:
    Why is name and shame so frowned upon? In my local area,the police are at present running a drink driving scheme where anyone found guilty of drink driving over the festive period are named and shamed on a public web site for all to see.It would seem therefore that this policy is some what justified,especially if the good old law enforcers think its the right thing to do......
    Posted by LENGALENG[/
    Not the same - convicted and guilty of a crime vs an alleged offence. That's why quite rightly there cannot be any naming and shaming. 
  • deadeyeddeadeyed Member Posts: 24
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Not impressed:
    In Response to Re: Not impressed : I hope nobody does, as that would never be acceptable to the Business. I really hope the thread remains open, so these things can be discussed in an adult & sensible manner, but the suggestion of "name & shame" would work against that.
    Posted by Tikay10
    lol....ok, send him to bed with no tea!!
  • cheren1984cheren1984 Member Posts: 56
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Not impressed:
    In Response to Re: Not impressed : can i just ask how its possilble for anybody to know you're sexuality or race from there computer screen?
    Posted by THEROCK573

    when and where did i say it was possible that he new my sexuality or race  OR was i just stating that he was very abusive the other day 

    cheren84 = cherene  girls name and girls avatar that maybe gave it away 
  • 68Trebor68Trebor Member Posts: 1,944
    edited December 2013

     I suggest we all get some guns and pitch forks and such like things. Then we could all drive round to his house, preferably in old battered pick-up trucks, ideally with those big lights stuck on the top of the truck. We would, however, have to wait until it was a foggy night. If possible I would like us to all wear dungarees and speak in a deep american accent. When we got there we could burn his house down and then run him out of town.

     On a serious note, just ignore the idiot. As my mum always said give them no attention and they will soon go away.
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Not impressed:
     I suggest we all get some guns and pitch forks and such like things. Then we could all drive round to his house, preferably in old battered pick-up trucks, ideally with those big lights stuck on the top of the truck. We would, however, have to wait until it was a foggy night. If possible I would like us to all wear dungarees and speak in a deep american accent. When we got there we could burn his house down and then run him out of town.  On a serious note, just ignore the idiot. As my mum always said give them no attention and they will soon go away.
    Posted by 68Trebor
    +1, really is that simple.

    Amazing how frequently threads get closed nowardays. This 1 prob required a snap closure.

    The thread I started 3 yrs ago asking for an employee to be sacked is still open, and gets bumped quite often.

    "lol sky"
  • THEROCK573THEROCK573 Member Posts: 2,550
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Not impressed:
    In Response to Re: Not impressed : when and where did i say it was possible that he new my sexuality or race  OR was i just stating that he was very abusive the other day  cheren84 = cherene  girls name and girls avatar that maybe gave it away 
    Posted by cheren1984
    you didnt, i just find it baffling that somebody can be racist or homophobic to somebody who they dont even know thats all, you can untangle ur knickers now narky.
  • mewillowsmewillows Member Posts: 406
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Not impressed:
    In Response to Re: Not impressed : you didnt, i just find it baffling that somebody can be racist or homophobic to somebody who they dont even know thats all, you can untangle ur knickers now narky.
    Posted by THEROCK573

    lol, you always amuse me mate :)
  • LENGALENGLENGALENG Member Posts: 337
    edited December 2013
    Posts: 13
    First: 30/10/2013
    Last: 16/12/2013 Not the same - convicted and guilty of a crime vs an alleged offence. That's why quite rightly there cannot be any naming and shaming.

    If the abuse is reported, and dealt with in the correct manner,i.e through sky,and the
    said offender is found guilty of abuse in the chat box,then where is the difference?
  • Das_BootDas_Boot Member Posts: 59
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Not impressed:
    Das_Boot Posts: 13 First: 30/10/2013 Last: 16/12/2013 Not the same - convicted and guilty of a crime vs an alleged offence. That's why quite rightly there cannot be any naming and shaming. If the abuse is reported, and dealt with in the correct manner,i.e through sky,and the said offender is found guilty of abuse in the chat box,then where is the difference?
    Posted by LENGALENG
    Because the police in conjunction with the CPS are powered by statute to enforce the law and declare specific behaviour as criminal or otherwise. Sky on the other hand do not have this power and nor do we as members of the public.  That's the difference. 
  • LENGALENGLENGALENG Member Posts: 337
    edited December 2013
    Sorry das we will just have to agree to disagree, its only my opinion,I'm not wishing
    to get into a debate about  the matter.
  • Das_BootDas_Boot Member Posts: 59
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Not impressed:
    Sorry das we will just have to agree to disagree, its only my opinion,I'm not wishing to get into a debate about  the matter.
    Posted by LENGALENG
    Agreed - back to the tables eh! 
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Not impressed:
    In Response to Re: Not impressed : you didnt, i just find it baffling that somebody can be racist or homophobic to somebody who they dont even know thats all, you can untangle ur knickers now narky.
    Posted by THEROCK573
    It doesn't matter if they they know the person or not
    What he wrote was totally over the top.
  • THEROCK573THEROCK573 Member Posts: 2,550
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Not impressed:
    In Response to Re: Not impressed : lol, you always amuse me mate :)
    Posted by mewillows
    haha thanks, nice to know theres people out there not stuck up there own ringpiece.
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