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New PS4 promo!?!

kidwiz10kidwiz10 Member Posts: 569
edited January 2014 in Poker Chat
Fairplay one **** of a promotion from sky but only one thing wrong with it which i think many players will agree on.

There should most definate be stake brackets like before (lower ,middle , higher) tiers.

For those who play hours on end at below nl50 or around that area are still gunna really struggle and probly not make top20 let alone top10.

NL500,300,200 are running so much more frequent now so this promo is gunna consist mainly of the higher stakes players which is right in some aspects as they pay more rake to some degree.

I already have a ps4 and they are fantastic and personally i wouldnt mind another one in the household for a family member but there would be no point in putting in the hours at nl20/30 earning say 16k points which id say the player who finshes 10th im sure will have around the 30k points mark.

Anyone else agree?



  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited December 2013
    Hey Kidwiz!

    Was thinking the same.

    Not knocking it, great promo, the only thing is it doesn't realy cater for lower stake players.

    It just seems to be aimed at high stake players.

    Agree with Kidwiz, it would have been good if there was something for lower stake players as well.

    At first thought it might have been tiered, but dosn't look like it.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited December 2013
    Still in with a good shuot for finising 11th  - 50th though. I planned to put in some sick volume back at the cash tables in Jan so will be giving it a go, although not holding out any hopes cos it won't be easy.

    FWIW, DTM only plays 20/30NL and he earns ALOT more than 16k every month, and dunno if he wants me to say the figure so I wont but he earned ALLLLOT more than 16k one month recently lol.
  • kidwiz10kidwiz10 Member Posts: 569
    edited December 2013
    Hey mate!

    Yea should have defo have added tiers for this promo.

    What were trying to say lambert is that you got no hope of getitng in the top 10 unless your a high stakes player.

    Yea DTM is one of the only who plays that low and earns so high because he 18 tables and plays most hours but besides him it doesnt cater for anyone else.

    When it comes to the end of the leaderboard itself you will only mainly see those players from 200nl and up maybe 1 or 2 from nl100 in the top10.

    Im just saying you aint getting in the top 10 unless you earn around 30k+points which will only apply to higher players.

    Is a really great promo and nice of sky to change it up a bit but players already no its pointless goin for something that aint possible to achieve.
  • BUFCBUFC Member Posts: 328
    edited December 2013
    You can't really blame Sky as they want to reward the players who pay the most rake as it helps the business. I'd love a shot at this but I know 5-600 points a month would barely make the top 500 let alone top 50! No complaints from me though, the guys paying the most rake deserve it.
  • jordz16jordz16 Member Posts: 2,253
    edited December 2013
    Yeah I don't believe it is a fair promotion at all, especially for us who mainly play MTT's but at the same time who can moan at something for nothing.
  • CrazyBen23CrazyBen23 Member Posts: 865
    edited December 2013
    1. This promotion is open to all individuals aged 18 years and over who opt in with promo code: PS4 and have registered as customers of Sky Betting and Gaming (Sky Bet, Sky Poker, Sky Vegas and Sky Bingo). Sky Poker Priority Club members will not be able to participate in this promotion.

    Should make it a lot easier, anyone else tried entering the code as it wont work for me, although i guess it will from tomorrow
  • TINTINTINTIN Member Posts: 1,612
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: New PS4 promo!?!:
    1. This promotion is open to all individuals aged 18 years and over who opt in with promo code: PS4 and have registered as customers of Sky Betting and Gaming (Sky Bet, Sky Poker, Sky Vegas and Sky Bingo). Sky Poker Priority Club members will not be able to participate in this promotion. Should make it a lot easier, anyone else tried entering the code as it wont work for me, although i guess it will from tomorrow
    Posted by CrazyBen23
    the code worked for me ok, I didn't follow the link tho, I went into my account and put it in there
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited December 2013
    This sounds like it just became a sick promo if Prio members are not allowed to play. And it just got a lot better for me if that's the case :p

    I'm not Prio now cos Dec I just played MTTs, but gonna be crushing the volume in Jan at cash. It let me enter the code today btw
  • kidwiz10kidwiz10 Member Posts: 569
    edited December 2013
    Yea i just seen that which it does change alot of things!! , but im also slightly confused? lol

    Im not priority but i made priority this month? i also entered the code which was accepted so but urghh where i stand on this lol.
  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited December 2013
    I`m priority and it accepted the code confused
  • kidwiz10kidwiz10 Member Posts: 569
    edited December 2013
    Just spoke to sky , 

    Anyone who is priority or made priority in december are not eligable for this promotion as those who make the requirments in this promo will have there status checked,

    So if you made priority in December your not eligable for this promo!

    Wish i hadnt made it now lol
  • NAILS01197NAILS01197 Member Posts: 69
    edited December 2013

    Not happy about this promo. I have grinded loads this month and made priority in the first 10 days. Now this promo comes along and sky priority players are not allowed to enter it which I think is wrong. If id of known this was gonna be the case I wouldn't of bothered grinding last month all seems a waste of my time and effort really.

  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,707
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: New PS4 promo!?!:
    Not happy about this promo. I have grinded loads this month and made priority in the first 10 days. Now this promo comes along and sky priority players are not allowed to enter it which I think is wrong. If id of known this was gonna be the case I wouldn't of bothered grinding last month all seems a waste of my time and effort really.
    Posted by NAILS01197
    Lol - you can never please everyone, can you?
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited December 2013
    There's obviously going to be a promotion for priority players only, and it's likely to be much better than this 1.
  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited December 2013
    Wooohoo! Was going to post something along the lines of "congrats DTM for winning a PS4" and just seen the thing about priority. My slackness for the last couple of months in not making priority will possibly pay off! Just need to put in a sick amount of volume next month now! :D
  • NAILS01197NAILS01197 Member Posts: 69
    edited December 2013
    find it. strange also that it has accepted my code.
  • kidwiz10kidwiz10 Member Posts: 569
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: New PS4 promo!?!:
    Not happy about this promo. I have grinded loads this month and made priority in the first 10 days. Now this promo comes along and sky priority players are not allowed to enter it which I think is wrong. If id of known this was gonna be the case I wouldn't of bothered grinding last month all seems a waste of my time and effort really.
    Posted by NAILS01197
    Yea to be honest id have stopped at 9,999 points if id new lol

    Only bonus of priority is them 2 freerolls which is kinda not a big thing as your with alot of sky regs which dont help the cause!.

  • kidwiz10kidwiz10 Member Posts: 569
    edited December 2013
    Hey donk think your missing the point lol

    Basically what nails means is grinding all last month was pointless which i agree because i did just the same.

    If i knew about this promo last month id have went full out in january with a much bigger chance of a reward and a ps4 console if i got that far so it wouldnt work out cheaper.

    Buying a ps4 isnt cheaper when they cost around the £400 mark when instead could have just grinded this month and got one for free.

    If i could choose between priority and this promo id most certainly go for this promo.

    Priority only benfits really high grinders and achive it after 3+months with the exception of the Main and Mini which only benefit you if you actually make the cash eg.
  • NAILS01197NAILS01197 Member Posts: 69
    edited December 2013
    spot on kidwiz
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited December 2013
    Anyone who was trying to make priority this month and made it, to then say it was pointless because of a potential free console, makes me sigh inside. Be happy that you met your target of making priority. 

    I have no chance of binking a PS4, don't have the time to put in the volume, but I thank Sky for this promo and wish everyone all the best in attempting to secure a new console. 

    You can't please everyone, Sky!
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