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New PS4 promo!?!



  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited January 2014
    sour milk? lol

    Happy New Years|
  • rainman397rainman397 Member Posts: 1,394
    edited January 2014
    Happy new year all.
    I am a low stakes player, and i get between 2000 - 3000 points per month.
    How many more points do you think i will need to be in with a fighting chance.
    To all the people moaning about another promotion, its free to enter and if anyone should be moaning it should be priorty club members.
    Lets have a year of positive posts and happy players.
    All the best
  • kidwiz10kidwiz10 Member Posts: 569
    edited January 2014
    Hey rainman i think to still be in top 10 youd still need around the 20k mark to be honest.

    I say you would get in the top 50 with 5k points but just a rough guess of course.
  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited January 2014
    LOL @ the internet sometimes.

    But yeah fantastic promo and really hope some semi-regs/recreational players step up and try and grab a PS4!

    I'm sure that the Priority team will come up with a promo to suit those players and tbh if you put in a decent amount of volume then the cost of the PS4 should easily be doable from a good month at the tables. 

    I think that Sky need to make it clearer tho that the high volume regs that everyone expects to storm this promotion will NOT be eligable and it will make more give it a shot.  

    I have 2 shows in the next week and will really be pushing this fact as a couple of my mates who aren't in Priority were suddenly hugely motivated to put in a big January now knowing that they have a decent shot.

    GL all :) 

  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: New PS4 promo!?!:
    LOL @ the internet sometimes. But yeah fantastic promo and really hope some semi-regs/recreational players step up and try and grab a PS4! I'm sure that the Priority team will come up with a promo to suit those players and tbh if you put in a decent amount of volume then the cost of the PS4 should easily be doable from a good month at the tables.  I think that Sky need to make it clearer tho that the high volume regs that everyone expects to storm this promotion will NOT be eligable and it will make more give it a shot.   I have 2 shows in the next week and will really be pushing this fact as a couple of my mates who aren't in Priority were suddenly hugely motivated to put in a big January now knowing that they have a decent shot. GL all :) 
    Posted by scotty77
    Sick I have a least 2 friends brag
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: New PS4 promo!?!:
    LOL @ the internet sometimes. But yeah fantastic promo and really hope some semi-regs/recreational players step up and try and grab a PS4! I'm sure that the Priority team will come up with a promo to suit those players and tbh if you put in a decent amount of volume then the cost of the PS4 should easily be doable from a good month at the tables.  I think that Sky need to make it clearer tho that the high volume regs that everyone expects to storm this promotion will NOT be eligable and it will make more give it a shot.  I have 2 shows in the next week and will really be pushing this fact as a couple of my mates who aren't in Priority were suddenly hugely motivated to put in a big January now knowing that they have a decent shot. GL all :) 
    Posted by scotty77
    Agree with all of this.

    Especially the part I have put in bold.  Like many people I saw the promo, smiled a lot and snap put in the code not realising until later that I was not eligible to enter it.  Also we have had plenty of people starting threads and posting in threads complaining that they are recreational players and have no chance of winning, some blasting SkyPoker in the same salvo.  While of course it is up to each of us to examine T & Cs carefully in reality a ton of people don't and if the target demographic for the promo was clearer then we wouldn't get all of these kneejerk reactions.  We'd get some obviously, just not as many.

    For the record I think a promo like this aimed at the recreational player pool is a fantastic idea.  I was a little bit disappointed when I posted before as I explained but hey, it's very important that different groups of the community have brilliant promos like this and that some of the groups are protected.

    It has made me order a PS4 online though now.  Don't tell the GF.
  • gerardirlgerardirl Member Posts: 1,299
    edited January 2014
    I'm not happy about this promotion at all I think its a disgrace! Clearly it should be an xbox and not a PS4. 

  • offshootoffshoot Member Posts: 1,049
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: New PS4 promo!?!:
    Luke H : Ok Ben, the reason you are unable to join this promotion is due to you previously having been in the priority poker club. The offer terms any Priority poker club member cannot take part I'm afraid.
    Posted by CrazyBen23
    Wait this says due to you PREVIOUSLY having been a priority member you cant enter. Surely that cant be right? Its onlly closed to current priority members was my understanding.
  • NAILS01197NAILS01197 Member Posts: 69
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: New PS4 promo!?!:
    Well, skipping over the curious case of the milk troll, an event I didn't see ever coming to be fair, this promo and the response has been interesting. I'll admit it, I was excited when I saw the promo then snap deflated when I saw Priority members were excluded.  But if I roll back my expectations twelve hours then I'm where I was so no biggie.  I do however think the opening line of the promo on the promo page is misleading, where it says 'all' players.  That should be changed.  I entered the code, it was accepted but clearly now I am not eligible. To be honest I don't get why Priority Members are excluded, it doesn't actually make too much sense to me.  Had this promo been marketed as such well in advance of the month then it would have made perfect sense.  Hey what do I know, maybe every single lapsed account has been sent an email and maybe a tone of new and returning players are really pumped and looking forward to this.  Good luck to them and everyone else going for this.  Should be a great race.
    Posted by TommyD
    EXACTLY should of been told about this promo well b4 now
  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: New PS4 promo!?!:
    In Response to Re: New PS4 promo!?! : Hey, I hope you and your kids enjoy purple milk, I also hope the fact they have to drink purple milk is not because you waste money on gambling sites. Surely you can afford the extra 50p?
    Posted by Dani_chik
    lol @ this. Maybe you waste your money on gambling sites but some of us don't spend a penny on them. That doesn't mean we won't be careful with our money. Everyone, no matter how rich they are likes a bargain. In fact some people are well off not because they have good job or w/e but solely because they are careful with their money and don't waste it on needless things.

    Now obviously if there is something terribly wrong with the purple milk then I'm sure whoever you were talking too would not buy it & would be able to afford a more expensive brand. But as far as he knows there is nothing wrong with it other than your vague hints. 
  • CrazyBen23CrazyBen23 Member Posts: 865
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: New PS4 promo!?!:
    In Response to Re: New PS4 promo!?! : Wait this says due to you PREVIOUSLY having been a priority member you cant enter. Surely that cant be right? Its onlly closed to current priority members was my understanding.
    Posted by offshoot
    Yeah, if you have prevoiusly been in priority you will not be eligible either
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: New PS4 promo!?!:
    In Response to Re: New PS4 promo!?! : Yeah, if you have prevoiusly been in priority you will not be eligible either
    Posted by CrazyBen23
    some clarification from sky would be good cos I spoke to CC this morning and was told I would be eligible, I've been prio before but didn't get 10k points in Nov or dec
  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: New PS4 promo!?!:
    In Response to Re: New PS4 promo!?! : Wait this says due to you PREVIOUSLY having been a priority member you cant enter. Surely that cant be right? Its onlly closed to current priority members was my understanding.
    Posted by offshoot
    Did you make priority in November? I think if you made priority in either months you can't enter the promo.
  • CrazyBen23CrazyBen23 Member Posts: 865
    edited January 2014
    Are we gunna have a bet on whether it will take days or weeks for sky to sort it out lol, I didn't make priority in either months either so one of the CC people has got it wrong hah
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,794
    edited January 2014

    Note that the matter has been addressed HERE
  • TheRevengeTheRevenge Member Posts: 17
    edited January 2014
    hi guys , i am just a recreational player on here and i struggle to multi table with this software to be honest so i know that i cannot compete for a prize here , but just out of interest what kind of volume would be needed to have a chance , how many hours per day , how many tables and at what stakes ?
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2014
    I'd say playing cash is your best chance, 6tabling 20nl for like 8hr fort say 20 odd days of the month might get you 10k points. That might get you a top ten but if not should be safe for top 50 which is still great value with 6 packages and only 40 runners
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