In Response to Re: Thurs Night Live Show with Fowler and Rylan Spittles Ch861 7pm ***official show thread**** : [QUOTE ]Is Aces Trumper on the show tonight? It says so on the ticker Posted by cenachav
Sadly not, we heard yesterday he had the 'flu. Man-flu, obv, the very worst kind. His Guest appearance will have to be re-scheduled. Posted by Tikay10
Every time I get man-flu, the misses reminds me "it's not the same as giving birth", I disagree the day after drinking Guinness! lol
The best piece of poker advice ever given to me was.....' "If you ever have to choose between the Girlfriend and a game of poker, always choose the girlfriend! You can always find a game of poker! Finding someone who puts up with you, is as rare as hens teeth!!!
hi anna, ryan, anna, with all your chat about losing hands on the low stakes tables, are we hearing the patter of little tiny beats? have a good show Posted by aussie09
"Christmas weight" is definitely a smokescreen. No doubt.
THE BEST PIECE OF POKER ADVICE EVER GIVEN TO ME Was, don't worry about the leader board early on in a tornament,
it's the one with the most chips at the end that matters.
And Anna,..quote... LOL! I have indeed been in the gym twice, and have since spent my time lying down!!! everything hurts!!.... so it should for a newly wed...
Happy New Year to you and all playing on SKY POKER.
I satellited in to the ME today so hoping to run well and will make sure I register for the mini!
Advice given to me (lots from watching sky poker TV):
1. always think about what you are beating when betting post flop 2. Never stake more than you can afford to loose 3. Chips lost are worth more than chips won (especially when in early stages of MTT tournaments) 4. Have fun!
'The best piece of poker advice ever given to me was.....'
accept the bad beats as them bad hands are what we want in the long run. Don't give opponents cheap cards, but also keep the bet sizing where the weaker hands call. finally poker is only about luck short term long term it's down to skill and making the right decisions.
The best piece of poker advice ever given to me was ... to always respect other players at the table and act with a little dignity. Everybody has bad beats from time to time, and occasionally some players will react by being abusive to the person who beat them. This is totally wrong and it really annoys me. If another player gets lucky against you, just accept that luck is a part of poker and move on!
Great show guys, keep up the good work! Anna, I have been a little harsh on you lately about a specific topic (always in jest of course) and I could continue that; for example: Anna is presenting today, they must be using the widescreen camera lens so we can see her properly! However, I'm not going to do that as you are looking delightful this evening. Without sounding too camp, I love what you've done with your hair :-)
The best piece of poker advice given to me was" if you loose to a bad beat don't tilt , remember all the times you dealt out a bad beat, most people don't remember the bad beats they have given out, HAPPY NEW YEAR ANNA AND RYLAN.
Posted by Tikay10
Every time I get man-flu, the misses reminds me "it's not the same as giving birth", I disagree the day after drinking Guinness! lol
"If you ever have to choose between the Girlfriend and a game of poker,
always choose the girlfriend!
You can always find a game of poker!
Finding someone who puts up with you, is as rare as hens teeth!!!
Happy New year Anna / Ryan, the rest of the sky team and the whole sky poker community!!!

'The best piece of poker advice ever given to me was.....' Don't listen to Rich Orford or you will get worse and not better!!
On a more serious note, best advice " Bank roll management, playing position, watch poker videos, read books, and never stop learning and developing"
Watching the show until midnight and playing the usual cash, main and mini events.
Good luck all!!
hi anna, ryan,
anna, with all your chat about losing hands on the low stakes tables, are we hearing the patter of little tiny beats?
have a good show
Good evening Anna and Bryan.
You're not as tubby as I'd heard, Anna.
"The best piece of poker advice ever given to me was..."
If you only ever get your money all-in with the best hand, you're definitely playing badly.
Happy New Year to you and all playing on SKY POKER.
I satellited in to the ME today so hoping to run well and will make sure I register for the mini!
Advice given to me (lots from watching sky poker TV):
1. always think about what you are beating when betting post flop
2. Never stake more than you can afford to loose
3. Chips lost are worth more than chips won (especially when in early stages of MTT tournaments)
4. Have fun!
Have a great show
The best piece of poker advice given to me was " play snap yer better at it" Sighhhh
'The best piece of poker advice ever given to me was.....'
accept the bad beats as them bad hands are what we want in the long run. Don't give opponents cheap cards, but also keep the bet sizing where the weaker hands call. finally poker is only about luck short term long term it's down to skill and making the right decisions.
nice show.
Great show guys, keep up the good work! Anna, I have been a little harsh on you lately about a specific topic (always in jest of course) and I could continue that; for example: Anna is presenting today, they must be using the widescreen camera lens so we can see her properly! However, I'm not going to do that as you are looking delightful this evening. Without sounding too camp, I love what you've done with your hair :-)