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The Build A Bankroll Thread



  • RicOrfordRicOrford Member Posts: 304
    edited February 2014
    Out the main in 141st with Aces to Sara36DD's 5-4 which flopped two pair.

    Watcha gonna do?

    Still running nicely in the mini- 16th/117
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,701
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Build A Bankroll 2014: next session WEDNESDAY 12TH FEB 8pm- midnight:
    Out the main in 141st with Aces to Sara36DD's 5-4 which flopped two pair. Watcha gonna do? Still running nicely in the mini- 16th/117
    Posted by RicOrford
    I bet they were a great two pair though.
  • RicOrfordRicOrford Member Posts: 304
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Build A Bankroll 2014: next session WEDNESDAY 12TH FEB 8pm- midnight:
    In Response to Re: Build A Bankroll 2014: next session WEDNESDAY 12TH FEB 8pm- midnight : I bet they were a great two pair though.
    Posted by Slipwater
    You do know that Sara36DD is a bloke, don't you Brian?
  • RicOrfordRicOrford Member Posts: 304
    edited February 2014
    Hanging in there in the mini- 


    Top 23 get paid
  • RicOrfordRicOrford Member Posts: 304
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Build A Bankroll 2014: next session WEDNESDAY 12TH FEB 8pm- midnight:
    Session 25 (3hrs x 6tables) -£17.63 Bankroll = 414.44 A loss after a long session. My last big £100 losing session came after Newcastle sold their best player, coughed up points and had the top scorer sent off. This week the reserve team manager chinned a young prospect and resigned just before we got hammered at Chelsea - and I was watching this and taking another hammering at the tables.  At halftime I was around £30 (I started watching the game and playing at 3pm) in the hole and could feel the tilt creeping in. I made a cup of tea, refocused and clawed my way back to around £5 down. I ran a 3 barrel bluff in a 3b pot but my tricky opponent called me down tpjk and that was enough to have me cutting my losses for now. Im still proud of myself for not spewing off all of yesterdays profits though - its easily done!! Food shop now, then back to play the 1st round of the HU championship tonight and see if I can recover my losses.
    Posted by jimb0d1
    At least you've got it back to within range of breaking even, Jim.

    Keep it up- I'm enjoying your posts :-)
  • RicOrfordRicOrford Member Posts: 304
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Build A Bankroll 2014: next session WEDNESDAY 12TH FEB 8pm- midnight:
    Played 11 in the end inbetween other games -  Won 7 Lost 4 tonight. Couldn,t play anymore and only got 46 pts so got some cacthing up to do £5 DYM,s Won 11 Lost 7 £3 DYM,s Won 8 Lost 10 £2.35 Won 1 Lost 0 Pts 149 EDIt = +£2.95
    Posted by MP33

    £2.95 up is better than a slap in the face, Paul. Believe me, I've tried it.

    Haven't played DYMs in ages. Used to really enjoy those till I played too many and started stagnating. Must have another go soon.

    Anyway, keep it up mate.

    I'll give you a free shot at next Tuesday's 8pm Turbo Open main event, to see if you can cash and kickstart your roll.

  • RicOrfordRicOrford Member Posts: 304
    edited February 2014
    All done. Another deep run in the mini this week and another fair run in the main.

    Last time 78th and 16th.

    This time 141st and 35th

    So, all told, my BR is now £70. Was hoping for a half-decent cash this week, but I'm sure it will come in the next few weeks.

    Thanks for the chat tonight on the tables and see you soon!
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited February 2014
    Cheers Rich. Just hope its not as wind on Tuesday night ( Will have to play the mini as well) . Been timed out of last 2 tourneys . So have others. Puting my DYM challenge on hold till Monday
  • jimb0d1jimb0d1 Member Posts: 660
    edited February 2014
    Sess 27 (1 hour x 4 tabs)  +2.71

    ticking over
  • jimb0d1jimb0d1 Member Posts: 660
    edited February 2014
    Session 28 (3 hours x 6 tables) + £43.86
    Bankroll = £449.54

    First decent session for a while after a lot of hours at work this week. It went rather well! In fact, I think im very unlucky not to have added a few extra buyins to my bankroll. I had AA busted twice by T3o and KJs all in pre. One of my opponents also hit bottom 2 pr with QTo vs my flopped nut flush, then rivered a house, costing me £15. 

    I seem to do a lot better through the afternoons than on an evening.... which I would guess is the reverse of most players!

    On the Newcastle United front we finally got some positive news that Remy will face no further action in his court case. I was at St James Park a few nights ago to watch us get turned over by Tottenham and its clear that without Remy we will plummet down the league! 

  • jimb0d1jimb0d1 Member Posts: 660
    edited February 2014
    Session 29 (1.5 hours x 6 tables) -£6.31
    Bankroll = £443.23

    Played fast and loose and up and down! 

    One sexy river chk-raise with a weak pair got through..... of course I let my opponent know in the chat box. He was nonplussed but I was loving life. Well worth £6     :)

  • jimb0d1jimb0d1 Member Posts: 660
    edited February 2014
    Session 30 (0.5 hours x 6 tables) -49.97
    Bankroll: £393.26

    Shellshocked! Got blasted for 5 buyins in 30 minutes. I made some bad calls with TPTK B vs B, and bluffed a river into a slowplayed KK which tilted me a little. I regained my composure but ran into some bad luck with big drawing hands. 
    jimb0d1 Small blind  £0.05 £0.05 £9.85
     Big blind  £0.10 £0.15 £9.92
      Your hole cards
    • 7
    • 8
    bRaise  £0.40 £0.55 £15.93
     Call  £0.40 £0.95 £10.84
     Call  £0.40 £1.35 £37.40
    jimb0d1 Call  £0.35 £1.70 £9.50
     Call  £0.30 £2.00 £9.62
    • J
    • 5
    • 6
    jimb0d1 Bet  £1.50 £3.50 £8.00
    bRaise  £3.60 £7.10 £12.33
    jimb0d1 All-in  £8.00 £15.10 £0.00
    b Call  £5.90 £21.00 £6.43
    jimb0d1 Show
    • 7
    • 8
    b Show
    • Q
    • Q
    • J
    • 10
    bWin Two Pairs, Queens and Jacks £19.60  £26.03

    bobofett Small blind  £0.05 £0.05 £11.36
    haidyboy Big blind  £0.10 £0.15 £10.49
      Your hole cards
    • 10
    • J
    Carnage Fold     
    R Raise  £0.30 £0.45 £9.85
    jimb0d1 Call  £0.30 £0.75 £9.55
    jtowa Fold     
    bobofett Fold     
    haidyboy Fold     
    • 8
    • 9
    • A
    jimb0d1 Bet  £0.56 £1.31 £8.99
    R Raise  £1.12 £2.43 £8.73
    jimb0d1 Raise  £4.12 £6.55 £4.87
    R All-in  £8.73 £15.28 £0.00
    jimb0d1 All-in  £4.87 £20.15 £0.00
    R Unmatched bet  £0.30 £19.85 £0.30
    R Show
    • 9
    • A
    jimb0d1 Show
    • 10
    • J
    • K
    • 5
    R Win Two Pairs, Aces and 9s £18.45  £18.75
    After these hands I decided to stand from the tables and clear my head. My girlfriends tells me that I have been talking about poker in my sleep. Apparently I was repeating a few of the quotes from 'The Mental Game of Poker' whereby injecting logic we can manage our tilt issues better: "I cannot control the cards, just the way I play each hand". I wanted to review these hands before continuing my session.

    I know I set a 5 buyin stoploss earlier in the thread but after reviewing my hand history I have decided to play again this afternoon and make the most of the happy days promo. Wish me luck!

  • jimb0d1jimb0d1 Member Posts: 660
    edited February 2014
    Session 30 (5 hours x 6 tables) +£16.97
    Bankroll: £410.23

    Lost 5 buyins again in the first half of his session. Looking at a second £100 losing day of the challenge I decided to press on and try and get some money back. It proved a good decision as I managed to hit some very big hands and recover to make a small profit in this session.

    Hopefully I can claw back another 4 buy ins after the football to turn a profit! I will have racked up a few points today and planning to play more poker tonight and tomorrow if I don't go bust!
  • jimb0d1jimb0d1 Member Posts: 660
    edited February 2014
    Session 31 (1 hours x 6 tables) +£6.63
    Bankroll: £416.86

    GF put her foot down. Nee more poker for me tonight. 

  • jimb0d1jimb0d1 Member Posts: 660
    edited February 2014
    Sess 32 (3.5 hours x 6) +6.66

    666 Spooky. Lost a few pots to Rainman who seems to be the guy who gives me most trouble on the tables. Coolered CraigSG1 when I made a specualtive call of his 7x utg raise.

  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited February 2014
    Nice goin Jimbod

    Back after a cpl of days brk with a 5-1 winning session. Got plenty of points to catch up on tho

    Results so far

    £5 DYM,s Won 13 Lost 8
    £3 DYM,s Won 11 Lost 10
    £2.35 Won 1 Lost 0

    = +£14.55

    ts 172
  • jimb0d1jimb0d1 Member Posts: 660
    edited February 2014
    Session 32 (4 hours x 6 tables) -£32.79
    Bankroll: £384.07

    Didnt think I had lost a lot this session but played a few games on the side and so lost track of my cash only balance. Won a seat in the mini through freeroll but didnt have time to play so took the cash.
  • jimb0d1jimb0d1 Member Posts: 660
    edited February 2014
    Session 33 (4 hours x 6 tables) +5.75 
    Bankroll: £389.82

    £1.20 an hour. Living large.

    Needlessly bluffed off a buyin in very first hand with A6s in the sb. Bad calls until down 3 buyins. Start playing properly and rescue some monies. Spectacularly coolered one player with rivered 666. The devils number keeps coming up!

    I think I am always too eager to play poker, so when I first sit down I go wild. I did manage a little run in the mini for a small cash and racked up a few more poker points. Going to have to go some to hit my 5k target by end of the month as I am just under halfway at the moment. 

  • jimb0d1jimb0d1 Member Posts: 660
    edited February 2014
    Session 34 (3.5 hours x 6tabs) + 9.78
    BR: 399.60

    Rivered quads when I got trapped set over set. Was unlucky in a massive 3 way pot when my opponent turned a straight over my set with sg's. Just before lunchtime I managed to hold TT vs AK all in from the button and move into profit.

    My frenemy Longman rivered me in a big 3b pot when I called down with QQ from sb on a low board... I think I might have actually wagged my finger at the screen like a grumpy old man when the cards turned over!   :)
  • RICHORFORDRICHORFORD Member Posts: 5,571
    edited February 2014
    Keep it going Jim. 34 sessions but 'only' 20% down on the bankroll is not a total disaster. And presumably you're learning from your mistakes and improving all the time.

    I expect a profit to be turned within the next 10 sessions. :-)

    I'm playing tonight once more- having a crack at the main and the mini. I know, I know, I should probably be trying to build on the cash tables but I'm trying to cash in one of the MTTs to kickstart my cash table push.
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