Just finished watching a training video of a guy who plays on stars and his sharkscope stats reveal he has won £157k form pokerstars. hes a **** of a player from watching him but he defended his big blind by calling with a stack less than 15bbs 3 times with QJ off, AJdd and J9cc, i would allways consider this a reshoving stack and would consider it poor play to be doing this but obviously hes a better player than me so maybe im wrong.
what size stack do you think its ok to defend your big blind with by calling?
As to how good a play it is, it depends on whether you know what you are doing and how good your post flop play is.
Phil Hellmuth has been playing like that on the BB for years. Since the advent of online poker he's been constantly ridiculed by internet 'wizards' for being so awful.
Look at his results.
Now all of a sudden they're starting to realise that maybe he was on to something after all.
If you defend against a min-raise you're getting 3.5/1 immediate odds with no antes, about 4/1 with antes. With such good odds flatting may well be more profitable than shoving in many 10-15BB effective stack spots imo.
I've seen many winning players on Sky using such a style. Ebberdon springs to mind, look at his results.
The reason I asked for the maths/explanation is the strategy is one that I have heard about from better players than me that I talk strategy with and they believe its +ev! Just because a strategy isn't widely used doesn't mean it isn't a good one, also, just because certain players can employ a strategy doesn't mean it will be a good strategy for all.
Need to make some assumptions:
You have AJ
The raise is to 3BB
You have 15 BB
You flat and check/fold if you miss
If you hit, you double up your whole stack
If you shove, 2/3rds of the time your shove gets through
AJ smashes the range of the raiser and, to keep the sums easy, is 66% against the range.
I think these are mostly reasonable assumptions but if you vary the assumptions you vary the answer.
Scenario 1 – you flat
66% you miss the flop, - 1.33BB
22% you hit the flop, +3.6BB
11% you hit and still lose, -1.65BB
Flatting is + 0.62
Scenario 2 – you re-shove
66% the re-shove gets through, +4.5BB
22% you are called and still win, +3.6BB
11% you are called and lose, – 1.65BB
Re-shoving is + 6.15