6th out of 20 from the £500GTD but was 1st between 30 and 20 (only top 8 get paid but need a an FT ( 63 runners) esp as its bigger than my normal BR gamesl - just won a little pot to go back to 3rd from 20 -blinds now 125/250 -only got 9k tho - its pretty bunched up -fingers crossed
DAY 102
BR £421.96
crashed out of the 500GTD after been 1st for so long w/o cashing
Played the happy hour at PLO which was pretty dissapointing, after a cpl of basic errors, yet still doing well elsewhere with the $5 and £10 PLO DYM,s - played 3 won 3 today
Decided to have a litle brk after a pretty shocking session in which i,ve never got so many good hands in such a short space of time but lost on them all - will update roll tomorow
Its now 6.20am and played 4x NL4 - full of regs but managed to come back from losing 2 early buy ins so well pleased (and even managed 5 tables for a few mins)
After losing out in the velocity thought i,d carry on trying to learn to play 5 tables at cash with mixed results. Also noticed the cash promo , but don,t think i,ve got the hours for it
Despite 2 losing sessions and 1 winning one only £5.43 down which means i,ve pretty level on cash as i also played the £200 GTD Velocity. Want to get some pts now for the FR in Feb and maybe try and get in the top 40 of the lower tier for Cash Champ promo ( so will have another session when the happy hour starts)
BR £460.74
couldn,t resist another little cash session as i thought i was playing ok : (finding it hard to get action on the PLO tables (which was my target at the beginning of the month) so had to stick with the holem taables but worked out well )
17 Jan '13 at 01:35PokerPortishead£4.29£0.00InternetHand History 17 Jan '13 at 01:34PokerLubin£3.19£0.00InternetHand History 17 Jan '13 at 01:31PokerLewisham.£0.00£0.00InternetHand History 17 Jan '13 at 01:01PokerHarmerton£7.51£0.00InternetHand History 17 Jan '13 at 01:00PokerBanff£10.66£0.00InternetHand History 17 Jan '13 at 00:41PokerAshurst£0.69£0.00InternetHand History = +£26.34
Just read all way through mate, Very well done on building the roll up and good luck on hitting your 1500 points target for the month. Posted by Seo1990
That must have taken a while - Cheers and GL yourself
Not far off another milestone (reaching £500 ). I won,t be rushing it but will mainly be concentrating on cash for the nxt 10 days or so due to the present cash promo. I also think this is where my game needs the most improvement . I,ve beaten NL4 for long enough and its only now im starting to feel comfortable at NL10 playing 2-4 tables.
I,ve been reading back through my diary and compared (greghogg and wacko spring to mind) to others i,ve not set any records or been on any heaters but it has been consistant and thats alll i,m looking for really. I,ve tilted once which cost me £91 but its once to many and i,m still very wary of it.
I was thinking about setting a cash target after getting through £500 ( if i get through it) , but decided instead to set myself a target of keeping this diary going for 1 year. We are already nearly a third of the way through and although i do play on other sites occasionly this is my main and favourite site and so far the diary it has done what i hoped it would do - Its kept me motivated and shown how sensible i can be with my BR and most of all i,ve actually enjoyed writing it and keeping a close eye on results.
SO heres to another 248 days
EDIT : Just caught the end of the happy hour but i,m going to have to review my table selection as there were so many regs on the NL10 tables - a lot who are chasing the top spots in the cash promo
Played the happy hour again on 4 x NL10 and was doing well until the end where i lost a cpl of quid but finished about evens and clocked up a few more pts :
Didn,t get any rebuys as ididn,t feel i was playing well enough. The main dissapointment was not qualifying for the 1k BH in which i was 4th when down to 2 tawith 7 seats up for grabs. Instead of playing it like a satelite from there on in , i played it like a normal MTT showing with A7 on d getting called by 99 which held up. Lesson learnt. I should have just held back a bit as i stilll had over 10 bigs and in a satelite you can go lower depending on how many are left and stack sizes. I might treat myself anyway and buy directly in, but we,ll see
19 Jan '13 at 19:42PokerCapped 21 (�3 max)£0.00£0.00InternetHand History 19 Jan '13 at 18:49PokerAlva£0.64£0.00InternetHand History 19 Jan '13 at 18:47PokerCapped 23 (�3 max)£1.83£0.00InternetHand History 19 Jan '13 at 18:43PokerFarnborough£0.06£0.00InternetHand History PTS 626
Thought i might blow off a few quit on mtt,s for a change tonight and it seemedd like ive bubbled everything - the velocity - 1 and 2 away from winning games - i ,m only still playing becuase i satted into the £55 BH ( yeah - well outa my oleaugue) but despite having to start in level 3 and lose 800 frim 4k pretty quick - currently on 3.5k but feel i deserve some rungood so why not save it for this one
Enjoyed playin tonight even tho it was a disaster - but i was going in front most of time and aplayin well
Last hand for tonight in £55 BH
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancejimmy12534 Small blind 150.00 150.00 1095.00 matisback Big blind 300.00 450.00 3065.00 Your hole cards K Q Aaaces3 Raise 600.00 1050.00 17265.00 MP33 All-in 2262.50 3312.50 0.00 joejoe63 Fold ck10052 Fold jimmy12534 Fold matisback Fold Aaaces3 Call 1662.50 4975.00 15602.50 Aaaces3 Show 7 9 MP33 Show K Q Flop J 4 J Turn 7 River 3 Aaaces3 Win Two Pairs, Jacks and 7s 4975.00 20577.50
In all it looks pretty grim on here but playing well and know i,ll get it back soon
19 Jan '13 at 22:41Poker£2,000 Speed B/H£0.00£0.00InternetHand History 19 Jan '13 at 22:08Poker£20 Guaranteed£-5.50£0.00InternetHand History 19 Jan '13 at 21:59Poker£75 Gtd (30 mins)£-3.30£0.00InternetHand History 19 Jan '13 at 21:59Poker£200 Gtd Velocity£-5.50£0.00InternetHand History 19 Jan '13 at 21:58Poker£2,000 BH Direct£-6.00£0.00InternetHand History 19 Jan '13 at 20:56Poker£1,000 B/Hunter£-11.00£0.00InternetHand History
after that horrific run in mtt,s went back to 2p/4p and 5 p action and managed to make some damage limitations - played well
19 Jan '13 at 22:41 Poker £2,000 Speed B/H £0.00 £0.00 Internet Hand History 19 Jan '13 at 22:08 Poker £20 Guaranteed £-5.50 £0.00 Internet Hand History 19 Jan '13 at 21:59 Poker £75 Gtd (30 mins) £-3.30 £0.00 Internet Hand History 19 Jan '13 at 21:59 Poker £200 Gtd Velocity £-5.50 £0.00 Internet Hand History 19 Jan '13 at 21:58 Poker £2,000 BH Direct £-6.00 £0.00 Internet Hand History 19 Jan '13 at 20:56 Poker £1,000 B/Hunter £-11.00 £0.00 Internet Hand History
= -£31.30
cant fit all the results on but i managed to get £24 back om nl4 and 5p action
20 Jan '13 at 03:08PokerDunipace£7.17£0.00InternetHand History 20 Jan '13 at 02:59PokerWatchet£3.38£0.00InternetHand History 20 Jan '13 at 02:53PokerAction Table 2£-1.29£0.00InternetHand History 20 Jan '13 at 01:31PokerChard£1.69£0.00InternetHand History 20 Jan '13 at 01:29PokerAction Table 116£4.65£0.00InternetHand History 20 Jan '13 at 01:00PokerWhite House£1.26£0.00InternetHand History
Havent played on Sky tonight - Got involved with a cpl of MTT,s on Stars . 1 x $4 and 1 x $8
Both PLO .In the $8 dollar one i min cashed from about 7k ppl for $19 and for the $4 which took forever manged a 4th from 292 for $132 but after having 70% of the chips with 4 to go it ended up a bit dissapointing - went in in front as well each time but there are so many more variants in PLO. Perhaps i should have sat out a bit more and settled for 2nd or 3rd. Really htought i,d win it but its still profit i guess
DAY 102
BR £421.96
crashed out of the 500GTD after been 1st for so long w/o cashing
couldnt copy an dpaset tho
£5 dolllar 6 players 1st fro $21
$10.50 HU won for $20
$5 dollar 6 player 1st for $15
Played the happy hour at PLO which was pretty dissapointing, after a cpl of basic errors, yet still doing well elsewhere with the $5 and £10 PLO DYM,s - played 3 won 3 today
DAY 106 (night)
Needed a result after last few days and got one in the £5 (15 mins timed)
410.61. + 27.99 = £438.60
DAY 106
BR £438.60
PTS 258
EDIT - Just got in and its 4.40am but in the mood for a little session so will see whats avaliable
Decided to have a litle brk after a pretty shocking session in which i,ve never got so many good hands in such a short space of time but lost on them all - will update roll tomorow
EDIT : A bit of damage limitation after half an hour playing 1 x NL4
BR£421.95 - 11.34 = £410.61
BR £445.47
PTS 279
just wasted that on what was supposed to be an easy game on SS
15 Jan '13 at 06:29PokerTurbocharged£-5.25£0.00InternetHand History
Its now 7.15 and off to bed - just went over my roll by going on the 20nl but worked out nicely
BR £466.17
PTS 292
BR £466.17
After losing out in the velocity thought i,d carry on trying to learn to play 5 tables at cash with mixed results. Also noticed the cash promo , but don,t think i,ve got the hours for it
PTS 350
and lost more shortly after although cant be dissapointed as it was just bad bts and no cards
Need to do some adding up but had a quick sesh during the happy hour
Despite 2 losing sessions and 1 winning one only £5.43 down which means i,ve pretty level on cash as i also played the £200 GTD Velocity. Want to get some pts now for the FR in Feb and maybe try and get in the top 40 of the lower tier for Cash Champ promo ( so will have another session when the happy hour starts)
BR £460.74
couldn,t resist another little cash session as i thought i was playing ok : (finding it hard to get action on the PLO tables (which was my target at the beginning of the month) so had to stick with the holem taables but worked out well )
17 Jan '13 at 01:35PokerPortishead£4.29£0.00InternetHand History 17 Jan '13 at 01:34PokerLubin£3.19£0.00InternetHand History 17 Jan '13 at 01:31PokerLewisham.£0.00£0.00InternetHand History 17 Jan '13 at 01:01PokerHarmerton£7.51£0.00InternetHand History 17 Jan '13 at 01:00PokerBanff£10.66£0.00InternetHand History 17 Jan '13 at 00:41PokerAshurst£0.69£0.00InternetHand History
= +£26.34
PTS 513
DAY 108 (even tho its 2.35am)
BR £487.08
DAY 110 (12.43am) - If its after midnight from now on i,m counting it as the next day
PTS 563
BR £487.08
PTS 513
Not far off another milestone (reaching £500 ). I won,t be rushing it but will mainly be concentrating on cash for the nxt 10 days or so due to the present cash promo. I also think this is where my game needs the most improvement . I,ve beaten NL4 for long enough and its only now im starting to feel comfortable at NL10 playing 2-4 tables.
I,ve been reading back through my diary and compared (greghogg and wacko spring to mind) to others i,ve not set any records or been on any heaters but it has been consistant and thats alll i,m looking for really. I,ve tilted once which cost me £91 but its once to many and i,m still very wary of it.
I was thinking about setting a cash target after getting through £500 ( if i get through it) , but decided instead to set myself a target of keeping this diary going for 1 year. We are already nearly a third of the way through and although i do play on other sites occasionly this is my main and favourite site and so far the diary it has done what i hoped it would do - Its kept me motivated and shown how sensible i can be with my BR and most of all i,ve actually enjoyed writing it and keeping a close eye on results.
SO heres to another 248 days
EDIT : Just caught the end of the happy hour but i,m going to have to review my table selection as there were so many regs on the NL10 tables - a lot who are chasing the top spots in the cash promo
PTS 563
Played the happy hour again on 4 x NL10 and was doing well until the end where i lost a cpl of quid but finished about evens and clocked up a few more pts :
Just signed up for the following 4 games to take a brk from the cash. Hopefully i,ll cash in one
Instead of playing it like a satelite from there on in , i played it like a normal MTT showing with A7 on d getting called by 99 which held up. Lesson learnt. I should have just held back a bit as i stilll had over 10 bigs and in a satelite you can go lower depending on how many are left and stack sizes.
I might treat myself anyway and buy directly in, but we,ll see
19 Jan '13 at 19:42PokerCapped 21 (�3 max)£0.00£0.00InternetHand History 19 Jan '13 at 18:49PokerAlva£0.64£0.00InternetHand History 19 Jan '13 at 18:47PokerCapped 23 (�3 max)£1.83£0.00InternetHand History 19 Jan '13 at 18:43PokerFarnborough£0.06£0.00InternetHand History
PTS 626
EDIT : -£1.66
Enjoyed playin tonight even tho it was a disaster - but i was going in front most of time and aplayin well
Last hand for tonight in £55 BH
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancejimmy12534 Small blind 150.00 150.00 1095.00 matisback Big blind 300.00 450.00 3065.00 Your hole cards K Q Aaaces3 Raise 600.00 1050.00 17265.00 MP33 All-in 2262.50 3312.50 0.00 joejoe63 Fold ck10052 Fold jimmy12534 Fold matisback Fold Aaaces3 Call 1662.50 4975.00 15602.50 Aaaces3 Show 7 9 MP33 Show K Q Flop J 4 J Turn 7 River 3 Aaaces3 Win Two Pairs, Jacks and 7s 4975.00 20577.50
In all it looks pretty grim on here but playing well and know i,ll get it back soon
19 Jan '13 at 22:41Poker£2,000 Speed B/H£0.00£0.00InternetHand History 19 Jan '13 at 22:08Poker£20 Guaranteed£-5.50£0.00InternetHand History 19 Jan '13 at 21:59Poker£75 Gtd (30 mins)£-3.30£0.00InternetHand History 19 Jan '13 at 21:59Poker£200 Gtd Velocity£-5.50£0.00InternetHand History 19 Jan '13 at 21:58Poker£2,000 BH Direct£-6.00£0.00InternetHand History 19 Jan '13 at 20:56Poker£1,000 B/Hunter£-11.00£0.00InternetHand History
after that horrific run in mtt,s went back to 2p/4p and 5 p action and managed to make some damage limitations - played well
19 Jan '13 at 22:41 Poker £2,000 Speed B/H £0.00 £0.00 Internet Hand History
19 Jan '13 at 22:08 Poker £20 Guaranteed £-5.50 £0.00 Internet Hand History
19 Jan '13 at 21:59 Poker £75 Gtd (30 mins) £-3.30 £0.00 Internet Hand History
19 Jan '13 at 21:59 Poker £200 Gtd Velocity £-5.50 £0.00 Internet Hand History
19 Jan '13 at 21:58 Poker £2,000 BH Direct £-6.00 £0.00 Internet Hand History
19 Jan '13 at 20:56 Poker £1,000 B/Hunter £-11.00 £0.00 Internet Hand History
= -£31.30
cant fit all the results on but i managed to get £24 back om nl4 and 5p action
20 Jan '13 at 03:08PokerDunipace£7.17£0.00InternetHand History 20 Jan '13 at 02:59PokerWatchet£3.38£0.00InternetHand History 20 Jan '13 at 02:53PokerAction Table 2£-1.29£0.00InternetHand History 20 Jan '13 at 01:31PokerChard£1.69£0.00InternetHand History 20 Jan '13 at 01:29PokerAction Table 116£4.65£0.00InternetHand History 20 Jan '13 at 01:00PokerWhite House£1.26£0.00InternetHand History
not sure about whether to tae a brk - just had these 2 hands but i,m getting it in good so maybe i,ll play on
It was standard for me on the flop to get it in =drspite beeing behind
Even tho they happened at the same time this when to test your tilt skillls or lack of them
Both PLO .In the $8 dollar one i min cashed from about 7k ppl for $19 and for the $4 which took forever manged a 4th from 292 for $132 but after having 70% of the chips with 4 to go it ended up a bit dissapointing - went in in front as well each time but there are so many more variants in PLO. Perhaps i should have sat out a bit more and settled for 2nd or 3rd. Really htought i,d win it but its still profit i guess