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January Diary



  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited January 2014
    always a shame when its in a capped game
    karakajack Small blind  £0.05 £0.05 £4.00
    MP33 Big blind  £0.10 £0.15 £8.48
      Your hole cards
    • Q
    • Q
    jowvegas Fold     
    TROGG463 Fold     
    j4jb Raise  £0.30 £0.45 £20.05
    Matador72 Fold     
    karakajack Fold     
    MP33 Raise  £0.60 £1.05 £7.88
    j4jb Call  £0.40 £1.45 £19.65
    • 6
    • 6
    • Q
    MP33 Bet  £0.40 £1.85 £7.48
    j4jb Raise  £1.53 £3.38 £18.12
    MP33 All-in  £1.90 £5.28 £5.58
    j4jb All-in  £0.77 £6.05 £17.35
    MP33 Show
    • Q
    • Q
    j4jb Show
    • Q
    • A
    • J
    • A
    MP33 Win Full House, Queens and 6s £5.59  £11.17
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited January 2014
    BR £722.49
    PTS 1200 - hopeully thats enought pts for 30th (not seen any oppos on)

    Cudda cost me a seat in the  £55 BH - felt ike it could be another good night )

    EDIT - STILL IN - wrong game - get  in - SSTILL in 13th of 18 paying 12 seats - 12th from 16 9th from 15 and a pot goin on - i won it - 8th from 14 - on bubble - just got to sit out iand playing another £50 game in a week -

    dbld up early and then this - lost my head thought i could bluff him
    teabagger9 Small blind  150.00 150.00 2400.00
    MP33 Big blind  300.00 450.00 5825.00
      Your hole cards
    • 3
    • 4
    squeak13 Fold     
    John-007 Fold     
    yawateg7 Raise  900.00 1350.00 6150.00
    teabagger9 Fold     
    MP33 Raise  1500.00 2850.00 4325.00
    yawateg7 Call  900.00 3750.00 5250.00
    • Q
    • Q
    • J
    MP33 All-in  4325.00 8075.00 0.00
    yawateg7 Call  4325.00 12400.00 925.00
    MP33 Show
    • 3
    • 4
    yawateg7 Show
    • Q
    • 10
    • 8
    • 2
    yawateg7 Win Three Queens 12400.00  13325.00
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited January 2014
    Surely this time - I,d just be happy with 1 head - well maybe 2
    mould0321227.501£2,000 Speed B/H
    jonjo75144602£2,000 Speed B/H
    BO74137653£2,000 Speed B/H
    slamdunky12882.504£2,000 Speed B/H
    lauluk123605£2,000 Speed B/H
    SQUIZZA8110706£2,000 Speed B/H
    matisback107707£2,000 Speed B/H
    c_h_r_i_s76108£2,000 Speed B/H
    MP3374009£2,000 Speed B/H
    mackayla12456010£2,000 Speed B/H
    midas13024189511£2,000 Speed B/H
    couldn,t have taken the £44 =thought about it tho - EDIT wish i had now - just like the £38 i could have taken in the one before

    12th from 53 at the sync brk but that sounds better than what it is - no heads and v close and its a speed

    edit - didnt happen - had chancces of bountys tho

    thought id get another 35 pts - to make sure of 30th
    27 Jan '13 at 23:29PokerCapped 21 (�3 max)£0.61£0.00InternetHand History
    27 Jan '13 at 23:29PokerCapped 23 (�3 max)£1.38£0.00Poker AIR clientHand History
    27 Jan '13 at 23:28PokerLubin£-2.72£0.00Poker AIR clientHand History
    27 Jan '13 at 21:42Poker£2,000 Speed B/H£0.00£0.00Poker AIR clientHand History
    27 Jan '13 at 20:56PokerAction Table 2£0.88£0.00InternetHand History
    27 Jan '13 at 20:49PokerIckham£2.41£0.00InternetHand History
    and lost a £5 timed tourney and £2.20 satelite = -£7.70

     = - £5.15

    BR £717.34
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited January 2014
    Day 117

    Asked for another look at the table as i,d thought i,d done enough for 30th
    34 MP33£10.00
    28 Jan '13 at 16:19Poker£100 Gtd (15 mins)£11.62£0.00InternetHand History
    28 Jan '13 at 15:58PokerAction Table 12£0.77£0.00InternetHand History
    28 Jan '13 at 15:55PokerPeterhead£0.57£0.00InternetHand History
    28 Jan '13 at 15:54PokerCapped 23 (�3 max)£-2.88£0.00InternetHand History
    28 Jan '13 at 15:53Poker£10,000 BH Sat£-1.60£0.00InternetHand History
    28 Jan '13 at 15:52Poker£30 Gtd Scary£-2.20£0.00InternetHand History
    = +£6.30

    pts 1309

    Decided to have a quick go on the Omaha challenge in GPC by playing 4 micro DY,ms togethor amd hoping to win all 4 EDIT : only played 1 due to tables not filling up quickily enough)
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited January 2014
    A dissapointing night after a cpl of MTT,s - Last game was £3 rebuy - no rebuys - no add ons and with 3 left had half the chips and still came 3rd - will post esults and add up tommorow

    I did win a seat into Thursday nights mini BH for a post on the showthread so might have to satelite into the main as well.

    Found myself sat nxt to chrisdboy on a £10 BH - I went out on aces - His dbld up but glad to see it . He,d just been a bad beat away from the Biggie - 10k jacpot for winning main and min - won mini - 2nd in the main  - had some bd bt5s as well - lost k 10 vs Q 10 for JP . I,ll never moan about a bad beat again

    29 Jan '13 at 23:32Poker£30 Gtd Speed£6.90£0.00Poker AIR clientHand History 29 Jan '13 at 23:32Poker£100 Gtd (15 mins)£-5.50£0.00Poker AIR clientHand History 29 Jan '13 at 23:32Poker£1,000 B/Hunter£-11.00£0.00Poker AIR clientHand History 29 Jan '13 at 23:31PokerDouble Your Money£0.40£0.00Poker AIR clientHand History

    Decided to try more satelites in February and esp the 2 tier ones

    a bit of damage limtiation before bed

    30 Jan '13 at 01:17PokerRichmond£0.36£0.00InternetHand History 30 Jan '13 at 01:16Poker£50 Gtd (30 mins)£4.87£0.00InternetHand History

  • TINTINTINTIN Member Posts: 1,612
    edited January 2014
    good to see this has been moved. I was guilty of forgetting you had it in the other section and didn't read it too often but always caught up on it when I remembered.

    good luck with the rest of it and for when you tackle cash again
  • BigHawk89BigHawk89 Member Posts: 627
    edited January 2014
    Alrite mate just seen the diary very impressive to start from 40 quid and get the bankroll you have now, I did a similar thing when I started on sky only depositing 50!

    Just wondering why you dont play any higher games with your roll you could easily play NL20-50 cash and bigger buy in tournaments like the main events?

    I also managed to get some royal mail shares, they've almost doubled in value now if youhavent checked? Best investment ive made in a while!!

    Good luck with the poker pal!
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited January 2014
    Ended up playing a cpl of hours last night after waking up and couldn,t sleep

    Played 2 x NL10 and 1 x 8NL
    Wasnt to bad but finished off a buy in down. Got some good notes made but still felt at times i was playing better players than myself and din,t feel that confident. Having said that i do think i play better when i,ve been playing a while with the same players. I started to play more player dependant than just the same old thing or ABC.
    There was a cpl of hands i wanted to post but should have done it last night as i,m struggling to find them.

    This one below was the biggest losing pot of the session which i,m not sure i could have got away from. He was new to the table and and i was readless, but the speed of his bets did get me thinking he had an overpair as well. If he,d been bluffing with AK or AQ maybe he would have taken a little longer to think it through. Or are we going bust all the time here ?
    SAMLIB Small blind   £0.05 £0.05 £1.78
    Big blind   £0.10 £0.15 £5.11
      Your hole cards
    • 10
    • 10
    MP33 Call   £0.10 £0.25 £7.90
    saxton01 Call   £0.10 £0.35 £13.70
    HYPETING Fold        
    LARSON7 Call   £0.10 £0.45 £10.82
    SAMLIB Call   £0.05 £0.50 £1.73
    Raise   £0.30 £0.80 £4.81
    MP33 Call   £0.30 £1.10 £7.60
    saxton01 Call   £0.30 £1.40 £13.40
    LARSON7 Fold        
    SAMLIB Call   £0.30 £1.70 £1.43
    • 2
    • 3
    • 3
    SAMLIB Check        
    Bet   £0.60 £2.30 £4.21
    MP33 Call   £0.60 £2.90 £7.00
    saxton01 Call   £0.60 £3.50 £12.80
    SAMLIB Fold        
    • 8
    Bet   £2.00 £5.50 £2.21
    MP33 All-in   £7.00 £12.50 £0.00
    saxton01 Fold        
    All-in   £2.21 £14.71 £0.00
    MP33 Unmatched bet   £2.79 £11.92 £2.79
    • J
    • J
    MP33 Show
    • 10
    • 10
    • 5
    Win Two Pairs, Jacks and 3s £11.02   £11.02
    18 Jan '14 at 01:50 Poker Street £-9.98 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    18 Jan '14 at 01:50 Poker Ashurst £-5.60 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    18 Jan '14 at 01:47 Poker Banff £6.97 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    = -£8.61

    @ Craiccu12  I noticed you made the made the step up and seem to be going ok from your diary . Hopefully won,t see you around to often as i need to improve on my table selection as well instead off just jumping into games.
    GL with it m8

    @Tintin cheers m8. I,ll hopefully get some tips of your diary as i know you,ve been playing sthe same levels as myself for quite a while now and still crushing them

    @ Bighawk. thx. i knew that question would be asked sooner or later as i have been playing well within my role and am a nit when it comes to BRM but at least i,ll never go skint. If i ever got down to say around 1k i,d have to have a serious look at my game and wonder "is it worth carrying on". With the cash i,m just not ready to play at higher stakes as i,m simply not good enough and with the tourneys i find it difficult paying £30 or £50 into a game when i know i can satelite in for a fraction of the cost. Plus my record in £50 Bh,s is pretty awful. I,ll always be a BR nit but i could probably do with playing a few more tourneys at above £5 level. (Having said that i,m playing 2 now - both freerolls -lol)

    I,ve been playing these freerolls for over a week and haven,t had a cash yet and just bust in one as i write this. They are the 60 min timed ones. Will be playing for at least a cpl of hours tonight so will  update later

    Thx again for the messages 

    EDIT : Finally - After about 15 attempts w/o a cash in the 60 min timed freerolls got a small cash for 80p. Just a shame i lost a cpl of big pots in last 6 minutes but still it brks the run of losses
    18 Jan '14 at 19:02 Poker £300 Free Cash FR £0.00 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    18 Jan '14 at 19:02 Poker £300 Free Cash FR £0.80 £0.00 Internet Hand History
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited January 2014
    Hi - just to say its CraigSG1 not, erm , Craigcu12! :)
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: Low Stakes Diary Thread in the Shed ( £40 BR > 1K and beyond???):
    Posted by paige55
    Cheers Paige. I,m not normally supersticious but think it might have cursed my results

    Got off to a nightmare start tonight and i can,t even blame it on bad luck. just bad play all round ( still in the £2.40 sat)

    EDIT : Can,t seem to copy and paste under the results at the botton of post but got knocked out of the £2.40 satelite so think its time for a brk while i watch MOTD. got a cpl of quid back on the games below but will start a fresh ina bit (Just witnessed a gr8 comeback by someone in the £3 DYM - from 68 chips to about 5k)

    EDIT : Came back after watching MOTD and started by playing 3 cash tables at NL8 . At one point i was up on all 3 and the tables but  i ended up losing most the one where  i was just over 1 buy in up and i should have left as the table emptied and i ended up HU against a guy with about half a buy in. I played a cpl of hands and was about to leave the table when i noticed he,d been constantly slating my play in the chat box. Its normally water offa ducks back to me but on this occasion i decided to carry on and try take his remaining stack. Big mistake. Lost about 3 - 4buy ins against him. I did get in all in with AA vs A 10 and AQ vs KJ for stacks but he managed to outdraw me each time. HU is not a strong point of mine and i will certainly learn from this mistake not to let  anything in the chat affect me again. Luckily the other games went well and despite this i managed to finsish in profit for the session and got back some of the £30 i lost in 1st session
    I,ve just realised i,m only 13 points off 300 so may as well carry on for 300 for entry to the freeroll tommrow night for a PS4

    = - £11.93 (inc the 80p from freerolls)

    EDIT - Now 6.20am and carried on playing on Nl10 and had a dabble on Nl20 where i was a cpl of buy ins down until i hit a nut flush on the river and the other guy had hit the king high flush . also had quads twice tonight but still finished £9 down although looking back it could have been a lot worse. Can,t even fir all the results on as i played acpl of £3 DYM,s and 1 or 2 £2 tourneys) Need to start getting some black figures on the board tho

    19 Jan '14 at 01:24 Poker Six-Max £14.00 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    19 Jan '14 at 01:23 Poker Double Your Money £2.70 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    19 Jan '14 at 00:31 Poker Street £3.25 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    19 Jan '14 at 00:19 Poker Lubin £-12.55 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    19 Jan '14 at 00:18 Poker Action Table 110 £7.01 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    19 Jan '14 at 00:11 Poker £100 Gtd (15 mins) £-1.50 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    18 Jan '14 at 22:07 Poker Double Your Money £2.70 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    18 Jan '14 at 21:57 Poker Master Cash 1 £1.56 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    18 Jan '14 at 21:50 Poker £3,000 B/Hunter £-11.00 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    18 Jan '14 at 21:49 Poker £1,000 BH Direct £-2.40 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    18 Jan '14 at 21:11 Poker Double Your Money £-5.50 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    18 Jan '14 at 21:08 Poker £300 Gtd (30 mins) £-5.50 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    18 Jan '14 at 21:08 Poker £200 Guaranteed £-5.50 £0.00 Internet Hand History

  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited January 2014
    BR 2538.50
    pts 399

    Managed to get over the 300pt mark for the freeroll today. Didn,t expect to stay up till 6am playing though. Just need to make sure i,m up in time to reg for it now as its capped at 2000 i think. Looked in the lobby but its not up yet and not sure what time it starts at.(EDIT - Sigh - missed it - it was 2pm ) Time for bed

    ps - Sry Craig . Not sure where i got Craugcu from

    EDIT : Just been looking through my losing hands and many of them seem to be when i,ve tried a bluff on the river, normally after missing a str8 draw or flush draw. I suppose i could stop bluffing but then i did get paid off on some hands where i wouldn,t normally.  Heres the biggest losing hand of the session. Feel free to critisise

    jok22 Small blind   £0.10 £0.10 £19.50
    stfc_1953 Big blind   £0.20 £0.30 £45.09
      Your hole cards
    • 6
    • A
    PokerEsse Fold        
    jimmbob773 Raise   £0.60 £0.90 £36.20
    NODEAL Fold        
    MP33 Call   £0.60 £1.50 £41.86
    jok22 Call   £0.50 £2.00 £19.00
    stfc_1953 Fold        
    • 4
    • 7
    • 2
    jok22 Check        
    jimmbob773 Bet   £1.20 £3.20 £35.00
    MP33 Call   £1.20 £4.40 £40.66
    jok22 Fold        
    • 2
    jimmbob773 Bet   £2.60 £7.00 £32.40
    MP33 Raise   £5.60 £12.60 £35.06
    jimmbob773 Call   £3.00 £15.60 £29.40
    • K
    jimmbob773 Check        
    MP33 Bet   £8.20 £23.80 £26.86
    jimmbob773 Call   £8.20 £32.00 £21.20
    MP33 Show
    • 6
    • A
    jimmbob773 Show
    • 8
    • 8
    jimmbob773 Win Two Pairs, 8s and 2s £30.40   £51.60
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited January 2014
    BR £2538.50
    pts 399

    Just played for an hour and although it was another losing session was pleased with the way i played
    Was playing 3 tables and even when playing 2 tables it was super laggy. I was using Google Chrome so i,m hoping it was that, as i kept getting pop -ups every minute or so saying "pages have become un-responsive" and giving me the option to kill the pages where in actual fact they were working fine
    19 Jan '14 at 17:07 Poker Double Your Money £4.50 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    19 Jan '14 at 16:59 Poker Alva £-6.72 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    19 Jan '14 at 16:53 Poker Sodertalje £0.81 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    19 Jan '14 at 16:43 Poker £100 Gtd (30 mins) £-0.90 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    = - £2.31
  • jimb0d1jimb0d1 Member Posts: 660
    edited January 2014
    Hi MP. Why the limp in the TT hand? I play this hand a lot more aggressively pre and on the flop...but probably lose a lot anyway. In the a6 hand, I prefer the chk-r on the flop ip to get a free turn card. As played I dont like turn semibluff  but would fire again river as well as oppo should surely be value betting a big hand here.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2014
    Hand 1 (TT) - Hate the limp pre, don't understand why we aren't just raising for pure value. As played, always getting it in.

    Hand 2 (A6s) - Flatting the BTN is fine, and 3betting is fine too. I'd be raising this flop definitely, we're so deep and have no hope of getting 200xBB stacks in by the river in a single raised pot without raising the flop unless you just put a sick cooler on him. We can make quite a few better hands fold and hands that have decent equity where we don't mind just taking it down now.

    Once you've flatted the flop, the turn has to be a flat too. You've flatted the flop when our equity is at it's highest, then decided to raise the turn when our equity has been halved AND we don't even know how many clean outs we have if we aint drawing dead, and you've raised to an amount that gives us very little FE when he can call £3 to win nearly £13. FWIW, if you raise flop and carry on barrelling you probably get him to fold 88.
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited January 2014
    Changed my browser to Firefox and had another hour on the mastercash tables. No lag or annoying po-ps with Firefox. Played a lot more than i normally do over last 2 days and decided to knock in the head for the night and go out for abit. Will see how i feel later when i get in
    19 Jan '14 at 19:38 Poker Master Cash 24 £-2.89 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    19 Jan '14 at 19:31 Poker Master Cash 2 £8.19 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    19 Jan '14 at 19:26 Poker Master Cash 25 £-1.71 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    = + £3,59

    BR 2539.78

    pts 440

    @ lambert and jimb0od1

    Cheers for the input guys. Looking back now the limp pre with TT it does look bad and as a rule i don,t like limping on any hand. I think the reason on this occasion was it was UTG and i was expecting a raise in front of me and was happy to flat the raise and try to go to the flop multiway but realise now it was a mistake

    The A6 hand - looking back now i realise the check raise on the flop would have been better than on the turn as Lambert  explained about the equity and when it got to the turn i wanted to try and rep a big hand for a bet on the river if i missed which i did

    This is the reason i,ve got my diary moved to GPC so ppl can point out where i,m going wrong. Thx again

    EDIT - Had a game when i got in on 2 x NL10 and 1 x 5p action a and 1 x NL 10  with a £3 max and managed a winning session at last for £15.19. Felt i was due it but did get some luck

    BR £2554.97
    pts 502
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited January 2014

    Hi Paul,

    Thanks for your comments mate over in my nl4 thread, much appreciated.
    thought I'd just say hi here and wish you good luck.
    not read a great deal but it sounds like you've just started or gone back to playing cash, please excuse if I've got it wrong.
    you have done fantastic mate, all from just £40 I gather, so really well done...hope I can follow you :) be nice.
    yeah nl10 is tough, I know from playing there last year. my advice would be play 1 table only and be very selective who you play, and then when your confidence grows add the 2nd.
    I made the mistake of trying to play too many, so don't do the same.  :)
    best wishes,
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited January 2014
    Hey mate,

    Not seen your diary in a while.

    You have done brilliant spinning a small amount into 1000s.

    Is it mostly MTT's and sit and go's you play?

    With the timed freeroll's, i'd say don't sit tight, if you have a really strong hand, AK-J, 99's and better, just shove all in pre over a raise, you will get looked up really light.
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited January 2014
    yeah nl10 is tough, I know from playing there last year. my advice would be play 1 table only and be very selective who you play, and then when your confidence grows add the 2nd.
    I made the mistake of trying to play too many, so don't do the same.  :)
    best wishes,

    Cheers Dev . Its taken a while to do. I,m still averaging about 3-4 tables even after a year but could do with getting that up. I couldn,t play 1 table now . Would get bored easily and the bad bts affect me more playing 1 table although they shouldn,t . Its just balancing it without losing to much on the reads.. I didn,t intend goin back to cash as much as over last cpl of days. It just worked out that way. I,m still aiming to play DYM s for a week or something for something differnt but not got round to it and was away when that promo fot STT,s was running on dbl points or something. I,ve found the main thing is getting used to the opponents as you come against the same names a lot more on here than anywher else and making notes but ofc many of them are doing the same with you and then its all that meta game stuff which is all good 

    "Is it mostly MTT's and sit and go's you play?"

    With the timed freeroll's, i'd say don't sit tight, if you have a really strong hand, AK-J, 99's and better, just shove all in pre over a raise, you will get looked up really light.

    Alright Larson. yeah i,ve noticed in those freerolls a lot of ppl get going early and some pretty big stacks seem to pile up quickly. still only managed 1 cash in about 16 and yes my favourite or most enjoyable games are MTT,s and thats probably where the majority of profit has come from . Just low stakes small field ones have been good to me. I do think there sre softer MTT,s at around the $10 £10 mark elsewhere though and like to play some $10 -$20 non turbo freezouts onother sites sometimes. Quite like the satlites on here as well all though i,ve been doing well in them and just not getting anything when i get through.
    How did you get on on the cash tables tonight ? Didn,t realise you,d had such a good month in December. I also went through a bad run of MTT,s recently ( well it was actually over about 2 months) but would recommend to anyone - it might sound a bit obvious , but play ones with fewer players. I started winning the odd 1 again and your confidence is bk before you know it 

  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited January 2014
    BR 2539.78
    pts 440

    Got off to an ok start tonight. Acpl of quid up with the 3K BH to play although my record in that is terrible recently. can,t remember the last time i even got a head, so hoping that might change tonight

    I did play a cpl of hours at dinnertime, but after looking at the 5p/10p tables and comparing them to the 10c/20c tables on another site i decided to play there. The games just looked softer. PPl were getting it all in pre on lesser than hands than on here in general. May its because they,re used to playing 9 max on other sites and when they 6 max loosen up a bit. I don,t know but ended up making just over $30 playing 3 -4 tables

    Results so far tonight - Only played the DYM as it was Omaha which i prefer in DYM,s
    20 Jan '14 at 20:44 Poker Double Your Money £2.70 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    20 Jan '14 at 20:40 Poker £3,000 B/Hunter £0.00 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    20 Jan '14 at 20:31 Poker £100 Gtd (15 mins) £8.50 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    20 Jan '14 at 20:21 Poker £3,000 BH Sat £-2.40 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    20 Jan '14 at 19:53 Poker £3,000 BH Sat £-2.40 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    After getting seat in the BH decided to play another sat for the cash which is something i,ve not really been doing. Not quite sure how i lost the 2nd one as i had AA KK then AA in the space of 1 orbit and managed to get knocked out despite an early dbl up. Just started the 9.05 £200 GTD but off to a slow start losing a few hundred chips already but its a good structure so hopefully time to turn things around

    EDIT - maybe not - Got off to a good start taking a head str8 away but then my AQ vs KJ got done for a str8 then nxt hand AK vs KJ got rivered for another str8 and tats me out. just cant seem to get any luck in this game

    EDIT - So much for a good start  - still hanging in- in the £2 rebuy

    EDIT - Just gone out of the £2 rebuy in 5th for £20.15 profit after buy in and addon. Chose the wrong time to shove with my K4 from the button which ran into AK but overall lucky to get to the FT. Dished out a cpl of bad bts along the way. Also satted into the 1K BH at 12.30 so hopefully it will be along night

    EDIT - No heads and more bad bts in the 1K BH

    = + £14.60
    20 Jan '14 at 22:24 Poker Double Your Money £-3.30 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    20 Jan '14 at 22:20 Poker £1,000 BH Direct £-2.40 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    20 Jan '14 at 21:53 Poker £250 Gtd Speed £-4.40 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    20 Jan '14 at 21:53 Poker £1,000 BH Direct £-2.40 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    20 Jan '14 at 21:13 Poker £200 Guaranteed £-5.50 £0.00 Internet Hand History
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited January 2014
    pts 526

    Can,t win a hand tonight. Just went bust on the satlite bubble when my pair of 3,s got counterfitted by 2 better pairs on the river for the 3K BH and with no cash overlay
    Results so far
    21 Jan '14 at 19:54 Poker £3,000 BH Sat £-2.40 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    21 Jan '14 at 19:27 Poker £50 GTD Free-Buy £-4.40 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    21 Jan '14 at 19:27 Poker £200 Guaranteed £-5.50 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    21 Jan '14 at 18:21 Poker £3,000 BH Sat £-2.40 £0.00 Internet Hand History
    EDIT : Think i,ll call that it for a night. Going along niceley in the 3K GTD when i get aces for the 2nd time tonight
    larrylad Small blind   150.00 150.00 12905.00
    MP33 Big blind   300.00 450.00 7870.00
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • A
    BA100 Raise   1050.00 1500.00 9200.00
    Skys_Limit Fold        
    mcfc_nick Fold        
    larrylad Fold        
    MP33 All-in   7870.00 9370.00 0.00
    BA100 Call   7120.00 16490.00 2080.00
    MP33 Show
    • A
    • A
    BA100 Show
    • 10
    • 10
    • 8
    • 5
    • Q
    • K
    • 10
    BA100 Win Three 10s 16490.00   18570.00
    This hand just about sums up the night. Was in 2nd place from 18 (25 started) in the Pokertube £300 added
    Leviathon Small blind   50.00 50.00 7062.50
    Graveltrax Big blind   100.00 150.00 3085.50
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • A
    MonkyNutz Fold        
    EvilPingu Fold        
    MP33 Raise   250.00 400.00 4074.50
    _Prodigy_ Fold        
    Leviathon Raise   550.00 950.00 6512.50
    Graveltrax Fold        
    MP33 Raise   1400.00 2350.00 2674.50
    Leviathon All-in   6512.50 8862.50 0.00
    MP33 All-in   2674.50 11537.00 0.00
    Leviathon Unmatched bet   2788.00 8749.00 2788.00
    Leviathon Show
    • Q
    • Q
    MP33 Show
    • A
    • A
    • 9
    • 5
    • 8
    • 4
    • Q
    Leviathon Win Three Queens 8749.00   11537.00

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