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My Diary

ShaunyTShaunyT Member Posts: 619
edited March 2014 in Poker Chat
Hello everybody.

I may as well start off by introducing myself to make my diary a bit more human than numbers on a results thread

I'm Shaun. 32. I live in Bradford in Yorkshire (somebody has to). I have been playing poker for about 3/4 years now. I would describe myself as a massive poker enthusiast. I LOVE the game and one of the reasons I play sky is for the forum/community aspect as non of my friends are remotely into poker.

I play live when I can, although not as much as I like. I have had a few nice scores, my best was a 2nd place finish in a 300 strong field for 2k. I usually end up in profit playing live cash (not from my skill, just terrible players lol). Although online my game is up and down.

On Sky Poker I have played for a few years on and off but I am now looking to take my game more seriously and get involved in the Sky Poker community.

My reasons for doing this diary are motivational, to feel like I have people watching my progress. Which will not only spur me on but help me realize where I've made mistakes. To gain advice from any situations/hands I post to hopefully improve my game. And finally so I can keep record of my winning/losses and properly manage my bankroll.

I usually play through the day from 10am to 2pm and on an evening when I can. I will be looking to mostly play MTT's as I enjoy these more than cash, and my goal is to be a serial casher in the MTT's I play. I will be managing my bankroll so playing £3-£11 mostly but I do like the odd main event.

As of today I have just deposited £400 and my first goals is to turn this into 1k. In 15mins i'll be playing the £5.75 £300gtd Bounty hunter. So thanks for reading and here we go................


  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited January 2014
    Gl Shaun
  • cenachavcenachav Member Posts: 2,682
    edited January 2014
    Gl with this and run golden :)
  • BFC4EVER09BFC4EVER09 Member Posts: 158
    edited January 2014
  • ShaunyTShaunyT Member Posts: 619
    edited January 2014
    Cheers guys.

    Busted 23/73 in the bh. Took 2 bounties to rduce the £5.75 buy in to £1.99.

    After building a nice stack I lost a couple of pots to take me 4000.

    Exit hand- blinds 75/150. (28bb stack) I was bb (KQclubs). utg raise to 450 from a loose player. The big stack on button just flats the raise. Wasn't feeling too good about folding that hand but wasn't feeling too good about flatting and playing OOP. Sensed weakness from the button just calling the raise. Wasn't too concerned that the utg was super strong judging from previous play. So decided to squeeze and jam. Was getting 900 from pot +150 my bb for risking my 4000 stack but had fold equity. utg folds(so at least my read was good)...... button calls with AQ spades. And that's all she wrote......

    Fold? Call? 3bet lighter?

  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited January 2014

    Good luck Shaun

    (* *)
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited January 2014
    In Response to My Diary:
    my goal is to be a serial casher in the MTT's I play.
    Good luck. 

    Aiming to be a serial casher in MTTs is an unwise strategy in my opinion.

    All the money is at the top. You should aim to be an occasional winner, even if that means you cash less often. It will make you much more money over time.
  • ShaunyTShaunyT Member Posts: 619
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: My Diary:
    In Response to My Diary : Good luck.  Aiming to be a serial casher in MTTs is an unwise strategy in my opinion. All the money is at the top. You should aim to be an occasional winner, even if that means you cash less often. It will make you much more money over time.
    Posted by GaryQQQ
    Worded that badly. Obviously playing to win too (doh!)

    Yeah I agree. Although if you have a nice run in a bounty hunter even a min cash can generate some nice profit if you've taken some heads.
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited January 2014
    Just busted 4th in that tourney Shaun. It is a pretty big squeeze at 28bb, but in these low stake BH's you can get called very light (I know first hand from today!). Don't hate the play, but equally think we are still just about deep enough to peel and see a flop.

    Gl for this and at the tables sir.
  • ShaunyTShaunyT Member Posts: 619
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: My Diary:
    Just busted 4th in that tourney Shaun. It is a pretty big squeeze at 28bb, but in these low stake BH's you can get called very light (I know first hand from today!). Don't hate the play, but equally think we are still just about deep enough to peel and see a flop. Gl for this and at the tables sir.
    Posted by hhyftrftdr
    Yeah on reflection I agree. Either peel or fold. I had time to wait for a better spot. KQ suited is only KQ in reality.
    Oh well. I will be in the 10:45am bh and 11:30 bh tomorrow.

    Well done on the 4th place finish :)
  • ShaunyTShaunyT Member Posts: 619
    edited January 2014
    busted the 10:45am bounty hunter.

    jimHFX Small blind  15.00 15.00 2165.00
    xxx Big blind  30.00 45.00 3522.50
      Your hole cards
    • K
    • K
    pincsfiona Call  30.00 75.00 2512.50
    evo4129 Fold     
    ShaunyT Raise  120.00 195.00 1340.00
    bb017211 Fold     
    jimHFX Fold     
    xxx Call  90.00 285.00 3432.50
    pincsfiona Call  90.00 375.00 2422.50
    • 7
    • J
    • K
    xxx Bet  375.00 750.00 3057.50
    pincsfiona Fold     
    ShaunyT All-in  1340.00 2090.00 0.00
    xxx Call  965.00 3055.00 2092.50
    xxx Show
    • Q
    • A
    ShaunyT Show
    • K
    • K
    • 9
    • 4
    xxx Win Flush to the Ace 3055.00

    Did I overplay my top set? Maybe. But if I had called the post flop bet and folded the turn I would have had just under 1000chips left. Which people will call off with junk against me. Every time somebody calls me with a flush draw they get there.

    -£3.30  BR £394.71
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: My Diary:
    busted the 10:45am bounty hunter. I tried to post the hand, but failed. Started the hand with 1400 chips. Raised my KK in position. Got 2 callers from the blinds 15/30. Flop 7h Jd Kd. Small blind bets out 375 into 360 pot. bb folds. I didn't feel I had the option to just call and raise would have left me with an awkward stack for the rest of the hand. I shoved and got called by AQd. Needless to say he got there.   Did I overplay my top set? Maybe. But if I had called the post flop bet and folded the turn I would have had just under 1000chips left. Which people will call off with junk against me. Every time somebody calls me with a flush draw they get there. -£3.30   BR £394.71
    Posted by ShaunyT
    did u post from this page h/h or from the lobby?  should come out ok from this page

  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited January 2014
    Can't fault the play at all. Just a cold deck and action flop that means neither player can fold.

    If you can ever get all the chips in on a flop whilst you hold the nuts, then happy days.
  • ShaunyTShaunyT Member Posts: 619
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: My Diary:
    In Response to Re: My Diary : did u post from this page h/h or from the lobby?  should come out ok from this page gl dev
    Posted by devonfish5
    Ah yeah, forgot about that. cheers Fixed it now.
  • ShaunyTShaunyT Member Posts: 619
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: My Diary:
    Can't fault the play at all. Just a cold deck and action flop that means neither player can fold. If you can ever get all the chips in on a flop whilst you hold the nuts, then happy days.
    Posted by hhyftrftdr
    Thanks h (is it ok if I just call you h? lol)

    Just min cashed in the £300 with no bounties :( every time I got paid it was against a bigger stack. Finished 11th for £5.56 so a massive 19p down even though I cashed lol.

    So what you reckon to this play?

    Hand History #736096879 (13:26 23/01/2014)

    xxxSmall blind  300.00 300.00 18120.00
    toobab Big blind  600.00 900.00 15530.00
      Your hole cards
    • K
    • A
    hazey64 Fold     
    ShaunyT Raise  1800.00 2700.00 10260.00
    k1ngstu Fold     
    kightley11 Fold     
    xxxCall  1500.00 4200.00 16620.00
    toobab Fold     
    • 8
    • 9
    • 3
    ShaunyT Bet  1800.00 6000.00 8460.00
    xxxRaise  7650.00 13650.00 8970.00
    ShaunyT All-in  8460.00 22110.00 0.00
    xxx Call  2610.00 24720.00 6360.00
    xxx Show
    • 6
    • J
    ShaunyT Show
    • K
    • A
    • 10
    • Q
    xxxWin Flush to the Jack 24720.00
  • ShaunyTShaunyT Member Posts: 619
    edited January 2014
    Obviously I hadn't expected to be up against a flopped flush. I was hoping for a fold or him to have a pair with a worse flush draw. I figure the check raise was a bit weird unless he had a set and he left half his stack behind. I had no reads on the player as it was a new table. The blinds were quite steep and I thought if I fold I will be short stacked and may not find a better spot.
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited January 2014
    Pre...probably min raising my entire range here. 3x is better when stacks are deeper. At this stage in a tourney, I'd be min raising my monsters but also my steals. 3x makes your cbets more expensive for when we whiff a flop, and when stacks are shallow it's easy to get stacks in by the river (or before) for when we flop well, even with just a min raise pre.

    It's a pretty good flop for us, the only slight drawback is when he check raises us, we are never getting a fold. We can still fold, but readless as you are here, I think the vast majority of people go with it. On another day we'll be up against stuff like J10 with one diamond, or Qd9x which means we have great equity. Just unfortunate to be up against the flopped flush, but we were never drawing dead in this spot.

    This might sound a tad extreme, and many others on here might disagree with me ;) but we can get called very light in the lower BH's, so if you had been at the table a while and had a feel for it and the other players, we can just open jam AK feeling pretty confident that someone will look us up with a dominated hand. Do not underestimate what people will call with when there is a head prize on the line!
  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: My Diary:
    Pre...probably min raising my entire range here. 3x is better when stacks are deeper. At this stage in a tourney, I'd be min raising my monsters but also my steals. 3x makes your cbets more expensive for when we whiff a flop, and when stacks are shallow it's easy to get stacks in by the river (or before) for when we flop well, even with just a min raise pre. It's a pretty good flop for us, the only slight drawback is when he check raises us, we are never getting a fold. We can  still fold, but readless as you are here, I think the vast majority of people go with it. On another day we'll be up against stuff like J10 with one diamond, or Qd9x which means we have great equity. Just unfortunate to be up against the flopped flush, but we were never drawing dead in this spot. This might sound a tad extreme, and many others on here might disagree with me ;) but we can get called very light in the lower BH's, so if you had been at the table a while and had a feel for it and the other players, we can just open jam AK feeling pretty confident that someone will look us up with a dominated hand. Do not underestimate what people will call with when there is a head prize on the line!
    Posted by hhyftrftdr





    Come on Harry!

    Other than that awful little bit of advice, the rest of it seems solid ;)
  • ShaunyTShaunyT Member Posts: 619
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: My Diary:
    Pre...probably min raising my entire range here. 3x is better when stacks are deeper. At this stage in a tourney, I'd be min raising my monsters but also my steals. 3x makes your cbets more expensive for when we whiff a flop, and when stacks are shallow it's easy to get stacks in by the river (or before) for when we flop well, even with just a min raise pre. It's a pretty good flop for us, the only slight drawback is when he check raises us, we are never getting a fold. We can  still fold, but readless as you are here, I think the vast majority of people go with it. On another day we'll be up against stuff like J10 with one diamond, or Qd9x which means we have great equity. Just unfortunate to be up against the flopped flush, but we were never drawing dead in this spot. This might sound a tad extreme, and many others on here might disagree with me ;) but we can get called very light in the lower BH's, so if you had been at the table a while and had a feel for it and the other players, we can just open jam AK feeling pretty confident that someone will look us up with a dominated hand. Do not underestimate what people will call with when there is a head prize on the line!
    Posted by hhyftrftdr

    Great advice mate cheers. Stuff to bear in mind. Much appreciated.
  • ShaunyTShaunyT Member Posts: 619
    edited January 2014
    Well, played the £150 bh like a pro. finished 35/80 something. Horrendous. My rivered straight ran into a flopped flush (happens to me regular) I lost a flip, and that was it. -£3.30

    £300 bh. Played pretty solid lost another flip which crippled me but somehow managed to fight back. I finished 9th out of 80 collecting 2 bounties for a profit of £4.61

    I shoved utg with 55 ( I only had 10bb big stack then jammed over the top with 10 10 and hit a 10 on the flop). Not great play on my part but there was only 5 players at our table.

    So since I started my diary my MTT strike rate is 2cashes from 5. But I'm still down nearly a fiver lol. I like the daytime bounty hunters as they fit my schedule but I just don't seem to get paid off when I get a hand. Also my luck has deserted me when I need it. Not too disheartened a few places higher from each cash and I would have probably been £20-£30 to the good.

    br £395.83
  • ShaunyTShaunyT Member Posts: 619
    edited January 2014
    Played the £150 bh and £300 bh. Total buy in £6.79. Took 2 heads in the £150 for which I have taken into account. Didn't do much wrong, squeezed with 10 10 vs a shortie with KJ suited. lost that, then got it in with AQ suited vs KK. Lost that too. In the £300 I flopped top 2 but got it in bad on the turn when it brought the villians straight in. Maybe I could have gotten away from it as he had called a chunky bet on the flop but I thought the gutshot was unlikely, but guess what? People call big bets drawing to gutshots.....

    br £389.04
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