reg'd for the 30k super roller direct i was the first player to do so.
as the clock ticks down i am still the only player. clock goes to zero and the tournament is cancelled.
i get my money back even though it said one seat guarenteed.
shouldnt i have got the seat in the roller because it states one seat is guarenteed.
i have been in satelites before where there are only two of us and either i knock him out or he knocks me out and awarded a seat. so there can not be an issue with meeting the £110
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maybe im in a bad mood for busting out of the ukpc and then regging the main and main and flopping a full house and the other guy rivers a bigger full and then had hits a 3 outer on the river in the mini
some days hey
you are not getting the min point of my question! dont put in big bold letters ONE SEAT GUARENTEED if there isnt a seat guarenteed.
like when playing the £50 rebuy at dtd wednesday night there were 20 seats guarenteed, and in the small print of the tournament structure there is a qoute "10 playerss need to register or the tournament is cancelled, there is nothing of this nature when you regster for a satellite on this site.
did you not see that i mentioned the small print, there is nothing to say that more than 1 player needs to be registered
cant be hard to understand surely
you just want to either constantly give people the rub down and build your egos, i dont find anything i have said to have deserved any of your c rap.
i read quite a bit on the forum and some of the posters i find informative and respectful but i find that the pair of you never really have anything constructive to say. just criticise for the sake of it, then as soon as one of the more respected forum members berate you, you just quickly reply with a backtracking comment.
you must live very sheltered lifestyles. feel sorry for you both that you feel the need to do this on a regular basis, bullied as a child maybe?
im going to have to take it to cc tomorrow, i just wnderedd wether somebody else had come across this before troubling them with it.
maybe im going to have to moan about connection issues to get on your side in future.
much love and sweet dreams