some guy played against me once on a dym and he said in chat "JD you never play a hand - thats what my notes say". So I thought I'd check the note i had on him which just said "complete a$$hole".
In the interest of sharing I let him know what my note said lol he took it badly!
some guy played against me once on a dym and he said in chat "JD you never play a hand - thats what my notes say". So I thought I'd check the note i had on him which just said "complete a$$hole". In the interest of sharing I let him know what my note said lol he took it badly! Posted by jdsallstar
Ive posted on it before but notes can defo be informative of previous games in more than the standard frequency, tendency, playing style type way.
Im very mild mannered and rarely get riled so when I open a note and see summat insulting it does make me think what kind of knobheadish behaviour induced that sort of reaction.
I had one random player whose note said: "this player is completely BONEHEADED"
I wondered what type of beat would make me type that.
3 hands in I raise KK, get a QT5 flop, get check raised and jam only to be called by the mighty 95o a 5 lands on the turn.
The note now has a number of exclamation marks furiously added to theword BONEHEADED.
Some1 thught my note "nit, folds a lot" was funny lol 1 player has "nice guy" in the notes, cause he always likes a wee chat in the chat box Posted by LARSON7
isnt that kinda like writing "folds alot, folds alot"?
yeah i have some belters actually, there not a lot of use in terms of poker but they tell me enough about there play and give me a good laugh at the same time, bit sad laughing at ur own insults but there foul mouthed and dont make a lot of sence either so i cant help but crack up when i read them. think there best left to the imagination though cos they wouldnt stay on here very long thats for sure and im sick of sky emailing me about whats appropriate on this forum.
'Dont try any moves on him. He knows youre full of it'
Not sure what I have on you...
1 player has "nice guy" in the notes, cause he always likes a wee chat in the chat box
@Teddybloat, Rocks notes would be the best ever!