If you do leaderboards, I'd do it by stake. Not by previous months points. Exclude prio members if need be, not fussed. ie />nl10 and under >nl20 - nl40 >nl50 + Posted by splashies
Run a monthly bad beat freeroll for the worst beats of the month (voted for on the forum). Give the players on the wrong end of the beat a chance to get some money back.
This will more than likely never happen, but I would like to see qualification based on amount of time spent at tables in a given period. This way it rewards loyalty rather than whoever puts down the most money on the site (some people just can't afford to do that).
Having said that, you shouldn't get something for nothing so maybe exclude time spent on freeroll tables from this.
This will more than likely never happen, but I would like to see qualification based on amount of time spent at tables in a given period. This way it rewards loyalty rather than whoever puts down the most money on the site (some people just can't afford to do that). Having said that, you shouldn't get something for nothing so maybe exclude time spent on freeroll tables from this. Posted by peter27
so someone who plays 30p dyms for 12 hours a day should get more reward than a high stakes cash grinder or someone who plays in all the tournameants each evening?? such a silly idea imo.. the amount of time spent on tables has nothing to do with loyalty,. the most loyal players are the ones who put in the most effort on the forums and poker clinic and turn up to SPT's purely to show their face all for no reward i would have no qualms with them receiving extra rewards but asking to be rewarded for just being at the table is basically a way of saying.. " im not a great player so can only play low stakes but i want to be rewarded as much as the players who have spent hours and hours working on their game to get where they are" nothing to do with loyalty
In Response to Re: Your preference on promo qualification : so someone who plays 30p dyms for 12 hours a day should get more reward than a high stakes cash grinder or someone who plays in all the tournameants each evening?? such a silly idea imo.. the amount of time spent on tables has nothing to do with loyalty,. the most loyal players are the ones who put in the most effort on the forums and poker clinic and turn up to SPT's purely to show their face all for no reward i would have no qualms with them receiving extra rewards but asking to be rewarded for just being at the table is basically a way of saying.. " im not a great player so can only play low stakes but i want to be rewarded as much as the players who have spent hours and hours working on their game to get where they are" nothing to do with loyalty Posted by jordz16
In Response to Re: Your preference on promo qualification : so someone who plays 30p dyms for 12 hours a day should get more reward than a high stakes cash grinder or someone who plays in all the tournameants each evening?? such a silly idea imo.. the amount of time spent on tables has nothing to do with loyalty,. the most loyal players are the ones who put in the most effort on the forums and poker clinic and turn up to SPT's purely to show their face all for no reward i would have no qualms with them receiving extra rewards but asking to be rewarded for just being at the table is basically a way of saying.. " im not a great player so can only play low stakes but i want to be rewarded as much as the players who have spent hours and hours working on their game to get where they are" nothing to do with loyalty Posted by jordz16
That example makes no sense because a "high stakes cash grinder or someone who plays in all the tournameants each evening" could have just as much play time as someone grinding on the 30p dyms.
The last part of your comment seems to suggest that you think only rubbish players play low stakes and only good players play high stakes - I'm just going to let that hang for other people to judge.
I think you mis-understand, I'm not saying every promotion should be like this, but it would be nice to have some like this. Take Larson and Slipwater's 24-hour charity table for instance, that shows a real commitment to play for that length of time, and I think it should be rewarded - regardless of what stakes they were playing at.
You are saying someone who 1 tables low limit dyms for 12 hours a day is more loyal than a high stakes cash player who 12 tables for 6 hours every evening?? its ridiculous. loyalty and minutes spent at the tables are not something that run in conjunction with eachother so you really dont make any sense.. Rake is the money that you pay sky to play on the site, i dont see why someone who pays £50 in rake should get the same reward as someone paying £5000.. i dont even hardly play cash or get involved with rake races but i just want to see actual fair promotions on this site
You need something that combines winrate with volume. My suggestion is perfect for that. It's stolen from another site, 1 of the fastest growing sites in the World. Just copy other sites, if something works, it'll already be working somewhere else. Do a separate cash/mtt promo, some good ideas for both itt already. Posted by DOHHHHHHH
I would bring back the Poker League.............you know, the option that was winner by a country mile the last time you asked a similar question yet just seemed to ignore.
Dont know whether you could do it but i'd like a sng comp based on % win rate with a minimum of say 100 sngs played that would give the 30p dym regulars a chance to compete with higher rollers The most they could lose would be £30 but how many players lose every time? except, Orford of course lol
Dont know whether you could do it but i'd like a sng comp based on % win rate with a minimum of say 100 sngs played that would give the 30p dym regulars a chance to compete with higher rollers The most they could lose would be £30 but how many players lose every time? except, Orford of course lol Posted by cleansweep
problem with this is you'd get alot of the higher stakes player dropping down stakes into "easier" games to get their winrates up.
bad for the low stakes players, and bad for sky in terms of rake.
Personally I'd opt for prize draw - if you really want to up the amount of hands played, maybe make it so you get 1 ticket per 1,000 pts, or need to hit a 1,000 points before you start collecting any tickets... whatever amount is deemed 'fair' for a recreational player to realistically qualify for at least 1 ticket in the draw. The idea of lucky hands always seems to generate more traffic as well, plus is fair to players of all levels. Maybe every millionth / ten millionth hand gets a prize say, with people multi-tabling a lot more in the run up to the pay-out. If it's a truly random hand then it may not generate so much extra play? For the SNGs, I'm sure I saw an idea somewhere of a random multiplier, which seems like it could spark a bit of extra interest in these otherwise slow-traffic tables. I think the theory is that you pay an extra few pence on rake, but when the table opens a small percentage have the total payout multiplied - so you could register for a 50p + 5p 6-max SNG (which may become 50p + 10p, say) and when it opens you could be told that the prizepool has been increased by 2x, 3x, 10x, 100x (say) and suddenly find yourself with the chance to spin a 50p buy-in up to a £195 payout. I'll shut up now. Do some lucky draws Posted by shakinaces
those ideas sound familiar
I still like the lucky, or golden hands idea best for cash, and the prize multiplier for STTs out of all the suggestions.
The lucky hands idea was very successful for another site that did it
sky would just have to estimate how many hads would pass in say 10-30 mins and set that as the threshhold for when a lucky hands happens. (i doubt its anywhere close to 1,000,000 though). If publicised properly, you would get massive increases in cash traffic.
I guess the problem is that the amount on offer wouldnt really be enough to generate huge interest. if say £50 was givern away every half an hour the whole £10k would dry up in about 4 days. and I guess sky want any effects of the promotion to last whe whole month.
Thats it Max, could do what they are doing on another site at the mo, qualify for allin games. Maybe on 3 different dates for the 3 main games mtt, sngo and cash. You get a token from the 3 game types when you play and you can choose 1 allin to play. Would see different size fields for all 3 games and would encourage players to play different games if there was a better chance in a different game from what you usally play. #softwarepermitting ;')
In Response to Re: Your preference on promo qualification : those ideas sound familiar I still like the lucky, or golden hands idea best for cash, and the prize multiplier for STTs out of all the suggestions. The lucky hands idea was very successful for another site that did it sky would just have to estimate how many hads would pass in say 10-30 mins and set that as the threshhold for when a lucky hands happens. (i doubt its anywhere close to 1,000,000 though). If publicised properly, you would get massive increases in cash traffic. I guess the problem is that the amount on offer wouldnt really be enough to generate huge interest. if say £50 was givern away every half an hour the whole £10k would dry up in about 4 days. and I guess sky want any effects of the promotion to last whe whole month. Posted by chicknMelt
Well yeah but that's quite a lot. I don't think they'd need/want to do it every 30 mins, like they could just do it that winner of the hand gets £100 and they only do one per hour (obv at a random time during the hour) say 11am - 3pm and 8pm - midnight so that should cover most people and give £800 away per day so they could do it for 13 days of the month (Sky can stick an extra £400 in ) so maybe say Mon, Tue, Wed of every week cos traffic is already pretty good Thur - Sun
I like playing sng games but feel the ones on sky could do with an overhaul. so I would like to play a sng challenge where a bonus is available on a leaderboard over certain amount of time/games played
Give the players on the wrong end of the beat a chance to get some money back.
Having said that, you shouldn't get something for nothing so maybe exclude time spent on freeroll tables from this.
Fatten the fish to keep the sharks fed.
The last part of your comment seems to suggest that you think only rubbish players play low stakes and only good players play high stakes - I'm just going to let that hang for other people to judge.
I think you mis-understand, I'm not saying every promotion should be like this, but it would be nice to have some like this. Take Larson and Slipwater's 24-hour charity table for instance, that shows a real commitment to play for that length of time, and I think it should be rewarded - regardless of what stakes they were playing at.
My suggestion is perfect for that.
It's stolen from another site, 1 of the fastest growing sites in the World.
Just copy other sites, if something works, it'll already be working somewhere else.
Do a separate cash/mtt promo, some good ideas for both itt already.
four levels micro, low, med and high
1 point for a DYM cash
1point for a HU cash
2 points for a reg sit and go 6 max win and 1 point for 2nd
Simple to work out.
These would really help the reg sit and go 6 max get a little busier.
My question. Why ask???
with a minimum of say 100 sngs played
that would give the 30p dym regulars a chance to compete with higher rollers
The most they could lose would be £30 but how many players lose every time?
except, Orford of course lol